What is the difference between a goal and a goal - learning to separate the seed from the chaff

What is a goal

The concept of “ goal ” means the result towards which a certain process is aimed. When writing a scientific work, the researcher expects to receive some result related to its implementation: obtaining theoretical conclusions, practical results, developing recommendations for the development of the research object, etc. Accordingly, the purpose cannot be to conduct the research itself.

There are certain clichés that are used when formulating the purpose of scientific work.

Here are some of them:







What is a task

To achieve the desired result, the researcher carries out certain actions, which are called tasks. In other words, tasks are ways to achieve a goal and stages in moving towards it.

The quality of the research depends on how clearly the task is formulated. Tasks are posed in the form of statements and listed in order depending on their complexity. The number of tasks depends on the depth of the study and is determined by the researcher: on average from three to seven tasks.

To formulate tasks, words such as:

“to study...”;





Attention! In rare cases, the goal may be “analyze”, “calculate”, etc. But, usually, this is typical for shallow and uncomplicated scientific work, where there is no need to develop proposals for improving the object, new scientific knowledge is not created in the form of evidence, patterns, principles, methods, etc.

An innate desire for meaning

According to the views of the Austrian psychologist, neurologist and psychiatrist V. Frankl, a person’s desire to find and realize the meaning and goals of his life is an innate motivational tendency. It is inherent in all people without exception and is the main driving force that determines behavior and personal development.

A sense of the meaning of one’s own existence and the identification of vital goals are extremely important for maintaining the mental and psychological health of any person, regardless of age. Guided by his life observations, the results of clinical practice and various empirical data, V. Frankl came to the following conclusion: in order for a person to live and act actively, he must believe that his actions have meaning.

What is the difference between goal and task?


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A task is a problem that arose on the way to a goal. The process of achieving the target result is divided into stages necessary for further research. Thus, solving problem after problem, we move towards the goal. But it should be remembered that tasks are closely related not only to the goal, but also to each other.

Self-actualization of a person

Self-actualization according to A. Maslow is a person’s desire for self-fulfillment, to demonstrate one’s potential and make full use of one’s talents, abilities and capabilities.

According to his concept, people are intelligent, conscious creatures. They are naturally good and capable of self-improvement. The essence itself constantly moves them in the direction of personal growth, creativity and self-sufficiency.

A self-actualized person is not an ordinary person to whom something has been added, but an ordinary person from whom nothing has been taken away. He viewed the average individual as a complete human being, with suppressed and unconscious abilities and gifts.

A. Maslow considered the tendency towards self-actualization as the core of personality. A person strives to constantly embody, objectify himself, his abilities and talents. But he can realize himself only in activity. Thus, the need for self-realization and the need for activity are indivisible for the individual.

The sequence of formulating goals and objectives

Any scientific work is a logical sequence of solved problems. Having solved one problem (overcome one stage of research), the researcher understands in which direction he should move next. The logic of the research is the red thread connecting the first job offer and the last.

For example, when studying the theoretical foundations of an object, it is necessary to consider those aspects that will be used in the future: studied factors in theory → considered them in practice, in relation to the object → developed proposals.

Main differences between goals and objectives

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The main thing you need to understand is that the goal is the end result. Problem solving – intermediate stages. If the goal of the work is incorrectly indicated, the result may differ. It happens that, on the contrary, the goal and the result coincide, but since the goal was set incorrectly, the result does not meet the expectations of the supervisor. Therefore, it is important to clarify this point with your supervisor before writing your coursework or dissertation.

The principles of goal setting may differ in work during undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. When writing term papers and dissertations, the goal is usually practical, while in dissertations, due to their scientific focus, the goal is to obtain new scientific knowledge.


The first is the principle of congruence . Your values ​​represent your deepest beliefs about true and false, good and bad, important and unimportant. High results and great self-esteem are only possible when your goals and values ​​are in perfect harmony with each other.

The second principle of setting goals is the area in which you excel . Every person is capable of achieving excellence in one thing, perhaps even in several things. Only by finding your area of ​​excellence and dedicating yourself entirely to developing your own talents in this area can you realize your full potential.

You will never know happiness and satisfaction until you identify your heart's desire and dedicate your life to it. It is the only thing that only you can do really well. It's up to you to find this area if you haven't already.

Your area of ​​excellence may change as your career progresses, but only those who manage to find it succeed. Your area of ​​excellence will invariably relate to the activities that you enjoy most and are best at.

The third principle of goal setting is the concept of diamond placement . Diamond Rush is the title of a speech given by Minister Russell Conwell. The speech gained such popularity that he was asked to repeat it more than five thousand times word for word.

This speech mentioned an old African farmer who was very excited by the story of a traveling merchant about people who came to Africa, discovered diamond mines and became fabulously rich. He decided to sell his farm, organize a caravan and go deep into Africa in search of diamonds, and then bring untold wealth to his wife.

For many years he explored the vast African continent in search of diamonds. Finally he ran out of money and everyone abandoned him. Left alone, in despair he threw himself into the ocean and drowned.

Meanwhile, in the backyard of the farm he sold, the new farmer was watering his donkey from a stream that flowed right through the field. There he came across a strange stone that amazingly reflected light. He brought the stone into the house and forgot about it.

A few months later, the trader mentioned above, while traveling on his business, stopped overnight at this farm. When he saw the stone, he became very excited and asked if the old farmer had returned. “No,” they told him. “Nobody saw the old farmer again.” But what is the reason for such excitement?

The merchant took the stone and said, “This is a diamond of great price and value.” The new farmer was skeptical, but the merchant insisted that he show where the diamond was found. They went into the field to the place where the farmer was watering the donkey, and, looking around, they found another diamond, then another, then another and another. It turned out that the entire farm was covered in diamonds. An old farmer went deep into Africa in search of diamonds without even looking at his feet.

The moral of the story is this. The old farmer did not realize that diamonds are nothing like diamonds unless they are cut. To the untrained eye, they look like ordinary stones. A diamond must be cut, faceted and polished before it becomes one of those diamonds we see in jewelry stores.

Your own diamond mines may also lie under your feet. But they are usually disguised as hard work. Maybe your diamonds lie in your talents, interests, education, life circumstances and experience, in your industry, in your city, in your contacts.

You are not required to cross the country or make a huge revolution in your own life. In most cases, what you are looking for is right under your nose. But this does not seem like a possibility lying on the surface.

The fourth principle of success in goal setting is the principle of balance . The principle of balance means that in order for you to be your best, you must have multiple goals in six significant areas of your life. Just as the wheel of a car must be balanced in order to turn smoothly, your goals must be in balance in order for your life to run smoothly.

You need:

  • setting personal and family goals;
  • physical and health goals;
  • mental and intellectual goals;
  • goals related to learning and self-improvement;
  • work and career goals;
  • financial and material goals; and finally,
  • setting spiritual goals, goals aimed at developing inner peace and spiritual enlightenment.

To achieve the necessary balance, you should have two or three goals in each area - a total of twelve to eighteen goals. This kind of balance will allow you to constantly work on something that is important to you. When you're not working on developing your fitness, you can be working on developing your personality or professional abilities. When you are not engaged in meditation or contemplation or other work on the development of your inner world, you can focus on your material goals. Your goal is to make life a continuous flow of development and achievement.

The fifth principle of goal setting is identifying your main life goal . Your main goal is your number one goal, the goal that is more important to you than achieving any other single goal or task today. You can have many goals, but there can only be one central, main goal.

The main reason for the dissipation of effort, loss of time and inability to develop is the inability to determine the primary, dominant, main goal. The way to determine your primary goal is to analyze your goals followed by the question: “Which goal, if achieved, will most help me achieve all my other goals?” Usually this is a financial or commercial goal, but sometimes it can be a health or relationship goal. Your main goal becomes the catalyst. When you are enthusiastic about achieving a clear main goal, you begin to move forward quickly, despite all obstacles and limitations.

Series of messages “goals and desires”:
Part 1 - Changing my life for the better in 100 days Part 2 - Goals. Using your talents. Part 3 - Goals. Basic principles of goal determination. Part 4 - Having goals. Setting and achieving goals. Part 5 - “Simoron - fulfillment of desires”

Fundamental differences between a goal and a task

How can one learn to distinguish between these categories if they are so closely interrelated? Practice on everyday household tasks. For example, to buy bread (goal), you need:

  1. find out where the store is located;
  2. decide what bread to buy;
  3. take money;
  4. go to the shop.

Without noticing it, every day we set goals and solve problems to achieve them. The same principle works when writing a scientific paper. For example, in order to “develop improvement measures”, it is necessary to: “study the theoretical foundations of the object”, “identify existing problems”, “identify factors influencing the object”.

Pyramid of logical levels

Within the framework of neurolinguistic programming, R. Dilts developed a model of neurological levels. It is based on a hierarchy of semantic levels of personality, each of which has its own specific questions. The author presented it in the form of a pyramid and identified the following levels:

  • Mission - For what? For who else?
  • Identity - Who am I?
  • Values ​​and beliefs - What is important? What do I believe?
  • Abilities - What can I do? How?
  • Behavior - What to do?
  • Environment - Where? With whom? When?

R. Dilts' pyramid of neurological levels allows you to deeply explore a specific goal. By answering seemingly very simple questions, moving from one floor of the pyramid to the next, a person gains the opportunity to ascend from the lower level of familiar surrounding reality to the level of awareness of his mission.

Filled with new meanings, a larger and more holistic vision, it is necessary to go through the issues of the pyramid again, only now in the opposite direction. This will allow you to see untapped opportunities, inhibitory factors and understand what adjustments need to be made at each level of the pyramid. Using this model of R. Dilts to determine the main life goals of a person will also make it possible to authentically harmonize his private goals with them.

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