Types of drug coding for alcoholism

How it goes

Before blocking, a drug addiction specialist conducts a thorough examination of the body of the future abstainer. Chronic acute diseases are identified that may become a contraindication to the procedure.

Next, the doctor prescribes how long the patient should abstain from alcohol (usually 2-5 days). This is necessary to cleanse the body of alcohol poisoning products and to create a certain psychological mood in the patient. The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the patient's condition.

During a preliminary conversation, the narcologist describes the coding process, possible complications and consequences of a broken alcohol ban. After which the client gives written consent to medical procedures.

An injection into a vein (another name for the method is “Torpedo”) is usually done on the basis of drugs with disulfiram . The medicine instantly enters the bloodstream and begins to act. Here is a list of medications based on disulfiram:

  • Esperal;
  • Teturam;
  • Lidevin;
  • Antabuse.

After the injection, the doctor performs a procedure called “provocation” or “alcohol test” - he asks the patient to drink a small amount of vodka. This is done in order to verify the effect of the drug and demonstrate to the patient all the consequences of repeated use. A person is tormented by terrible symptoms: nausea, vomiting, convulsions, dizziness, surges in pressure and temperature. After such a demonstration, most heavy alcoholics do not go near the bottle.

You should not buy ampoules of medicine at the pharmacy and inject yourself at home. Only a doctor can prescribe the required dosage and ensure that the procedure is performed correctly.

Psychotherapeutic coding

The cause of alcohol dependence is hidden, firstly, in the individual characteristics of the psyche, and, secondly, in the motivation system associated with these characteristics. Obviously, to get rid of a disease, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that cause it, or to transform these factors in such a way that they lose their purposeful meaning.

In relation to alcoholism, this transformation is dealt with by psychotherapy, which has in its arsenal numerous time-tested techniques.

Psychotherapeutic work with alcoholism patients can take various forms, namely:

  • Courses of individual psychotherapy over a long period of time. They are effective, but due to their duration, not everyone can afford such courses for financial reasons.
  • Group psychotherapy courses. For many addicts they are more preferable. Collective work in a group allows you to use the ability of people to unconsciously transfer moods and experiences to each other and more effectively generate new patterns of behavior. In many cities, as part of social programs at various institutions, group psychotherapy sessions for addicted people are held free of charge.
  • Author's methods of working with addicts. Here we should mention the Dovzhenko method and the method used in Marshak clinics. The first is group psychotherapy using strong emotional influence and suggestion in reality. Conducted clinical studies have shown the high efficiency of coding using the Dovzhenko method. Marshak’s clinics use complex therapy, the psychological aspect of which is built on replacing the pleasure of alcohol with other hobbies and processes occurring in the surrounding world.
  • Hypnotic techniques are very effective. However, they are less common due to patients’ distrust of this method of influence.

The forms of psychotherapy described above have their pros and cons. Moreover, for each specific person one or another method will be more effective.

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Operating principle

When drinking alcohol, the body breaks down ethanol into its components – acetic acid and water. This is a way of protecting against a large number of toxins, otherwise a person would simply die from poisoning. This work is performed by special enzymes - the action of disulfiram is directed to them. The process itself can be divided into several stages:

  1. Disulfiram blocks the production of enzymes.
  2. The incoming alcohol is not broken down.
  3. Acute intoxication occurs.
  4. The coded one experiences a hangover syndrome, intensified tenfold.


Nominally, the effect of an intravenous injection lasts from one to three years.

But in reality, the specificity of the injection is such that the drug is removed from the body much faster than with an intramuscular injection (placed in the buttock or under the shoulder blade) or “sewn in”. That is why, according to patient reviews, the maximum effect of encoding lasts from 3 to 6 months (in rare cases, it can be “fixed” for a year), and then gradually declines. The second coding is valid for an even shorter period, and the total number of acceptable procedures is 2-3.


  • How does drug coding for alcoholism work?
  • Disulfiram-containing drugs for drug coding for alcoholism
  • Who is indicated for drug coding for alcoholism?
  • Contraindications
  • What to do in case of a breakdown

Consequences of drug coding for alcoholism

One of the most popular methods of prohibitive therapy is drug coding for alcoholism. It helps to create an additional barrier in the consciousness and/or subconscious of a person that keeps him from drinking. Regardless of the type of drugs used, the consequence of coding is a complete abstinence from alcohol for a specified period - from 3 months to 5 years. After its completion, it makes sense to undergo a repeat procedure for a longer period.


Coding using an injection has a number of contraindications, just like any other method. Among them:

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  2. Diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.
  3. Hepatitis of any group.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Thyroid diseases.
  6. Epileptic seizures.
  7. State of acute alcohol intoxication.
  8. Inflammatory diseases accompanied by fever.
  9. Diabetes.

If the patient has at least one of these diseases, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this and select another method of treatment.

Special care when coding


Conducting any type of anti-alcohol coding without the patient’s consent is strictly prohibited!

The patient must consciously understand what the principle of anti-alcohol coding is and fully understand the possible consequences and risks that are associated with the consequences of drinking alcohol after the procedure. In addition, the doctor must clearly, in detail and clearly explain to the patient not only the procedure, risks, but precautions, explain the daily routine and the necessary diet that should be followed during the entire coding period.

About anti-alcohol coding as a method of treatment or radical treatment of alcoholism

, a lot has been written and everyone knows about it. But not everyone understands that any anti-alcohol coding is not a treatment for alcoholism, but is only one of the components of a large and important process of getting rid of alcohol. Although at the initial stages of the development of alcoholism, it can be used as an independent technique.

Few people know and understand that in fact, anti-alcohol coding is not a method of treating either alcoholism, smoking, or even drug addiction.

Anti-alcohol coding refers to prohibitive techniques that should be included in a treatment program for alcohol dependence and is used in most cases when people really want to get rid of this serious illness.

Addiction is a disease that needs to be treated, and treatment must consist of many therapeutic elements. There is no point in delaying getting rid of the harmful effects of addiction.

Why is it necessary to carry out anti-alcohol coding in the treatment of addiction?

Any coding, not just anti-alcohol coding, should not be perceived by people as an obligation or an unwanted necessity. The doctor’s task is to explain to the addicted patient that the coding is given to him to help, and not as punishment.

Help is necessary for a person so that in difficult life moments he can cope with the temptation of taking his usual remedy in order to “calm down”, “get distracted”, “relieve tension”, “relax a little, rest.”

But for an addicted person, such temptations or “traps” are placed at every step. This is a display case in a store, the people around you, suggestions from friends, many stressful situations, etc.

The patient himself should regard coding as providing him with great help in combating temptations.

But this is the work of the doctor who carries out this procedure and explains both the essence of the procedure and the coding provision itself to his patient. And this often takes more than one hour. Therefore, if we are talking about the high-quality work of a doctor and a high-quality procedure, then its cost cannot be, say, 3 or 5 thousand, since this is associated with the enormous resources of both the doctor and the clinic, where it is most rational to carry out this procedure. This is due to the fact that in a clinical setting it is possible not only to conduct a full examination of the body, but also in unforeseen situations to provide adequate emergency assistance in a timely manner.


Most often, it is very difficult to establish a direct relationship between the coding performed and any disease. Simply put, it is impossible to find out what had a negative impact on the body and caused harm. And, therefore, prescribing treatment is also extremely difficult.

So, what could be the side effects of the “alcoholism vaccine”:

  • Sexual dysfunction. In coded men, sexual desire disappears and libido decreases. In advanced cases, complete impotence occurs. It is believed that only psychotherapeutic treatment can restore male strength.
  • Eating disorders, compulsive overeating. In this case, the replacement syndrome is triggered. To compensate for the lack of drinking, former alcoholics begin to suffer from gluttony. Often, after coding, patients rapidly gain weight. A psychotherapist can help you improve your diet.
  • Metabolic disorders. In this case, even if a person does not change his diet, he may suddenly gain weight or lose weight. This problem is associated with metabolic disorders, nothing can be done about it. You can only eat more or less (depending on the situation), and wait until your metabolism normalizes.
  • Feeling of lethargy, loss of strength. The reasons for this can be both psychological and physiological. Among the latter is a decrease in the absorption of vitamins and microelements. For treatment, it is necessary to establish nutrition and restore the digestive tract.
  • Pain in muscles, joints, migraines. Painkillers from the NSAID group (Analgin, Paracetamol, etc.) will help cope with the unpleasant symptom.
  • Allergic reaction to an injectable drug. It can be expressed to varying degrees: from mild skin irritation to anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this reaction is extremely rare.

Coding with an injection into a vein for alcoholism: consequences

After a person is given an injection for alcoholism, the consequences are positive. Psychological abstinence from taking is developed. Before releasing the patient, specialists also check the effect of the drug in practice.

To do this, the alcoholic is offered to drink a small amount of vodka or wine, after which his well-being is monitored. He independently understands that the drug works, since it always leads to a sharp deterioration in health.

It is noteworthy that after administering an injection for alcoholism, the consequences cannot be sad if the former alcoholic does not drink. The drug begins to work only when alcohol enters the body.

If you lead a normal lifestyle, there will be no side effects.

Thus, an injection for alcoholism is an effective tool that allows you to develop the habit of giving up alcoholic drinks at any time and anywhere.


Igor Korobinsky, 37 years old, Novosibirsk:

When I was choosing how to encode, I looked at all the sites and read a bunch of reviews. Everyone has different results, like sewing helps and hypnosis. I am suspicious of hypnosis, and I also didn’t want to insert a capsule under the skin, so I chose an injection into a vein. Everything went well, the doctor was normal. Now I haven’t drunk at all for six months, I think this is forever.

Roma Barel, 42 years old, Ivanovo:

I decided to encode. I didn’t think about the method for a long time, but immediately chose the injection. Before this, a long time ago, I once read reviews about the results, everyone said that the injection helped well. Before the procedure, I had to not drink alcohol for a week, but I did it. The injection itself was painless, but then a slight burning sensation was felt, which passed quite quickly. Now I am sure that I will be able not to drink until the end of the coding.

Yuri G., 47 years old:

I drank heavily for about 10 years, then it dawned on me that this was alcoholism and I couldn’t handle it on my own. I went to a narcologist. They gave me some kind of injection, and a couple of hours later, already at home, I began to shake violently, I hardly remember what exactly I felt. But I kept thinking - I’m dying. This state lasted for a day, then gradually recovered. After which I didn’t drink for a couple of months, because I really thought if I drank, I’d die. Then the fear gradually went away, I started drinking again, and after a couple of months I started binge drinking again. In general, no more injections, now I’ll try hypnosis or something like that.

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