Natalia RodinaA woman over fifty. Storybook

Woman over fifty

A work colleague somewhat forced a trip to Anapa on me; I always wanted to go to Crimea, but lately it has been more difficult to get there. If it’s not to Crimea, then it doesn’t matter where to go, as long as it’s the sea, I decided. Summer was in full swing, July was ending, it was hot even at home, but there was nowhere to swim here, except for the local dirty ponds and rivers. The sea beckoned with some kind of childhood dream, or an unfulfilled winter dream...

Is it necessary to describe the difficult journey by car, I don’t think it’s worth it. We arrived in Anapa at midnight, the city was still living the full life of a resort town: cars were scurrying through the narrow streets, music was heard. I was traveling as a “savage” for the first time and, of course, I was not delighted with the housing offered to me, or rather, I simply experienced stress from the heat and mosquitoes in the room, the lack of air conditioning and other vital things. But we must pay tribute to the fact that the owner of the house, Natasha, tried very hard to create good conditions for us to relax; the crisp, cool linen of the bed smoothed out my bad mood, and in the morning she woke me up and invited me to go to the sea together. I was delighted with the morning coolness and ran after Natasha in the sweet anticipation of splashing into the transparent surface of the sea. Throwing my sundress onto a small beach fence, I rushed into the water and swam far from the shore to the ship’s lighthouse. I don’t know how long I swam, but I don’t get tired in the water for quite a long time, more than an hour. Coming ashore, I looked around for the first time. Natasha was nowhere to be seen, and I decided that she simply didn’t wait for me. Having walked around the beach fences and not finding my sundress, I was a little upset, but I quickly found a way out by stopping a taxi near the entrance to the beach. She got into the car and explained to the driver that she forgot where she put her things, and hesitantly gave the address. The apartment was not far from the seashore, but I simply didn’t dare to walk in my swimsuit. A tall Georgian was sitting behind the wheel, who mockingly asked me:

– Are there any things at home?

I was a little offended, but nodded my head affirmatively. I was busy with only one thought - whether the address I had given was accurate. Recognizing the gate of the house, I happily rushed to it, trying to open it, but the door was locked. Apparently Natasha was still waiting for me on the shore. The Georgian lazily advised: knock louder... I tried to shout out, but no one in the yard showed signs of life. My friends slept off the road like the dead. Then the driver, wanting to finally get money from me, got out of the car and slammed the gate with all his might... The gate soon opened, my friend in amazement handed over the money, which she did not find for a long time, half asleep, since my room was also locked. Finally, she and I burst out laughing, vying with each other to tell the details of that morning, and went to look for Natasha on the beach, and at the same time my sundress...

– I’m shocked!!! – Natasha exhaled when she saw us; there was no point in explaining. I picked up a sundress and slippers and dejectedly walked to the apartment. The heat had almost reached its peak; there was no escape even in the shade. I collapsed on the bed exhausted, still feeling the coolness of the sea that morning on my skin.

A short nap during the day did not relieve the fatigue from the heat; I was suffocating from the dried air, with difficulty coming to my senses from half-asleep. Relief came only in the evening, after 10 o'clock. All our vacationers were crawling into the yard: some were still having dinner, some were doing laundry, some were washing. Natasha scurried around the dimly lit yard, finishing everything she didn’t get done during the day. She did not allow herself to be helped, she considered it unnecessary, so I found myself a corner in the gazebo, where I read a book or knitted a sock.

My neighbors from Moscow Galka and Lyuda also mostly hung out in the gazebo, sipping various drinks, and vodka too. After dinner, we were already too lazy to walk around the city and we chatted about this, that, and nothing... Sometimes Natasha would chime in, giving us much-needed advice for the coming day.

“Don’t wait for anyone: you got up early, went, took a swim, it’s easier to be alone...” she told me. But it’s true, I thought: why adapt to someone.

Her late husband, an Armenian, drank and partyed as long as he had the strength, apparently unexpectedly they ended... In Natasha’s care there was a stray cat (the size of a dog), who tried to try the food from the table ahead of us, which caused considerable annoyance. Sometimes at night he stomped on my bed so hard that I was dumbfounded and jumped up, not understanding who had fallen on top of me; and sometimes he would fly into my room with wild screams in the middle of the night, escaping from the neighbor’s robber cat. In the morning I picked up scraps of wool on the floor, and my Murlyka slept on the windowsill as if nothing had happened. The sausage and cheese for breakfast in the kitchen began to be cut much later, so he did not risk anything.

Luda was my age, and she and I easily found a common language. I got up to the heated kettle and sliced ​​sandwiches, and we went to the sea. Looking out at the surface of the sea from the pier, we watched massive jellyfish moving away from the shore into the depths. I already wanted to swim, but fearing jellyfish, we chatted peacefully for some time, sitting on the pier.

Luda cheated on her husband with a young lover for several years. It was a beautiful, stormy romance that unexpectedly ended on its own. Her lover married someone his own age, who gave birth to a child. And everything returned to normal... Luda communicated out of old memory with her ex-husband, although he was already married, but this did not stop him from helping her at work and at home. Life went on as usual.

A woman over fifty is something amazing: she still doesn’t look fifty dollars, there is sadness, hope, and enthusiasm in her eyes at the same time, her clothes are thought out and chosen correctly, truly royal manners and depth of soul can destroy both a confirmed bachelor and a complete womanizer , and a real man who didn’t believe in love. She waits, but will never show it, she doubts, but is always confident in herself, she is in a hurry to live, but is always leisurely and pliable, she still hopes for something, but does not even admit it to herself. Beware of men falling into the snare of such a woman! You will not change her mind, you will always lose to her on all counts. She will not demonstrate her victories, she will not even be happy about them, but she can no longer and should not adapt to someone. She is really smart and insightful (not only will she not say too much, but she won’t even think too much!), she deserves trust and the highest praise, but she is always modest and inconspicuous. She gives herself entirely, with the generosity of the Russian soul, loves like the last time, believes in spite of everything. And woe to anyone who offends such a woman, the Almighty himself will stand up for her, forgetting about all the rules of his heavenly office.

Galka was still young compared to us, she was not even forty. She was born in Kazakhstan, her father was Korean, her mother was Russian. Galka divorced her husband, and her grandmother raised her daughter in Kazakhstan. Galka rarely saw her; they only communicated on Skype. Galka's lover, a man in his fifties, took her from Moscow for the weekend to a trailer at his construction site. Galka courageously endured the conditions of the war, and when it became unbearable, vodka helped, muffling the pain from separation from her daughter, from the unsettled life, from the difficult lot of a simple seamstress in the workshop... She was sad here too, working to the fullest. I felt sorry for Galka, I felt in my soul that there was something that was weighing her down and not allowing her to breathe deeply. She could even keep her company with a bottle of dry wine, but Galka was silent about her life, and I’m not the Lord God - I won’t forgive sins, unless I understand without words or explanations. We were friends by accident, Galka also went to Anapa for a friend, not of her own free will. Somehow she also needed to get some rest. To begin with, we chose a boat trip to the dolphinarium in the village of Utrish.

After swimming in the morning near the pier, where we boarded the ship, we went to the village of Utrish. I had never seen dolphins, only on TV, but meeting them was more than unexpected. They accompanied the ship!!! We didn’t notice them right away, but when all the passengers poured onto the deck, the action on the water captured our attention completely. There was no limit to delight! Galka was happy like a child, photographing the sea and dolphins. We sailed along the coast, admiring its beauty. I often dreamed of the sea in winter, just as green-blue, boundless and spiritual. The feeling of celebration was in the air, the heart was filled with joy and expectation of a miracle. The performance at the dolphinarium exceeded all our expectations. The inhabitants of the sea were so agile and smart that we were simply amazed.

The trip to Gelendzhik also left vivid impressions. The “Old Park” of Kabardinka embodies the foundations of various eras of world culture. Creations created thousands of years ago and remaining a mystery at the present time - the pyramids of Egypt, the sphinx, personifying the power of the pharaohs, an ancient temple, a statue of Zeus, a medieval stone bridge, an Orthodox church, Caucasian chapels - were united into a single complex. The “Old Park” breathed with history and the freshness of unprecedented plants. I have never seen such unique exhibits in any museum.

Evening Gelendzhik was very lively. Sprawling chestnut trees cast whimsical shadows on the sidewalk. The sea sighed like an imperceptible wave, enlivening the lunar path. Subtle aromas of unknown flowers enveloped the parks. The saxophone sounded...

At such moments, every woman thinks about the one to whom she gave her heart and it doesn’t matter whether he is with her or not, mentally she is with him and she loves no matter what. No man can pass by such a woman; he subconsciously feels this excess of feelings and her excitement. So he stops, invites me to dance, and I, without feeling my body, easily float in strong male hands.

But the melody ends and the magic of this evening ends. We get on the bus and drive along the serpentine road back to Anapa.

Anapa at night is beautiful, romantic and mysterious. The fountains that come to life near the embankment shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow at night, and their musical accompaniment is incomparable. Flower girls in ancient elegant costumes carry roses among the crowd, artists draw from life, and magicians perform. You feel all the charm of this life, everything unnecessary and outdated slides away from your soul, you are renewed energetically so much that it seems you can easily fly into the sky.

It’s nonsense that you’re over fifty, you want to live with unprecedented strength. In the morning, having taken a decent swing from the shore, you are ready to compete with a ship sailing from the shore, and when you return home, have such a hearty lunch as has not happened for twenty years...

However, we were not always able to have a normal lunch. Our landlady began to have some kind of “bad luck”: first one refrigerator broke down, then another, now a new one, did not freeze. Natasha called the company, but they refused to replace him. I must say that our owner was an impulsive and self-sufficient woman, having abandoned a new refrigerator near the store on the street where she bought it and not receiving money for returning it, she bought us another one, without unreliable electronics. We were all quite surprised by her decisive actions; the men on the farm obediently carried refrigerators across the yard for a whole week, and we simply dreamed of cold water and unmelted ice cream...

Having estimated Natasha’s expenses, I understood that she worked for us for free during this trip and, nevertheless, she did not take a single extra penny from the vacationers. Any of us could envy her integrity and decency. She gave out a lot of instructive advice and lessons during the day, and when evening came, she and I talked about faith, being in neighboring rooms. I told her in what difficult moments of my life prayer and faith helped me and these were real miracles, she told me. Natasha could listen for hours about our Kostroma churches and shrines, sighing with regret that she was deprived of the opportunity to visit there. And I was thinking about where she gets the strength to serve a whole crowd of people in such an abnormal heat, even for Anapa. It seems that this woman simply found something to do, from which she drew strength and was truly happy. At sixty-five years old, she felt younger and more active than us, and much more cheerful. Looking at Natasha, I told myself: keep up the brand!!!

Ten days flew by quickly. It's time to pack your bags. For some reason I didn’t want to go home. How quickly you get used to people, I thought. It seems that we are all so different, but no, our paths crossed for some reason. For what?! Each person is unique in his aspirations and desires, unlike anyone else, but he is also a bearer of good and evil. It is very important that no matter what evil turns out to be stronger, it does not overshadow our mind and heart. Then we will understand a very simple truth: where there is love and kindness, it is good and simple for all kinds of people.

For some reason I felt sorry for Natasha, winter was coming and she would be left all alone in this big house. How lonely a person can be, despite such a huge number of familiar people, because vacationers from all over Russia came to her. She came out the gate to see us off with an indifferent face, hiding her inner excitement.

- God bless you! – I said finally – maybe we’ll meet again...

Why men love older women: ten reasons

Adult women often have a clearer understanding of their aspirations and needs. Therefore, they boldly let the man know if they are interested in his attention, and are not inclined to play tedious games, either bringing the man closer to themselves or moving him away. If a twenty-year-old girl can drive a man into a frenzy with her coquetry, posing as either a hard-to-get or a femme fatale, a thirty-five-year-old woman is unlikely to waste her time and a man's time, and will directly declare her feelings - or lack thereof. Men really appreciate such directness and honesty, especially in women. How to make a good impression on girls

No. 8. There is something to talk about with them.

Many men will agree: what could be worse than inviting a pretty girl on a date and spending the whole evening in the company of a monster who spends an hour introducing you to the plot of Dom-2, and then talks about how he bought a handbag at a sale? - and all this without stopping chewing and not allowing the man to get a word in edgewise. Meanwhile, an interesting conversation excites men no less than certain parts of the female body. And women who can carry on a conversation are much less common than sexy beauties with model parameters. Unfortunately, young girls rarely have this gift, often due to lack of experience and knowledge, and not at all due to stupidity. In addition, most girls talk mainly about themselves and do not know how to listen at all. Can you imagine what Ronnie Wood might be talking about with his young lover Katya Ivanova? We are having difficulty.

Why are older women the best conversationalists? It’s very simple - they are older, more experienced, have seen, experienced and know more. They can tell interesting stories from their own lives and help with advice. Don't underestimate the ability to be an interesting conversationalist - even when the initial passion fades, conversations can help maintain close relationships.

#7: They provide for themselves.

Men appreciate if a woman is able to provide for herself. And this speaks not only about how selfish and stingy men are. They are simply pragmatic. Therefore, it is natural that mature, accomplished women, with an established career and a stable income, are more wealthy than girls who are just starting to climb the career ladder. Of course, having a well-paid job is far from the main thing that can interest a man in a woman, but in the end it also plays a role. The fact is that next to a successful woman, a man does not have to stress and constantly think about the fact that he needs to pay for her always and everywhere. Few men are willing to support “future models” or “future actresses” who use them as a springboard for their – often unfounded – ambitions.

Questions to ask a girl on a date. List of questions for a girl

No. 6. They know how to be friends.

Young women often exist in “flocks” - they communicate so closely with their girlfriends that a man, when dating them, is forced to constantly share them with numerous girlfriends. They call back and forth non-stop, exchange SMS messages, spend all day on social networking sites, LiveJournal and chat rooms, where they often report all the details of their personal lives. To become the “boyfriend” of such a girl, a man will have to get the approval of all her friends. In addition, she will coordinate her every step with her friends, so the man will have to try hard to convince her of anything, and this is very tiring.

Mature women are less dependent on the opinions of their friends and loved ones. They are able to make their own decisions and do not seek the approval of their friends. They don't call their friends to find out what dress to wear on a date with you, or what to cook for dinner. They are confident and self-sufficient. They understand that “friendship” is not about discussing the latest episode of “Lost”, but about helping in difficult times. They do not waste time on empty chatter and meaningless relationships. They have already experienced disappointment and betrayal by friends, youthful enthusiastic “friendships”, and now in their phone book there are only numbers of close, trusted friends.

No. 5. They know how to have a good time.

It's more interesting to spend time with older women. Why? They have more refined taste and varied interests. Simply put, they love and know how to have fun “in an adult way”, and not get drunk into insensibility in a nightclub and spend the rest of the evening hugging the toilet. They won’t spend the entire evening on the dance floor performing a striptease at the pole to deafening music. They have already safely passed this “wild” phase and no longer want to constantly be the center of attention. They are able to enjoy jazz, love to go to the theater, and are not ashamed to introduce them to friends and relatives.

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No. 4. They are less emotional.

The excessive emotionality of young girls can be understood - they have so many things “for the first time” that they simply do not know how to react to this or that event. First love, first betrayal, first betrayal - their emotional outbursts and scandals are completely justified. In addition, they always tend to overdramatize events - if a man does not call the next day after the date, her heart will be broken! Because of their emotional immaturity and unpredictability, they attach significance and special meaning to the most harmless things. When dating a young girl, a man should always be prepared for the fact that a crisis could break out at any moment, and his every word or action could cause an unexpected reaction in the girl. And since very few men manage to remain calm in times of crisis, it is impossible to continue such relationships for a long time.

Mature women have learned to value their nerves and do not throw tantrums because a man was looking at an unfamiliar girl. They maintain composure even in a critical situation, know how to solve problems, including problems in relationships, and do not let men in on their troubles.

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