Depression due to work, apathy and stress - how to deal with exhaustion and loss of strength

I can’t find a job, depression - ways to overcome it

In the modern world, anyone can lose their job, regardless of their position or qualifications.
Such an unpredictable and, as a rule, unexpected phenomenon confronts a person with the question of what to do. Often people develop depression during periods of temporary lack of demand. Despite such crisis conditions, people can influence events in their lives on a psychological level - they can protect themselves from excessive worries, regrets, and prepare for such a course of circumstances. People with rich life experience clearly define for themselves what to do in such situations so that the negative burden does not interfere with focusing on further steps in finding a job.

First step Words of hopelessness - I can’t find a job, depression caused by such experiences greatly affects the course of life. As a result of this arrangement of events, each person experiences several stages of emotional state.

A stressful state caused by emotional shock is experienced by people who unexpectedly lost their jobs, leaving them with a burden of financial obligations. This path of development of events very often leads to bad results - to crime, illness, and unwillingness to live.

The most difficult indicator at this stage is the very expectation that a person thinks: “I can lose everything by losing my income.”

We need to look at all the blows of fate from a philosophical point of view. Sooner or later, every person has to look for a job, so almost everyone finds themselves in this situation.

Second step

The second stage of the period when a person cannot find a place of employment (2-3 months) is characterized by the onset of relief and adaptation to the current situation. It is not possible to choose a job, but the consciousness somehow moves away from the problem and enters the stage of escapism - escape, self-elimination. Increasingly, the person who has lost his job comes to reassuring thoughts that he can take his time with the search, “I can afford to rest,” etc.

Some categories of people even begin to experience a state of relief. Everyone is looking for some positive in this: “I don’t have to get up early and don’t rush to work that’s boring me, I have the opportunity to spend more time with my loved ones.”

A person begins to realize himself in some useful activities for the family - cleaning, completing unfinished repairs, etc. At this stage of overcoming depression, he begins to experience psychological satisfaction from being free, despite the fact that he was unable to find a new source of income.

This condition is inherent only to those who have savings.

Forced rest helps such people find an opportunity to relax and improve their health. After regaining his strength, the unemployed is looking for a job, the conditions of which he is able to evaluate from a different point of view. At an interview, such a person can make a good impression with his healthy appearance. The biggest winner is the one who, having lost his job, was able to choose the time for self-education.

Negative sides

There are times when it is difficult for a person, after losing his main income, to decide what to do next. And this condition causes persistent stress that does not disappear for a long time.

As a result, many begin to exaggerate their plight and associate it with all sorts of consequences caused by financial instability, loss of love, family, and housing.

People who failed to make a financial reserve feel depressed, weakened both physically and psychologically a few months after losing their job. At this moment, weak individuals begin to feel useless, self-esteem drops, and ultimately this is reflected in their behavior during interviews.

Unsuccessful searches give rise to certain complexes in a person’s mind; he stops actively searching for a new source of income, which leads to complete financial collapse. Not knowing what to do, a person becomes aggressive in his relationships with others and stops taking care of his appearance. Such people end up losing everything and sinking to lower social levels.

In the social sphere, there are certain categories of people who fall into the so-called risk group when looking for a new place of employment. These are young mothers, disabled people, students without professional experience. Unemployment has its own growth trends, but it is not fatal. You just have to follow some simple rules and everything will work out:

  • You must always have a neat appearance and maintain your physical shape;
  • take the initiative, show activity, enthusiasm;
  • do not hesitate to seek help from psychologists, social services, and recruitment agencies;
  • you should look for a new use for yourself;
  • You always need to stay up to date with developments related to finding your business.

Advanced training, training in a new specialty, the opportunity to temporarily switch to seasonal work - this is what can be allowed in a modern rule-of-law state. Employment centers are a social service that can open up such prospects for those who wish. But the main thing is to do something for this, not to give up and not to be lazy.

By improving one’s qualifications and retraining, a person can find himself in something new. Even if it doesn’t immediately bring in a lot of income, it doesn’t matter. Things don't always start out quickly and smoothly.

Life is structured in such a way that all crises occur in the same way:

  • recession - depression, fear of the new unknown, fear of losses;
  • rise - search for other sources of income, gaining new knowledge, self-improvement;
  • reaching new levels of well-being.

Strategies for success

Many people associate the crisis not only with job loss, depression and financial collapse. This economic phenomenon helps people find new ways and solutions. Active, goal-oriented people are not afraid of a crisis, they simply adapt to it.

There are two categories of behavior of people who have lost their place of employment. They have two behavioral strategies - successful and unsuccessful. A person is able to make his own choice: which one he chooses.

Unemployed people with a successful behavioral strategy have in their arsenal a great initiative potential, a desire to get out of a state of temporary financial lull as soon as possible. They do not make it a priority to find exactly the job they were doing before the crisis. They are able to retrain under any conditions. This category of people has a huge optimistic charge and a willingness to move forward towards the future.

An unsuccessful behavior strategy is characteristic of people who expect someone else to do everything for them. They are able to passively wait for help, refuse to take responsibility for decisions, and are constantly looking for a reason to refuse the employer.

Their complexes about their professional unsuitability do not give them the opportunity to present their skills in a way that is favorable to them. Even financial instability does not stimulate them to new searches for self-realization. These people are not ready for changes in life and the crisis eliminates them from the labor market.

Ways of self-realization

If a person is left without the opportunity to work in his main specialty, this is not the end of life. Do not be afraid of the unknown, future uncertainty. Left without work, a person still finds the opportunity to eat and dress. And this happens because there is always a way out of the current situation.

Second: you shouldn’t regret the past, you need to forget about the troubles. There is a lot around you that you have not lost - family, friends, favorite activities, and most importantly - health.

Fourth: if you don’t have a permanent job, you can take on temporary, seasonal work. This will not prevent you from continuing to search for a new job in your specialty and will provide an opportunity to support yourself financially.

You should never imagine yourself as a martyr and talk about your fatigue. You cannot consider yourself a second-class citizen.

Remember: it’s not only hard for you and there is always a way out. If you cannot change circumstances, then you need to change your attitude towards them.

A positive attitude breeds good luck. Take at least small steps towards your goal and everything will definitely work out. Perhaps fate gave a chance, the refusal of which is a big mistake. You should never swim against the current or with the flow. Sail where you need to go.

A stressful state caused by emotional shock is experienced by people who unexpectedly lost their jobs, leaving them with a burden of financial obligations. This path of development of events very often leads to bad results - to crime, illness, and unwillingness to live.

The most difficult indicator at this stage is the very expectation that a person thinks: “I can lose everything by losing my income.”

Second step

The second stage of the period when a person cannot find a place of employment (2-3 months) is characterized by the onset of relief and adaptation to the current situation. It is not possible to choose a job, but the consciousness somehow moves away from the problem and enters the stage of escapism - escape, self-elimination. Increasingly, the person who has lost his job comes to reassuring thoughts that he can take his time with the search, “I can afford to rest,” etc.

Some categories of people even begin to experience a state of relief. Everyone is looking for some positive in this: “I don’t have to get up early and don’t rush to work that’s boring me, I have the opportunity to spend more time with my loved ones.”

A person begins to realize himself in some useful activities for the family - cleaning, completing unfinished repairs, etc. At this stage of overcoming depression, he begins to experience psychological satisfaction from being free, despite the fact that he was unable to find a new source of income.

This condition is inherent only to those who have savings.

Forced rest helps such people find an opportunity to relax and improve their health. After regaining his strength, the unemployed is looking for a job, the conditions of which he is able to evaluate from a different point of view. At an interview, such a person can make a good impression with his healthy appearance. The biggest winner is the one who, having lost his job, was able to choose the time for self-education.

Tips for overcoming stress from work

Giving general recipes is a thankless task. Contact a psychologist: everyone’s situation is different and you as a person are unique, so the solution to your problem will also be unique, but if you limit yourself to the “glossy” advice that psychologists give in magazines, here they are:

  • Eat an orange. Citrus fruits will help us in the fight against stress. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which fights fatigue and apathy.
  • Play sports. An easy twenty-minute jog, 100 squats, leg swings - choose what you like and do it! After 20 minutes, a large amount of endorphins will enter your body and your stress will be relieved!
  • Drink some water. Dehydration is one of the main causes of stress in the body. The more water you drink, the easier it is for your body to cope with it.
  • Positive attitude. Instead of thinking about your rude boss, imagine yourself on the seashore.
  • Treat yourself to something delicious. Eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, you will certainly feel better. Just don't get carried away!
  • Take a bath. On the way after work, be sure to buy relaxing bath salts or bubble bath.
  • Book a massage. You can also choose the type of massage that is more attractive to you. From simple relaxing to therapeutic.
  • Turn off your cell phone. At work, we often have to communicate with people with whom, to put it mildly, we don’t really want. Leave all calls and unauthorized interference to your free time.
  • Meditate. Try to relax and not think about anything for 5 minutes.

Opinion: Take a ticket to Asia. Hang out on the coast for a couple of months. A calm life without tension will restore strength. Alexei. Banker, former downshifter.

There’s even a professional burnout syndrome that has emerged – here’s a link where several cool psychologists tell you how to deal with it.

Negative sides

There are times when it is difficult for a person, after losing his main income, to decide what to do next. And this condition causes persistent stress that does not disappear for a long time.

People who failed to make a financial reserve feel depressed, weakened both physically and psychologically a few months after losing their job. At this moment, weak individuals begin to feel useless, self-esteem drops, and ultimately this is reflected in their behavior during interviews.

Unsuccessful searches give rise to certain complexes in a person’s mind; he stops actively searching for a new source of income, which leads to complete financial collapse. Not knowing what to do, a person becomes aggressive in relations with others and stops taking care of his appearance. Such people end up losing everything and sinking to lower social levels.

Why does depression occur when you have problems finding a job?

When the nature of the illness is clear, it becomes easier to understand the problem of the mutual influence of employment and depression. It is worth analyzing the nature of the disorder during the job search process, identifying the main signs and features of its manifestation.

Depression develops due to severe psychological pressure. Having lost a job, a person experiences severe stress. You need to look for money somewhere, there is no confidence in the future, you need to change your usual way of life.

The situation is worsened by the presence of a family, small children, and loans. The lack of serious financial savings and a “safety cushion” for the near future forces a person to constantly think about solving the problem of employment.

The job search process begins: writing a resume, calling and sending resumes, interviews. The first blow comes when there are no vacancies that meet the person’s requirements. You have to choose - wait for a good job to appear or take what you have. The second blow is a refusal to call for an interview after sending your resume to the “right place”. The third blow is failure at the interview.

Days and weeks pass. The problem cannot be solved, money is running out, being at home all the time is depressing - the psyche cannot stand it. A person begins to think that he is a loser. Obsessive thoughts are born in my head - something is wrong with me, because no one wants to hire me. There is a loss of confidence and self-esteem decreases. Further more. From apparent helplessness, anger, aggressiveness and temper may appear.

All these signs signal the onset of depression. There is a loss of interest in the surrounding life, loss of appetite. Insomnia appears, which is accompanied by the “winding up” of negative scenarios.

Depression is often provoked by relatives and friends who do not understand the peculiarities of the psychological state of an unemployed person. The wife begins to show dissatisfaction every day, relatives refuse to support, friends are busy with their own affairs - all this demonstrates uselessness in a difficult situation. Such thoughts contribute to the development of psychological disorders of a depressive nature.

Another important aspect that needs to be clearly understood is the close relationship between the “no work” situation and depression. This connection forms a dangerous, closed sequence:

  • Depression began due to job loss;
  • the presence of depression interferes with quick employment;
  • unemployment makes depression worse.

The emergence of uncertainty and low self-esteem affect the search for vacancies, the nature of telephone conversations, and behavior during interviews. With every failure, the fear of another failure increases. The person loses faith in his efforts to obtain employment.

Depression due to prolonged absence from work gets worse. There is a sharp, progressive decline in working capacity; the unemployed person spends most of his time alone in his apartment. Low self-esteem makes it difficult to appear on the street. A person begins to feel that everyone around him knows about his failures. It's better to do nothing and stay at home. Stagnation sets in.

A scary situation becomes dangerous when alcohol or drugs appear. These dangerous substances help to temporarily improve your mood and forget about negativity and problems. At this stage, it is necessary to actively take drastic measures - to begin treatment with the involvement of psychologists or psychotherapists.

The main psychological reasons that interfere with finding a job include the following factors:

  1. Fear of failure, of being rejected during a call or at an interview.
  2. Insecurity due to low self-esteem.
  3. Negative attitude towards yourself, your abilities and capabilities.
  4. Fear of a negative reaction from society, family and friends.
  5. An exaggerated attitude towards one's abilities and skills.

When a person is in a difficult situation, it is important to monitor all changes in his condition. This will help to detect the onset of depression in time. Knowing the symptoms is important for both the unemployed person and his loved ones.

Key symptoms of “unemployment” depression:

  • negative feelings of hopelessness, guilt, shame;
  • apathy;
  • lack of interest, indifference;
  • loss of self-confidence;
  • decreased activity, energy;
  • fatigue.

Problems with employment have a serious impact on the human condition. Isolation from the generally accepted way of life, uncertainty of the future, lack of income - all this puts pressure on the psyche. Many people can’t stand it, can’t find a job, become depressed and don’t know what to do. You can avoid negative developments and overcome depression with the help of a psychologist or on your own.

To understand the problem of the influence of the disease on the employment process and develop effective ways to counteract it, you must first understand the causes and nature of the state of depression.

The severe stage of depression is characterized by a “triad” of manifestations:

  • decadent mood;
  • slowing down of mental reactions and processes;
  • motor retardation.

Exhaustion of the body from work

Exhaustion caused by prolonged hard work gradually creates an aversion to the work itself. Once it appears, it will not go away and will not allow you to switch your attention to anything else.

The following symptoms will help you recognize the problem:

  • Unreasonable irritation, excessive temper, sudden outbursts of anger, loss of sense of humor.
  • Increased feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.
  • The predominance of negative emotions: fatigue, fear, powerlessness, anger.
  • The emergence of difficulties and conflicts in communicating with people: hostile perception of their words and actions.
  • Decreased quality of work, which causes dissatisfaction among colleagues and superiors.
  • The desire to withdraw and withdraw into oneself when questioning family, friends and loved ones.

Having at least one of the above symptoms, you should admit that your tired body requires immediate help, since it itself is no longer able to cope with them!

Exhaustion is the body’s response to prolonged stress caused by hormonal processes.

Complete exhaustion is preceded by two stages - shock and resistance.

  1. At the stage of shock, the body quickly reacts to stress factors with small hormonal changes in the form of rapid heartbeat and breathing, which are virtually invisible to the consciousness, which is busy with completely different things.
  2. At the resistance stage, the body continues to cope with the destructive effects of stress, releasing additional portions of hormones that suppress the state of shock for quite a long time.

The exhaustion stage occurs when hormone reserves are depleted and stress continues.

The main reason for work exhaustion is the discrepancy between the employee’s capabilities and the demands placed on him. However, serious stress can also be provoked by positive emotions, which, combined with general fatigue, unbalance a person for a long time.

To combat exhaustion from prolonged work, the following conditions must be met:

Visit your doctor

Firstly, an examination of the body will never be superfluous, and secondly, a trip to the doctor will not only identify problems that your body has previously struggled with alone, but will also help outline a plan for further action.

Find the causes of stress

To do this, step away from work for the time it takes to identify for yourself the factors that create a stressful state. This should include any negative and positive influences to which the body has to forcefully adapt. As you address this issue, consider the demands your managers place on you, the support they provide to meet those demands, and the constraints you face in your work.

Figure out how to remove stressors from your schedule.

This could be a detailed conversation with management about how to improve the work environment or train employees to help you, which cannot but affect the success of the enterprise. It would also be a good idea to define your direct responsibilities as clearly as possible and stop doing someone else’s work. Don't take on too much, even if the tasks seem trivial to you! Minor tasks tend to get put off and accumulate, turning into major tasks not completed on time.

Help your body cope with stress

To do this, you do not need to buy expensive drugs. The best medicine in the fight against the effects of stress is comprehensive physical exercise followed by relaxation.

Walking in the fresh air also has a positive effect on improving the emotional state of the body.

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A post from the Blogs and Opinions section, contains the author’s subjective point of view: how to share your opinion

Author of the post: Alex Hodinar Private investor since 2006 (stocks, real estate). Business owner, internet marketing specialist.

How to help yourself

In the social sphere, there are certain categories of people who fall into the so-called risk group when looking for a new place of employment. These are young mothers, disabled people, students without professional experience. Unemployment has its own growth trends, but it is not fatal. You just have to follow some simple rules and everything will work out:

  • You must always have a neat appearance and maintain your physical shape;
  • take the initiative, show activity, enthusiasm;
  • do not hesitate to seek help from psychologists, social services, and recruitment agencies;
  • you should look for a new use for yourself;
  • You always need to stay up to date with developments related to finding your business.

Advanced training, training in a new specialty, the opportunity to temporarily switch to seasonal work - this is what can be allowed in a modern rule-of-law state. Employment centers are a social service that can open up such prospects for those who wish. But the main thing is to do something for this, not to give up and not to be lazy.

Life is structured in such a way that all crises occur in the same way:

  • recession - depression, fear of the new unknown, fear of losses;
  • rise - search for other sources of income, gaining new knowledge, self-improvement;
  • reaching new levels of well-being.
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