Painful dependence on work: How? For what? and why?

All people engaged in truly important work,

are always simple because they don’t have time to come up with unnecessary things

(L.N. Tolstoy)

Greetings, dear readers!

In this article we will continue the conversation about what a painful dependence on work is.

From it you will learn what the causes of workaholism are and how you can get rid of this type of obsession.

In the previous publication:

Workaholism as an escape from reality and...

We discussed the main symptoms of work addiction, and also determined why it is very similar to alcoholism.

Now let's take a look...

Why do people get addicted?

A person cannot enjoy his existence without satisfying his unhealthy habits. His actions are subordinate to unhealthy habits, that is, they are not performed independently.

Psychologists believe that there are several reasons for such deviations; most often they lie in the insufficient or excessive influence of parents in childhood. Here are some of them:

  • absence of one of the parents;
  • the child is given little attention;
  • the only child in the house;
  • hostile communication between father and mother (disrespect, violence, swearing, dominant position of one of the parents);
  • excessive supervision and guardianship of parents.

It is believed that as a result of such parental behavior, the child may be susceptible to depression. In the future, there will be a desire to receive some kind of satisfaction, which a person cannot achieve in a healthy way and will find self-realization in addictions. Such habits can develop into a painful addiction, and then the help of specialists will be required.

Psychologists have proven that alcohol dependence is hereditary and not acquired as a result of life factors.

How to recognize the problem

Symptoms of addiction to a chemical substance develop in different ways, directly depending on the drug itself. If we talk about the general symptoms that are characteristic of this condition, the following signs can be identified:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • increased lethargy or activity;
  • slurred speech;
  • pronounced thirst;
  • dilated or constricted pupils;
  • pale skin;
  • increased appetite or its complete absence;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • change of interests and different social circles;
  • lies.

Such symptoms are present in the initial stages of drug addiction or alcoholism, but the longer a person is addicted to illegal substances, the more noticeable are the signs of the disease. A person develops various diseases and mental disorders.

All three types of chemical dependence have been well studied by medicine and have some similarities, but it is noticeable in the final stages, when a person degrades as a person, suffers from psychosis and hallucinations, withdrawal symptoms when withdrawing from drugs or alcohol. The strange behavior of an addict cannot be ignored, so relatives do not need to hesitate; they should seek help as soon as possible.

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What types of dependencies are there?

A person has many addictions and their number is growing, despite all the measures taken to combat them. Below are presented only the main types of addictions to which a person is susceptible.

  1. Narcotic. A person cannot live without drugs that cause mental disorders.
  2. Alcoholic. The main danger of addiction to alcohol is that a person takes strong drinks initially for company or to improve his mood, and as a result loses control over himself, as a result - he does not want and cannot do without alcohol. In Russia, alcoholism has become the most widespread addiction among citizens.
  3. Smoking. It would seem that addiction is not such a terrible thing, but it is not so. It has two components, i.e. the physiological component (nicotine affects the body’s metabolic processes) and the psychological component (often this is what prevents the habit from being overcome).
  4. Gambling addiction. The passion for gambling becomes of utmost importance for a person. This tendency can lead a person to the loss of all savings and to debt, even loss of housing.
  5. Internet addiction. The need to be online, reaching a painful state in the absence of it.
  6. Medicinal. As a result of taking medications for a long time, there is a need to increase the dose of drugs more and more.
  7. Sexy. Chaotic sexual contacts lead to the point where sex becomes the meaning of life.
  8. Binge eating. A person suffering from bulimia loses control over the quantity, quality and pattern of food intake. As a result, this can lead to mental disorders, neuroses, and depression.
  9. Workaholism. Career advancement and increasing income become the main goal in a person’s life.

Any addiction brings many difficulties both to the addict and to his family. Often it is beyond your ability to cope with the problem yourself, but there is still a solution.

Work addiction, or Why workaholism is bad

A friend of mine once admitted: “I can’t stand teachers.” And she explained: “My mother was a primary school teacher. I spent all my time at work, even when I didn’t really need to. Either she goes on a hike with the children, then to a museum, or to the regional center on an excursion. And my brother and I were terribly jealous. She didn’t go anywhere with us, she just swore.”

So, I propose to talk about workaholism. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will not consider those cases when parents work hard at two or three jobs, work part-time in the evenings, work as taxi drivers, bake cakes to order, sell homemade jewelry and souvenirs, just to feed the family. It is in these cases that everything is fine, because the priorities of such people are the well-being and interests of the family.

But when a person works for the sake of work, while “sagging” in other areas of life, these circumstances deserve our close attention.

Psychologist Wayne Oates defines workaholism as “an obsessive or uncontrollable desire to work.” The American Psychological Association diagnoses workaholism in the presence of three components - constant thoughts about work, including during rest, frequent overtime work to the detriment of other significant human values, and constant impulses: “I have to go, I have to be there,” “So what?” What's vacation? How are they doing without me?”, “I have no right to sit idle, I need to work urgently.”

All these components are similar to non-chemical addiction, such as gambling addiction, addiction to sects, etc. And even the physiology of the process is the same. A person first loves his profession, and later becomes simply obsessed with it. He can no longer fully think about his family, his health, or his rest. It becomes difficult to communicate with such people, because they transfer all topics to work, or even become isolated, not understanding the lack of interest in their work and not wanting to support others in “their nonsense.”

Performing professional duties causes, if not an orgasm, then certainly a dopamine surge in such people. Moreover, every time, getting pleasure requires more and more new heroics - completing more tasks in a short period of time, convincing difficult and intractable partners, suddenly getting ready for your favorite job at 11 pm.

Reminds me of drug addiction, doesn’t it? Me too. Only in our case, the active substance is neurotransmitters produced by our body in response to psychological stimuli.

For gamers, this incentive is the “emotional swing” in front of the slot machine, for a sectarian it is the praise of the “teacher” and moving to another level, and for a workaholic it is the recognition of management and colleagues, grants, bonuses, victories in a competition, the feeling “I am irreplaceable,” “ without me they are like without hands"

In Russia, 12.5% ​​of all workers are susceptible to workaholism. But statistics count only 3% of gamers. Why such a spread? But because in our culture, labor is the cure. This is the most socially acceptable way to temporarily escape from other problems. Remember the proverbs? “Patience and work will grind everything down,” or “He who works well has something to boast about.”

What does a woman hear from society when her husband left her and she rushed to develop her own business? “Well done, don’t lose your temper! Don’t give a damn about that!” Yes, work helps you overcome a difficult emotional period, but if you don’t control yourself, you can get stuck in a new swamp.

And what does a young specialist hear who is so carried away by his work that he has forgotten about everything else? “No girlfriend? It’s okay, you’ll find it again.” “No hobby? Why do you need it? Work is your passion." Gradually, such a young person already gets used to thinking about work 24 hours a day, loses the desire to get to know anyone, take care of someone, and empathize. He doesn’t even want to think about his health. Meanwhile, he develops a dangerous disorder.

Want to know if you're at risk for job addiction? I suggest you take a short test. At the end, add up the points.

Do you know how to efficiently distribute responsibilities between people?

Yes. – 0 points No, and therefore I have to do a lot myself. – 1 point

2. How much time do you spend resolving business issues (including answering letters, messages, calls, instructing colleagues after hours)?

Less than 60 hours per week. – 0 points More than 60 hours per week. – 1 point

Can you fully relax on vacation?

Yes. – 0 points No, I think about work all the time. – 1 point

Does poor quality work from your colleagues make you angry?

Yes. – 1 point No. – 0 points

Do you feel guilty because you can't go to work due to illness?

Yes. – 1 point No. – 0 points

6. You have won a trip to the sea with a strictly defined departure date. The other day your partner called you and offered you a contract for the amount of a trip. The contract execution date coincides with the vacation period of the voucher. You will not be able to work remotely. What will you choose?

Contract. – 1 point Travel ticket. – 0 points

Do photographs, magazines, films with entertaining or erotic content irritate you?

Yes. – 1 point No. – 0 points

Do you perceive failures at work as a disaster?

Yes. – 1 point No. – 0 points

Result: 4 or more points - there is a risk of developing dependence on work.

How to help yourself?

In such cases, I always encourage you to go to a psychologist, because when a person hides behind work in a more or less good financial situation, it means that he has a problem that he does not want or cannot solve. Or he doesn’t see her at all, as subconscious defenses are triggered. Someone doesn’t want to see their husband because he either whines or humiliates. Someone cannot find a common language and contact with the child because much has been missed. Some people don’t like to cook, or even maintain a home, but are afraid to admit it to their family. For some, “work-bleeds-from-the-nose” was a constant instillation from the parental family, grandparents, and other values ​​were omitted. A lot of everything. We need to radically solve these problems, and not cover them up with the sign “I’m working. Don't interfere."

If the situation is not very advanced, you can try the “Adjustment” method.

You need to plan your work day so that it includes:

  • time for yourself (meeting with friends, reading your favorite authors, watching videos or TV shows that energize you, visiting a cosmetologist, massage therapist, ordering amenities from the Internet),
  • time for your health (timely medical examination, consultations with specialists, healthy eating, physical activity, meditation, auto-training),
  • time to communicate with family (help in solving each other’s problems, common trips, family holidays, competitions, participation in parent events).

This can also include conversations with each family member. Ask if they are suffering from your inattention, how they would like to spend time with you, if they can support you, remind you of the need for rest.

All this, in addition to standard sleep, according to experts’ recommendations, should take at least 4 hours a day.

If absolutely nothing, then you just need to arrange fasting days on weekends. From the very work that is already in the liver. Well, you can do household chores with your family. Both communication and benefit. And training in delegation, which is clearly lacking in all workaholics: “Everything on your own.”

Because health is not ironclad. And the patience of family members too.

All addictions are dangerous

If a person has addictions, he loses the ability to express his own will, therefore, any type of addiction must be fought.

Overcoming any addiction is long and difficult; it can take several years. But there are no other ways to acquire freedom, true happiness and harmony.

Substance abuse among children and adolescents

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Drug addiction

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Smoking: a voluntary desire or an addiction caused by a harmful substance?

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Probably many people know that inhaling smoke (not only tobacco) is unsafe for health. This is surprising, but true: if you regularly breathe smoke, a person becomes physically worse, and general fatigue increases. It would be wrong to say that smokers are narrow-minded and do not realize the destructive impact of their habit - among them there are many quite reasonable and sensible individuals.

Stages of drug addiction development

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As a result of drug use, there is a general damage to the physical and mental health of the body, a distortion of a person’s personality, and a loss of generally accepted values.

Types of chemical dependency

The term “chemical dependence” refers to a pathological attraction to harmful and prohibited substances. In practice, there are three main types:

  • drug addiction - manifests itself against the background of the use of synthetic or herbal drugs;
  • alcoholism – systematic use of alcohol leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, in which there is a persistent addiction.
  • substance abuse – develops when consuming or using toxic substances in the form of inhalation (glue, solvents, gasoline, gas from a lighter).

Each addiction has its own characteristics, so before treatment, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the drug, duration and amount of its use.

Psychological dependence

To diversify their own life, a person sometimes uses not only alcohol, medications or drugs. Certain hobbies are also included. Addiction in psychology is also the study of non-chemical addictions, which are extremely dangerous and destructive to the individual . This type of addiction is called psychological.

This type of addiction is quite diverse. Here are just a few of its varieties:

  1. Gambling addiction. It is also called “ludomania” or “gambling”. Passion for various types of gambling (computer, card). According to statistics, young people under 30 years of age are more often susceptible to this type of addiction.
  2. Nymphomania. Addiction that develops on the sexual plane, with the addict focusing on a particular type of sexual pleasure or engaging in promiscuous sexual relations.
  3. Bulimia. Or food addiction. This type of behavioral disorder most often affects women under 40-45 years of age. This type of addiction is characterized by constant overeating and lack of feeling of satiety. A person is haunted by a feeling of guilt about not maintaining a normal diet and increased concern about his own weight and appearance.
  4. Kleptomania. Passion to steal, not even for the sake of one’s own material gain, but for the sake of risk.
  5. Adrenaline mania. Abnormal need for constant thrills. A person addicted to this type of addiction constantly risks his own life, creates artificially extremely dangerous situations for the sake of one goal - to experience fear and get an influx of adrenaline.
  6. Workaholism. The scourge of modern society, where material well-being and the social need to become a respected person come to the fore. Being under the power of this addiction, a person voluntarily works gruelingly for many hours, without giving himself a break for rest or even food. According to statistics, the working population aged 25-60 years suffers more from such addiction.

What do these hobbies lead to?

Psychological addictions mercilessly destroy the entire habitual way of human life, depriving a person of strength, health and the ability to think intelligently and soberly, and reason adequately . Although some types of psychological addictions (for example, workaholism) are even considered respectable and acceptable, they are not considered safe inclinations.

When a person has nothing but his own career, everyday life and work, he becomes poor. In terms of love, family, hobbies, personal development. Such a person becomes spiritually poor and risks being left completely alone. There is also a high risk of developing physical illnesses, including heart attacks and mental disorders.

Some types of psychological addiction (for example, gambling addiction and nymphomania) are rejected by society and are classified as immoral and licentious.

Parallel manifestations of both phenomena

The impact of the subject of addiction on consciousnessThe mind is dominated by the thought of the subject of dependenceThe mind is dominated by the thought of an addicted relative
Complete loss of controlOver the amount of alcohol you drink and your own behaviorOver your own life
Enabling protective mechanisms“I’m not a drug addict”, “I only drink on holidays”, “a liter of beer a day is not a disease”“I don’t have any problems, but my husband/son does,” “my spouse/child is not to blame for anything, my friends are to blame”
State of aggression and angerManifests itself verbally and physicallyManifestation also occurs physically and verbally.
Dominant emotionsMental anguish, spiritual pain, feelings of shame and guilt for one’s behavior in front of loved onesHere the factor of indignation and intense hatred towards the entire outside world is added to the feelings.
ToleranceIs in an ever-increasing state of tolerance to increasingly large doses of harmful chemicalsThere is an increase in endurance to sadness, mental anguish, lack of desire to have fun and live
Manifestation of hangover syndromeTo do this, you need to take a new dose of the substance to which you are addicted.After breaking off a relationship with an addicted person, this group of people enters into new destructive relationships
IntoxicationDuring the use of a chemical substance, this condition is repeated on an ongoing basis.Codependent people do not have the ability to think calmly and rationally
State of self-esteemIt is very low, there is a person’s tendency to destroy himselfThe condition is unstable and is sometimes under the influence of other people
Physical stateDiseases caused by alcohol substances are observed - liver cirrhosis, heart problems, gastrointestinal tract, nervous systemDiseases caused by psychosomatic disorders - hypertension, headache, ulcerative lesions, problems with the heart muscle
Mental disordersState of acute psychosis and depressionDepressive phenomena
Presence of cross-dependence with other substancesDirect dependence on alcohol, drugs, tranquilizers; this phenomenon can be observed in one individualIn addition to dependence on someone else’s life, a dependence factor is also formed on alcohol, tranquilizers
Attitude to the treatment processDenial of the problem and refusal of any helpIndignation at recognition of the problem, refusal to help
Social relationshipsIsolation from friends and colleagues who do not abuse alcoholEliminating contact with all friends and relatives
Level of responsibilityAlcoholics and drug addicts are irresponsible for the consequences of their actionsIn appearance, such people are responsible, but there is an irresponsible attitude towards their own health and problems
Conditions for amendment (recovery)Long-term abstinence from the use of chemical substances and a long rehabilitation periodRemoval from an addicted person and a long rehabilitation process
Recovery ProgramsFirst Step, 12 Steps, support groups, self-help, psychotherapy, AN, AA.Psychotherapy programs, “12 steps”, AA.

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment of addictions without the help of a narcologist and psychologist will not bring results, since the addiction to a particular substance is much stronger than the person himself. To fight, you need to obtain the consent of the patient himself and only after that complex therapy is carried out, which will include several stages:

  • Motivation – the patient must show a desire to get rid of addiction. Relatives or clinic doctors can help with this, and they will definitely find an approach to the patient.
  • Detoxification – helps cleanse the body of toxins that cause withdrawal symptoms. It consists of intravenous administration of medications of different pharmacological groups, which are selected by the doctor for each patient.
  • Coding is carried out by hypnosis or by administering drugs that cause a persistent aversion to alcohol. For drug addiction, such methods are ineffective.
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation – includes work with psychologists, psychotherapists and addictologists. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate mental addiction, develop skills that help overcome life's difficulties, and build a model of behavior in the family and society.
  • Social adaptation - includes preparation for returning to society. A person can undergo this stage on an outpatient basis, but at the same time constantly maintains contact with a doctor.

It is difficult to cure the disease, but with the interaction of doctors and the patient himself, good results can be achieved.

How to get rid of addiction

The psychologist advises to first admit the problem.

The main difficulty in treating addiction is the person’s denial of his disease. So the first step to healing is to admit there is a problem. This step is very difficult, because addicts tend to blame everyone for their misfortunes, but not themselves.

Elena Solovyova, psychologist

Once you recognize the problem, write down what your life would look like if you had never had an addiction. What would you do? Hang the leaflet with the description in a visible place: it will remind you of a better life.

When you finally decide to quit, quit once and for all, without compromise. If deep down you dream of someday returning to the habit, then you have not fully understood the problem. The struggle with yourself will continue, and you will inevitably return to your previous lifestyle.

And most importantly: reduce communication with those who do not support your desire to become better. Such people will inevitably pull you back, and it is in your best interest to change.

Physical dependence

With constant exposure to psychoactive substances, a restructuring of the structure of dopamine perception in the cells of the body occurs. As a result, when you stop taking these substances

a person experiences varying degrees of discomfort.

Alcohol, unlike nicotine, affects all neuroregulation systems. Therefore, alcohol withdrawal syndrome is considered the most severe in drug addiction - it affects all organs and systems of the body.

These are either “just” metabolic disorders: hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to the cells), a violation of the acid-base balance in the cells and a violation of the water-electrolyte balance in the body. Or, in a more severe case, disruption of the central nervous system, hallucinations, pain - the well-known “squirrel”.

Alcohol withdrawal can even cause death.

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