Why do people lie, why do they lie to each other and to themselves?

Have you ever thought that lying is a sign of intelligence? Why do people lie to each other, regardless of the degree of relationship and relationship to each other? What is the difference between a holy lie in the name of salvation and a vile act in pursuit of one’s own interests?

What curious metamorphoses: the truth that everyone values ​​is primitive and simple. What's so difficult about the truth? But a lie can be so multifaceted, so sophisticated, thought out several moves ahead, requiring psychological calculations. Moreover, these calculations are unknown to the person being deceived. But a liar pursues his own interests, i.e. he expects to buy something. And this “something” is not always material values; it can be moral moments and moral satisfaction.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of deception, you need to improve your communication skills, as well as learn to understand people's characters. Very often the interlocutor reveals his essence in small details, which for one person are completely insignificant, but for another they are signals of close attentiveness and distrust. In other words, observation, prudence and the ability to analyze will help out.

If you look around, lying is a common occurrence all over the world. It is everywhere: in all areas of activity, in relationships with colleagues, relatives, friends, children and parents... Is it possible to refuse it? Of course not! How to react? Learn to understand the essence of lies, its meaning, its goals. This is one of the key moments in the development of human intelligence. Without this, relationships cannot be built.

Lies... The more information the human brain processes per unit of time, the more lies it is forced to “digest.” Simply put, modern people are so surrounded by the media that their satiety begins to affect their emotional state. And here lies can provoke aggression. If we consider aggression from a physiological point of view, then it is a natural feeling of a living person. But when it is provoked, especially due to injustice or lies, its scale can be destructive. Realizing this, it is possible to control your condition; otherwise imbalance is inevitable.

Machiavellianism (cunning)

The biggest liars are the biggest Machiavellians. Machiavellianism generally refers to people who manipulate others, especially those who use various socially offensive or unethical tactics to achieve higher status or power. Not surprisingly, researchers have found that the more Machiavellian you are, the more you will lie in general—and the more you will use self-focused advantage lies. “In the case of self-oriented advantageous lies, the manipulative function of lies is especially noticeable, since these lies contribute to the acquisition of new short-term benefits,” write the study authors.

What does a woman's lie hide?

Let's start with the fact that for a woman, truth is not an absolute value. Unlike men. Circumstances change - feelings change. And they are true. But only at that very, specific moment. By nature, women are more flexible creatures. That’s why their truth is correctable.

Women are also more susceptible to stereotypical thinking. But it is not always possible to live ideally, in strict accordance with social standards. Therefore, you have to adjust your appearance, biography and worldview to social norms.

  • Past relationships

Not everyone manages to get married on their first try and become an exemplary homemaker. And there may not be two attempts. And not even three.

At the same time, society will judge the woman quite harshly for every failed attempt. To avoid a reputation for excessive frivolity, female intuition tells the lady that it is better to remain silent about failures and their quantities.

  • Appearance

Concern with social desirability

The more a person cares about being seen as socially desirable, the less he or she uses self-oriented lies. Why? Being “socially desirable” is how you are perceived and seen by others. Will others approve of you and your actions? Researchers explained that if you lie to yourself and people find out, you could jeopardize your reputation and "desirability." Interestingly, in general, people who crave social desirability lie very rarely.

Why are people instilled with the ability to tell the truth from childhood?

Remember how adults taught us to be honest: educators, teachers, parents from childhood, caring about our moral values, but rather, more about ourselves. So they did not want, first of all, to be deceived...

BUT very soon, before we really had time to grow up, we realized that THIS was precisely the biggest lie of adults.

The biggest lie of adults is that they teach children not to lie, but they themselves immediately lie.

I remember an incident from childhood: I’m 6 years old, we get on the bus and my mother, when asked by the conductor how old I am, answered: she’s five! I, who recently celebrated my 6th birthday, did not understand her incorrect answer. I really wanted to correct my mother. I started tugging at her skirt, letting her know that she had made a mistake. My kindest mother in the world, sharply pulled my hand and shushed me, which made me feel even worse.

And only after getting off the bus, my mother explained everything, saying that I had just turned 6, and I would still pass for a 5-year-old and I could still do it without a ticket. And I really wanted a ticket

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