Coronavirus: how many days is a person contagious with coronavirus, how to avoid infection?

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Is it really wrong to live one day at a time? Often a person’s life is reminiscent of one old joke: “A black man falls from the 20th floor and, flying past the 10th, says: “So far everything is going well.”

Many people tend to live one day at a time without looking into tomorrow. This is a certain type of self-defense. But is this lifestyle so good for the psyche when a person closes his eyes to the future and prefers to “bury his head in the sand”?

But there is another extreme - excessive anxiety. Constant fear for relatives, for the future. Where can you find balance to feel happy? After all, this is exactly what every person strives for - to find the joy of life.

Live one day at a time or think about tomorrow.

Most people, especially in Russia, are accustomed to living one day at a time, unlike many other countries where completely different attitudes exist, and from birth. Our parents lived with a five-year plan and a maximum five-year plan, that’s what the state needed and no one thought then about what he himself needed!? By the way, they were happy. But now times have changed and it has become very, very important to think about yourself and your future as well. Unfortunately, not all people who were brought up in Soviet times were able to quickly rebuild their thoughts and their attitudes in a new way, which, of course, is what they are suffering from now.

For example, if you don’t think about your future, you can work all your life “for your uncle,” for his dream and end up with a miserable pension guaranteed by the state, or you can think about it in advance and create the future of your dreams.

Everything depends only on you and me. And I am absolutely sure that “Fate is not chance, but fate is our own choice.” To trust in fate and say that “it’s destined”, “this is fate”, “you can’t escape fate”, means letting your life completely take its course. After all, your tomorrow depends on your specific choice today. Is not it? After all, you yourself choose every day what to do and what not to do, how to do it and how not to do it, go there or go to another place. In the end, you also decide for yourself how you think. Your actions depend on your thoughts, and your actions determine the result and, as a consequence, your whole life. That is, if you reduce this logical chain to a minimum, then you can simply say - your thoughts create your destiny. And nothing else!

We always have a choice! Now we have, for example, two paths - to work for hire from 8 to 5, and then retire, or to create something of our own, engage in entrepreneurial activity, develop an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit, become successful and ultimately create passive income and after working for a while, then never work again, while living and not needing anything. The choice we make today will determine our lives in 20 and 30 years.

«You can't change your life overnight, but you can change your thoughts

that will change our lives."

Not many people think about passive income. What is passive income? This could be income from the fact that you recorded some kind of music album that made you famous, and then many generations of people listen to your music, buy your albums, and you, your children and even great-grandchildren get rich. You can make a film that will not only bring you a good salary today and now, but for a long time until the film is in demand, you and your children will receive income. You can create passive income by, for example, investing in commercial real estate today and earning money by renting it out until you die. You can…. provided that you have talents or have money to buy real estate, or in order to invest this money in some Swiss bank and receive substantial interest and live on it. What if you don’t have any of this? No talent, no money????

Fortunately, there is a way out today! This is a network business! Thanks to this business 10 years ago, having started and created a team and turnover, simply by telling other people about these unique opportunities, I received a stable passive income. And during difficult periods of my life, I lived on this money. Moreover, it is you who regulate the level of income, just like your efforts, in this business.

And I want to say that the most interesting thing is that those people who choose to work for hire, as I already said, work for someone else’s dream. Moreover, he is absolutely the same person as themselves, only he has a goal, unlike them. When working for hire, you spend the same amount of effort as working for yourself, and sometimes even more. So why then become a “slave”? But the end result is different. A few years later, the employee retires, and the self-employed person lives on passive income created by his one-time efforts. Sometimes people become pensioners in the network business at 22 or 25. Now more and more millionaires are appearing in this environment. This is no secret to anyone. There is a trend of millionaires appearing under the age of 25 and 30.

Therefore, the choice is only yours!

And remember WORK from the word SLAVE!

And one more thing... maybe it’s worth understanding the possibilities and prospects of network business in more detail?

Then this is the place for you!

I invite you to watch a little cat video - A TALE about life!

Why is it so important to live one day at a time and how to do it

It's amazing how many of us live with thoughts firmly fixed in the past or future, with little or no attention to the present.

Diving into the past is a trap that many of us fall into, caught up in what could have been or how things were so much better, “once upon a time, when...” But in doing so, we struggle to accept the realities that are happening. here and now, unsuccessfully fighting both with them and with ourselves.

On the contrary, some of us prefer to focus all our attention on what we want in the future. We convince ourselves that we will be happy when we achieve X, Y or Z.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that we should not try to live in either the past or the future, but take each day as it comes.

What we think of as the past is actually our memories of the past that our brain creates, selects, alters and distorts. The past itself cannot be changed, no matter how hard we try. The future is completely intangible and, unless you believe in fate, it is completely undetermined. It can only be shaped by what you do every day and the decisions you make in the present. And even then, you can never be sure what awaits you.

Essentially, the only thing you can control is today, so logically, the present is the only thing you should worry about. While we should all take life "one day at a time" no matter what, there are some situations in which this becomes especially relevant and important.

Let's look at a few different scenarios that we will all face at some point and find out why taking it one day at a time is the best approach in all of these situations.

1. When you are going through hard times.

Every person on this planet, even the most privileged among us, will go through difficult periods during their lives. It's simply an integral part of the human experience, no matter how charming our lives may look from the outside. But it's when we're feeling down that we're more likely than ever to obsess over things we or others have done in the past. Or we rush into the distant future, when everything will be different, and we can finally be happy.

What you need to realize is that neither looking forward nor looking back will make you feel better about the way things are right here and now.

Living one day at a time means not demanding too much from yourself and neglecting your own needs. Focusing on today means you can nourish your mind and body by taking the small steps needed to change your life.

2. When you have a big, long-term goal.

Whether you're training for the Olympics or traveling long distances, learning a new skill or starting your own business, we all tend to look forward to the day when we finally get there. We forget to enjoy the process itself. This is a shame because the process is often the best part.

Having a goal that will take a long time to achieve means that you can easily lose focus on it if you don't break it down into tiny goals and intentions that need to be accomplished every single day.

It's hard to stay motivated when you don't realize that the cumulative effect of what you do every day means you will eventually achieve your goal. Focusing on your small daily accomplishments will help you stay grounded and move forward, maybe slowly but surely.

3. When you are expecting something.

Sure, you're excited about your wedding, or your next big adventure, or your new home you're about to buy, but that doesn't mean you should live in anticipation for days on end.

If we spend our lives trying to speed up time, then sooner or later we will have no time left at all, and then we will want to return the lost hours so that we can finally live them “to the fullest.” But time cannot be returned. Learn to savor the wait without discounting the pleasures you can have every day.

How to live day by day?

Now that we've established why we should live one day at a time, let's look at how to do it.

This is one of those things that seems simple but can be difficult to practice, especially if you've spent your life pining for the past or worrying about the future. Here are some small ways to firmly ground yourself in the present tense.

1. Take care of your mind and body.

The number one and most important tip is to make sure you are nourishing your mind and body every single day. You can't expect to thrive if you don't give yourself the fuel and care you need every day. Feeding your mind doesn't mean spending time on social media, it means putting your attention on what you really want and what you actually enjoy.

2. Don't live on autopilot.

When we get into a routine and start doing the same things every day, it's easy to lose awareness of these things. Catch yourself whenever you engage autopilot, firmly bring yourself back to the place where you actually are, and begin to notice the details around you, including the sights, sounds and smells.

3. Keep a diary.

Writing down your thoughts, worries, hopes and observations is a great way to check in with yourself every day and let go of whatever is bothering you. Every evening, take a pen, open your diary and write down important events that happened during the day.

4. Stop worrying about “what ifs.”

As we all know, worrying about what could or could happen is a waste of time. Worrying about it won't change the future at all. This will only make you unhappy in the present time and take your attention away from all the good things happening around you right now.

5. Set achievable daily goals.

The only goal in your life should not be a big, intangible one that hangs somewhere in the future. Setting yourself small, achievable goals every day and doing your best to celebrate them will help you feel satisfied when you go to bed at night.

Try writing these goals down on a to-do list or in notes so they are visible and memorable throughout the day. The main thing here is not to be too ambitious and not to get mad at yourself if sometimes you don't achieve them.

6. Congratulate yourself even on small successes.

There are days when even getting out of bed can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, when you get up, get dressed and feed yourself, then be so kind as to congratulate yourself on this. There are times in life when you achieve great things, but what really matters are the days when you still show up and get things done, even when you just want to curl up and hibernate.

7. Remember that you can only live each day once.

When you find yourself forgetting to take each day as it comes, remind yourself that each day that passes is forever lost to you. We only have a limited number of days on this Earth, so each one should be lived to the fullest, rather than spent ruminating on the past or worrying about the future.

Why is it important to live for today?

Our lives are spent regretting past mistakes and dreams of future achievements. Look around, wherever you are - is what is happening now not more important than what will be or was? This is the problem with most people. We stop appreciating today, we stop appreciating what we have. Your neighbor has more beautiful flowers, another country has better architecture, weather, people, and so on. Your life will not begin to change, it will not get better until you learn to live today.

The first steps on the path to salvation

The first thing to do on the path to understanding the moment “here and now” is to follow the course of your thoughts. Sitting in a park, in nature, or just on a bus, pay attention to what you are thinking about at the moment. I can judge with a 90% guarantee that either about past mistakes, or you will be unhappy with your situation now, and the third option is that you will be absorbed in dreaming about the future.

Drive away all these thoughts, no matter how intrusive they may be. Take a deep breath and look at the beauty around you, but beauty is everywhere. In every plant, in the architecture of your city (no matter how sparse it may be), you can even enjoy looking at the passers-by, many of them will be quite funny.

Accept what you have

Of course, you always want more, and dissatisfaction with the little you have will not disappear, but you can allow this dissatisfaction not to spoil your mood, not to interfere with your life. Accept all failures with ease. It doesn’t happen that one door closes without another opening (and, as a rule, this door leads to a better life).

Get rid of negativity

As long as you are angry, feeling sorry for yourself, or hating someone, you will not be able to live life to the fullest; these negative emotions will completely consume you, if they haven’t already.

How to get rid of these pests? Easier than it seems. If in a conversation with a person you notice that he is annoying you, follow this emotion. Tell yourself mentally that you are now irritated and ask yourself what exactly makes you irritated and angry? As long as you follow the thread, all the negativity will pass, and next time this person will not cause it in you with the same action, because first of all, you dealt with it within yourself. Finding the cause of negative emotions is already destroying them.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The worst thing was huddling and self-devouring. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, be grateful for what you have, no matter how difficult it may be. Besides the fact that it will change your inner state, your positive thinking will not go unnoticed. The universe will definitely reward you for this.

Live “here and now”, enjoy the sun, be grateful for everything you have, right down to a sip of water, because many people don’t even have that. Soon you will notice how your life is changing and how your attitude is changing. Be happy!


How long is a person who has had Covid dangerous?

According to employees of the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, if a person has had a coronavirus infection, he can be infectious for a month or a little longer.

“This is rather an individual parameter, depending on many factors, including the severity of the disease and the function of the immune system, that is, on how quickly the body was able to overcome the infection,” says Chief Researcher of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences A. Chepurnov.

“The conclusion about the possibility of re-infection was probably made on the basis that people who had recovered from Covid-19 continued to shed the virus for a long time. However, in fact, there is a small percentage of patients (1-2%) whose immunity is not fully formed after an illness. These people are capable of becoming infected a second time,” states the doctor.

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