TEST: How enthusiastic are you?


Those who like to travel always seem to be lively, energetic people with a curious look. How many interesting things did they see? Incredible mountain sunsets, progressive Europe, the mysterious and majestic East, futurism and harmony of Asia? Maybe they have traveled half of vast Russia or just like to live for their own pleasure and have a good rest?

Such people are very easy to train: they have a broad outlook and broad thinking. They are ready to take on new skills and develop them. They also have experience: they are already independent, know how to solve problems and cope with unfamiliar situations. And as a bonus, travelers are always ready to share an interesting story. It's always interesting to talk to them.


Psychology (Greek - soul; Greek - knowledge) is a science that studies the behavior and mental processes of people and animals. The psyche is the highest form of relationship between living beings and the objective world, expressed in their ability to realize their impulses and act on the basis of information about it. Through the psyche, a person reflects the laws of the surrounding world.

Thinking, memory, perception, imagination, sensation, emotions, feelings, inclinations, temperament - all these points are studied by psychology. But the main question remains: what motivates a person, his behavior in a given situation, what are the processes of his inner world? The range of issues addressed by psychology is quite wide. Thus, in modern psychology there are a large number of sections:

  • general psychology,
  • age-related psychology,
  • social Psychology,
  • psychology of religion,
  • pathopsychology,
  • neuropsychology,
  • family psychology,
  • psychology of sports
  • etc.

Other sciences and branches of scientific knowledge ( genetics, speech therapy, jurisprudence, anthropology, psychiatry , etc.) also penetrate into psychology. There is an integration of classical psychology with eastern practices . To live in harmony with oneself and with the world around us, modern man needs to master the basics of psychology.

“Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed in words,” wrote John Galsworthy.

Psychology operates with the following methods:

  • Introspection is the observation of one’s own mental processes, knowledge of one’s own mental life without using any tools.
  • Observation is the study of certain characteristics of a particular process without active involvement in the process itself.
  • An experiment is an experimental study of a certain process. The experiment can be based on modeling activity in specially specified conditions or can be carried out in conditions close to normal activity.
  • Developmental research is the study of certain characteristics of the same children who are observed over several years.

At the origins of modern psychology were Aristotle, Ibn Sina, Rudolf Gocklenius , who first used the concept of “psychology,” and Sigmund Freud , whom even a person unrelated to psychology has probably heard of. As a science, psychology originated in the second half of the 19th century, separating from philosophy and physiology. Psychology studies the mechanisms of the psyche, unconscious and conscious of a person.

A person turns to psychology to know himself and better understand his loved ones . This knowledge helps you see and realize the true motives of your actions. Psychology is also called the science of the soul , which at certain moments in life begins to ask questions - “ who am I?”, “where am I?”, “why am I here?” Why does a person need this knowledge and awareness? To stay on the road of life and not fall into one ditch or another. And having fallen, find the strength to get up and move on.

Interest in this area of ​​knowledge is growing. By training the body, athletes necessarily come to psychological knowledge and expand it. Moving towards our goals, building relationships with people, overcoming difficult situations, we also turn to psychology. Psychology is actively integrated into training and education, business, and art.

A person is not only a storehouse of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but also an individual with his own emotions, feelings, ideas about this world.

Today you cannot do without knowledge of psychology, either at work or at home. To sell yourself or a manufactured product, you need certain knowledge. To have well-being in the family and be able to resolve conflicts, knowledge of psychology is also necessary. Understand the motives of people’s behavior, learn to manage your emotions, be able to establish relationships, be able to convey your thoughts to your interlocutor - and here psychological knowledge will come to the rescue. Psychology begins where a person appears and, knowing the basics of psychology, you can avoid many mistakes in life . “Psychology is the ability to live.”

Get-togethers with friends

It is quite possible that you have not found any special talents or great interest in any activity. It is most pleasant for you to spend time with dear people, communicate, exchange impressions, and feel that your loved ones are nearby. Such a vacation relaxes, gives you a recharge and the opportunity to take a deep breath in a series of affairs and tasks.

Most likely, for you work, growth and self-improvement are important, but not the most important things in life. You easily find comfort, don’t strain yourself too much and remember that money and status are very secondary things. Life as such is much more important.

What are your interests and hobbies?

It is difficult to list what hobbies there are. They can be divided into two main types:

  • Amateur is when you do what you love just for fun.
  • Professional ones are hobbies for which money is paid.

According to the resources involved, you can divide activities for the soul:

  • Intellectual : foreign languages, chess, quests, board games.
  • Emotional : drawing, singing, raising animals.
  • Physical : sports, dancing, traveling.

How does a hobby help us work and live?

Psychologists have noticed that a person chooses a hobby according to his character. Extroverts prefer sports or dancing, while introverts find an outlet in collecting or learning. But there are common benefits that passionate people receive:

  • This adds confidence . A favorite activity is a resource that helps you recover after a hectic day or, conversely, get an emotional boost for a difficult challenge.
  • This helps to cope with things you don't like . A bonus in the form of a favorite activity will help you quickly deal with obligatory tasks that you don’t really want to do.
  • This adds stability to life . Isn’t it wonderful to find something constant in the rhythm of today’s life that captivates you, regardless of changes at work?
  • This is your personal space . This is your own island of happiness, which imbues you with positive energy if you have nowhere else to get it.
  • This speaks of the integrity of a person . The ability to concentrate on one activity, the desire to search for information, and find like-minded people.
  • This enhances your image as a developed, goal-oriented person.

The benefits of a hobby are difficult to overestimate. It’s not for nothing that applicants’ resumes include an item about hobbies. You shouldn’t ignore it, because your passion will tell the employer a lot:

  • Football or volleyball is about the ability to work in a team.
  • A category in a sport is about constant self-improvement.
  • Conducted quests or parties indicate organizational skills.
  • Chess is about strategic thinking.
  • Drawing or photography is about creativity.
  • The master classes held are about public speaking.

But when filling out your resume, you shouldn’t come up with non-existent hobbies just because your manager is into it. It’s better to think about how to talk about your hobby so that it helps you get the coveted position.

Take the test: introvert or extrovert?

Cinema and TV series

Not a single person can live without such leisure. In rainy weather, when tired, when there is unexpectedly free time, or before bed, many people like to watch something interesting, sitting in a cozy place with some goodies. It is unlikely that there will be a person who will single out such recreation as his main one, but almost anyone can mention it in the list of hobbies.

What will tell you about you is not your viewing habits, but your genre preferences. Auteur cinema speaks of a craving for thought, mysticism, fantasy and horror - of excellent imagination, drama - of the ability to empathize, detective stories - of a passion for solving riddles and logic.

Hobbies play a very important role in a person’s life, contributing to the constant development of personality and the manifestation of individuality. Thanks to him, we find like-minded people, friends with whom we always have something to talk about, those who are concerned about the same problems as us. Depending on temperament, living conditions, upbringing, natural inclinations and social circle, a person chooses a hobby. For many, this is an outlet that supports them in difficult life situations, fills existence with new meaning, allows them to express themselves, master new skills, and gain additional knowledge.

You can learn a lot about us only by knowing your range of interests and favorite hobbies. There are lucky people for whom their hobby is a job for which they receive money. This is truly a wonderful option! The original meaning of the English word hobby, relegated by time to second place with the mark “obsolete,” is a small horse, pony, toy wooden horse. Hence the expression to ride a hobby, which in our language turned into the well-known phraseological unit “to sit on your horse.”

The word “hobby” entered Russian speech relatively recently, already in the twentieth century, and for a long time was used as a fashionable anglicism like modern “monitoring”, “promotion”, etc. This novelty of the Russian lexicon was legalized and introduced into explanatory dictionaries only half a century ago, when the horror of the corrupting influence of the West had somewhat subsided. The modern edition of the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov defines the meaning of the word hobby as follows: “A hobby, a favorite activity for oneself, at leisure.”

A hobby - be it collecting, traveling or eating delicious dishes - is not just love, an addiction to something, but an active addiction, that is, it results in an activity. If “habit is second nature,” then a hobby is almost a second life. And every person definitely has this life. On the one hand he has what he needs

. This is his job, his need to earn money, obey the rules and norms of society, and live according to regulations.

On the other hand, every person does what he wants

Collects stamps and stickers, conquers mountains, enjoys karaoke, writes poetry, plays chess, dreams of finding treasure, writes stories, dances, studies the work of his favorite actor and writer. This is common to everyone, even to those who are internationally recognized professionally. A hobby is a pleasure for yourself
Without any obligations. With its own rules of the game and the logic of its development. Passion is a world where time loses its power over you
. You and only you are free to manage your world, your pleasure, your secret passion.


Yes, this hobby is not so common among young girls and boys, but those who love to cook are, first of all, lovers of good food. Cooking requires an understanding of ingredients, cooking methods, and a desire to make something beautiful and tasty. Those who love to cook are very caring - after all, they don’t mind buying food, spending time and energy to feed themselves (and often their loved ones) a delicious and high-quality dinner, dessert or snack.

Cooking is always associated with calmness, kindness and homeliness. Especially now, in times of deliveries from restaurants, cooking in supermarkets and cafes on every corner. And it evokes undoubted respect: you do not succumb to general laziness.

Video games

I don’t know who said that only boys play with toys—there are a lot of girls among them, too. It’s high time to forget the stereotypes that games are for boring, lazy, unintelligent people as a stupid joke. Video games develop motor skills, reaction, speed of thinking, logic, intelligence... this is not a small list. What a workout for the brain!

In addition, video game fans usually have at least some understanding of technology, are passionate, and like to have fun in life. They will always find something to do to avoid boredom and take their friends with them.

What is a hobby?

A hobby is an activity for the soul that makes our lives full, improves our mood, energizes us and gives us pleasure. In adolescence, it teaches accuracy, develops curiosity and imagination. An adult's hobbies help him return to a happy childhood and awaken in himself that delight that makes his eyes light up and makes him want to jump out of bed early in the morning. The real lucky ones are the people who managed to turn their hobby into a profession.

The hobbies of our ancestors were not limited to embroidery or wood carving. There were exotic hobbies like visiting morgues or anatomical theaters. But there were also those who became the work of a lifetime. For example, the curiosity of Vladimir Dahl gave us the main explanatory dictionary. Although from childhood he was prepared for military service, and literature was only a hobby for him.

Hobbies are a significant component of a person’s life. It helps us explore the world, expand our horizons and earn money. It makes us happier. The first goal of a hobby is to help in self-realization and satisfy internal needs . But in the 21st century, doing something “just because” is becoming unfashionable. The idea of ​​how to make money from a hobby comes to the fore.

Although the share of online commerce increases annually by 10-20%, traditional stores with goods for handicrafts and creativity do not lose their position. Perhaps buyers come there to communicate, “to show themselves and see others.” And in handicraft stores you can touch fabrics, beads, and paper. There are a lot of goods for creativity. Looking at them “in reality” is more pleasant than on a computer screen.

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