A talented, extraordinary person often comes into conflict with society

Essay “A talented, extraordinary person often comes into conflict with society”


Talented people stand out from society with their innovative, heightened perception of this reality, their special, unique worldview. A person’s talent lies not only in his dissimilarity, but also in his ability to lead people and give them hope for the best. We can give examples of dozens of talented people, among them are figures of science, culture, and art. However, in most cases, society is not able to accept such people, since it cannot realize the depth of their talent. It either suppresses the aspirations of this person in every possible way, or completely expels him. One way or another, the reaction to “dissidents” is almost always aggressive and unjustifiably harsh. In this regard, a logical question arises: why do talented people openly come into conflict with society? Is it possible to avoid this? In my essay I will try to answer these questions using literary arguments.

Argument 1

Sometimes a society narrowly limited in its ideas does not understand a person, mired in lies and hypocrisy. A striking example of an extraordinary person is the hero of V. Nabokov’s novel “Invitation to Execution,” Cincinnatus Ts. The main character is sentenced to execution for the so-called “opacity.” The world around him is striped, turned into a farce, more like cardboard. In the lives of people around him there is no place for such basic moral categories as devotion, honor, conscience. Even Cincinnatus’s mother does not accept her son - only for a second sparks of consciousness slip into her head, but then they fade away, and she turns into the same lifeless fake. Moreover, society itself cannot understand why the meek, silent Cincinnatus is so different: the sentence “epistemological vileness” is something abstract, devoid of certainty. Cincinnatus's talent lies in his ability to be real, to overcome any time and space, in his heightened senses. At the end of the novel, the main character renounces society - and the world around him falls apart, turning into unnecessary, useless theater scenery. Even without entering into open conflict with society, hiding his opacity since childhood, Cincinnatus paid for his peculiarities. Society is literally killing him.

Fear of judgment. Rejection of one's own appearance. Feeling pressure from society.

Hello Lovery!

The condition you describe is similar to social phobia. And the reasons for it are probably the traumatic events that you experienced in childhood and adolescence.

The very first source of formation of your self-esteem were your parents. The father who “constantly scolded” you, and the mother who showed distrust of you in that vile situation with your nephew, where you were counting on support and protection from the person closest to you and did not receive it. From here, distrust began to accumulate in others, first in very significant, and then less significant people, in herself. At first, it could be unconscious, and then, as if progressively, quite consciously. After all, now, at 22 years old, you already understand that something is wrong with you. This began to bother you. And I am glad that you were able to express this in a letter, to show the courage to speak about the unfair treatment towards yourself. This already suggests that you are NOT INDIFFERENT TO YOURSELF! Your soul is trying to “recover” from this painful situation and become happy.

It so often happens that we can find ourselves in situations where we are accused of something that we did not do, and no matter what we say, no matter how we try to justify ourselves, to protect our “I”, in the eyes of others it looks implausible, they don't believe us. They say: “If you make excuses, it means you’re guilty!” And that’s all here... Even those closest to us turn away from us at this difficult moment of “slander”, “slander”, and prefer to believe others or “their own truth”. Therefore, over time, attempts to prove anything to the contrary to others come to naught. Simply from powerlessness and unwillingness. And the person simply withdraws into himself, becoming a hermit and a loner, avoiding social contacts, communicating with relatives who once did not believe you, as if pretending to be benevolent, that “everything is fine,” or mistaking himself for who they see you as , playing this imposed role, gradually losing myself...

As for the parents, I can say that they were not taught anywhere how to raise children correctly. Your parents, while still children, imprinted a certain pattern of behavior from their fathers and mothers (each in their own family) or those who took part in their upbringing. If you were scolded by your father, then your grandfather or grandmother probably scolded him as a child. And he perceived this as the norm of behavior, that “this is how it should be,” that “this is right,” “if you don’t scold him, nothing sensible will grow out of the child.” These false beliefs grow with their roots in a person’s personality and firmly settle there, thereby often causing irreparable damage to the child’s psyche. Forgive your father and mother sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, that they were not loving and reliable enough, that they were not “that safe shore where you would always feel protected and peaceful.” Your parents probably didn't have it either. That's why they couldn't give you what you wanted. They themselves needed and need love and support.

As for my nephew, I can say that at the age of 12, puberty, adolescence, and puberty begins. And such a teenager is more likely to show interest in sexuality than a child of 5 years of age. At 5 years of age, play activity predominates rather than sexual activity. Yes, in kindergartens some boys and girls touch each other, but this is done for the purpose of identifying their body and distinguishing themselves from the opposite sex, so to speak, self-identification. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe that you could not show any interest in your relative. You were a small, defenseless girl who was taken advantage of by an older child. But since it’s scary to tell the truth, it’s easier to pin the blame on the one who cannot defend himself, on the weaker one, because for a small child everything will be forgiven and forgotten. But for an adult – not always.

You know that you have no such sin, and do not prove to anyone else that you are not guilty. Don't waste your time and energy.

Bullying by peers, all sorts of ridicule of your appearance or something else arises due to reduced self-esteem and formed conformist behavior.

Your belief “that only the beautiful and slender achieve love and success in life, only such people pay attention” is also part of the “serving love” series. Success, recognition, attention and love from others comes to those who themselves “love, respect and accept themselves in mind, soul and body.” And not at all to the most beautiful and slender. There are ugly and overweight people, but they radiate the energy of kindness, confidence, sense of humor, charisma, and charm. And it’s very pleasant to communicate with them. And there are beautiful, slender people, but cold inside, embittered at the whole world, narcissistic, sometimes mean and arrogant, communication with whom is simply repulsive. And no external beauty evokes admiration.

Therefore, I would recommend that you accept with full responsibility the whole situation that is happening to you now. And despite this, say to yourself: “I love, accept and respect myself for who I am!” You will say that this is not so. However, try it, even if you don’t feel this way about yourself now. Everything that you admire in others is also in you. Otherwise you wouldn't notice this in them. Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you love in others, everything that you like. Look at this list. Everything written is your “shadow” side of your personality, which you avoid, hide from yourself and others. Even the most impeccable people have flaws that they carefully hide from everyone. Allow yourself to BE, allow yourself to express yourself to the world. You are! Which means it’s no coincidence!

And if you need to ask the time on the street, practice asking.:) Without training there will be no result. You can practice at home first, in front of the mirror. Then - on the street. “For demand, they don’t punch you in the nose!” If someone mutters something unpleasant to you, don’t take it personally (you never know what the person was thinking about when he met you, maybe he doesn’t like talking to people at all), say “thank you” and try further. The same goes for travel on public transport. People who are going somewhere with you don’t know that you need to go out. They are not psychics. Well, or not all of them. Until you declare your desires, no one will “budge”. Everyone has their own thoughts, things that they scroll through in their heads. Therefore, often, they don’t give a damn about who is riding next to them, they don’t care about those who come across along the way, what they are wearing, what shoes they are wearing, and so on.

As in the advertisement: “The whole world is your podium!” Have you heard this? What they think or say about you is their business; it should not affect your self-esteem and the activities that you have planned for the day. Or maybe you think they might be thinking: “What will she think or say about me if I’m dressed this way or said something wrong…” Often people don’t care about each other. Wherever you are: at school, at work, in the gym, at a concert, etc., you will always meet people who will look at you and discuss you. Everyone does it. It's not always pleasant. And yet, MAN IS A SOCIAL BEING. WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT EACH OTHER! “Let’s discuss Masha or Vanya, can you imagine what I found out...” Sometimes people don't know anything about you, and they come up with fables and then believe them. This is entertainment. There is also a term called “trolling,” when you are simply “harassed” and kicked out of the team. As they say: “Why talk about yourself if others will tell you more interestingly,” because they know better what is in your soul, in your head, in your heart. Do you understand?

What matters is what you think about yourself!

And public people can often be accepted or not accepted by society. You can't please everyone! There will always be skeptics. If you waste yourself on the opinions of others, then you will not have any time to take care of yourself and what you like.

If something is bothering you regarding your health, DO NOT STAND FOR IT!!! There are specially trained people - doctors - who receive a salary for their work. If you don’t ask for help, then no one will help you. This is self-harm, and an advanced disease is difficult to cure. The consequences may be irreversible. Therefore, if you wish yourself happiness and good health, do not delay, go to the hospital, call an ambulance.

And it is always possible to correct what you are not happy with in yourself. For this, there are special trainings, programs, and individual counseling to obtain certain skills. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to change in yourself, what result to achieve, and DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS?

Take care of yourself!

Sincerely, psychologist Natalya.

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Argument 2

Talented people are forced to resist and go against the existing system. Thus, in the novel “We,” E. Zamyatin describes a sterile, ideal society, ruled by ideology and faith in a bright future. People are more like robots, and only a few manage to get out of this vicious circle. Such a radical, anti-system heroine is I-330. Her image reveals demonicity, savagery, and love of freedom: she belongs to another world, the world beyond the Green Wall. Together with a group of other revolutionaries, they organize the overthrow of the current government. I-330 deliberately goes into open conflict with the dominant force in society. The reader is struck by the heroine’s confidence and intransigence. And this is its difference: not a single citizen of this ideal state is capable of even thinking about disobedience to the social system. Moreover, I-330 sacrifices himself to the idea, dying at the hands of the Benefactor.

Why does a person become an outcast?

A person rejected by society is called an outcast. In this case, his attempts to improve relationships with people around him only make the situation worse. This problem is more relevant than ever in our modern life. Anyone can be an outcast - an adult and a child. In order not to become a victim of a conflict with society, first of all, you need to know what this phenomenon is and what causes it.

A person rejected by society

In groups, different methods are used to make a person an outcast. In schools, this is done through ridicule, name-calling and physical bullying. In adult society, more cultural forms of influence are practiced, for example in the form of ignoring. In such cases, there is no open disdain, but one of the team members has an unpleasant feeling that everyone has turned away and does not notice him.

Usually, a person turns into an outcast in whom others see character traits that are personally unacceptable to them: uncertainty, isolation, or vulgarity in communication. The reason for rejection may be forms of behavior or personal qualities that, for various reasons, are not welcome in a given society. For example, a leader in a team may not like such character traits in people as fussiness, excessive slowness or initiative.

If a team imitates its leader and supports his preferences, then an employee with similar qualities will become an outcast and experience many unpleasant moments in his relationships with work colleagues. Members of an ambitious society set high goals for themselves and others to achieve career success, and achieving these goals is a source of pride for them.

A person who does not have this quality, if he gets into such a society, has a high probability of becoming an outcast, since his colleagues will not treat him with due respect, seeing in him qualities that they would not want to have in themselves: a lack of desire to succeed in life .

From this it can be seen that people become outcasts precisely in relation to a certain society or group. When the same person finds himself in another team, where his inherent qualities are not rejected, he will feel comfortable. And in children's society, a child whose parents overly care for and control him can become an outcast.

The reason why a member of society is rejected may be hidden in the characteristics of his character and belonging to certain segments of the population, for example: with a low level of income or, on the contrary, with a high level. In such cases, it is necessary to determine which human qualities are valued in the team and which are rejected. If the qualities of the rejected person do not correspond to the values ​​of the team, you need to accept the values ​​and rules of society and follow them. Otherwise, you will have to leave this team.

A person who rejects others

Some people can become outcasts in any society. Here we need to figure out what qualities inherent in a person make him an outcast.

1. An outcast may not want to accept the values ​​professed by the team, show disrespect for them in the form of statements and defiant actions, which can cause his alienation from society.

2. Each person in the structure of society is responsible for performing certain functions for the benefit of the entire team. An outcast, refusing to fulfill them, focusing only on his own benefit, opposes himself to society and provokes the entire team into conflict. If a person himself rejects society, then how can one accept it?

3. Sometimes, a person does not know how to build relationships with a team, due to the characteristics of his character and psychological qualities. This can be seen in the lack of response to signals sent by the team, the inability to build relationships with other people, and withdrawal into oneself. Under such circumstances, there is a high probability that a person will become an outcast, but in this case, alienation will be expressed in a milder form, in contrast to the first two points.

To be an outcast under ordinary circumstances, the presence of the entire set of factors leading to a boycott of a collective against a person is not necessary - one or two are enough. In order to avoid becoming a victim of conflict with the team, you need to know and understand the problems that lead to troubles of this kind. And if dangerous tension has formed between a person and society, it is necessary to identify its causes and find a way out of the current situation at the very beginning of its development.


Argument 3

Society very often shows black ingratitude towards truly talented people, engines of progress who live for the sake of the future. The romantic hero Danko from M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil” takes upon himself the responsibility of leading lost, frightened people out of the forest. When they stop believing him, he rips his heart out of his chest as proof of his chosenness. Danko gives all his energy to people, feeling his loneliness, the rejection of his bright, sacrificial personality by society. Danko’s heart, which illuminated the way out of the forest for people, has now been trampled and is no longer needed.


So, society destroys the destinies of talented people, because it cannot understand, appreciate, accept or recognize their innovation with a ossified consciousness and accept its dullness and ordinaryness. After all, it is precisely brilliant people who jeopardize the illusions and principles by which society lives. The reaction of society is to some extent logical, because each of us wants a guarantee of stability. Soviet actor Boris Andreev once said: “Talent matures through resistance and dies through violence.” Society's resistance motivates talented people to do unusual things. Therefore, such conflicts are inevitable.

Option 1

At all times, there are social orders and those who do not agree with these orders. Only a strong personality who can withstand pressure from outside is capable of resisting society. This struggle is difficult and painful, however, only it contributes to development, the emergence of new ideas and the eradication of false ideals. To resist, desire alone is not enough; you must be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of bringing your ideals to life.

Often the heroes of works of art challenge society, opposing themselves to the whole world. These include the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" Chatsky. This character attracts attention with his open struggle with society; his image has many similarities with revolutionaries: love for his native land, intransigence with the orders of serfdom, the desire to do the right thing, and not serve specific individuals, self-esteem and enlightenment.

Chatsky did not want to put up with an unjust social system, therefore, returning home after studying abroad, he immediately entered into open conflict with people who were representatives of the “Famus” society. In this environment, only rank and wealth are a priority; such concepts as intelligence, honesty and nobility have completely depreciated among the Moscow nobility. In Chatsky’s accusatory speeches, first of all, the problem of serfdom and the humiliating attitude of masters towards their peasants is raised. The main character is a true patriot who dreams of benefiting the Fatherland, and therefore believes in the bright future of his people.

A.S. Griboedov became the creator of the first realistic comedy, which exposed the vices of his contemporary society. The realism lies in the fact that victory remained with the “Famus” society, and Chatsky was forced to leave Moscow because he was unable to agree with the established order.

Another person who challenged society is Guy Montag, the protagonist of Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451. His world went crazy, people began to get rid of books as if they were unnecessary rubbish clogging the human mind. In this society, only television is valued; everything else is considered dangerous. Guy himself works for the public good, he is a firefighter, but not in the usual sense of this profession. In his world, firefighters burn books that burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit. After the insight that occurred, the main character begins to hide the books he found, retyping them and keeping the most important lines in his memory. He is not afraid of exposure and punishment; having learned the truth, Guy can no longer put up with the previous social system, so he continues to fulfill his educational mission. All the actions of the former firefighter are a challenge to the destructive system that turns people into insensitive ordinary people.

Based on the examples given, we can come to the conclusion that one person cannot change the whole world, but he is able to remain true to himself and not bend under the pressure of society. I think this quality is admirable.

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