How to Achieve a Powerful Inner State

18. Types of fires, their consequences. Actions of the population in case of fires


Based on external signs of combustion, fires are divided into external, internal, simultaneously external and internal, open and hidden.

External fires include fires in which signs of combustion (flames, smoke) can be identified visually. Such fires occur when buildings and their structures, coal, peat and other material assets located in open storage areas burn; when burning petroleum products in tanks, on open technological installations and overpasses; forests, peat fields, grain crops, etc. External fires are always open.

Internal fires include fires that occur and develop inside buildings. They can be open or hidden.

In open fires, signs of combustion can be determined by inspection of the premises (for example, when property burns in buildings for various purposes; equipment and materials in production workshops, partitions, floors, coatings, etc.).

In hidden fires, combustion occurs in the voids of building structures, ventilation shafts and channels, and inside the peat deposit. In this case, signs of combustion include smoke escaping through cracks, changes in the color of the plaster, and heating of the structures. Fire can be visible when opening or developing stacks and structures.

As the situation changes, the type of fire also changes. So. When a fire develops in a building, latent internal combustion can turn into open internal combustion, and internal combustion into external combustion, and vice versa.

Fires are also distinguished by the place of origin. They occur in buildings, structures, open areas of warehouses and in combustible areas (forests, walls, peat, and also in grain fields).

Fires at industrial enterprises and in populated areas can be individual (in a building or structure) and massive (a set of individual fires covering more than 90% of complex buildings).

The main causes of fires and explosions and their consequences

THE CAUSES OF FIRES IN RESIDENTIAL AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS most often include: malfunction of the electrical network and electrical appliances: gas leak; fire of electrical appliances (iron, tiles, radio, TV, etc.) left unattended under voltage; careless handling and pranks of children with fire (thrown burning match, cigarette butt, fallen lighted candle or playing with firecrackers); use of faulty or homemade heating devices; doors of furnaces (stoves, fireplaces) left open; release of burning ash near buildings; carelessness and negligence in handling fire.

THE MAIN CAUSE OF EXPLOSIONS IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS is the dangerous behavior of the citizens themselves, especially children and adolescents. Most often, gas explodes. But recently, cases involving explosions of explosives have become widespread. Not only the explosion itself is dangerous, but also its consequences, which are usually expressed in the collapse of structures and buildings.

But explosions lead not only to destruction and damage to buildings and structures, and technological equipment. tanks and pipelines, vehicles and instruments. Explosions kill, injure and injure people.

How to Achieve a Powerful Inner State

So, where can you apply these techniques:

  • Before the date
  • Before going to the club
  • When you notice that you are in a bad internal state
  • Not only in seduction (negotiations, presentation, public speaking)

Let's look at working with fear of approach as an example.
By fear of approach, I will understand those negative feelings that you experience when you want to approach. For example, you see a girl and realize that you would like to talk to her, and a negative feeling arises. The problem is that you have to fight this feeling, suppress it, overpower it or weaken it with acceleration. However, a significant amount of your mental energy is spent on it. Which reduces your efficiency, increases fatigue, and exhausts the body. Diagnostics. The first question you need to ask yourself is where is the feeling in the body? In the chest, stomach, shoulders, etc. Where a negative feeling arises that prevents you from approaching. If there is no such feeling, then the question is: how do you understand that you have fear? Maybe you have no fear and are just lazy. Fear lives in the body! This is some kind of bodily clamp that is activated in response to a stimulus - a pretty girl. How to quickly get rid of it. There is a special technique for this.

Techniques for avoiding the condition.

  1. Where is the feeling in the body?
  2. How does it feel (big, etc.)?
  3. Step back,
  4. You seem to look at yourself from the outside,
  5. How has the feeling changed?
  6. We repeat with a new feeling.

But simply removing fear is not enough. It is advisable to add some good condition instead. For example, confidence. And here one important property of our brain will help us. The fact is that when we remember an event, our brain forces the body to re-experience it. Let's use this to our advantage. For example, remember, have you ever experienced a state of confidence? This may not be in the context of communicating with women, maybe you once won a competition, maybe at some party, after a successful presentation... And now you want to reproduce this state before a date. Then you remember what you saw, heard, felt; then you enter this state and go on a date.

Techniques for reliving a state

  1. Select a state. Remember when, where, with whom you experienced it,
  2. Do you remember what you saw at that moment, what you heard, what you felt,
  3. You continue to remember a few minutes to immerse yourself in this state.

There is another technique that allows you to experience confidence, cheerfulness, and inner strength. Let's call her "Superhero". The technique is based on the fact that physiologically the internal state and body position are connected. Therefore, by changing posture, gestures, posture, our sense of self involuntarily changes.

“Superhero” technique.

  1. You choose a superhero (for example, Superman),
  2. Do you remember the moment when he accomplished his feat and stands on the roof, looking down on the city,
  3. Imagine that you are this superhero,
  4. You stand in the same position: you copy his posture, the position of his hands, the position of his head,
  5. You stand there for several minutes.

In conclusion, I will say this. Start training good positive states right now, do it regularly and every day. The techniques described are enough to upgrade your inner state.

When calling for fire assistance, you must inform the fire dispatcher:

  1. Full address (name of the locality, street, number and number of storeys of the building, apartment number and floor where the fire occurred, features of the entrance of fire equipment).
  2. The location of the fire (apartment, attic, basement, corridor, warehouse), what is burning and the possible cause of the fire.
  3. Your last name and phone number.

Remember! Burning flammable liquids must be extinguished using a fire extinguisher, sand or thick cloth. First unplug a burning TV and cover it with a thick cloth. When burning fat in a frying pan, cover it with a lid or a thick wet cloth and leave to cool for half an hour. Remember! You cannot extinguish fat with water. If burning fat gets on the floor or walls, you can use washing powder or soil from flower pots to extinguish it.

Providing assistance If a person’s clothing catches fire:

do not let the person run so that the flame does not flare up stronger; - knock the person to the ground or throw a thick cloth over him to put out the flames. Without oxygen, combustion will stop; — call an ambulance by phone “03”; - Provide first aid to the victim. — For burns: Cool the burned surface of the body with cold water, snow, ice for 10 minutes, apply a sterile bandage to the burned area, give a painkiller (analgin, etc.) and call an ambulance by phone “03”. It is forbidden to remove or tear off clothing from burnt areas and to lubricate the burnt surface with anything (alcohol, iodine, oil, brilliant green).

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning: When burning, toxic gases are released, so it is necessary to urgently take the victim out into fresh air, free him from tight clothing, if necessary, immediately begin artificial respiration, and call an ambulance.

Special states of consciousness

Beneath the thin film of human consciousness lies a relatively unexplored area of ​​mental activity, the so-called. altered (special) states of consciousness (OSC).

Special states of consciousness arise when, to maintain a normal level of wakefulness, the flow of mental, emotional processes and methods of perception, there are no necessary diverse and changing conditions, when either the brain is isolated from incoming stimuli or the stimulus is intensely affected in a narrow range.

The NDEs described in the psychology of sports activity include a trance state, a hypnotic state, sleep, meditative states, a state of ideal performance, narcotic states, etc.

These states can be aroused by a number of methods that underlie both the sports activity itself and special self-regulation techniques.

NDEs are mental states that the individual himself considers subjectively sufficiently deviating from a certain general norm. They manifest themselves in a number of changes in the primitive thought processes observed at the usual level of wakefulness: a sharp deterioration in the understanding of causes and consequences; distortion of the sense of time, up to the feeling of stopping time; loss of self-control, feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, or a false sense of superpower (for example, the “zombie” state); the occurrence of sudden and strong emotional manifestations from ecstasy to deep depression; distortion of ideas about one's body; the emergence of a split between the body and the mind, between the “I” and the world, other people, a disturbance of perception, up to illusions, hallucinations of synesthesia (seeing sounds, feeling taste, visual images); changing the meaning of known things up to giving them extremely valuable ideas; development of amnesia with complete loss of memory.

Athlete B.D. Trying to describe the physical, emotional and behavioral factors of his condition at the World Athletics Championships, where he performed extremely unsuccessfully, he sat in surprise for several minutes in complete silence in front of a blank sheet of paper, and then said discouragedly, “... I don’t remember, I was just jumping.”

But the most remarkable thing in OSS is the appearance of hyper-suggestibility, when, due to the above-mentioned changes, personal connections are severed and the individual identifies himself with an authoritative figure, whose desires and commands are perceived as his own, as a concrete reality.

The main function of the OSS is adaptation to non-specific, extreme situations and stimuli by turning on regressive mechanisms, even atavistic ones (stupor and shock trance with sudden fear - an example of a reaction in the animal world).

A hypnotic state is a state of narrowed consciousness caused by the action of a hypnotist and characterized by increased suggestibility. I.P. Pavlov believed that this is a conditioned reflex dream caused by suggestion, in which contact is maintained between the hypnotized person and the hypnotist through a “guard point”, which indicates that this is a partial dream.

The possibilities of hypnosis in sports are great, but it does not provide the athlete with additional miraculous powers, but only helps to realize the existing potential to the greatest extent, which the athlete often simply does not realize.

A meditative state is a state that arises as a result of the use of techniques for relaxing the neuromuscular system and focusing attention on a neutral object (for example, breathing) and is characterized by stopping speculative activity while maintaining awareness of what is happening, allowing one to see and accept phenomena that are usually inaccessible.

In a state of meditation, the conventions of many of our ideas that distort the real model of the world are understood, the automatism of consciousness is eliminated, and the perception of the environment becomes deeper and clearer. The censorship of logic and intuition is reduced, and the answer is often instantly prompted in the most difficult situation.

The use of meditation to understand the reasons for stopping the growth of sports results allows you to see a technical error that is not realized by the athlete and is not recorded by a video camera, to realize the psychological barrier, hidden desires, aversions, situations in which the self-preservation instinct is triggered (see finishing pain syndrome, psychosomatic breakdown).

Trance is a change in the state of consciousness in which an individual is located during the manifestation of paranormal abilities.

(insensitivity to pain, walking on coals, extrasensory perceptions of sounds, smells, the state of people without contact with objects, etc.). Trance also occurs under the rhythmic influences of music and movements. Rhythm, for example, in drill training reflexively forms stable connections in relation to commands, which helps overcome fear reactions.

In sports activities, a trance state often occurs under the influence of the powerful influence of rhythmic stimuli of sports exercises and the physical, physiological, and psychological sensations caused by them (for example, when a marathon runner runs, the rhythm of steps, pain in the internal organs of the muscles, the sound of breathing and sensations from the passage of air, vibrations) visual images). In this state, the athlete loses pain sensitivity, self-preservation instincts are suppressed, and amazing efficiency of movements occurs. Trance is close to a state of psychomotor perseveration.

The state of perfect performance. The state of an ideal performance, unlike OBS, very much resembles the state of a hypnotic trance. In it, athletes experience partial or complete memory loss after a performance, which is why it can be so difficult to describe the state of an ideal performance.

Concentration reaches maximum values ​​- everything that is not related to the competition simply does not exist. Movements are carried out automatically, but under the control of an altered state, as if observed from the outside. The adjustments are made not by consciousness, but by the subconscious, which has accumulated the necessary automatisms during the training process and now (when consciousness has been changed - it is in a hypnotic trance and does not interfere) allows all the athlete’s capabilities to unfold. An interesting formula of self-hypnosis is used by experienced athletes who know how to enter a state of ideal performance: “The body knows what to do, everything will work out by itself.”

The complex structure of the state of ideal performance places it between OBS and hypnotic trance, but does not equate it with either of them. This is a state in which a heightened consciousness controls and allows a partial hypnotic trance; in the deep development of which, as is well known, athletes cannot perform.

Team mental state. In conditions of joint activity, such as sports games, mental processes proceed differently than in conditions of isolated individual activity. Mental states, being a functional-dynamic background, determine the nature of activity, its goals, objectives, but are entirely dependent on the relationship between the subjects of mutual activity.

These states, refracted through the internal representation of the partner’s state in relation to himself, form the athlete’s own attitude, which has one or another emotional overtones. Then, through joint activities, it is included in the system of relationships and develops (integrates) into the holistic state of the team.

It has three components: motivational - expressed through the level of anxiety; emotional - through the characteristics of the psychological atmosphere; and psychological compatibility - as an indicator of the effectiveness of interaction. A player can experience a team mental state only when he is on the court or field in real interaction with others (I.F. Andryushchishin, 1992).

22.11. Mental readiness for competitive activity

Mental states in sports activities are studied in connection with the need to achieve a state of mental readiness for competition. In the theory of psychological preparation, it is customary to distinguish the following concepts that describe different levels of mental readiness for activity.

Psychological preparedness is the level of development of a complex of psychological properties and characteristics of an athlete, on which the perfect and reliable performance of sports activities in extreme conditions of training and competition depends.

Psychological preparedness is most fully observed at the final stage of preparation for a competition.

Mental readiness for competition is the state of an athlete at a certain point in time, facilitating or preventing the full manifestation (realization) of all his capabilities in a specific competition.

This condition persists throughout the entire competition period.

Mental readiness is a short-term, dynamic state that precedes the performance of competitive activity, aimed at performing certain actions to achieve a specific goal.

This state occurs and persists during the immediate warm-up and preparation of the athlete for the start, during pre-start seconds.

The optimal combat state is the state of peak mobilization of all body functions to achieve success that is “allowed” for execution.

It manifests itself immediately before the start and during the competition.

The state of psychological readiness is formed at the final stage of preparation for the competition (usually within 2-5 weeks depending on its level). And it represents an integral characteristic that unites all levels of mental state: psychological, vegetative and psychomotor, the dynamics of which during this period occur in the zone of optimal response.

During competitive activity, the main object of study, observation, reflection and manipulation on the part of the athlete, coach and psychologist are pre-start, competitive and post-competitive mental states (Table 15).

Table 15


1. What is radioactivity and radiation?

The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by the French scientist Henri

Becquerel. Currently, it is widely used in science, technology,

medicine, industry. Naturally occurring radioactive elements

are present everywhere in the human environment. In large quantities

artificial radionuclides are formed, mainly as a by-product

product at defense industry and nuclear energy enterprises.

When they enter the environment, they affect living organisms, including

which is where their danger lies. To properly assess this danger

it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the scale of environmental pollution,

the benefits that production brings, the main or by-product

which are radionuclides, and losses associated with the abandonment of these

productions, about the real mechanisms of radiation action, consequences and

existing protection measures.

Radioactivity is the instability of the nuclei of some atoms, manifested in their

ability to undergo spontaneous transformations (decay), accompanied by

emission of ionizing radiation or radiation

| Radiation, or ionizing radiation, are particles and gamma rays, |

|the energy of which is high enough that when exposed to |

|substance create ions of different signs. Radiation cannot be caused with |

| using chemical reactions. |

Physical and emotional health: is there a connection?

To be healthy, it is not enough to take care of only physical health. You also need to take care of your emotional balance.

What is the connection between physical and emotional health?

“The connection between emotions and health not only exists, it is the most direct. Many diseases are aggravated precisely because of emotional imbalance. For example, when a person is angry, many changes occur in his body, including an increase in blood pressure. If a person constantly restrains his anger, then his blood pressure will regularly be elevated, and hypertension will develop over time,” says psychologist Daria Selivanova.

There is a close connection between the areas of the brain responsible for human intellectual and emotional activity and the areas that regulate the performance of physical actions. “There is also a close connection between our brain and the endocrine system, which produces hormones and other chemicals that have powerful effects on emotional health,” says Charles Goodstein, MD, professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine and president of the New York University School of Medicine. York Psychoanalytic Association. “Any thoughts and feelings that arise in our brain stimulate the secretion of hormones from the endocrine system, which, in turn, control a huge number of different processes occurring in the body,” explains Professor Goodstein.

“In fact, in a large number of cases when a patient visits a doctor with complaints of physical illness, the cause is hidden in a depressive state,” adds Professor Goodstein, “and he complains of headache, drowsiness, fatigue, vague discomfort in the area stomach, in the end, a depressive state is diagnosed; Moreover, in such a case, as you can guess, the patient does not make any complaints about depression at all.”

Depression and stressful situations in themselves cannot cause damage to physical health. However, they can become a kind of catalyst and, accordingly, play the role of a link between states of physical and emotional health. This explains the fact that a certain part of people with a “damaged” emotional state show signs of physical discomfort.

Links between physical and emotional health

There are a number of circumstances that prove the existence of a connection between the state of physical and emotional health:

  • "White coat" syndrome. A condition that occurs when a patient enters a doctor's office and is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. In this case, the anxious state experienced by the patient is directly related to a physical parameter – blood pressure. Drawing a line between high blood pressure and anxiety, there are a number of examples of similar conditions that also lead to high blood pressure. It is possible that an increased frequency of such stressful situations may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Personality characteristics and heart disease. Certain types of people have an increased risk of, say, a heart attack due to their personality traits. Such people are classified as the so-called “energetic” type (type A): such people are quite ambitious, quite aggressive, purposeful, and strive for a leadership position in life.
  • Chronic illness and depression. People suffering from chronic illnesses are more likely to develop depression than healthy people.
  • Physical manifestations of emotional health disorders. People suffering from depression often exhibit physical manifestations of this condition: a tendency to constipation, loss of appetite, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness.

On the other hand, people who do not have problems with emotional health, and thus, can more easily endure various conflict situations, and everything is fine with physical health.

Take equal care of your physical and emotional health

To maintain physical and emotional health, you must adhere to the rules known to everyone from childhood:

  • Eat right. Healthy, nutritious food is the best thing you can offer your body and brain.
  • Go to bed on time. Insufficient sleep has serious negative effects on your heart and brain function, contributes to weight gain, and definitely disrupts your biological rhythm.
  • Don't give up in a difficult situation. Resistance to stressful situations and various kinds of problems is a key point in the ability to quickly restore your previous physical and mental state.
  • Alternate work with rest. Physical work will improve your physical health, while rest will help maintain both physical and emotional health.
  • Do the exercises. Exercise has been proven to play a huge role in maintaining an elevated mood and improving physical health.
  • See your doctor regularly for preventative purposes. If you suffer from any disease, then a medical consultation will never be superfluous.

“Be more attentive to your emotions. To normalize the emotional level, I also highly recommend yoga classes. And if you feel that you can’t cope on your own, don’t hesitate to seek help from a psychologist,” adds Daria Selivanova.

Action plan for radiation hazards. What to do in case of radiation?

The beginning of spring was marked by a series of earthquakes in Japan with a magnitude of 9 on the Richter scale. As a result of the powerful shock, a tsunami was formed, which led not only to great human losses, but also disrupted the operation of three nuclear power plants: Fukushima-1, Fukushima-2 and Oganawa. Today, according to experts, the most difficult situation has developed at Fukushima-1; two of the three reactors have a cooling system that is not working. As a result, radioactive steam was released, which led to a deterioration in the radioactive situation around the station and nearby settlements. However, the reactor itself, according to official Japan, was not damaged. According to data as of March 16, no excess background radiation was recorded in the Primorsky Territory. The radiation level is within acceptable limits 8-16 μR/h. This is facilitated by the direction of the wind towards the Pacific Ocean in a northeasterly direction.

So what should you do if you receive a message about radiation? Having received an order from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Local Administration, the population must promptly take protective measures and take an active part in the implementation of measures to protect the population from radiation damage. Citizens who are at home must: - prepare personal protective equipment to protect their respiratory and vision organs. If there are none, make a cotton-gauze bandage; - prepare and pack water and food airtight for several days; - have a first aid kit with you. It is necessary to have iodine, bandages, ammonia, baking soda, anti-radiation drugs and medications used in everyday life; - prepare a separate bag in which you need to put documents, money, a change of clothes, etc.; — increase the protective properties of apartments (houses) from radioactive substances. To do this, carefully seal (glue, caulk) all the cracks in the doors and window frames, close the air ducts in the bathrooms and kitchen. Suitable for these purposes: plasticine, putty, dough, paint, glue. - it is necessary to know the place of the nearest refuge or shelter where we can take refuge; - be prepared to evacuate. Individual measures when notified of radiation contamination: If you receive a notification of radiation on the street, you need to promptly protect your respiratory organs with thick fabric. A hat, scarf, handkerchief will do. Proceed home as quickly as possible. Get rid of the clothes you are wearing by placing them in a sealed bag and take a shower. When you arrive home, place your outerwear and shoes in a plastic bag, take a shower and wash your body using a solution of potassium permanganate (1-2%).

Carry out iodine prophylaxis by taking one tablet (0.125 g) of potassium iodide, and for children under 2 years old - 1/3 of the tablet (0.04 g).

How to act in case of radioactive contamination of the area: 1. do not leave the shelter unless necessary; 2. in open areas, do not undress, smoke or sit on the ground; 3. 2-3 times a day, wet clean the room with the addition of detergents; 4. before entering the room, wash your shoes, shake out and clean your outer clothing with a damp brush; 5. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating and rinse your mouth with a 0.5% solution of baking soda.

Conclusion: Radiation is a real threat to life, which is why it is necessary to promptly leave the zone of radioactive contamination, since the real effect of radiation on humans and the environment can be felt decades later

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