Safe behavior on the street - communicating with strangers

To begin with, let’s assume that you suddenly have a sudden desire to change. Where would you rather start?

The first thing that is important to do is to objectively evaluate your behavior before you came to the conclusion that it is time to change. To do this you need to look at yourself from the outside. And thus think through all the mistakes and wrong actions, habits, and your culture of behavior. And then set about changing them.

The next point is to cultivate an attentive attitude towards people . Without it, a person constantly finds himself in an awkward situation, from which it is sometimes difficult to get out. Your communication with others will be pleasant and harmonious if each person respects the opinions of everyone else.

You should be at ease in society. I am sure that each of you has noticed that some of your friends and comrades are completely lost when they find themselves in front of a wide audience, in the spotlight, they have absolutely nothing to say, only delusional and stupid thoughts come into their heads, which even the tongue cannot utter out loud. turns. And others are the opposite: in any company they feel at home with their loved ones and relatives, and behave calmly, confidently and relaxed.

Practice communication, learn to be at ease Photo:

Such people have many fans and friends. Because they know how and love to communicate. To become such a person, it is not necessary to have talent from birth, it is enough to simply develop it, since the basics of this talent are already laid within us, you just need to know “which buttons to press” so that things begin to gain momentum.

To do this, you need to practice a lot in communication, it is advisable to make new acquaintances in the field of intellectually developed, interesting people. Read more, especially Russian classics. Visit theaters, museums, read magazines, watch the news to keep abreast of all interesting events and facts.

All this guarantees you to be at your best in any situation, in the center of everyone's attention and interest, you will always be able to find topics for conversation with any interlocutor. The actions of characters from the literature you read will often help you figure out your problems.

The main rule is never speak badly about people, no matter how angry you are with them, do not gossip (this is not appropriate for a well-mannered person).

You must try to behave in such a way that you yourself feel worthy of this society. There is a saying: “treat other people the way you would like them to treat you.” Try to follow this saying.

Attend various events, be among people Photo:

Humor is appropriate, but before making a joke, it is important to think: will my joke offend anyone present? Will I offend anyone? It is very important to remember and understand the fact that joking about appearance, voice, behavior, and names is unacceptable. Such jokes will offend and upset people. After all, it's not his fault that he's fat, has funny little piggy eyes, or has a funny name.

Your good behavior in society should not be feigned, it should come from the soul, this is a kind of expression of the inner “I” of a person who respects others, but also treats himself with respect. If someone does not value himself, believing that he has some shortcomings, does not respect himself, it means that others will not respect him either. Until he changes his attitude towards himself. There are no ideal people. But every person should have self-esteem.

You should not interrupt a person when he is speaking, you need to listen to the end and then express your opinion. And if they interrupt you, then there is no need to shout, you should listen in silence. After all, there are a lot of ill-mannered people around!

It is advisable to call the people with whom you are currently communicating only by name. If you are given a gift, then you need to accept it with a smile, with admiration. Even if you are not satisfied with the gift in some way.

The rules of behavior in theaters deserve special attention Photo:

We live among people. The many people we interact with daily. If you want every day to end with successful acquaintances and pleasant communication, you need to be a well-mannered person, as well as a relaxed and cheerful conversationalist who knows how to engage others in an interesting and exciting conversation. In other words, you need to maintain relationships with others.

If you come to the theater, then you need to walk to your seat, turning to face the people already seated. If, on the contrary, you have already taken your place, then you need to let the passing person pass, while standing up so that he can pass.

Many people have heard a well-known proverb, which says that nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness. You must understand and accept the fact that whatever your attitude towards a particular person, no matter how hostile your feelings towards him, you are in any case obliged to behave politely and courteously towards him.

A polite person has:

  • thank and respond in kind for any help or support provided;
  • if a well-mannered person bothers someone, he will always smile and say: “Excuse me, please”;
  • be the first to say “good morning” or say hello;
  • Accompany all your requests with the words “thank you”, “please”, “could you…”, “please…”.

A polite person behaves tactfully and kindly Photo:
A polite person is tactful and has a sense of proportion. To be tactful means to be able to sense the mood of the interlocutor, take into account the special qualities of his character, take into account the properties of his nature and, depending on the specific person, find a suitable form of communication, find a common language.

What is decent behavior

What does it mean to be a worthy person? Does his behavior differ from the usual accepted behavior in society? Is different. Let's try to figure out what principles promote decent behavior.

Of course, respect. Without it, it is impossible to move through life calmly and confidently. You should treat every person you meet in your life with respect. It often happens that we treat strangers with more respect than our loved ones.

This is an unforgivable mistake. Try to be respectful to everyone. After all, every person has the right to his own opinion, to his own choice. They may not coincide with our beliefs, but this does not relieve you of the need to respect other people.

Good behavior has no gender. It doesn't matter at all whether you are a girl or a guy. First of all, you are a person. And all qualities of worthy behavior apply to both sexes. Moreover, even age does not matter here. A child, a teenager, a mature person, an old man - everyone can be a worthy person.

In addition to respect, it is very important to be calm in any situation. Approach any issue soberly and judiciously, do not rush and do not get carried away. Calmness helps you look at the situation in more detail and deeply. After all, in a hurry, you can miss important details that are most important.

A worthy person is one who is not afraid to take responsibility for his actions. He does not shift the blame to someone else if something goes wrong and he made a mistake. He boldly and confidently takes responsibility not only for his actions, but also for his words.

Today words are given little meaning, and very wrongly. Try to watch what and how you say.

If you have difficulties with your emotionality, often make hasty decisions, do stupid things due to imbalance, suffer from too bright outbursts of anger, etc., I recommend that you read the article “How to become emotionally stable.”

Remember, learning to control your emotions is a very real task. You will definitely succeed if you put in the necessary effort.

Always friendly.

Above all else, decent people are kind. They are not those who say one thing and carry a stone in their bosom. For them, such behavior is simply incomprehensible. Decent people know that real strength lies in kindness, and they follow this rule all their lives.

“True integrity is doing the right thing, whether anyone knows it or not,” Oprah Winfrey.

Remember, decent people only do what they do because they believe it is the right thing to do. They don't expect awards or recognition! This is their splendor and beauty!

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Originally posted 2018-08-11 00:20:51.

Dignity in personal life

As I already said, it often happens that we neglect the good attitude of loved ones. After all, you can’t lash out at your boss. We come home and are rude to our loved ones. Wrong behavior at its roots. Home and family are our fortress, a place where we can not be afraid, we do not need to defend ourselves there.

If you don’t know how to build a competent relationship with a man, husband, boyfriend, then it will be very useful for you to read the article “Respect between husband and wife.” Start with the basics. Understand that without mutual respect you will not be able to build a harmonious relationship. This is the first step.

But if things are not so critical in a relationship, then when we meet our exes, we sometimes begin to behave extremely inappropriately. It can be very difficult for a woman who has been abandoned by her loved one not to lose her dignity.

After the breakup, she goes to all his pages on social networks for a long time, follows his comments, new photos, once again escalates the situation, gets upset and can do something stupid.

Remember, when breaking up, you need to maintain respect for the person, even if he did something extremely unpleasant for you. There's nothing worse than ex-spouses badmouthing each other. After all, you were together, you were even happy for some time, you gave each other joy.

Why kill everything with negativity after? Leave good memories of the person and move on with your life. If you didn’t manage to build a relationship with this partner, it means that this is not your soul mate and you just haven’t met her yet.

But sometimes men behave no less foolishly. I have one friend who constantly spies on all his girls. He literally does not allow them to take a step left or right. This behavior certainly cannot be called worthy. Dear men, take the time to read the article “What a real man should never do.”

The most common moment when a person loses face and becomes a boor is at the moment of a quarrel. The person begins to get personal, insults, and humiliates his partner. Both people don't hear each other and just yell. Not only is there no question of reaching a compromise in this situation, but the matter is also aggravated by mutual attacks.

In any situation it is necessary to maintain composure. In the good sense of the word. Don't become an insensitive blockhead. You need to learn to speak calmly and respectfully.

If emotions are running high right now, then the best decision would be to go into different corners and return to dialogue when the mood changes. Don't try to solve problems when you're nervous.

Another option when our dignity is at risk is meeting an opponent or rival. Women in front of a rival begin to behave extremely thoughtlessly and unnaturally.

Child and stranger: options for stopping the conversation

Let's look at possible options for communicating with a stranger using specific examples.

  1. While playing in the yard, a child the same age comes up to him and says: “A new sports town was built not far from here. Let's go have a look." Answer: “I need to ask my parents permission first.” The stranger continues: “I thought that you were already big enough, but it turns out your mother doesn’t allow you. Are you weak?" Answer: “I’m not weak. I’ll go home and warn my parents that I’m going to the sports camp.” After this, the child quickly moves to a safe distance and goes home, checking if the stranger is following him. After his story, parents should go down to the yard and check the information received from him.
  2. A car stops next to the child on the street, and an unfamiliar female driver, smiling, asks: “Please get into the car and show the way to July Street, otherwise I’m very late.” Answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Your child quickly moves away from the car to a safe distance, and then walks away in the opposite direction of the car, checking to see if the woman is following him. And once in a safe place (at home or in the yard), he tells his parents, teachers or other familiar adults about this incident.
  3. While walking in the yard, the grandmother approaches the child and asks: “Please help me lift the groceries to my apartment in the neighboring building on the third floor.” Correct answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you. Seek help from adults." Once safe, the child, as in other cases, promptly contacts his parents and tells them about the incident, verbatim retelling the conversation with the stranger.

Mikhail Rulev

, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, child safety specialist, author of the course “Child’s Personal Safety” for children 7-11 years old

Safety of preschoolers.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. Many safety rules arose in ancient times, when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Over time, living conditions have changed, the rules of safe human behavior in various situations and areas of activity have become different. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, large crowds of people, and the development of technology. We feel special concern for the most defenseless citizens – small children.

The child grows and learns to be independent, which means that parents and teachers need to explain the rules to him and instill a culture of safe behavior in such an interesting, but dangerous, world full of surprises.

One of the important areas of work of a preschool educational institution to ensure the life safety of preschoolers is the close interaction of teachers with the families of pupils, while the kindergarten serves as the organizing center in the work. Both teachers and parents should show interest in interaction. To organize interaction it is necessary to use various forms of cooperation. The program of interaction between teachers of a preschool educational institution and parents may include group meetings, open classes, individual consultations, practical classes (workshops), homework, the use of visual propaganda (moving folders, memos), etc. At the same time, it is important that parents do not Not only did they gain the necessary knowledge, but they also reconsidered their attitude towards safe behavior and realized that it is impossible to demand that a child follow any rule of behavior if adults themselves do not always follow it. And the different demands placed on children in kindergarten and at home can cause confusion, resentment, or even aggression in the child.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions can make a significant contribution to the accumulation of experience in handling potentially dangerous objects and the formation of the foundations of a safety culture in children. The necessary conditions for this are: motivational and methodological readiness of educators for such work, active support from family members, coincidence of positions and unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten, close cooperation between teachers and parents in teaching the child ways of safe behavior

A child communicates with strangers.

We live in a huge world. In our lives there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. They can rob an apartment, steal a child, or even kill a person. The most important thing that parents can do is to tell their child the rules of behavior on the street. Every child should know these rules from a very early age. Knowing your first name, last name, and home address is one of the most important rules, knowledge of which will help a child not get confused in a difficult situation. - Do not speak to a stranger, do not give your name and address. Answer all questions: “My mother forbade me to talk to strangers.”

- Do not go anywhere with a stranger at his invitation, even if he invites you to look at kittens or a new computer game.

Do not get into someone else's car under any circumstances; if you try to force someone into the car, scream as loudly as possible and fight back.

Never accept any kind of treat or gifts from the hands of strangers.

If a stranger starts talking to a child in a deserted place, you must immediately try to get out to people.

- If a stranger silently follows on his heels, the child needs to quickly approach one of the adults who inspires trust with their appearance - preferably a woman - and tell them about their suspicions.

- Be sure to call your parents and inform them about your immediate plans and movements.

- Do not allow strangers to touch you!

- Scream at the first sign of danger as loudly as possible - even if the person did not mean anything bad, you can later apologize to him; a reasonable adult who does not wish harm to the child will always treat such behavior with understanding.

Do not walk alone through deserted wastelands, through the forest, through construction sites and abandoned buildings. Children who go in a large group are almost never attacked by criminals.

When a child learns skills that help him avoid strangers and is in full view of people, then the likelihood of violence being used against him may become minimal. Read to children the fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “Who Said Meow?”, L. Tolstoy’s story “Children in the Grove” and other works. Be sure to talk and find out with your child why the hero of the work got lost and how he behaved. Create different situations on the topic “Lost” and discuss them with your child.

Parents must remember that the child’s safety often depends on how accurately he follows these simple rules.

Throughout our lives we come into contact with a huge number of people. But we can constantly maintain fairly close relationships only with a very narrow circle.

What to do if the quality of the environment is not satisfactory? As a minimalist, I can give a simple answer: remove unnecessary people from your communication and give yourself to those who are important.

The approximate number of permanent social connections each of us has ranges from one hundred to two hundred people. The average is one hundred and fifty. This is the so-called Dunbar Number. It is with so many people that we can interact qualitatively over any length of time. This number includes relatives, colleagues, clients, friends, and acquaintances. And there is only room for one hundred and fifty people!

As you can see, our resources for communication are limited. The time we can devote to other people is limited. Mental resources are also limited. This is why it is so important to get rid of unnecessary people. To free up time and space for those who matter.

I prefer to invest my time, emotions and feelings in people who are pleasant, interesting and suitable for me. There are no objective reasons to continue communicating with a person with whom you feel uncomfortable.

There are seven billion people on Earth. All people are as different as you can imagine. And not everyone is suitable for each other. This is fine. But why waste your energy on a person who is not suitable for you if there are many of your people? Why endure a relationship that doesn't suit you?

Communication is the interaction between two people. You can communicate in large groups, but at every moment there are always two. Normal, adequate communication is when both participants benefit as a result. This is a mutual exchange, as a result of which mutual enrichment occurs. Otherwise, this is not a relationship, but sadomasochism. However, there is also enough of this, but I won’t talk about that now.

If I feel like I was used and I didn’t get anything in return, I feel bad. There can be any benefit - here everyone is looking for for themselves what they need or want to get. But both participants should remain “in the black”.

I shared some ice cream with you. You feel refreshed on a hot day. You are pleased and I am pleased that I pleased you. We both win!

Interesting thoughts, a boost of energy and motivation, a good mood are also the results of communication. When I talk about benefits, I mean both material benefits, which you can touch and carry in your pocket, and moral benefits - energetic, emotional and sensual.

Our environment influences us, whether we like it or not. Somewhere we pick up someone else’s thought, somewhere we pick up an attitude towards something or someone, an emotion or mood. All this together affects our lives as a whole. At first glance it is not noticeable.

Many people say that our earnings are roughly equal to the average earnings of the five people with whom we interact most. I think this is pretty close to the truth.

Relationships and communication are our free choice. Only we decide whether to continue them or not. It is in our power and capabilities to choose such people for ourselves, to build a circle of communication that will be a joy, that will lift us up, promote development and a happy life. Attract people with whom we will communicate with joy and pleasure.

We are no longer in kindergarten, where we were taken against our will. And not at school, where the team was also not chosen by us. We are adults. If you don't like your environment, change it!

Choice is refusal. When we choose one, we give up everything else. When we communicate with a person who is “not our own,” we refuse to communicate with a like-minded person. For me, the choice is obvious - there is no point in wasting time on someone who is not close to you.

Quote on Twitter

If the relationship doesn't suit you, end it. If communication is not enjoyable, stop it. If a person pulls you back, forget about him. If after talking with someone you feel empty and exhausted, stop talking and seeing such a person.

There are those who intentionally or accidentally stir up emotions and lead to negativity. There are those who notice all the bad things, all the dirt and shortcomings. There are those who rise and assert themselves at your expense, lowering you lower. There are those who whine and use you as a drain for their problems and accumulated negativity. There are those who constantly talk about their plans, about revolutionary ideas, but have not taken a single step towards them. There are those who either do not accept your successes or try to downplay them. Get rid of such people in your environment!

When I talk about the need to get rid of it, I am not at all calling for you to go and tell a person everything that you think about him. Sometimes this is the only option. But, as a rule, softer ones are enough.

First of all, reduce contacts with unnecessary people. Keep them to a minimum. Reduce even the likelihood of meeting: do not go to places where there is a chance of meeting each other. Do not agree to offers to meet. And, of course, do not initiate contacts.

This is especially true of the past. Let it remain where it should be - among everything that is gone. Oh, these people from the past! Even if you used to communicate with a person and you felt good with him, over time the paths diverge. The more time passes, the more differences accumulate in you. Especially when there is nothing in common in the present: no affairs, no interests.

Communication based only on the past is flawed, meaningless, and a dead end. And in such cases you are not communicating with a person, and he is not talking to you - you are interacting with each other’s mental models from the past. Each of you has changed, but your interlocutor does not see this and continues to communicate with the past you.

In addition to such strange communication, there is another problem here - expectations. According to the mental model of the past you, something is expected of you. You expect something from your interlocutor, or more precisely, from his model in your head. As a result, it often turns out that long-forgotten behavioral patterns are activated in you. You begin to behave as expected of you. Experiencing discomfort, but not always understanding what caused it.

Dignity in life

The ability to behave with dignity comes in handy not only in our personal lives, but also at work, in public places, at school, and so on. Remember, you can get out of any situation with dignity, it all depends on your desire and ability to work on yourself.

At work there are clear rules, chain of command, and a career ladder. All this dictates its own set of laws in behavior. But what should you do if your colleague is always mocking and making fun of you? Should you endure such attacks in silence, laugh it off, or respond once?

I recommend to your attention the article “What to do if you are insulted.” In it you will find recommendations on how to behave in various conflict situations, what strategy is best to choose and how not to aggravate the situation.

At home, at work, in transport, in a store - no matter where - always adhere to the basic rules of decent behavior: respect others, do not start a conflict, do not insult others, do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, boldly take responsibility for your life, do not leave from problems.

Being an honest, correct and worthy person is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Once you start living this way, you will no longer be able to act differently. Yes, there are a lot of injustices around, there are vile people who don’t care about morality. But the world won't start changing until you change yourself.

Who is a worthy person for you? How is he different from most? How can one become one? Do you consider yourself a worthy person?

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Author: Angelina Burlakova · Published 10/14/2019 · Updated 10/15/2019

Let's look at how to behave correctly with a man in order to find a common language, achieve a long-term relationship, but at the same time not lose your own individuality.

A tender and trusting relationship between a man and a woman requires mutual work. It is very rare to have lasting strong feelings if one of the parties is always adapting to the other or, conversely, dominating it.

Memo for parents: teaching children to be observant on the street

If a child is consistently taught the rules of safe behavior on the street from early childhood, then, over time, he will follow them reflexively.

Rules of behavior in a physical education lesson

Three basic rules for safe behavior with strangers

Children should learn several basic rules of behavior with strangers:

  • Do not engage in conversations with strangers and do not let them into the house in the absence of parents or other adults living in the same apartment with the child.
  • Do not enter or be in the entrance or elevator car with strangers.
  • Do not make physical contact with a stranger, get into their car, or respond to any offers of gifts.

Important! Don't linger outside after dark.

Rules for safe behavior in nature for children

When outdoors, children should follow a few simple rules to avoid threats to their health:

  • Do not touch or, especially, do not put unfamiliar plants in your mouth. Contact with some plants can cause serious harm to health.
  • Do not touch or pick up unfamiliar mushrooms or berries. Any collected mushrooms, berries or nuts, even those known to the child, must first be shown to an adult and only after his approval can they be eaten.
  • Do not drink water from any natural sources. Drink only bottled water that you bring with you.
  • In hot and muggy weather, do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time to avoid heat stroke.

You have to be on alert in the forest

When going outdoors, parents should also remember a few important rules:

  • Children should be dressed in long sleeves and pants or jeans that completely cover their legs. Be sure to wear a hat on your child. This is necessary to minimize the threat of bites from ticks, mosquitoes, and other insects.
  • The child should be sprayed and smeared in open areas with insect repellents.
  • Do not leave behind open fires, garbage, or cause other harm to nature.

Knowing the rules of safe behavior with strangers can save the life and health of a child, so teaching these rules is not only the responsibility of parents, but also of every significant adult in his life: grandparents, educators, teachers. These rules should begin to be taught in preschool institutions and continue until graduation.

For each age (preschooler, elementary school student or high school student), you need to choose the most accessible form of learning for them (game, notes, presentation). A playful form of presenting material is suitable for kindergarten. For children of primary school age, special education on safety rules is required. For high school students, periodic reminders of the rules in the form of presentations during class hours.

How often should children be reminded of safety rules?

Classes should be held regularly, from once a week for kids, to once a quarter before the holidays for high school students. Regular repetition (but not in a stressful environment) will allow children to react reflexively in case of danger.

Providing safety, supervision and protection are the primary responsibilities of adults towards children. Childhood is the most vulnerable period for the psyche, when it is developing and all the psychological trauma received in childhood can leave an imprint on the rest of life.

The essence of men and women

Before meeting a representative of the stronger sex, keep in mind that the essence of men and women is fundamentally different.

Self-sufficient men can be imagined as a train moving at high speed along an individually laid track. His task is to dream, achieve goals, ideals, and choose a worthy travel companion. At the same time, it is not necessary to take into account the opinions of others and adhere to stereotypes.

A woman can be imagined as a machinist. She chooses a passing train and direction. Her task is not only to choose, but also to attract, as well as stop the train for further travel together.

A man must stay on course and provide himself and his companion with the necessary resources. The role of a woman is to create a comfortable and harmonious journey.

If you know how to have the right relationship with a man, you can turn an aggressive lion into an affectionate kitten who will love only you and will never leave you. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says that a man is the head, and a woman is the neck: where the neck turns, the head will look.

Currently, many women have masculine character traits, and the opposite is true for representatives of the stronger sex. “Steel”, uncompromising businesswomen who provide for all relatives are now more in demand than good housewives and devoted wives. And some men prefer to constantly complain and shift responsibility onto the fragile shoulders of the weaker sex.

As a rule, women who do not have much experience communicating with men listen to their girlfriends, neighbors or mother. Usually their advice is a one-sided judgment based on their own knowledge, which is rarely useful.

In this matter, the best adviser is a man with experience communicating with women (both positive and negative). You can learn from a friend who managed to build a long-term relationship based on love and mutual understanding.

They are reliable.

Decent people always keep their word and fulfill their obligations. If they say that you can rely on them for something, know that they will keep their word, no matter what happens.

Integrity is always being the best you can be, and reliability is part of that commitment.

Decent people will never forget about you if they promised to help. You can be sure of this.

Selection and evaluation of men

No one takes away the role of hunters and conquerors from men, but the sending of the first impulse, which may be transformed into a relationship, comes precisely from women. Their nature has endowed them with the right to choose, which can become mutual.

During the selection process, men must go through certain filters, which are individual for each woman. Even such qualities that everyone desires in a chosen one, such as attractiveness, reliability, caring, strength and intelligence, are endowed with different meanings.

In any case, when searching for “the one” there are only two selection criteria:

  1. A man who has not yet taken place in life, but has high potential and is quite manageable. In such cases, it is necessary to relax the strict selection criteria and temporarily accept its shortcomings.
  2. The man is ideal in all respects; he does not need to be re-educated. As a rule, to create a relationship with the “ideal option” you need to win tough competition with other applicants. In addition, a woman needs to make him fall in love with her, constantly maintain feelings and have her own position.

After choosing and meeting a man, you must adhere to such behavior so that his feelings do not cool and the relationship does not become monotonous.

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