How to cheer someone up and lift their spirits?

We are all inspired by positive people who know how to stay positive even when things get tough. Or, let's say, not as good as we would like. How do they do this? Moreover, the highest aerobatics is to know how to cheer up not only yourself, but also those around you, to be able to bring inspiration into the lives of other people. Coping with stress, apathy, depression, staying on a positive wave, energizing yourself and others are invaluable skills that are becoming more and more necessary in our time.

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for your bad mood. What don't you like? What doesn't work? Why am I not happy with what I have now? It is important to ask yourself these and other questions when understanding what caused your sadness or apathy.


  • Possible reasons for low mood
  • How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad
  • Make space for positivity
  • Act, strive, change!
  • Express ways to lift your mood
  • Your main assistant is you!
  • Let the delicious be positive!
  • For soul and body
  • Positivity “in your pocket”: pleasant little things for every day
  • How to cheer up other people
  • How to cheer up a guy
  • How to cheer up a girl
  • How to cheer up by correspondence


Lesson with elements of the training “My Mood”

Lesson with elements of the training “My Mood”

Purpose and main objectives: to show the possibilities of mood self-regulation techniques; create conditions for relieving psycho-emotional stress; contribute to the formation of a positive attitude.

Equipment: presentation, whatman paper, paints, video, energetic music, chocolate.

  1. Organization of the start of the lesson

1) Problematic question

— What changes several dozen times a day in a person? This is the mood. And what is it? (this is the emotional state of a person at a certain period of time)

2) Introductory conversation

- Look at the screen. What can you say about this expression. (Slide1)

— What is the mood like? (Slide 2)

- What does your mood depend on?

- What verb is the word “mood” derived from? From the word configure. What does it mean? So it turns out that the mood can be adjusted?

— What is the ability to control your mood called? (self-regulation)

- Today we will talk about how to cheer yourself up.

- In order for you to determine the rules for raising your mood, you will perform simple tasks.

2. Main part

1) Game “Train Engine” (to energetic music) (Slide 3)

- So how can you cheer yourself up? (Sl. 4)

Physical activity.

The fastest and most effective way to lift your mood is to get active. It is better if you do some set of exercises for yourself. This way you will combine business with pleasure: you will work on strengthening your body and at the same time bring your body, and then your psyche, out of a state of stagnation. After all, states of blues and despondency first of all settle on the body, giving a feeling of loss of strength, stiffness, and depression. To get rid of this burden, it is enough to move actively so that the blood runs through the body, flows to the muscles and tissues, and warms up the entire body, shackled by the cold of inactivity.

Physical activity is not only a way to improve physical health, but also for mental health. Many guys who play sports are almost always in a good mood and confident in themselves.

2) Watch a video about nature (Section 5)

Nature (L.6)

She is a great healer in her own right. You and I are, first of all, living beings, and only then individuals. And from the very beginning, we have a need to spend as much time as possible in nature, which, to put it mildly, residents of megacities cannot always afford. You know, when you don’t do something, you don’t even understand how much you miss it.

Nature gives a powerful energy charge to our entire body. By interacting with trees, walking barefoot on the ground or in dew, inhaling natural aromas, we activate the hidden resources of our body, increase immunity, and promote the production of joy hormones.

Music (Sl. 7-9)

is a powerful factor influencing the human psyche. With help, you can both increase your state of depression and apathy, and significantly improve your mood in just a few minutes. Therefore, it all depends on what kind of music you choose.

3) Training exercise “Compliments” (children form two circles, facing each other and exchange compliments)

4) Training exercise “Gift” (children “give gifts” to each other using facial expressions and gestures)

4. Communication (Mk. 10)

can both improve our mood and worsen it. So be selective about the people you interact with on a daily basis. Well, in moments of blues, nothing eases the soul and pleases the heart like a conversation with a pleasant person. If he is not nearby, then call him. It's better to talk on the phone than not to talk at all.

5) Treating with sweets

- Why do you think I treat you with chocolates? And how does this relate to our topic?

Tasty food

(Sl. 11-15) has always served as a source of pleasure for soul and body. But I put this way to cheer myself up at the very end of the list precisely because it often brings harm, although it is good. We begin to eat away all our troubles, gradually becoming more and more dependent on food.

6) Art therapy exercise “Draw the sun from your palms”

Creativity (L.16)

- a great way to distract yourself, express yourself, and create something beautiful and unique. Each of us has a creative side (no matter what we think about it ourselves). You just need to give it the opportunity to manifest itself. The most accessible way to do this is to pick up paper and paints, or at worst, pencils or felt-tip pens.

7) Creative task “Draw the mood with your palms”

8) Watch the video “Smile” (Secondary 17)

Change something on the outside if you can't change it on the inside.

(Sl.18-22) Sometimes there is no strength or desire to engage in some practices, and the reflection in the mirror leads to even sadder thoughts. Then it’s time to improve this reflection, then you’ll see, life will get better. The easiest way to transform your face is to smile. If you can’t find a reason to smile, don’t look for it, use auxiliary means: watch a comedy, read jokes, go to a joke website. Look, after a while you won’t even notice how a smile will appear on your face!

  1. Final part
  1. Summary conversation

- So, how can you improve your mood? What methods do you know? Etc.

Possible reasons for low mood

  • When, due to various circumstances, we cannot currently get what we want, especially if we put effort into it. This happens in situations when our desires and capabilities do not coincide. Then we feel disappointed.
  • Poor health, various diseases. Physical illnesses also lead to mental disorders.
  • Lack of sleep and rest significantly increases the tendency to depression. This is our natural need, which cannot be neglected.
  • Hormonal disorders that can occur during certain periods of life (pregnancy, menopause) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Constantly worrying about someone or something.
  • Influence of others. We may experience negative emotions because we are not paid attention to, criticized, do not reciprocate love and care, do not recognize achievements, do not provide support, etc.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Conflicts and quarrels quite often devastate us emotionally.
  • Expectation of some unpleasant event.
  • Doing something you don't like. This usually takes a lot of strength, but moral satisfaction does not come.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings (envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), our mood decreases.
  • Personality traits that predispose to the experience of negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, suspiciousness, self-doubt, and others). In this case, it is not so easy to cheer yourself up, since serious internal work is required to overcome complexes. But with a strong desire, this is very possible.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

Make space for positivity

  • Do the cleaning . It has long been noted that order in things leads to order in the head and soul. By putting things in their places, we achieve emotional stability.

By throwing away something unnecessary, we seem to cleanse ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings, freeing up space for positive energy and fresh ideas.

  • Free yourself from negative emotions . You can do this by throwing them out in a constructive way. Write on paper, draw, crumple and throw away or burn. You can shout “at nothing” a little (without scaring anyone) or beat soft inanimate objects.
  • Sleep is one of the best medicines . If you don't get enough sleep, your brain activity drops, and so does your mood. Get some sleep and you will feel a surge of vigor and a desire to act. By neglecting rest and sleep and thereby wanting to have time to do more, we engage in self-deception. After all, the body wears out, and we begin to work “half-heartedly”, without enthusiasm. As soon as you allow yourself to get a full night's sleep, you will immediately feel a surge of energy and be able to act faster and more efficiently.

Act, strive, change!

  1. Do what you like. Every person has a favorite activity that charges them with positive energy and helps them cope with a bad mood.
  2. Take a walk. Visit the park, walk from work to home, go to the countryside. The main thing is to find yourself in the fresh air. Saturating the brain with oxygen helps improve your condition and mood, the emergence of new ideas and bright thoughts.
  3. Get creative. Many famous works of art were born by famous figures at such moments.
  4. Sports and occupational therapy are also effective ways to combat blues.
  5. Smile! In the mirror, in your loved ones, in passers-by on the street. This is exactly the case when, having given positive emotions to others, you will feel a double portion of them in return. Just like in the children's song “Smile”.
  6. Treat yourself to a new purchase or just go shopping.
  7. Finish what you started: what you have been constantly putting off or were afraid to take on.
  8. Maybe try to change something in your life? There is a lot of choice here: from appearance (hairstyle, clothing style, etc.) to mastering a new activity.

Lesson for children of the senior group “My mood”

Elena Vlasova

Lesson for children of the senior group “My mood”

Educational field communication.

Author: Elena Vladimirovna Vlasova – social teacher of the Municipal government preschool educational institution d/s No. 1 “Teremok”.

Vladimir region, Kurlovo

Lesson with children in the senior group “My mood”.

Goal: To promote the creation of a positive emotional state in children, to introduce them to feelings and emotions (good, evil). Form adequate behavior and communication skills.

Material: Illustrations depicting children of different nationalities, pictograms depicting emotions, a mirror, several illustrations depicting smiling, angry and crying children.

Teacher: All people are different in skin color (shows a picture of children of different nationalities, hair, eyes, height and body structure. But all of them, in different situations, experience joy, surprise, anger, sadness. These words are called “feelings” or "emotions".

How can you understand what feelings or emotions a person is experiencing?

Children's answers:

Teacher: Let's imagine that you are happy. The teacher hands the children a mirror and asks the children to smile while looking in the mirror.

Teacher: Look how you smile? The lips stretch, the eyes turn into slits.

Guys, in what cases do we rejoice?

How do you express feelings of joy?

What do you do when you are happy?

Children's answers:

Teacher: Tell me, is it pleasant to talk and communicate with a kind and smiling person?

Children's answers:


If a laugh suddenly gets into your mouth by accident.

Don't be angry, don't grumble, laugh, laugh! M. Druzhinina.

Teacher: Now let's imagine that we are evil. The teacher hands the children a mirror and invites the children, looking in the mirror, to frown and make an angry face.

What is anger?

When are we angry?

How do you express feelings of anger?

What do you do when you're angry?

Children's answers:

Teacher: Guys, tell me, please, will you become friends with an evil person? Why?

Children's answers:

At the end of the lesson, the teacher plays the game “Magic Bag”.

Teacher: I have a magic bag, and I suggest you put sadness and anger into it. And since we have a magic bag (shakes the bag, casts spells) everything bad that we put in the bag should turn into good and good (the teacher takes out from the bag icons with the image of the sun, icons with smiley faces or beautiful, colorful butterflies... at the discretion of the teacher) and distributes them to children.

Teacher: A magic bag, it dispelled our bad mood, and gave us a cheerful and kind one. Living in the world with joy and kindness is bright and pleasant.

Homework: Please draw your favorite fairy-tale characters, and then tell us what they are like (good or evil). Think about what could make them sad or happy.


Pazukhina I. A. “Training development of the world of social interactions of children 5-6 years old.”

Express ways to lift your mood

Your main assistant is you!

To quickly cheer yourself up, you can use the following methods.

  • Give yourself a compliment . Praise yourself for any achievements, even the most minimal ones.
  • Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strengths. They will be your inner resource in overcoming a bad mood. Recognize these traits in yourself, and they themselves will help you cope with negativity.
  • Chat with a loved one, with a friend . It is important that it is someone you trust. Moreover, both communication itself and the exchange of interesting information, as well as the opportunity to receive support from others, can have an effect on improving mood.
  • Watch your favorite movie . It's doubly effective if it's a comedy. A good opportunity to recharge with positive emotions.
  • Listen to music or dance (you can combine both). If you sing along with it, even better! The more emotions you express in different ways, the faster you free yourself from negativity. So turn up the music and have a blast!
  • Look through the photo album . Pleasant memories and the opportunity to once again plunge into the positive emotions that are captured in the photo will make you take your mind off gloomy thoughts and add a touch of positivity to your mood.
  • Do something good . This could be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), a phone call or an SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare an especially delicious dinner for your husband or take your child to an amusement park. Provide help to someone who needs it. Nowadays it is very easy to take part in various charity events. Even a small contribution can help improve and save someone's life. Help others - and your soul will feel better!

Let the delicious be positive!

  • Eat something tasty, something that you like now. It has been proven that some products contain substances that help elevate mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphin and others). These include: fatty fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, whole grains.
  • If you get up in the morning in a depressed mood, then the cause may be a lack of glucose in the blood. A sweet drink (coffee or fruit juice) will give you energy and help you feel better. And be sure to have a good breakfast. Cereals, eggs, and fruits are perfect.

Let's cheer up by correspondence

It is not possible to support your loved one nearby, then, while at a distance, write a pleasant message on the phone.

  • Go to her Instagram profile, like her posts and write a nice comment on them.
  • In order not to be tormented by thoughts of what to write, as soon as you wake up, wish good morning and a good day to your friend. A small action will fill her heart with positive emotions from the very beginning of the day. Closer to bed, do not forget to say good night.
  • Share a funny picture or video. Try to refrain from making silly or vulgar jokes if they may not be appropriate or understood. Try to use interesting stories with animals.
  • While talking on the phone, tell a funny story. After all, laughter helps prolong life and get rid of negative thoughts.

Such simple methods can return a girl to a good mood. If you have other methods, please indicate them in the comments.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always take over both the body and our emotions at the same time. Therefore, both physical exercises and psychological methods will be effective in combating them.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness lifts your mood. You can get a massage effect from jets of falling water. The most suitable in this case would be a contrast shower.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We don’t notice how, under stress, we literally lose our breath, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, on the contrary, it may become more frequent, which also disrupts its rhythm. The most basic action is to take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Over time, you can master longer breathing techniques that will help improve your physical condition and free yourself from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises, when you take a comfortable position, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and imagine pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you are swaying on the waves or lying on the beach, and a pleasant warm breeze blows across your body.

Folk remedies without harm

An important test, unlearned homework, or just the desire to relax at home sometimes forces you to take extreme measures. To increase normal body temperature, you have to risk your health.

Give up the idea if you don’t want to get caught or go to the doctor with a real illness.

Important! All the described methods have a temporary effect and are not suitable as a treatment for low body temperature.

If the decision has already been made, there is no need to scour the entire Internet in search of the ideal product. All the best methods and methods are collected in this article.

Check out the folk remedies for artificially raising the temperature in the table:

Iodine treatTo get hot, you only need 1 drop of iodine. Apply the drug to cookies or bread, you can dilute it with water. Eat the product and go to the doctor in an hour. The effect lasts 2-3 hours. In this way you can raise the mercury to 39 degrees
PVA glueBuy regular paper glue from the stationery department; it is better to choose transparent glue to hide traces of the crime. Apply the mixture onto your nose in a thick layer. The thermometer will show a figure of more than 37 degrees, in addition to a runny nose, red eyes and other temporary cold symptoms
Pencil leadBe careful when trying this method, as this method can poison the body. Cut a simple pencil and eat the contents. Pencil lead will raise body temperature to 38 degrees in just 5 minutes
Sharp armpitsA safer method, but with other unpleasant effects - rubbing your armpits may leave an unpleasant odor. You should thoroughly rub your armpits with onion and garlic juice and go to the doctor with a pungent aroma
Instant coffeeA natural product is not suitable for experimentation. The drink should not be drunk, but eaten. In order for the temperature to exceed the norm, you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of coffee. The effect does not last long

Keep in mind that each method has unpleasant consequences. An unpleasant odor, irritation and nausea are nothing compared to food poisoning and an attack of gastritis.

Try safer methods of external influence:

  • Sports loads. You should run to the doctor and squat along the way. Excessive physical activity will cause your body to become hot. The only side effect is tachycardia and rapid breathing.
  • Breathing exercises. This method is often used by climbers to keep warm in the mountains. Take a few deep breaths, try to tense all your muscles, especially your abdominal muscles, and hold your breath for 30 seconds. Repeat the manipulations in front of the doctor’s office 5-10 times. Side effects: dizziness, fainting.

Advice! To get a sick leave from a doctor, it is better to pretend not to have a fever, but to pretend to have an attack of gastritis.

Positivity “in your pocket”: pleasant little things for every day

You can come up with and make symbols that will always help lift your spirits.

  • "Positive figure" . Make one of your existing souvenirs (or buy a new one) a talisman of positive emotions. You can carry it with you, you can simply keep it on your desktop or shelf on your home rack. Look at the figure more often and recharge yourself with positive energy.
  • "Notebook of good mood." Print a notebook with an uplifting phrase on each page, such as “I can handle any challenge” or “Today is my day!” You can use the statements of famous people, but it is best to come up with a list of phrases that are meaningful to you.
  • "Calendar of solar emotions" . Make to order or print yourself a wall desk calendar with your photos on each page (corresponding to each month). The important conditions are that they reflect some positive moments in your life or that you smile and look happy in them.
  • "Envelope of luck" . Make a beautiful small envelope (in hand-made style), put in it “prediction” cards or motivator cards in the style: “Your salvation is in creativity”, “Color the lives of others, and yours will also become brighter”, etc.

How to cheer up other people

If we find ourselves in situations where our loved ones or friends are experiencing certain difficulties and are not in the best mood, then we are faced with the task of supporting them and charging them with positivity. How to cheer up a friend or girlfriend? The following methods will help you do this.

How to cheer up a guy

  1. If your loved one doesn’t make appointments, doesn’t invite you to his place, or tries to “close himself off for a while” from everyone, still find an opportunity to visit him. You will be together - and this is the main thing! We can watch a movie, listen to music, dance with him. If he stubbornly refuses, then start dancing energetically yourself and tell him that you want to teach him new movements. Bring ingredients with you to prepare some delicious dishes. Most likely, your friend will be involved in this process with you.
  2. Show concern and look after the guy. Let him relax and take his mind off the role of conqueror for a while. Buy your friend something, tidy up his things, etc.
  3. Talk to him openly and support him. Sometimes it’s enough just to listen to a friend, to be there. Try to get him to share the feelings he is experiencing. Try to reflect your vision of the current situation, recommend something to him, because men always strive to find a solution to the problem.
  4. Give your friend a massage, help his muscles relax. Rarely does anyone refuse this, and such actions bring people closer together.
  5. Invite him to a cafe, cinema, club, bowling alley, etc. Pleasant leisure time will always help take your mind off negative thoughts.
  6. Get out into nature together or just take a walk down the street or in the park. Fresh air and the opportunity to socialize will help cope with stress.
  7. Involve the guy in some business by saying that you need his male help. For example, fix something or figure out a new gadget that you recently purchased.
  8. Invite him to do something that he has not done yet, but would really like to do. For example, skydiving, flying in a wind tunnel or snowboarding. All men are attracted to extreme sports to one degree or another. At the same time, a powerful release of adrenaline occurs, which is useful in the fight against bad mood.
  9. Dream together or plan for the future. Dreams will help you experience pleasant emotions, and plans will bring constructiveness and specificity, which men love so much.
  10. Look at photos of you together that are filled with positive impressions. Ask a friend to show you a children's album and comment on their photos.
  11. Conduct a session of relaxation exercises with your guy (of course, subject to his consent). When he takes a comfortable position, invite him to completely relax and voice the pleasant images that need to be imagined.

How to cheer up a girl

Many methods are similar to the previous ones, but they also have their own characteristics.

  1. Give a sincere compliment. Notice something that she hasn’t been told about before (in beauty, in clothes, in skills, in internal qualities). The main thing is not to flatter, but to highlight what you really like.
  2. Invite them to a cafe, a movie, a park or an exhibition. Ask her about her impressions, share your emotions, try to communicate more.
  3. Be sure to listen to the girl. Let her be emotional, cry into your vest, express her feelings.
  4. Give her a surprise. This could be some small gift or an invitation to spend time in an original way.
  5. Make a joke, tell a funny story. Women love male humor very much and return their laughter in gratitude.
  6. Prepare something for the girl. Representatives of the fair sex appreciate men's culinary fantasies and abilities. As a last resort, you can simply pamper the girl with some purchased goodies.
  7. Give flowers. They rarely leave women indifferent.
  8. Warm with the warmth of your hugs and kisses. It always gives strength and helps to cope with negativity.

Invite for a walk

If your friend is not in the mood, invite him (her) for a walk. Take a walk in the park or just walk around the city. During a walk, you can discuss many pressing issues. Walking in the fresh air is the best way to cheer up. Under the vast limitless sky, many problems and troubles become so small and insignificant.

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