Children's research work “What our mood depends on”

Weather and mood

The connection between our mood and the weather is so close that it has even become entrenched in certain stable phrases: cloudless mood, gloomy mood, etc.
But research by psychologists has shown that bad weather can’t always ruin your mood. Back in the distant 1980s, experts began to study in detail the factors that influence a person’s mood. They firmly believed that mood was almost directly related to the weather, but everything turned out to be much more complicated. After just 3 months of observing a group of students, experts noted that there was no connection between a bad mood and cloudy weather outside the window. 18 volunteers assessed their mood using 57 indicators every day.

After this, from 1985 to 1993, 8 more similar experiments were carried out, 478 students took part in them. The authors deliberately carried out their work in spring and autumn in order to “involve” approximately the same number of cloudy and fine days. And all studies have shown that mood does not depend on the weather. It is noteworthy that the results surprised even the volunteers themselves, since they were sure that they felt better in sunny weather than in rainy weather.

And it also happens that we try to “cover up” the true reasons that spoil our mood with the weather.

But what to do in such a situation?

If endless rains and grayness constantly ruin your life, try to listen to yourself and notice the true reasons for your bad mood. Moreover, a lot of benefits can be derived from bad weather.

In 2012, Harvard scientists showed that bad weather can make office workers more productive. But in sunny weather people spend more money than in cloudy weather. So remember that rain can sometimes save you money.

But if all these “pluses” do not console you in any way and you are sorely lacking sun in your life, then think about a trip to the sea. If traveling doesn’t work out, at least start walking outdoors every day during the daytime. A more advanced method is phototherapy (a special lamp that does not emit ultraviolet radiation and is not harmful to the skin).

Also, one should not write off seasonal affective disorder - this is one of the subtypes of major depressive disorder. And here it’s worth turning to a psychotherapist for help.

How to get mood hormones naturally?

The easiest way to increase the level of serotonin in the blood is to simply eat a chocolate dessert, a banana or some raisins. Rich sources of it are also low-fat fish, cheese, dried fruits, dates, and eggs. By the way, an inverse relationship between a good mood and serotonin has been proven: the more of this hormone, the better your mood - and at the same time, the better your mood, the more hormone is produced. There is an opinion that mood hormones can be produced when watching films and listening to music, or visiting museums. Serotonin and endorphins can also be obtained by playing sports - if these activities are intense and regular. Endorphins are also produced when having sex, laughing, and when finding a solution after intense mental work.

From all of the above, we can draw conclusions: if you eat right, regularly and actively engage in physical and mental activity, laugh, make love, listen to music and watch good films, then mood hormones will be produced in you in the proper quantities and you will always be in a good mood. good mood. In other words, an active and positive lifestyle is beneficial even on a chemical level!

PMS and mood

The change in emotions associated with a regular female cycle is still denied by many men and becomes the reason for numerous jokes and gags. But this situation is not funny only for women who actually face unpleasant manifestations of PMS every month. We wrote more about this here.

Most of the “classic” PMS symptoms are actually related to emotions: some complain of irritation, others of apathy, and others of increased anxiety. And all this is a consequence of the dance of hormones that provide every menstrual cycle in a woman’s life.

The main theory explaining the phenomenon of PMS today is associated with hormonal surges. Every month, a woman's body prepares for a potential pregnancy. Accordingly, before ovulation, one type of hormone is produced - estradiol. But then progesterone comes on the scene, which helps the body prepare for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then the level of progesterone drops sharply and this is where the main problems begin. The fact is that it is progesterone that helps the body produce one of the natural sedatives - the neuroactive steroid alloprenanolone. It is its deficiency or excess that leads to depression, mood swings and increased anxiety.

How to be?

Not all women are susceptible to manifestations of PMS; 20-25% have most likely never experienced anything like this. But only 3-8% are susceptible to severe forms, and your likelihood of being among them is not so high.

If, a few days before the onset of your period, your life becomes completely unbearable, contact your gynecologist. You will be prescribed the necessary examination and selected medications that will help reduce the symptoms. If the symptoms are not too pronounced, there is also a way out. This is the same notorious healthy lifestyle. In the period before menstruation, try to consume less sugar, caffeine, get enough sleep and start exercising.

Brain Chemistry

Hormonal problems are most often associated with an imbalance in the functioning of neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters). Neurotransmitters are hormones in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another. This is especially true for norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Neurotransmitters control fear, pleasure, joy, anger. And the mood in general. In addition, they convey information.

Signs of neurotransmitter imbalance

An imbalance in neurotransmitters seriously affects the entire body and our thinking and behavior.

Impact of imbalance: loss of concentration, memory impairment; fatigue; pain, migraine; sudden changes in mood; mood swings during PMS; panic, nervousness; sleep problems; desire to eat stress; sudden mood swings, irritability; behavioral disorders (tendency to violate social rules, antisocial behavior), tendency to excessive risk and gambling, problems with decision making.

What affects hormone balance

  • Nutrition. Neurotransmitters are made up of amino acids, and some amino acids are obtained from food.
  • Taking various medications and drugs. Some of them have quite an effect on hormone levels, so you need to read the instructions before use.
  • Stimulants. Stimulants cause a temporary increase in hormone levels, but gradually decrease.
  • Overwork and stress also affect hormone levels. Organs become “tired”, “overexerted” and release the wrong amount of hormones.
  • Improper sleep and rest patterns. At night, the pineal gland produces melatonin. It slows down aging, reduces stress and fights cancer. And during the day, serotonin is also produced there, which is the basis for the production of melatonin. Serotonin is called the “hormone of happiness and joy.” It is in your interests for this hardware to work correctly.
  • Other hormones. Some hormones trigger the release of other hormones.
  • Health status and age. For example, the amount of sex hormones is much greater at a young age. And some diseases and health conditions lead to a decrease or increase in the production of certain hormones.

Age and mood

Another factor that greatly influences mood is age. But numerous scientific works prove that emotional storms in teenagers or old people are only partly true. And the reasons for being in a too bad mood most often lie in physiology.

In the course of their work, researchers use a large number of different questionnaires and tests. The most popular of them is the Big Five. According to him, one or another personality model primarily depends on five specific character traits that are independent from each other.

  • Extraversion (includes energy and desire to socialize)
  • Goodwill
  • Consciousness
  • Neuroticism
  • Openness to new things

Experts from the University of Michigan have proven that all of the above-described traits actually depend on age. Teenagers aged 16 to 19 are more extroverted and less agreeable. But consciousness and emotional stability grow and strengthen with age. Teenagers are more likely to be dramatic, but the adult brain is able to restrain certain emotional impulses. In old age, a person becomes calmer and more flexible.

Over the years, the level of neuroticism decreases significantly, so it is very difficult to anger an elderly person. Also, as a person gets older, he becomes more friendly and easier to compromise.

Psychologists are inclined to believe that such changes in older people are explained precisely by their life experiences. They clearly know what makes them happy and sad, and they make balanced and thoughtful decisions.

Another explanation is that older people are less demanding and view things more realistically.

But, of course, at any age, none of us is immune from emotional turmoil and negative emotions. And sometimes the consequences can be quite severe, even leading to depression. Although scientists note that deep depression in old age is not very common.

What should I do?

Changing emotions as you grow older is not just a whim, but a physiologically proven phenomenon. Accordingly, there must be methods that will help alleviate the condition.

Psychologists advise parents of teenagers to find a balance between severity and affection, to clearly formulate their requirements, but also to sincerely admire and admire their child. This will help the teenager feel stability within his family.

But for older people it is very important to find a hobby and communicate closely with loved ones. This will not only improve their mood, but will even prolong their life.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders

Neurotransmitter hormones always take part in other important processes in the body. Imbalances are not limited only to the emotional sphere, but affect health in general. That is why the symptoms listed below are a sufficient reason to visit an endocrinologist, examinations and possible treatment.

  • Irritability, slight excitability.
  • General emotional instability, sudden mood swings.
  • Sleep disorders, including nervous insomnia.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Distrust of others, excessive suspicion.
  • Poor social adaptation.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Apathy, depression.
  • Closedness.
  • Excessive aggressiveness in girls and softness and compliance in boys (sexual hubbub).
  • Depression, including seasonal.

Along with such disturbances in the emotional sphere, hormonal imbalances most often manifest themselves in physiological signs:

  • Excess body weight or, conversely, unnatural thinness.
  • Growth disorders.
  • Delayed sexual development.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, including palpitations or arrhythmias.
  • Various types of swelling.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does hormonal imbalance affect your mood?

You can suspect a disruption of the endocrine system based on the following mood changes:

  • tearfulness;
  • depression;
  • lack of interest in previous activities;
  • irritation and anger arise easily;
  • it is impossible to restrain emotions;
  • sleep is disturbed, superficial, difficult to fall asleep;
  • distrust of others;
  • suspiciousness;
  • excessive aggressiveness;
  • depressive disorders resistant to conventional treatment.

All these symptoms are a reason for examination by an endocrinologist. It is especially important to visit him if they are accompanied by high blood pressure, obesity or emaciation, irregular menstruation, or infertility.

Hormones and depression

Scientists looked for the main hormone of depression among the active substances that are released into the blood during stress. The cause of a depressed, depressed state has long been considered a high level of cortisol.

When studying various clinical cases of depression, it was concluded that the development of the pathological condition is associated with disruption of the activity of the following endocrine structures:

  • pituitary gland - adrenal glands;
  • pituitary gland - thyroid gland;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary system.

In other words, depression develops due to a malfunction of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance. For example, when considering the topic “Serotonin and depression”, you need to understand that the normal content of the main “happiness hormone” is only an indicator of a good mood, and not a factor causing it.

A good mood is a consequence of the full functioning of the entire endocrine system. Treatment of hormonal depression requires careful diagnosis and a set of measures to normalize the patient’s condition.

The brain during and without depression

Forms of hormonal depression

Experts identify different forms of hormonal depression:

  • Psychotic – characterized by general depression, hallucinations, delusions, and the emergence of suicidal tendencies.
  • Monopolar – develops against the background of excessively low self-esteem, severe mental melancholy arises.
  • Bipolar – the main characteristics of the condition are mood swings, emotional outbursts.
  • Dystrophic - manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable attacks of irritability and aggression for any reason.
  • Adynamic - a pathological condition manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, weakness, and desire for solitude.
  • Seasonal – caused by changes in hormonal levels in autumn and spring.
  • Postpartum – causes unpredictable disorders, including psychosis, hallucinations, and obsessive thoughts.
  • Ironic is a special type of pathology. Irony is a protective reaction of the body. While maintaining social activity, the patient experiences suicidal thoughts.
  • Asthenic - against the background of dulling of feelings and emotions, indifference to the surrounding world arises.
  • Somatized – accompanied by migraines, pain, and other uncomfortable conditions. Treatment of non-existent ailments is the main danger of this condition.

Hormonal depression has three degrees of severity. With a mild form, the patient can do without drug treatment. The pathology proceeds unnoticed and becomes chronic. Some specific behavioral reactions are characteristic only during an exacerbation.

The average severity of the hormonal disorder is noticeable to others. The patient is obsessed with obsessive thoughts, his relationships in society deteriorate, his performance decreases, and insomnia develops. Special medications prescribed by a doctor help combat moderate hormonal depression.

A severe degree is characterized by psychosomatic reactions and eating disorders. Against the background of zero activity, the patient develops hallucinations, delusions, and thoughts of suicide. This condition requires treatment in a hospital setting.


Normalization of hormonal levels is the main goal of therapeutic measures for depression. The specialist must identify the root cause of the pathology and select hormonal medications that stabilize the condition. Self-medication for hormonal depression leads to deterioration of health and the development of complications.

In addition to drug treatment, patients need to adjust their lifestyle:

  • adhere to the principles of healthy eating;
  • maintain physical fitness;
  • ensure a good night's sleep;
  • practice relaxation techniques;
  • be in pleasant company;
  • do what you love.

Hormonal depression develops under the influence of various factors. This condition cannot be ignored. If symptoms of pathology appear, you must consult a specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

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