Tests for the level of concentration of attention article on the topic
Exercises for concentration
We can decide for ourselves what to pay attention to and what not to: of course, provided that we can control our attention. Managing your attention is a common skill, and it can and should be trained.
Warning: you should not train concentration directly during important tasks. Why? Any new activity, especially against a background of tension, interferes with the main activity. Separate these things: when you are busy, do the task and do not get distracted by your concentration. If you are training concentration (correctly!), then do not do anything else at this time.
The main array of exercises for developing concentration is training to control the beam of attention. There are dozens and hundreds of exercises that train the control of the ray of attention; we offer here only the simplest ones, as an example.
Exercise "Line"
The task is to draw a line on a blank sheet of paper using a pencil, very slowly and smoothly, and focus all your thoughts and attention only on it. As soon as you catch yourself being distracted, make a small peak upward, like on a cardiogram, and continue. Based on the results, it is not difficult to calculate the number of distractions. A good level of concentration if there are no peaks in three minutes.
Exercise "Colorblind"
Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a rather complex exercise. Say out loud the colors of the words as you read the following colored text. It is the colors, not what is written. It’s good if after training you basically managed to do this without errors.
Red. Green. Blue. Yellow. Violet. Orange. Brown. Blue.
Red. Black. Green. Blue. Yellow. Brown. Black. Green. Blue.
Violet. Blue. Yellow. Black. Red. Orange. Brown.
Exercise "Fly"
This exercise requires a board with a 3 x 3 nine-cell playing field lined on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine). The sucker plays the role of a “trained fly” here. The board is placed vertically, and the presenter explains to the participants that the “fly” moves from one cell to another by giving it commands, which it obediently carries out. According to one of four possible commands (“Up!”, “Down!”, “Right!” or “Left!”), the “fly” moves according to the command to the adjacent cell. The starting position of the “fly” is the central cell of the playing field. Teams are given by the participants one by one. The players must, constantly monitoring the movements of the “fly”, prevent it from leaving the playing field. After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each participant imagines in front of him. If someone loses the thread of the game or sees that the “fly” has left the field, he gives the command “Stop!” and, returning the “fly” to the central square, starts the game all over again.
“Fly” requires constant concentration from the players: if one of them gets distracted even for a moment or thinks about something extraneous, he will immediately lose the thread of the game and be forced to stop it.
Usually the game is lively, arouses interest and stimulates participants to further work. Some athletes tend to overestimate their attentiveness. The “Fly” psychotechnical exercise can be especially useful for a coach in cases where this illusion needs to be dispelled.
In groups that do not have sufficient experience working with attention, prolonged observation of a moving “fly” usually leads to tension and fatigue. Participants increasingly begin to slip away from the object of their concentration, get confused and eventually interrupt the game. Therefore, the facilitator must monitor the condition of the players and finish the exercise before irritation begins to increase in the group and interest decreases. Working “to the point of exhaustion” is justified only in cases where group members set themselves a special task: to test and train the stability of their attention, that is, the ability to concentrate on a subject for a long time.
An important characteristic of attention is its volume - the breadth of the area to which it can be simultaneously extended. When, looking at your formal suit, you suddenly notice a moth-eaten hole, your area of attention instantly narrows to the size of the detected defect. It happens as if by itself. But we can also arbitrarily regulate the width of our attention zone.
Exercise “Two flies” is a more complex version of the previous exercise. There are two flies on the field - fly one and fly two. The flies walk in turns, for example: “Fly one - up”, “Fly two - to the right.” The rules and task are the same: mentally don’t lose flies and don’t make mistakes. Three minutes without errors is a good result.
Second series of exercises for concentration
Reflection is a condition for consciously managing your attention and your life. Reflection helps the individual understand where he is, what he is doing, and what needs to be done next.
- Exercise “Where my attention is directed”
- Exercise “Reflective Reading”
See exercises here
The third series of exercises for concentration
Emotional balance.
- Exercise "Breathing"
- Exercise “The surface of the lake”
- Exercise "Rosary"
- Exercise "Film Reel"
- Exercise “Mental Relaxation”
- Exercise "Sphinx"
- Exercise “Sculpture”
See exercises here
If you do this for half an hour a day (preferably in 5-minute segments), then your concentration skills will develop, on average, in two months. And it's worth it. I wish you success!
Here you can get as much information as possible on this topic “The Power of Concentration or the Main Quality of Great People.”
Children lack attention.
The most important and valuable thing for children is to be loved!!!
In 99 cases out of 100, the cause of disobedience, misunderstanding, hysterics and other difficulties in the relationship between parents and children is not the child, but the parents. If a child does not listen to you, the reason is you, not the child. You need to understand your behavior, and only then think about how you can help your child.
So, the very first and main reason is lack of attention. No matter how trivial it may sound. Think right now, how often do you pay attention to your child if he does not scream, does not throw a tantrum, completely acts the way you want him to? Usually little attention is paid to such children. The child is busy with something, mom or dad are minding their own business. This is the simplest situation that suits everyone, especially parents.
Today it is very difficult to give a child a lot of attention and time. Parents usually spend a lot of time at work. However, you don't need to spend 24 hours a day with your child for him to get the attention he needs. Just become a friend for him, a person who loves him under any circumstances, no matter what happens. Become someone who truly loves, appreciates and supports you in any situation.
The most important and valuable thing for children is to be loved. Plants reach for the sun in order to live. Our children are also drawn to those who sincerely love and appreciate them. Therefore, if you show them your love, devotion, warmth and care not in words, but in deeds, they will never do anything that might upset you. And when making an important decision for them, they will first of all consult with you, and not with their friends.
Many people believe and teach people who have not yet become parents that life does not change in any way after a child appears in the family. This is fundamentally wrong. With the appearance of a new person in your life, everything changes. Everything that was previously in first place fades into the background. For the next 15-18 years, the most important concern in your life will be children.
Children are the greatest joy, but at the same time, the greatest responsibility. Children are something that will stay with you forever. Friends, work, thoughts and beliefs, even a spouse can come and go, but children remain forever! The hardest thing about raising and caring for children is giving up some, and sometimes many, activities that were important to you before. Gradually you will give up everything that wastes your time.
Many married couples, especially those who have lived a long life together before the birth of a child, believe that they can combine entertainment, hobbies, lead an active lifestyle, as before, and be excellent parents.
It's a delusion. Yes, without children you can travel, communicate unlimited time with friends, girlfriends, relatives, engage in your favorite hobbies, and so on. But when a child appears, there comes, if not the end of all this, then at least a temporary lull. This is absolutely normal and natural.
In fact, from the moment your child is born, your life changes. All matters go to the background. First of all, you now need to take care of the child. You and only you influence 99% of his character, development, feelings and emotions, in general, how his entire future life will turn out. Every child, and yours is no exception, needs attention. This is a truism, but few parents understand it. And some people simply forget.
Attention from parents is the same need of every child as the need for food and walks in the fresh air. Give your child as much attention as possible. Every day! Every free minute!
How to give as much attention as a child needs?
Of course, the obvious answer is to increase the amount of attention. Easy to say, but hard to do! And how to determine this level? We all work, we have a lot to do, both men and women. Millions of women all over the world go to work every day, prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, wash and iron, and clean. There are a thousand more things that definitely need to be done!
1. Make it a habit from today to devote 15-30 minutes of time to each of your children over the next 90 days. Don’t just turn on a cartoon and go to the kitchen, but read a fairy tale, draw together, sculpt, cook together, listen to your child, talk about how your day went. Go to the theater, cinema, skating rink, park. Go with the whole family! You yourself won’t notice how this 15-30 minutes every day will radically change your life and your relationship with your child! You will feel incredible happiness and pride in what you do. After all, only 15% of parents spend 30 minutes a day communicating with their child! Be better than the other 75%! Stand on a par with the best parents on the planet!
2. Plan your day in such a way that you have enough time for both work and family. Every day, do the things related to these two areas of your life first, and only then do the rest.
3. The most important thing you have is your family and home. Spend as much time as possible at home with your loved ones. At work the main thing is quality, at home it’s quantity!
4. Always spend your free time usefully. For example, when you are driving with a child in the car, I do not turn on the player. It is much more important to talk with your child about his feelings, plans, events in his life than to listen to his favorite song or news on the radio.
5. When a child wants to tell you something, listen to him carefully. Instead of trying to listen with half your ear, turn to it, stop what you are doing and listen carefully! Don't pretend to listen, just listen.
6. Always go on vacation with the whole family. Many people want to take a break from loved ones on vacation. Yes, there is some logic in this. But! Take a break from everyone, i.e. Spend time alone with yourself regularly. To do this, make it a rule in your family to free your husband (wife) from all worries for 1-2 hours twice a week, and do the same yourself. Spend time with and for yourself twice a week. Take a walk, go to a cafe with a friend, go shopping, go to the pool, etc. And spend your vacation with the whole family. Of course, many parents want to take a break from their children and be alone with each other. Also, do this regularly and do not tie it to vacation.
So, the most common reason for bad behavior is the struggle for parental attention. As soon as a child begins to behave badly, parents are immediately distracted from their important and necessary matters and rush to raise their child. If a child does not receive the right amount of attention, he sees the only way to earn this attention through disobedience.
The child needs your attention as much as he needs food or sleep. This is a normal need that is simply necessary for him to grow and develop normally.
Attention determines the vector of development
So, it is important to understand: we are constantly moving. If not in space, then at least in time. And depending on the conditions in which we find ourselves, time changes us. And the main one of these conditions is our attention. By and large, there is only one difference between a prison and a monastery - in what the people who are there direct their attention to.
In both cases, people are isolated from society and have a limited set of opportunities and ways to spend their time. But in a monastery, people’s attention is focused on spiritual practice, and in prison, however, it also happens differently. Some, for example, only in prison come to different realizations and faith in God. And this is again a vivid example of the fact that our development depends only on us.
Time flows independently of us, just as the Earth rotates independently of us. In general, it's the same thing. Time is partly determined by the rotations of the Earth, but what each of us does on the rotating Earth determines where we will end up. You can imagine some dark area that we illuminate with a spotlight. The spotlight is our attention, which we control.
In this area, which is covered in the darkness of night, anything can happen: a swamp and the Gardens of Eden. And it is always our choice - what to direct our attention to. If we snatch only the swamp from the darkness of the night, this will be our reality, and if we direct the ray of light of our attention to the Gardens of Eden, this is the direction in which we will move.