How to determine that a woman wants a man: 15 obvious and hidden signs

Signs that a woman wants a man (in a relationship).

A woman is a complex person whose emotions and gestural message are difficult to define. Rarely does she have the intelligence to put a sentence together so that a man understands that she wants intimacy. Psychology provides clues with which you can understand the signs that a woman wants a man.

Touching intimate places.

We are talking about touching places on a man’s body that are desire stimulants. These are the neck, ears, chest, hips, torso and knees. If she is turned on by these parts of the body, she is not able to control her appetite, so the stronger the attraction, the more often she will touch.

Looking at lips.

How to understand that a woman wants you? Take a look at her gaze and analyze whether it often shifts from her eyes to your lips. If yes, then this is a clear sign of lust, because kissing is a strong stimulant.

Licking and biting your lips.

This could be a provocative request that she is willingly doing, or it could be a knee-jerk reaction to thoughts she is currently having about you. Not only is this seductive, but it's also a pretty good sign that she might be willing to sleep with you if you just ask.

Direct question.

The question of a direct question is sometimes puzzling with its vulgarity, alarming and suggestive of the lady's polygamy, however, it is worth paying attention to the presentation. If she is warm, gentle and calm, you can identify a woman’s feeling as nascent love, but if it is rude, the romance will not last long, and the contact to which a woman is brought together is nothing more than a test of her ability to bring her to the “boiling point” in bed.

Talk about intimacy.

Since many men fail to find out that a woman wants you They don't hesitate to talk about positions, duration and foreplay in order to somehow get through to you. Sometimes a man’s vulgar joke is taken seriously, the woman does not laugh, rather, on the contrary, she says something like this: “Well, don’t talk about it, I can’t stand it anymore!”, “Oh, don’t remind me, it hasn’t happened for six months already!”

Specially worn clothing that provokes male desire.

It would be foolish to believe that women dress ostentatiously because they lack other clothes or because they want to stand out (although the latter is often argued). If they dress like this for a meeting with their chosen one, then this is for him, if for work, for a walk with friends, etc., look for a catch (see Signs of a wife’s betrayal.).

Invitation to visit.

An invitation to your territory for a date or after it is a clear sign that you would like to continue the evening in a more intimate setting without prying eyes. Here it is advisable to assess a woman’s readiness by appearance in order to enter the next phase of the relationship.

A passionate kiss goodbye at the entrance or near the house.

Controversial sign. In youth, such a kiss means that the beauty wants to be satisfied in order to be less bored and “stamp” her attitude towards the guy. But how do you know that a woman wants a man? Ask if anyone is at her home. If she offers to come over for tea without asking questions, she’s ready.

Changing the timbre of your voice to a more sensual one.

The voice is a manipulative instrument and a mirror of feelings. It is difficult not to notice a woman’s intention in a conversation based on the outlines of vibrations. Usually, the voice is included along with other signs, so you should not focus on it.

Whispering in the ear.

The words “I want you!” spoken by a woman can be misinterpreted, the lover may believe that this is a joke, depending on the emotional background of the society or the atmosphere of the date. Whispering will be perceived correctly because the vibrations emanating from the lips are perceived close to the ear. The ear zone is an erogenous zone for most men who do not have an ear for music.

Complaints about a former or current spouse who cannot cope with “bed obligations.”

Since it is extremely difficult to find out whether a woman who has been in a relationship or marriage wants you, she sends open signals to those with whom she would like to get closer. When showing mutual desire, remember the consequences.

Hugging involving genitals.

A well-known and widespread technique in which a woman demonstrates not only affection, but also interest in physical contact with you. In morally healthy societies, these are not signs that a woman wants a man, it is considered open lust.

Compliments about a man's body.

The concept of modesty is alien to choleric and sanguine people, however, they do not shine with the duration of relationships, but they are not averse to raising bilateral self-esteem through one-time contact, so they will use all possible tools to win new hearts, including compliments.

Attractive aroma of perfume.

Along with attractive clothes, most women use perfumes containing pheromones for special occasions. As you know, they combine a complex of products that affect the human brain in such a way as to awaken the desire to get closer. Married women also do not hesitate to use them when the relationship “cools down.” How do you understand that your wife wants intimacy? Listen to your body at the moment when you feel the bright aroma of perfume.

Gestures, gait or accident, in which part of the intimate area becomes slightly visible to male eyes.

This psycho-physical technique is used by women who prefer to conquer their hearts. However, such a situation may turn out to be a mechanism to encourage selfish courtship of a lady. If your relationship lasted some time before this turn of events, and after the “awkwardness” you saw playfulness in a woman’s gaze, the time has come for intimacy.

Unobtrusive message about free weekends.

There are situations when there is no opportunity for privacy, funds do not allow or there is no home ownership (for example, she still lives with her parents). The story about relatives leaving for the dacha on the weekend in this case becomes an open hint of intimacy.

The woman's position is too close.

When meeting someone, every future partner experiences jitters. To weaken it on the eve of an intimate pastime, young people reduce the distance to the minimum where parts of the body touch.

Laughing at men's jokes, even if they are not the wittiest.

Natural signs that a woman wants a man are behavioral. If you are trying to make jokes to make your future partner laugh and win over you, but in your mind you understand that the mood is terrible, you should understand that the lady laughs only because she likes you and she makes you laugh and wins over you. It is more advisable to make jokes in a remote place where you will be alone.

Interest in men's intimate life before meeting a woman.

It is logical that a woman interested in sexual intimacy with a man is puzzled by her health after contact, so she will ask about the number of partners before her. Also be prepared for questions about the presence of contraception with exes and about the last relationship, yes, these are also signs that a woman wants a man. This is asked in order to understand how long you can hold back the “peak of excitement.” The fact is that men who are prone to self-satisfaction are not the best lovers and, on the contrary, long-term restraint provokes a “sudden shot”, which women are not happy about.

The proposal to spend a joint vacation is delayed in response.

If you are thinking about it, most likely, you are considering whether you will be free within the time frame referred to in your proposal. If the pause is too long, ask her about the problems and troubles that need to be resolved in order to free up the date.

This is where the signs that a woman wants a man are over, but don’t rush to leave. Next, I’ll tell you what reasons will contribute to the opposite effect and how to psychologically force your partner to have sex.

Hints 3

  • A woman experiencing attraction will herself try to understand whether her partner is interested in her, and it will not be surprising if at some point, on a hot summer evening, she declares that she is cool. Naturally, in the summer it is difficult to meet a gentleman in a jacket, and the only way to warm the lady you like is a hug.
  • The girl invites you to visit her. He says his parents won't be home. Or, under a plausible pretext, he invites a young man into the house, for example, to fix a computer, or rearrange a heavy chair.
  • The opposite situation is also possible: she unobtrusively asks to visit a man. Possibly offering some kind of domestic help on the female side.
  • She asks to be escorted home, under the pretext of fear or fatigue, leaning on a strong man's shoulder, and imitating fear, grabs the hand of the person seeing him off.
  • She hints or directly says that she has not had a partner for a long time, or at least that she is not currently in a relationship.

Why might a woman not want intimacy?

A woman will refuse to sleep with you for personal reasons that she is not obliged to explain to anyone. But, so you understand, this is not only your level of attractiveness, but also your interest in intimacy, moral principles, ideals and foundations. I present 7 famous ones:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS or periods). During this period, women experience hormonal disruption in the body, wild pain and sudden changes in mood. It’s worth thinking about comfort (she’s not ashamed, you’re not disgusted).
  2. The previous act of intimacy did not give her pleasure. You can talk for a long time about abilities, experience, the size of the “tool,” but if a woman does not feel equality of feelings, you are in trouble.
  3. Uncertainty about whether you are the right person. She may be your destiny and she doesn't know it yet, but give her time to figure it out and think about it. She may not understand how she feels about you.
  4. She is saving herself from marriage. Don't laugh at the idea just because a huge percentage of women have given up on the concept of sex before marriage altogether. Many girls still adhere to the traditional path of creating a social unit. Here the decision is yours. Are you ready to wait until the wedding and are you even going to marry her?
  5. She's not in the mood. If you think this is an excuse created by a secret society of women, think about it! Just like when a husband can't get an erection, a woman may sometimes not be in the mood for intimacy.
  6. She forgot to shave. You'd be surprised how many women refuse intimacy for this reason. Naked appearance in bed today has become something similar to a kind of beauty contest.
  7. Underwear is not intended for display. It's either laundry day or trying to control myself from jumping into bed from day one.

Since you can determine that a woman wants a man, you can look at her behavior and analyze whether she is physically constrained. If so, don't insist on anything more than a simple romantic dinner.

Do girls want sex and how often?

Believe me, they want it more than we do.

As I like to say, the phrase is absolutely justified and verified.

Girls are just as horny animals as we men.

Everything is equal. Social norms, of course, restrain women's behavior, but in their heads there is the same lust. One of my friends said:

If I woke up in the morning and didn’t masturbate, the day was ruined.


2 weeks without sex and a lamppost turns me on.

Another quote from a woman’s mouth:

Yes, I want it every day, several times a day

Here I want to note, and this is important, these phrases do not apply to those guys who look mediocre, unkempt, fat, insecure, the reality is that you extremely rarely become the embodiment of women’s sexual fantasies. Therefore, sports will help you, a good hairstyle, style and tan. And yes, drive away any losers who will say that appearance is not important for a man. All the handsome guys, the freaks laugh at you.

She doesn’t necessarily become a world-class model, but she should have basic care and her own style.

Sorry if I overdid it, but I don’t care. I just want to touch some of the characters to motivate them. My intentions are pure and noble. There are no criteria that describe the correct facial features of a man, other than the usual proportions and symmetry, but the criteria that describe the number of abs are obvious.

In general, whoever does not strive for beauty loses most of the women in life. They have to be cunning, talk things down, cajole, but the handsome guys just take it and that’s it. Anything they want. Handsome people are believed more, listened to better, and many more bonuses. Being beautiful doesn't mean being stupid. Choose the path of development, your life, it’s up to you to decide.

Test the passage above through a woman's opinion, so you will know its truthfulness through their eyes.

Can't understand that your wife wants intimacy? Do it yourself!

In everyday life, romance is different. After a couple of years of marriage, wives adapt to the need to take care of their husbands. How do you know if your wife wants it if she doesn't send signals directly? The answer is simple. We need to adapt to her emotional background and ease the load on her body. The fact is that everyday life, routine and work take away all the wife’s strength, after which the need for intimacy decreases.

Help her with tidying, washing, cooking and fulfill what you promised. Most likely, your wife has already asked you to prove yourself in a routine intended for male hands (fixing a closet door, inserting a battery into a watch, repairing a leaky faucet, etc.). After completing the tasks, you don’t need to ask the question: “How to understand what your wife wants?” It’s enough to attract her emotional energy to yourself:

  • Compliments about appearance;
  • Approach from behind with hugs and kisses in the neck and ear area while cooking or washing dishes;
  • Raising the mood with fair jokes;
  • Listening to a story about the meanness of colleagues and the impudence of superiors.

The behavioral factors outlined above are enough to awaken cooled feelings in a wife.

Test: Does a woman want you?

How can you tell if the signs a woman wants a man apply to you? Take the test, it will combine the answers and display a verdict.

1. Are your ex-girlfriends interested in your close relationships in particular?

2. Do you feel the difference in clothes that are worn for you and not for you?

3. She's sitting too close to you that you're breaking into a sweat, your knees are touching and you didn't purposely feel her genitals?

4. Is her positive attitude constant when she’s with you?

5. Do you often feel playfulness in her voice when talking to you?

6. Do you feel the innocent touch of a woman on your body?

7. Does he ask about your preferences in bed?

8. Is it often a woman who initiates a “deep” kiss?

9. Does he often hint at privacy in her apartment by inviting her for a cup of tea?

10. Have you ever been complimented about your body?

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