Reasons and reasons: why does the girl not want to communicate?

Why, why does a girl or woman stop communicating without explanation or apparent reasons?

If it seems to you that a girl has begun to communicate with you less often, then ask her directly for what reason. You shouldn’t invent it yourself, as you might make a mistake.

Possible reasons:

  • Resentment. The young lady is angry for some reason. Moreover, the reason may be quite simple. There are people who are very easy to offend, since they themselves do not mind playing the role of a victim. In this case, you should leave the girl, because the grudge games will continue forever.
  • Different interests. This happens after a short conversation or a first date. The girl does not see a future in your relationship. The couple should look in the same direction.
  • Workload. Usually the fair sex warns that they will be busy. The workload may be due to work, school or family matters.
  • The desire to separate. This is certainly not the best way to end a relationship, but many girls and men resort to it. They simply stop calling and texting each other without warning. This also happens. Therefore, if your partner does not communicate and ignores your messages, do not insist.

Why, why does a girl or woman stop communicating without explanation or apparent reasons?

What to do

Solving any problem requires specific steps. If nothing is done, the situation will not be resolved. Very often a guy is afraid to find out the truth because he doesn’t want to be disappointed. It is necessary to remember that it is better not to deceive yourself. Sooner or later you will have to part with the illusion. What can you do if a girl really doesn’t behave very nicely? Let's try to figure it out.

Intimate talk

This is the first thing to do when the situation starts to get out of control. A conversation is needed to clarify an alarming moment. In some cases, it really helps to immerse yourself in the problem for a while, to find the painful point in order to try to solve difficulties in interaction. It is best to directly ask the girl what does not suit her in communication. This creates a chance to save the relationship and give it the opportunity to develop further. A moment of confidential conversation allows you to talk frankly about simple and complex things.

Care and attention

Girls love it when people show genuine interest in them. If a young man is so busy that he doesn’t have time to go for a walk with his beloved, doesn’t give him a bouquet of flowers once again, doesn’t take him to the cinema or a cafe, then is it any wonder that his dear friend is offended? Nobody wants to feel forgotten and unwanted. Girls in such cases begin to suffer. They just need care and attention. The more a young man tries for his chosen one, the more he wins her.

Bug fix

If during the conversation it turns out that the guy offended the girl in some way, you must definitely try to make amends. There are a great many ways for this purpose. Correcting the mistake will help restore trust within the couple and will certainly reduce emotional stress. Only for this it is necessary to know what the reason for the girl’s dissatisfaction is.

Thus, if a dear friend has stopped responding to signs of attention, this is not yet a reason to despair. It is necessary to carefully reconsider the relationship and, of course, analyze your own actions. It should be noted that in some cases, representatives of the fair sex refuse to interact with young people for no apparent reason. They simply don’t want to explain themselves and therefore ignore any attempts at rapprochement. That's why you always need to understand whether it's worth fighting. And when it is really necessary, we must act decisively and persistently.

What to do if your parents are against your boyfriend?

Psychology of relationships between men and women

Psychological dependence of a woman on a man

What to do if a woman or girl suddenly stops communicating, writing, calling?

It is necessary to analyze the situation. If this is the dating period and you haven't been together for that long, continue to take the initiative. If you've been together for a long time, both partners should take the initiative. At an early stage, the initiator is usually a man, but if the girl is interested, communication becomes equal. Everyone wants to communicate and write, call each other.

What to do:

  • First you need to find out what happened. You can find out through friends or ask the girl. Perhaps she has problems at home or at work and now her thoughts are occupied with troubles.
  • Try to maintain communication in every possible way. But don't force yourself. Write constantly and take an interest in things.
  • If the girl answers very dryly, reduce communication, but continue to write once every 1-2 days.
  • If a girl does not respond to your messages at all, then most likely she is not ready to communicate and continue the relationship. Leave her alone.
  • It is best to meet and have a heart-to-heart talk. Of course, there is a category of girls who do not like to say directly that they are not interested in communication. In this case, constant ignoring indicates that the lady does not want to continue communication.

What to do if a woman or girl suddenly stops communicating, writing, calling?

Why did the behavior suddenly change?

Personal experiences

These may be personal experiences of a person related to the fact that:

  • she fell in love with another man, and does not know how to communicate this, “delays the moment” (her behavior in this case changes after declaring her love)
  • she has serious problems with money or health, and she does not want to share her secret with anyone, which greatly worries and occupies all her thoughts;
  • she is passionate about some new project or idea and spends all her energy on realizing her ideas, she simply has no time to communicate with anyone;
  • she has an important test ahead in the form of an exam, interview or serious conversation, all her moral and intellectual strength goes into preparation.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you put pressure on your friend, demanding a meeting or immediate recognition of why she behaves this way. This will only push you away.

The reason is the guy

Also, a number of reasons may relate specifically to you and certain traits of your character or behavior.

Main reasons:

  1. she is tired of you or she is disappointed in you;
  2. your friend has learned something very unpleasant about you, perhaps some negative information from the past that was carefully hidden from her, and is currently considering how she should feel about it;
  3. she caught you in deception, betrayal or betrayal with another person (in the era of developed social networks, tracking mobile phones by location and a large number of spy applications, this is quite possible, no matter how you hide your secrets;
  4. in front of her eyes, you could, without noticing it, expose yourself in an unsightly manner on a date (for example, you were rude to someone, hit an animal or child, did not give up your seat to an elderly person, disgraced yourself and her while intoxicated);
  5. there was a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the man’s intentions;
  6. you accidentally and unconsciously offended the girl (gave an ambiguous compliment, praised a person she dislikes, spoke disparagingly about things that are significant to her).

Why a girl can suddenly lose interest in a guy is explained in the video:

The third party is to blame

A third party may be involved in the deterioration of the relationship. Often our friends, acquaintances and relatives consider it their duty to give unsolicited advice or share information that can be perceived ambiguously.

Such a negative effect occurs in the following cases:

  1. One of the parents (boy or girl) did not get along with the chosen one or chosen one of their child and said something negative about him or her.
  2. A girl could be turned against a man by her friends by providing deliberately false or unconfirmed information.

Reference! This is not a complete list of reasons, since everyone’s circumstances are individual, and many different events occur in life that can in one way or another affect the sphere of love feelings.

Why a girl's attitude can change dramatically is explained in the video:

Gone feelings 2

A less common reason why a woman does not want a man is faded feelings. In most cases, girls start premature conversations, make some hints or even scandals. This happens in cases where a girl wants to attract attention to herself, in other words, she believes that the man does not devote enough time to her.

If the girl really decided to leave, then most likely she chose a more appropriate moment for this and will do everything quietly.

What to do?2

The examples, unfortunately, are familiar to many. And what do these “many” do? As a rule, nothing. They are waiting for everything to resolve itself. Sometimes the problem goes away on its own, sometimes the girl leaves, sometimes quarrels and disagreements arise with friends. But one thing remains absolutely certain - the guy’s mood deteriorates, relationships become strained both with his comrades and with the girl.

Personal problems3

Women, as the softest creatures, take everything to heart. That is why problems in the family, in relationships, with studies can become the reason that a girl does not want to communicate. It’s quite simple to determine this - a woman can: clear and direct, and even if they don’t answer it, her behavior will tell you about the girl’s problems.

This problem is also a cause of resentment, since a girl may limit communication due to the fact that the man did not show any interest in solving the woman’s problems. The guy might not have known about their presence, but for the girl this is not an excuse.

Gifts or lack thereof7

The most unpopular case is the lack of material gifts for a woman. Expensive rings, equipment, and sometimes cars are what a small contingent of women demand. The absence of such gifts may cause restrictions on communication.

When a girl limits communication for unknown reasons, this is a very difficult choice in the further development of the relationship. Often, men cannot decide whether to write to a girl or not.

A person faces a difficult dilemma: communication is an important step in life, or the absence of a girl in life will not change anything.

If in the first case, you need to determine the approximate reason why the girl does not want to communicate, and then speak to her so that she can decide whether or not to continue the relationship.

In the second, you can simply forget and leave everything as it is - if a woman finds the time or desire to communicate further, then, most likely, she herself will start a dialogue.

Women may have other reasons that force them to refuse communication, but they can be called “special cases”, since they consist in personal motives of life, inaccessible to anyone except the girls themselves.


According to statistics, the most common reason why a girl does not want to communicate is resentment. Many men will ask: “Resentment? For what?". Women will find a lot of reasons to be offended.

How to determine what exactly a friend is offended by? This is quite simple - you need to remember the events associated with the girl over the past few days and come to the conclusion: after what exactly she began to limit her communication. Sometimes this may be a phrase said incorrectly: mentioning an action towards another girl, and so on.


In books, magazines and films they say that a woman should be inaccessible. In other words, in order to arouse interest in men, you need to show him your disdain for relationships. A woman is guided by this - she tries to show herself as selfishly as possible so that the man understands that she has self-esteem, as well as a demand for communication with her.

You should not think that a woman intentionally does this and behaves this way in every area of ​​her life. Perhaps she was influenced by her friends and decided to bring this idea to life.

Why are you so often unlucky with girls? Let's consider all the main reasons.


More often? This feeling is characteristic of the female sex. In most cases, it is imaginary, that is, the woman fools herself into believing that the man is cheating. There are two cases: the woman thinks that the man communicates too closely with other women, or in fact the guy is provoking the girl.

A man is confused by such a relationship, and they begin to prove the opposite to the girls. In fact, such actions only worsen the situation. To improve your relationship with a girl, it is enough to honestly and truthfully tell her about your feelings and eliminate all misunderstandings in the relationship.

How to behave?

When communication with a girl stops for unknown reasons, especially if they communicated well before, it is difficult to immediately decide how to behave.

If you really need this communication, you should look for a contact. She doesn’t necessarily have to respond and provoke dialogue, but it’s worth speaking out.

If the reason is not clear, you can write her a message saying that you did not mean to offend her, and if this did happen, then you apologize and want to communicate with her the way you communicated. At the same time, clarify that her behavior is unfair towards you, because you are not even aware of the reasons for such a drastic change in her.

After reading this and understanding your point of view, she can proceed in two ways. Either restore communication and explain, if this relationship is also dear to her, or simply remain silent and continue this game for a long time.

There is no point in going along with this. Silence in response to a sincere and good-natured desire to resolve the issue only shows that she treats you with disrespect. And further humiliations and attempts to call for dialogue will only worsen this attitude.

If the reason is known, all that remains is to explain and begin to jointly restore normal communication.

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