Why doesn't the child want to study? We understand the reasons for the lack of educational motivation

Do you know the feeling when you understand that you need to do your homework, but you can’t bring yourself to do it? What should I do? And does this mean that the student is stupid? These and other questions were answered by a career guidance psychologist at the Adukar educational center Anna Isaenko

Anna Isaenko is a psychologist and career guidance specialist with 25 years of experience working with adolescents in Belarus and Russia. Executive Secretary of the Belarusian Psychoanalytic Society since 1991. Co-author of the book “Giftedness: Abilities, Motivations and Creativity”

Motivational sphere of personality

Let us determine which concepts are included in the motivational sphere of the individual. First of all, these are needs - what a person needs. Then motives - the driving force - they manifest themselves in behavior and lead to the goal. In psychology, motive is the main engine, the main reason that prompts us to action.

According to the Theory of Activity by A. N. Leontyev and S. L. Rubinstein, a motive is a “materialized need,” a need is a desire to eliminate discomfort (not always conscious), and a goal is the result of a conscious choice and goal setting.
A simple example: thirst is a need, drinking water is a motive, and a glass of water is a goal. If you drink water not to quench your thirst, but to have breakfast and go to work, then the motive here is not water, but what a person eats breakfast for or what he works for.

Everyone is familiar with Maslow's pyramid of needs. Cognition is at the top, which means that without the closure of basic physiological needs, the child does not develop a craving for knowledge.

“It is neither possible nor necessary to force every child to love learning.”

If early learning, which is now so fashionable, was not too intense for a preschooler, then he will not lose his desire to study at school.
Motivation for any activity naturally arises and lives if this activity is related to human needs; if the bonuses (emotional, material, etc.) from the activity clearly outweigh the losses and costs; if these same bonuses are available not only in the very distant future, but also in the near future; and, finally, if this activity does not contradict the satisfaction of other important human needs.

Try to “pass” your studies through these filters and see what is missing for a child to sincerely want to learn?

“Game is the leading activity of a small child. And even learning is easier if you put it in a game shell.”

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, more than 90% of children entering first grade, without having a negative experience of pre-school education, really want to go to school.
In the first months, each of them tries, is acutely aware of failures, and is ready to study for hours, but by December more than 60% of first-graders do not want to study. So what is the reason? Are teachers and parents to blame for this decline in children’s activity? Unfortunately, adults on both sides most often contribute to these negative statistics. What can I do to avoid this? Firstly, at the stage of pre-school preparation it is very important to form a positive motivation for achievement and knowledge. Secondly, a child should not come to school with the belief that he can’t do anything.

Advice to parents of young children: read the publications of Maryana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh, director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology, psychologist, neurophysiologist.

“If we set an impossible task, we kill motivation!”

Maryana Bezrukikh

How do we learn?

The structure of learning activities consists of a number of actions. Every adult has perceived difficulties and problems, and this is normal. Unlike a child, an adult solves his material and emotional problems not at the expense of others, but on his own.

It happens that adults behave like children and go to work to serve some kind of procedure. It is believed that an adult is characterized by the highest level of activity - work. When you go to work to create a cool project and promote it, then you are busy working. And when you go to the office to perform a routine, boring, uninteresting procedure and receive a salary, then it is the same game. Just according to the rules that you don’t like.

Why does this happen? Because people didn't learn to study in school. To be able to learn is:

  1. Be aware

    that you
    are facing a problem
    , and that's okay. What distinguishes a mentally healthy person from a neurotic person is the ability not to dwell on a problem, but to immediately reformulate the terms into tasks - how to do it in order to solve it.

  2. Formulate the problem in the form of a task

    . Ask the question: “What do I need to do to solve it?”

  3. Conduct self-analysis

    , reflection: “Do I have ways to solve this problem?” Find rules, key resources, knowledge that will be useful in order to cope with the task.

  4. Model the solution to the problem

    using the means found. If there is no way, that’s okay too. We go looking for this method in the surrounding society: among new acquaintances, on the Internet, and so on.

  5. "Play" with the model to see all the variety of solution options

    . What if I act this way or that way? You will see that there are many possible solutions.

  6. Choose

    the most adequate and suitable
    solution to the problem

  7. And check correlating the found solution with the conditions of the problem


These steps need to be repeated as many times as possible until you find a suitable solution. I really love meeting future entrepreneurs who are already creating their own business in the 9th grade, and their parents say: “He doesn’t want to study, he’s engaged in some frivolous activity.”

. Parents simply do not recognize this educational and entrepreneurial activity as educational. Some people learn to play the guitar, others master the art of relationships or perform in public. Another question: you don't consider this as a learning activity. Play differs from studying in that you have a motive for self-improvement and self-development. And believe me, this is the most exciting motive that exists in this life, a reliable cure for boredom.

And when a person says “I don’t know who to be. I don’t want to learn,” this means that he does not yet understand who he is and what he lives for, what are the values ​​for the sake of which he is ready to experiment. It’s good when a person has faith in himself and some meaning in life.

Career guidance for schoolchildren A career guidance psychologist with 25 years of experience will help you decide on a profession, taking into account your interests and abilities! Find out how to find your calling. Sign up for a consultation

When does the formation of learning motivation suffer?

Motivation becomes dull or disappears altogether in several cases.

The age-related characteristics of children's development are not taken into account. For example, in order to have good attention, the child must have developed mechanisms for voluntary regulation of activity. These mechanisms are fully formed by the age of 9. Therefore, it is necessary not to force, but to organize the process in such a way as to effectively use those minutes when the child can concentrate.


The intensity of the material supply is too high, the pace of activity is unbearably fast. All children learn at different speeds. And that's absolutely normal. Get used to the pace at which a first grader is comfortable working. After all, apple varieties are also different - some ripen by mid-summer, while others by November.


The age-related need for repeated repetition of the material is not taken into account. Don’t be afraid to repeat what you’ve learned with your child—this practice will definitely be beneficial.


The child works to the limit of his capabilities. Turn on gentle mode. It's better to underload a little than overload.

“Can’t or won’t?” - a psychologist will help answer this question.

Motive shift to goal

The author of the method is A. N. Leontyev.
Children are not always interested in studying. But many things are simply difficult: reading, writing, counting. But the initial motive can change during the course of the action, when an activity that we do not like at the very beginning gradually begins to be filled with special meaning, and as a result we already want to engage in this activity!

Example. Initially, the student reads the book because there is a clear goal: he must answer tomorrow. The student does not like the subject, but he reads carefully. The act of reading has no intrinsic motivation, it is directed towards something else, and if the lesson is cancelled, he will immediately stop reading. But if interest arose during the reading and preparation, the news about the cancellation of the lesson will not stop the student. There will be a shift in motive to goal: what was initially not attractive now acquires its own significance, that is, it becomes valuable in itself for a person. The motive for answering and getting a mark shifts to the motive for reading an interesting text.


To understand how the mechanism of shifting motive to goal works in a child, trace when this happened in your life.
1. Give an example from your personal life when there was a shift in motive to goal. 2. Trace the path of transformation of a goal into a motive: how did feelings change when interest appeared? 3. What conditions contributed to the transition?

“Our task is to create conditions for the child to achieve his first successes. And then things will get better.”

What does it even mean to study?

Humanity knows only three types of activity: play, learning and work. When do you play, when do you study and when do you work? Let's figure it out.

The first type of activity that a person encounters is play

. This is the only type of activity that is inherent in children. We play when we enjoy the process, and quit when we get bored. This life-saving activity is given to children so that they can master new human experiences. And this is the only predominant type of activity until the age of 10-11, when there is already a chance to form educational activities.

What is learning activity

and when does she wake up? When a person is faced with some limitation or impossibility, but really wants to overcome it. For example, a child at three years old makes a major discovery: he develops awareness on an individual level. The pronoun “I” appears in relation to oneself. So the baby discovers for the first time that he is a man and a member of the human pack, and wants to be an equal member. But mom and dad make it clear that he is a beloved family member, but cannot be equal. Because for now, adults provide for his life activities: they earn money, organize leisure time, prepare food, get clothes and solve other important issues. But the child cannot do this yet, and a certain gap accumulates in him between the level of aspirations and his capabilities. And this becomes a prerequisite for the emergence of educational activities. The child wants to learn to be like mom and dad. And he begins to play, imitate, copy. The desire for self-improvement and self-development accumulates in him. It is precisely this quantity and quality of time spent playing games that determines the full development of educational activities.

Studying is an activity for self-development and self-improvement. And you study when you overcome your imperfection, inability, and try to realize your desire for the best.

Anna Isaenko, psychologist and career guidance specialist at the Adukar educational center

Increasing the motivation of a junior student

Together we set very specific goals:

  • correct a bad mark in Russian;
  • complete homework;
  • do not shout, but raise your hand in class, etc.

When forming goals, be sure to take into account the child’s actual, actual motives. For example, he may need to do his homework well in order to:

  • get a good grade
  • get the praise of a teacher or mother,
  • be the best student
  • know the subject well
  • so that he would not be scolded at home, would not be punished,
  • were not expelled from the sports section,
  • bought a bicycle, etc.

At the first stage, it is important to include the actual motives of the child himself, and only then the really effective motives can reach a higher level. For example, a student first gets used to doing his homework on time in order to have time to play, and then, when his performance improves as a result of this, he begins to better understand the subject, and the child becomes more and more interested in learning! The motive gradually changes, shifts to the goal - study, knowledge.

Techniques to help you achieve success

  1. “Chance” - prepared pedagogical situations in which
  2. the child gets the opportunity to get a good result.
  3. “Eureka” is to create conditions under which a child, while completing a learning task, unexpectedly reveals his new capabilities. Even if the child himself does not notice how he succeeds in completing something difficult, the teacher should pay attention to this and praise the elementary school student.
  4. “Staircase” - the adult gradually leads the student upward, climbing with him the steps of knowledge and gaining confidence.
  5. A mistake is an opportunity! All developmental methods are based on situations in which the child will often make mistakes in order to learn to correct his own decisions.
  6. The ability to see small results. Praise your child not only for A's - efforts also deserve attention.

Motivation to achieve or avoid failures (A. A. Rean questionnaire)

Instructions: select the answer “yes” or “no”. The answer that comes to mind first is often the most accurate.

  1. When I get involved in work, as a rule, I optimistically hope for success.
  2. Active in activities.
  3. Tends to take initiative.
  4. When performing important tasks, I try, if possible, to find reasons for refusing them.
  5. I often choose extremes: either easy tasks are underestimated, or unrealistically high
  6. difficulties.
  7. When faced with obstacles, as a rule, I do not retreat, but look for ways to overcome them.
  8. When alternating successes and failures, he tends to overestimate his successes.
  9. Productivity depends mainly on my own determination, and not on
  10. external control.
  11. When performing fairly difficult tasks, under time constraints, performance
  12. my performance is getting worse.
  13. Tends to be persistent in achieving goals.
  14. I am inclined to plan my future for a fairly distant future.
  15. If I take risks, it’s wisely rather than recklessly.
  16. I am usually not very persistent in achieving a goal, especially if there is no external control.
  17. I prefer to set myself medium-difficulty or slightly exaggerated but achievable goals,
  18. than unrealistically high.
  19. If you fail to complete a task, its attractiveness, as a rule, decreases.
  20. When alternating successes and failures, he tends to overestimate his failures.
  21. I prefer to plan my future only for the near future.
  22. When working under time pressure, my performance usually improves,
  23. even if the task is quite difficult.
  24. If I fail to accomplish something, I, as a rule, do not give up on my goal.
  25. If you choose a task for yourself, then in case of failure its attractiveness increases even more.

Key to the questionnaire
Answer “YES”: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20. Answer “NO”: 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15 , 17.

If the number of points scored is from 1 to 7, then the motivation is diagnosed as fear of failure.

If the number of points scored is from 14 to 20, then motivation for success is diagnosed.

If the number of points scored is from 8 to 13, then it should be assumed that the motivational pole is not clearly expressed. In this case, you can keep in mind that if the number of points is 8-9, there is a certain tendency to be motivated to fail, and if the number of points is 12-13, there is a certain tendency to be motivated to succeed.

“When striving for success, be realistic. Failure is also part of life.”

A. N. Leontyev noted that in adolescence, the task of comparing motives and searching for meaning becomes urgent:

  • What is most important to me?
  • What is most important to someone else?
  • What is most important to me, what is less important (studies, sports, music, etc.)?
  • Why do I do it this way and not another?

A conscious system, a hierarchy of motives, begins to take shape. The leading activity of a teenager is not study, but communication!

Child does not want to go to school consultation (5th grade)

You won’t believe it, but every child is capable of running to class with a full backpack, rejoicing that “it’s school today!” And the recipe for such a miracle is simple: desire, heavily mixed with independence and trust.

How to get your child to:

• got up early in the morning for school; • got ready, keeping track of time, and did not expect prodding from adults; • went to school with pleasure, and did not drag himself on mom/dad’s arm; • came to class on time; • did his homework with pleasure; • went to bed at a time to get enough sleep before waking up early.

Of course it's not easy. Do you think you are smarter than your children? What do you all know, but they are small and stupid? Do you think that they need to be controlled in everything? But then what skills are you going to teach your child? Toe the line? Follow orders? Ask permission with or without reason? The army can successfully teach this. And you and I will learn to trust. Please note: teach yourself, not your son or daughter. And let's start with... tension. You get up early to prepare breakfast. Always keep an eye on the time. You start to disturb the baby, and he... rolls over to the other side and goes back into the world of sleep. Your tension is rising. Finally, we manage to raise the half-asleep child, send him to the bathroom, feed him breakfast, and help him put on his jacket and backpack. He's sleeping. He hasn't woken up yet. Therefore, the road to school turns into a series of proddings. Your stress reaches its climax when you run into school at the second bell, and you still need to change your shoes. Just terrible memories... And now we wait until we get tired of this situation. Tired of it? Great!

Let's begin the second stage of training: asking questions

First for yourself! “Who needs school, and is it necessary?” -To my child. If only because I’ve already graduated from mine. "Who wants to go to school?" -He wants. “Do I need his school?” - In general, no. “Then why am I stressed about his tardiness? Why am I dragging him by the hand, and he, looking around, floats, as if there is still time for a carriage and a small cart? Because it’s necessary, everyone does it. But this is wrong! Now let’s ask our child questions. Probably a paradox: we get the same answers. “Do you like being late?” “Do you think I like to keep track of how long you take to get ready and how late you are?” “Do you like being late yourself?” To all questions asked of the child, we receive the answer: “No!”

And we are developing the following plan for further action:

• he now sets the alarm himself; • wakes up by it himself; • he keeps track of the time remaining before leaving; • he encourages his mother, who for now accompanies him to school; • keeps track of time on the road. Being late or being on time for sections and clubs requires the same skills. There is no mention of self-made lessons here, because this is initially implied.

The first pancake is lumpy?

He doesn’t hear the heart-rending beeping alarm clock. Therefore, on the first day of the experiment, after waiting a little, simply tell the child: “I won’t wake you up anymore, I’ll go and get some sleep.” You can motivate your child with other phrases and actions. The main thing is that for him they make sense and are significant. For him, not for you! On the first day you will still have to be reminded: I am not responsible for the time, I am not responsible for your lateness. Do you think it’s easy to hold back and not give advice? Is it easy to remain just an observer? Difficult. But it's worth it ! Now you are getting ready slowly. Love to get up early, and while the guys are sleeping, cook breakfast and sit at the computer. And then just wait for your child to give you the command. "It's time to go out!" Now it’s not you, but he drags you by the hand, and you, admiring the morning scenery, rejoice at the bright morning. And you think: “But, really, going to school is a real pleasure for a child. And for his parents too.” With what enthusiasm do first-graders run to the first bell! But time passes, and their desire to learn disappears. Moreover, the reasons for aversion to studying often have nothing to do with it itself.

How to properly organize a student’s routine and minimize stress?

Some of them are “organized” for children by the parents themselves. For example: the bell has already rung, but the child has not yet reached the entrance. Who is guilty? Mom and dad. Or: tomorrow is a holiday, the class is warned that the dress code is formal. Everyone comes dressed up, but Petya Ivanov wears a checkered shirt. Again the parents did not follow up. Stress in a child can cause fear of getting a bad grade and, as a result, reprimand from parents. Moreover, often what adds fuel to the fire is that the teacher does not explain why he gave a low score. The student simply does not understand what he did wrong. Children experience the most severe stress on the eve of and during tests or exams. Although, why be afraid? The student takes an exam to confirm his level of knowledge. In theory, he will receive the same grade as in class. Another thing is that marks throughout the year are often overestimated. As a result, stress arises: the child subconsciously understands that he does not deserve the grade given and is afraid of the exam. It is important that children work throughout the year, not just before tests or tests. The help and control of parents is important here. But you shouldn’t get hung up on grades, demanding the highest results. It is worth making it clear to your son or daughter that a test, exam, certification is just the end of the educational process, and mom and dad love them for nothing.

Should a child be taught to read before school?

Many parents believe that this is the school’s task, but this point of view is incorrect. The inability to read is an inability to work, emotional underdevelopment, because while reading a book, a child engages in logical, associative thinking, visualizes what he has read, and fantasizes about details. It's a lot of work. Getting information on TV is much easier. In order for a student to give preference to books over television programs, he must have reading parents. Moreover, preferably, those who read not detective stories or horror films, but books with meaning, to which you can return again and again.

How can you tell if your child is overtired from studying?

An unmistakable symptom is sleep disturbance. The student has difficulty falling asleep, tosses and turns, and wakes up in the middle of the night. But for educational enthusiasm and good grades, the correct regime is important - you need your son or daughter to go to bed at the beginning of ten in the evening. Lack of sleep disrupts metabolic processes, retains carbon dioxide in the body, impairs heart function, which causes fatigue to accumulate.


Urgently reduce the load by sacrificing any additional classes: music school, theater studio, English courses, algebra or aikido tutor... Otherwise, the excessive load will sooner or later affect both the student’s well-being and the desire to study in general. During the first three years of school life, one club or section is enough - from those that the child likes most.

Sending your child to a sports, humanities, or music school, taking into account his abilities, is a good idea. In this case, he will attend classes with pleasure. Another question is: is the student ready for additional loads? Sometimes an ordinary school is suitable for a start in education, so that later, gradually increasing the load, the child can be sent to a specialized class. The proximity of the school to home is also an important factor. The guys feel much more confident knowing that home is nearby. Moreover, psychologists recommend that elementary school teachers “domesticate” the school environment: for example, organize a stand in the classroom with photographs of parents, allow them to bring their favorite toys to school.


Remember how in childhood we were often told: “Look how Sasha studies! Why can't you do that? You see, he is much smarter than you! Having become parents, we often do the same with our children. Why do we compare our own child with other children? We are used to having the same thing done to us. Remember school, public announcement of grades, caustic comments from teachers, debriefing - “who is better and who is worse.” It happens that parents are interested in the successes of not only their child, but also the excellent students in the class - and against their background, their own son or daughter never looks better.

It seems to us that by comparing a child with others, we motivate him to improve, achieve, and succeed. Children's successes or failures affect our sense of ourselves as a parent (“if my child is doing great in school, then I am a good mother”). If not, we experience a feeling of inferiority, so familiar from childhood. In this sense, the child is perceived by the parent as an extension of himself. We have little trust in the unique capabilities and abilities of our children. And then the achievements of others become a guideline that supports parental confidence. How does comparison affect a child? First of all, he becomes dependent on criticism and praise, feeling loved and accepted only if he wins the “good-bad” battle in your eyes. A child's self-esteem begins to depend on whether the child meets your expectations. So he learns that he can only be loved for something, and not because he “just is.” In another situation - when your son or daughter is basking in praise, “You are the best! You’re great!” their self-image becomes uncritical. In the future, such children find themselves unprepared for failure and constantly seek approval and confirmation of their achievements. The atmosphere of comparison does not develop motivation, but only increases the fear of disappointing parents and the desire to finally earn their love. What to do? How to replace comparison? Start by noticing how you react to your child's successes or failures in everyday interactions. What grabs you more - its pros or cons? Draw parallels with your childhood: what was it like for you? How did you feel and what did you really need from your parents? If deep down you remain a child who wants to earn the love of mom and dad and meet their expectations, willy-nilly you will raise your child according to the comparison scenario. Instead of looking for flaws in your child, look at his achievements. What is he good at - not in comparison with others, but in himself? For example, your son is not strong in studies, but he has developed leadership qualities, or he easily finds a common language with other children. By focusing on this, you will find resources that will help the boy realize himself in the future. The next and most important step is to compare the child only with himself. This is the only scale for assessment and development. Consider any result, no matter whether positive or negative, first of all from the position: did the child know how to do this before? Did he already have experience, or are these his first steps (be it mathematics, a foreign language, playing the piano, etc.)? And if the current results are worse (or better) than the previous ones, then what is the reason for this? This approach will help develop adequate self-esteem and teach the child to better recognize his resources and limitations. One of the differences between the local education system in Spain is that children here only know their grades, and have no idea about the successes of their classmates. No publicity either in the classroom or at parent-teacher meetings. At first, this is unusual for parents, but then they become convinced that only comparison with oneself can develop immunity to mistakes and failures. After all, the starting point remains the same - “I myself.” Try to look at yourself and your children through this prism, and you will see how much unnecessary stress will disappear from your life. It turns out that the world is not “who is better and who is worse,” but “who you are and how you want to develop.” When your child starts school, you should not immediately demand high results from him. Support all your child's hobbies aimed at learning. There is no need to react violently to the teacher’s comments in a notebook or diary; it is better to encourage the child. Become an example for your child, because when he sees that his parents have diverse interests, he begins to follow them.

Age-related physiological characteristics of a teenager

Many teenagers from the 5th grade experience a period of teenage laziness, which is also due to physiological characteristics.

Reasons for reluctance to study

Feeling like an adult.
Communication, personal experiences, friendship and love come to the fore.


According to ONF research, 48% of Russian schoolchildren note an insufficient number of interesting lessons. 31% - lack of subjects useful for the future specialty.


Misunderstanding of the subject, accumulation of gaps lead to a feeling of hopelessness

Fear of upcoming exams.

“How will you pass the OGE/USE?”


With age, the demands and workload at school and in extracurricular activities increases greatly. 59% of schoolchildren face a lack of time.

Unfavorable family relationships.

Bad influence on a teenager's studies: scandals, aggression, connivance, immoral behavior of parents, lack of personal space and other factors.

Serious violations of the optimal regime.

Many experience lack of sleep, surf the Internet, eat irrationally, and spend little time in the fresh air.

Health problems.

Teenagers with disabilities, chronic diseases, ADHD, and neurological problems tend to be less successful.

Conflicts with teachers.

Conflicts that arise must be dealt with in a timely manner, involving psychologists.

Unsatisfactory relationships with classmates.

The teenager spends most of his time in the classroom group. When conflicts with classmates occur, not only studies suffer, but also the psychological state of the teenager as a whole. In this, as in many other cases, it is recommended to work with a psychologist.

Depressive reactions.

Against the backdrop of mental ill-being, interest in learning drops sharply, apathy and a lack of any desires appear. It is recommended to consult a psychologist, and possibly a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

How to motivate a teenager?

First, understand the reason for your reluctance to learn.
But perhaps the teenager himself does not know about it. Help your child realize the value of learning and understand how school knowledge will be useful in life. Start talking about it only when your child is ready to listen. If a teenager is interested in something, show how his passion is related to school subjects. Support your child's passion in any field. Success in one thing can motivate you to put effort into another. Give your teenager the opportunity to share his passion with others (projects, performances, volunteering...).

Give us material for comparison, give life examples of people who, not immediately, but through overcoming and work, came to good results. Help me find the right landmarks.

The priority is to maintain and strengthen good human relationships. Accept the personality of each student as a whole, rely on his strengths, do not criticize actions, behavior, or individual results. Be patient and approach both your teen and yourself with an optimistic outlook!

What hinders the motivation of older schoolchildren?

  • sustained interest in some academic subjects to the detriment of mastering others;
  • the desire to choose for study only those subjects in which he will take the Unified State Exam;
  • pre-exam stress, various fears; depressive states;
  • dissatisfaction with the form of educational activities, some feel a lack of creative and problem-search forms of educational activity;
  • negative attitude towards forms of strict control on the part of teachers and parents;
  • a sense of adulthood and the value of relationships;
  • preservation of situational motives for choosing a life path (for example, by analogy with a friend);
  • insufficient stability of social motives of debt when faced with obstacles.

By outlining together with your child a future profession of his choice (as a long-term goal), you can reach the immediate goal - successful completion of high school (receiving a certificate, high scores on the Unified State Exam, obtaining high-quality knowledge).

“Help in professional self-determination is the most important motivation tool!”

Slides and text of this presentation

The child studied at school for ten years. It would seem that all you have to do is make a little effort, and you will have the coveted certificate and the desired high scores on the Unified State Exam in your hands, and admission to a university is ahead. But no, sometimes in 11th grade a teenager refuses to study. To help a child cope with a problem, parents need to understand its cause.

  • 1.1 Fatigue
  • 1.2 The child does not want to enter the university chosen by the parents
  • 1.3 The child wanted to leave after 9th grade
  • 1.4 The teenager has a favorite hobby that he would like to make his future profession
  • 1.5 The authority of friends
  • 1.6 The teenager has a personal life
  • 2 Recommendations for parents to solve the problem

    2.1 Try to eliminate fatigue

  • 2.2 Let the child choose the university himself
  • 2.3 Sometimes there is no need to insist on a university at all
  • 2.4 Show the value of learning
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