Why doesn't a man say he misses him? Problem or routine in relationships?

In life, it often happens that a couple has to separate for a while: usually this is due to a business trip of one of the partners, and sometimes it is caused by the need to take a break from each other. But whatever the reason, after separation, a happy woman throws herself on the shoulders of her beloved man, kisses and asks: “Did you miss me?”, to which she often receives a negative answer. This situation puts girls into a stupor, often even causing too much of a blow to the relationship in order to maintain it further. However, you should not make hasty conclusions! If your man does not tell you that he misses you, this does not mean that he does not experience any feelings. Why then does this situation happen? This article will help you understand this difficult issue.

The guy said he missed him - what does that mean?

An overwhelming feeling of melancholy occurs due to the fact that a person loses contact with the source of his positive emotions. There is a feeling of emptiness, as if something is missing for complete satisfaction.

Melancholy is characteristic of both women and men. But representatives of the stronger sex often mean by this concept not only ordinary boredom, but also sexual desire for a specific girl.

If a guy says that he misses you, you shouldn’t immediately melt and throw your arms around his neck. You must understand that the word “miss” does not always have a literal meaning. Therefore, take a closer look at the man, analyze your communication, and then it will be clear what subtext is hidden under this concept.

When you receive a message of recognition on a social network from an unfamiliar person with whom you have not even met, but communicated at a distance, there is no need to look for a catch. You just interested the guy, he enjoys talking to you. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in such a message.

If you already know each other, then it’s worth looking at his behavior. When a man simply says the harmless “I miss you”, without hinting at anything else, then there is nothing terrible here either.

The guy not only says that he misses him, but openly flirts and makes hints about a relationship? Most likely, he is showing sexual interest in you. For partners who have been together for a long time, this is harmless. But if a stranger behaves this way, it’s worth thinking about it.

A slightly different situation arises when a woman hears the word “I miss” from the husband whom she left. After his wife leaves for some time, the man feels freedom, joy from the fact that there are no more family problems. But time passes, and the ex-husband suddenly realizes that he is sad without his wife. So he starts bombarding her with messages, calling her, talking about his feelings. This does not always indicate that love has returned.

In most cases, longing for a loved one arises because the atmosphere to which a man is so accustomed is disrupted. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like big changes, which is why many of them do not want to leave their families even when love fades.

What does it mean if your ex-man says he misses you? Most likely it's the following:

  • delicious lunches and dinners are replaced by quick snacks and convenience foods;
  • A huge amount of dirty laundry accumulates in the bathroom;
  • shirts have not seen an iron for a long time;
  • no one forces you to wear a hat in winter;
  • there was chaos in the apartment;
  • there are no usual complaints in the morning after meeting with friends.

Also, your ex may suddenly miss you if he was abandoned by a new passion or his life turned into hell with her, and he realized how good it was with his previous wife.

When and why do men return?

Men returning to their former lover occurs for several reasons.

The psychology of men during separation is such that at first the man feels a dizzying freedom. He starts going to parties again, drinking beer, surrounding himself with friends. But soon a painful melancholy comes. Random short-lived meetings with women bring little relief and seem meaningless. It turns out that the beloved always remained conscious.

Gradually, pleasant moments from the past become intrusive and deprive you of peace. The gentleman begins to think: it’s hard for the girl he loves without a strong man’s shoulder. The ex is jealous of potential new gentlemen and feels remorse for his own mistakes. After three weeks, the gentleman is overcome by real nostalgia, a great desire to renew the relationship. And he returns.

Longing for a lost relationship is often an explanation for why an ex-wife reminds her of herself. According to the psychologist, it is more difficult for women to forget past love.

After a long period of stability, it is psychologically extremely difficult for a man to find a partner. He actually formed a certain stereotype about the ideal lover. Finding a woman who meets the right requirements becomes very difficult. In the new lady, the gentleman subconsciously tries to see his former beloved, and constantly stumbles upon inconsistencies.

The gentleman begins to realize how beloved the road is, how much he has lost. The man suddenly realizes: he was constantly fixated on negative things and stopped noticing the positive qualities of his beloved.

A man is bored: signs

Despite the fact that the psycho-emotional state of men is much more stable than that of women, they also experience longing for the person they love. Moreover, the stronger the interest in the girl, the more this emotion manifests itself.

What happens when a guy starts to get bored without his lady love? By what signs can you recognize that he is sad? It is impossible to name concrete evidence that a man is bored for all representatives of the stronger sex. Each person is individual, and therefore emotions manifest themselves differently.

But we can still identify several common signs that are characteristic of all guys.

  1. Constantly writes and calls

Only a caring person will constantly send SMS messages and call. Nobody ever writes for nothing, especially men. They value their precious time so much that they don’t want to waste it on empty conversations with a woman they don’t even like.

If a guy feels sympathy for a girl, he will spend as much time as possible communicating with her and dating her. He is ready to stay on the phone all day long, even if there is nothing left to talk about.

During conversations, a caring man listens carefully to his interlocutor, tells her about his life, hobbies, shares joyful events, goals and plans.

If a girl doesn't pick up the phone or doesn't respond to messages, the guy gets upset. When you appear, he will definitely start asking where you have been and what you have been doing.

Also, a man who is bored often asks to send a photo. Pay attention to what kind of picture he asks for. If he’s wearing underwear, it means I “miss” him – it’s just a desire to have sexual intercourse with you.

  1. Interested in your life

If a man says that he misses you, and this feeling is real, then he will definitely become interested in your life. The guy will be concerned about such aspects as:

  • hobbies;
  • tastes;
  • outlook on life;
  • future plans;
  • leisure preferences.

He will also show interest in your daily activities on a daily basis, for example:

  • how did you sleep;
  • Did you dress warmly?
  • How was your working day?
  • what are your plans for today;
  • How do you feel.

A caring guy actively talks about his life, even if you don't ask about it.

With his intense display of interest in your life, a man demonstrates that he wants to know everything about you down to the smallest detail. Having such knowledge, he will always be able to please his beloved.

  1. Making plans to meet with you

Anyone who is bored does not wait for an opportunity to meet. A caring man will arrange a date for you himself. Even if he is busy at work, he will still find at least a little time to see you.

During the meeting, the young man may not express himself violently. It depends on his temperament and character. Some men in love immediately begin to shower the girl with compliments, speak tender words, and constantly confess their feelings. Others, on the contrary, are very reserved when communicating, but real passion can bubble up inside them. At this moment, the guy’s soul is torn from an excess of emotions, but his appearance remains calm.

You can recognize that a man is bored by a simple sign: he will try to touch you, touch your hand during a conversation, or hug you. Excitement and embarrassment can be seen in his speech and behavior.

You can also recognize that a guy is bored by his following actions:

  • sent a bouquet of flowers or a basket of sweets/fruits by courier;
  • suddenly showed up at your place of work or school;
  • suggested we go together to his mutual friends;
  • ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Such actions speak for themselves. Therefore, always monitor the person’s actions and do not draw hasty conclusions from words. If a guy is stingy with his actions, it means you are not as dear to him as he says.

What to pay attention to when a man shows up after a breakup?

The following things will help you make sure: your beloved or husband returned because he loves you. Selfishness, the desire to improve shaky self-esteem, to feel more psychologically comfortable have nothing to do with it.

  1. The returning man is actively making plans.

He talks about a future together, hints: he’s ready to start a family. This is a serious sign: the gentleman has firmly decided to throw in his lot with you.

  1. The gentleman has changed.

A man truly loves if he has rethought the reasons for the breakup, admitted his own mistakes, and sincerely strives to improve.

If a couple does not want to renew their relationship, but the separation has somehow affected their mental state - fears, panic attacks, bouts of depression or terrible self-doubt have appeared - we recommend contacting a psychologist - hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

How to respond to the phrase “I miss you”?

Only a loved one with whom a relationship has been developing for a long time can you immediately reciprocate, say how much you miss him too and count the minutes until you meet.

But if a person you don’t know well misses you, you don’t need to immediately throw yourself on his neck with declarations of love, even if you feel sympathy.

Every man is a hunter. There's nothing you can do about it; it's innate in guys. Even if they are very good-natured, shy, serious, and do not change lovers like gloves, they still have a hunting instinct.

Therefore, if you want to build a relationship with him in the future, then do not open up right away. Give him the opportunity to try to win you over - this is the only way to maintain interest. Tease a little, warm up his feelings, but don't overdo it.

If it is also difficult for you to say “I miss you” in response, you can choose simpler answer options that will speak for themselves, for example:

  • “So why aren’t you with me yet?”
  • “Where and when will we meet?”
  • "Call me!"
  • “Perhaps you could invite me to the cinema?”

Such simple answers will help you not express your feelings openly, but will let the man know that you care about him too.

If you do not plan to communicate with this person further, then it is better not to answer anything at all. Or you can respond to his confession, but try to politely explain that he has no chance.

When a guy shows inadequacy, constantly calls and writes on social networks, blacklist him everywhere. Over time, he will calm down and stop bothering you.

Carefully analyze the situation to determine whether the guy is genuinely bored or just wants to encourage you to be intimate.

If your ex-husband writes to you, who suddenly missed you and realized how dear you are to him, then don’t rush to rejoice, even if your love for him is still alive. Ask mutual friends about events that have happened in your spouse’s life recently.

If you find out that a new passion has left him or things have become difficult for him in everyday life, then you don’t even have to answer his calls. This means that he just needs to use you again as a housekeeper or temporary shelter.

What should a woman do to get her man to come back?

Women are emotional, men are concrete. Scandals often arise out of nowhere: a girl can lose her temper, throw a tantrum, a gentleman can tell the truth, offend with too harsh an answer. And the lovers part. Psychologists advise: if you want to return your gentleman, do this.

  1. Give the opportunity to think things over.

For a couple of weeks, try not to annoy your lover with calls or text messages. Give the gentleman time to cool down, think everything over carefully, realize how important you are, and begin to feel sad. Bad memories fade from memory much faster than good ones. Two or three weeks will pass, the lover will simply be tormented by pleasant memories of the lost relationship.

  1. Return gradually. Avoid drama and persuasion to return.

Remember! No preening. Dress normally as if you were going out with a friend. Otherwise, the guy may think: you are trying to please, please. The stronger sex hates women's cunning, tricks, and manipulation. Preening will only be harmful.

  1. Change yourself, return to your old self.

During the period of separation, try to become better and correct mistakes. The young man will definitely appreciate it; the desire to return will become much stronger. Try to become the person your lover remembered when you first met. Behave more cheerfully, more casually. Let the guy remember why he fell in love. Dramatically increase nostalgia and the desire to return. After all, a break in the relationship between a man and a woman, as psychology claims, is painfully endured by both parties.

  1. Get into better physical shape.

A positive-minded person always attracts people. To have more good thoughts, fewer bad emotions, improve your physical shape. Start running in the morning and doing some light exercise. Increase the amount of endorphin, serotonin, dopamine - substances that increase vitality, make you more optimistic and cheerful.

To spite your bad mood, do more of your favorite activity that brings life satisfaction. Visit the theater, draw, listen to your favorite songs. By all means, distract yourself from dark thoughts about separation. Then it will be much easier to get your partner back.

Also inspire yourself: everything will be fine. Repeat: your loved one will definitely return and become better.

Building relationships, let alone rebuilding them, is not easy. This requires great emotional and volitional efforts. Relationships can be resumed if the man and woman still love, know how to admit their own mistakes, are ready to forgive and move on.

Do you constantly think about him and go crazy at the mere thought of his possible indifference? To dispel doubts and understand whether a guy is interested in you, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs and manifestations of this feeling. And how men miss a woman, we will look at in the article.


If a man says that he misses you, this either means that he really misses you, or he simply benefits from your being around, for example, to satisfy a sexual need. Therefore, do not take this word literally, try to understand what motivates the guy. Your further reaction will depend on this.

Remember that a man who cares about you will prove his attitude through actions, and not just bombard you with messages and calls. Don't take my word for it if you don't want to be deceived.

When and why do men return?

Breaking up is painful, especially for those who love. But separation does not always symbolize the end of a relationship. There are situations when a man may return to renew his love union again. It is worth considering in more detail what motives he is guided by.

After a breakup, a man first revels in the freedom that has befallen him, begins to visit clubs, meet with friends, drink alcohol, flirt with women and not worry that a scandal will arise because of all this. But soon the positive is replaced by melancholy. Fleeting dates with women do not bring happiness; they begin to seem hopeless. This is how a man comes to understand that his thoughts and heart are occupied with his ex-girlfriend.

The young man begins to face many negative emotions:

  • obsessive thoughts appear to offer your ex your shoulder;
  • terrible jealousy arises towards potential suitors;
  • a man begins to miss a woman after breaking up;
  • pangs of conscience for one's own mistakes do not allow one to concentrate.

Viewing photos together, spying on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Facebook enhance these feelings. After 4-5 weeks, the young man makes active attempts to return.

For guys, finding a partner is a difficult task. In a new acquaintance, a man subconsciously tries to discern the features of his ex. Because of this, he often faces inconsistency. The best solution for an unhappy man is to return to his former abode.

The desire to recreate the old comfort with a new lover may end in failure. It will be easier for a man who cares about comfort to return to his ex than to wait for a new love to learn how to care for him in everyday life.

A man leaving a woman may begin to regret it after a while. Admitting that a breakup was a mistake can be difficult, especially if the breakup occurred during an argument. Resentment prevents you from reaching reconciliation right away. But when emotions begin to subside, and all negative memories are pushed into the background, insight comes. The man realizes the positive aspects of his beloved, as well as how he did not appreciate it all.

Initial stage of relationship

Some girls, due to their inexperience, naively believe that a young man should start making warm confessions immediately after meeting. Of course, this is not at all true. It’s just that a woman’s heart wants to feel that its needs are reflected in relationships with the opposite sex. However, the initial stage does not at all imply that stormy enthusiasm and recognition will immediately follow.

People are just beginning to look closely at each other and draw certain conclusions. If a man doesn't say he loves you, maybe you should wait. There is no need to try to rush things.

The man is back: what’s worth a closer look

If a man returns after a divorce, the woman needs to carefully analyze his actions. We need to find out what prompted him to show up: a wounded ego or love? To avoid getting into trouble, a girl needs to pay attention to the following:

  1. Plans. A young man's long-term vision of a woman is a sign that he sees a future with her. If a guy is talking about starting a family, buying an apartment or a house, it means he is serious about continuing the relationship.
  2. Changes in boyfriend. If during the breakup the ex has rethought his behavior, some habits that irritate the woman, then he is ready to work on the relationship.
  3. Candy-bouquet period. Romance in a relationship gradually fades away if a couple is together for a long time. But after separation and renewal of the union, the period of bouquets and sweets flares up with renewed vigor. Positive emotions from being reunited with his beloved motivate a man to romance. If this does not happen, you should think about whether he is happy. Maybe his motives lie in other things, and not in love for a lady.

If the guy returns and the girl decides to renew the union, the couple enters the stage of restoring trust. During this period it is important:

  • take into account past mistakes and prevent them from happening again;
  • replace all accusations, reproaches and complaints with requests;
  • praise your loved one;
  • support each other.

Only in this case, restoration of relations will provide a positive result. Otherwise, the union will be short-lived.

Male psychology: why a guy reminds himself of himself after a breakup

The psychology of ex-lovers is a mystery that is difficult to comprehend. Having suddenly disappeared at the very peak of a romantic relationship, after a month or half a year, the gentleman may begin to remind you of himself: call for any reason, write by e-mail, beg for a date. A man does this to:

  1. Increase your self-esteem. There is a category of men with sick pride. They constantly need recharge. It is represented by the tears of abandoned women. The more girls miss him, the better. Such a former boyfriend will try in every way to remind himself of himself, so that the wounds on the young lady’s heart will heal as slowly as possible.
  2. Renew the relationship. After a breakup, a young man may still love his former flame. He will choose to find a contact as the best way to build relationships.
  3. Lack of sexual relations. Lack of sexual activity after a breakup may prompt a man to return to his ex-girlfriend. A woman needs to be more careful with such a Romeo, because it is difficult to understand whether he really misses the lady of his heart or not. There is a high probability that after satisfying sexual hunger the guy will disappear.
  4. Remove the stone from the soul. If the breakup between lovers was painful, especially for the girl, the guy may feel guilty. Periodically contacting his ex helps him calm down and understand that she is not worried as much as before.
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