“Recumbent, says nothing”: doctors cannot help paralyzed Valentin Gaft

What rules do you need to know?

By remembering the simple rules, you will know exactly how to write a phrase correctly.

Nothing and nothing

The word “nothing” is the instrumental case of the negative word “nothing.” All such pronouns are written together with the particle “ni”. For example: She didn’t stand out among her friends. You cannot insert any word between “neither” and “what.”

There are four such words in the Russian language: nothing, no one, no one and no one’s

However, in cases where “neither” is related not to negation, but to the word “what,” then the spelling will be separate. For example: I have no idea what she looks like or what she is interested in. In this example, the particle “ni” can be discarded while maintaining the meaning : I have no idea what she looks like or what she is interested in.

Writing rules worth remembering

Nothing and nothing

In turn, “ nothing ” is the instrumental case of the word “nothing.” For example: There is absolutely nothing to do. The rule here is simple: if the emphasis falls on the prefix, then “not” should be written in a negative pronoun or adverb.

In sentences, a negative pronoun with the prefix “not” is used with a predicate without negative connotations

The prefix “ ni ” is always unstressed. In addition, in sentences, the word “nothing” usually strengthens the negation, which is expressed by a verb with a negative particle “not”.

Accordingly, it is correct to write “ with anything .”

Article source: https://sunmag.me/sovety/nichem-pomoch-ne-mogu.html

“Recumbent, says nothing”: doctors cannot help paralyzed Valentin Gaft

It's no secret that Valentin Gaft has been experiencing serious health problems in recent years.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Valentin Gaft celebrated his 85th birthday on September 2. The actor played many roles during his life. But his main role - as a father - turned into a real tragedy. And now, on his anniversary, the theater and film star is bedridden, recognizes few people and does not speak. Doctors are powerless to help the paralyzed Valentin Iosifovich.

It is no secret that in recent years Valentin Gaft has been experiencing serious health problems. He suffered a stroke and is partially paralyzed . The actor, adored by the whole country for his roles in the films “Sorcerers” and “Garage,” celebrated his 85th birthday at the dacha, in a small circle.

“The presence of many people irritates him. This is a bedridden patient. We look after him and take him out for walks in his chair. He doesn't talk. He understands everything, sometimes he says something without making a sound. But we have learned to understand him,” Sobesednik.Ru quotes the wife of the hero of the day, Olga Ostroumova.

The 85-year-old artist is cared for by his wife and assistant. Ostroumova's children, to whom Gaft became a father, and grandchildren often come. Olga Mikhailovna herself now moves with the help of crutches. Not so long ago, the actress underwent a serious operation .

In turn, director Roman Viktyuk said that doctors could not help the sick Gaft. The condition is too serious, so the doctors are powerless. “The doctors don’t know anything. They don’t know what’s wrong with him, what’s wrong with him, how to help him . Moreover, I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. And they don’t know,” the master says with pain in his heart.

He noted that Gaft was surrounded by women all his life. “There was an energy of adoration and love around him. He loved women, played pranks... He was already acting in the theater, and I was supposed to film Gogol’s “The Players” for television. I gathered the most brilliant artists of that time! Alexander Kalyagin, Alexander Lazarev, Magarita Terekhova! Margarita Terekhova, this devilish beauty, was sitting here, and Gaft was sending her such sexual passes that she got turned on and shouted: “Stop it, it’s too early! Well, no need, Valya! You see, I'm afraid! And it's true, she was afraid. Because he just had crazy energy . And now…” recalls Viktyuk.

As Gaft’s colleagues note, the artist’s health was undermined by the tragedy of his entire life . 18 years ago, in 2002, his only daughter Olga tragically died. She was only 29 years old. After her parents separated, the girl remained to live with her mother, ballerina Inna Eliseeva. She was the second wife of the People's Artist. Eliseeva had a difficult character; even the neighbors knew about the scandals in the family.

For Gaft, the death of his daughter was a real blow. He fell ill and left his profession for several years. In one of his last interviews, the actor said about his daughter’s death: “I often talk to her. I think that only I am to blame for her death , there’s no need to explain anything.”

Valentin Iosifovich was as close to Olga as possible. The actor’s daughter received an excellent education and dreamed of trying herself on stage. However, these plans were not destined to come true. In Olga’s personal life, not everything went well either. She dedicated her suicide note to her lover.

“Everything that happened is very unfair to my smart and beautiful girl. Olenka and I often met, and she complained to me that her mother did not give her peace. So she baited me,” stated Valentin Iosifovich. “My only regret is that I left my daughter to Inna.” Now you can’t change anything...” The artist was categorically against his ex-wife coming to his daughter’s funeral. However, she didn’t come.

Negative and relative pronouns

What remarkable things can you notice when looking at the spelling of these words? And the fact that they are expressed by the same part of speech, which is in different forms. If you learn to distinguish them, it will not be difficult to determine how to write “nothing” - together or separately. This can be done by question, asking it from the main word to the pronoun or by looking at the meaning that a member of the sentence carries.

“Nothing” usually acts as a negative pronoun in the instrumental case. That is, the basic form of the word is “nothing.” To this member of the sentence you can use “what?” from a predicate or other verb. The result is a simple and short answer - “nothing.” That is, this pronoun is negative for a reason. If you ask him a question, you will get a negative answer in any case. However, it is worth understanding that the pronoun must be in the instrumental case, otherwise the rule will not work.

“Nothing” is a combination of the word “than” with the particle “neither”. As in the previous case, the pronoun is in the instrumental case, but its main form is completely different - “what” (nominative case).

It will not be possible to distinguish a relative pronoun from a negative one using a question. But this part of speech often appears in a sentence together with the word “by no one” or with other homogeneous pronouns. The meaning of the pronoun is not negative, but rather explanatory.

The child is overtired

One of the reasons for reluctance to help may be simple overwork. The child gets tired at school, studies a foreign language, sports, and does homework. It can be difficult for children the first time after the summer holidays, when the body is not yet accustomed to new stress. Or the child has already adapted to elementary school, and then moves to 5th grade, the workload increases, and there are more tasks. Children become overtired not only physically, but also psychologically.

If you see that your son or daughter is busy with school, slow down a little with household responsibilities. After all, additional overwork at home will have a bad effect on your academic performance. You can offer a choice of some responsibilities, let the children evaluate their capabilities themselves.

This is especially true when preparing for exams, important tests at the end of the quarter or year. During these periods, invite your child to do things that directly concern him:

  • cleaning your room;
  • washing and drying clothes (for children over 12 years old);
  • care for your own shoes (children under 10 years old).

Plus, there are simple tasks around the house: watering flowers, taking out trash, cleaning up after animals.

Using “nothing” and “nothing”

You can also try to connect the spelling of this word with the meaning it carries. This will allow you to intuitively understand exactly how to write the pronoun in a given sentence. For example, “nothing” is usually used when listing in a sentence and acts as a homogeneous member, for example, together with nouns: “I could not help him with money, or advice, or anything else.” That is, when a sentence has approximately this meaning, then the word should be written separately from the particle.

But “nothing” usually has to deny something in a sentence, and homogeneous members, as a rule, are absent: “I was only in the third grade, so I couldn’t help this person in any way.” We can say that the whole meaning of the sentence is concentrated on one word - “nothing”. If you read it with an expression, then it will definitely come under stress. However, this word should not be confused with “nothing,” in which the prefix is ​​stressed: “I have nothing to help you with.”

It is also worth noting that the word “nothing” usually acts as an adverb , so it is important to look closely at the context of the sentence: “There was no smell of anything in the room.” The main meaning of the design is that the room not only did not smell, but did not smell of “nothing”. If you remove this word, the meaning of the sentence changes slightly: “There was no smell in the room.” So this addition is extremely important.

I try to help everyone, but they start taking advantage of me. What am I doing wrong?

The editors of the magazine “Foma” received a question from a reader:

Hello! All my life I have been tormented by the question: “Is it worth helping others?” It would seem, of course. Help everyone - and good things will come back to you. Only in life everything is different. In my youth, I was a kind and open person - I tried to help everyone. And everyone used me. In difficult moments, I also wanted help and support, but there was none. One day I asked my mother: “Why don’t my brother and his family help me like I helped them so many times?” And I heard in response: “Don’t be ridiculous.” What's funny about this?

In the end I just closed down. I haven’t communicated with my relatives for many years: even when, shortly before my mother’s death, I needed help and I turned to them, they refused under various pretexts. But I’m already at retirement age, and I feel lonely. I want to fix this. But, remembering my youth, I am very afraid of “stepping on the same rake.”


Archpriest Igor Fomin, rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO, answers the question:

Archpriest Igor FOMIN

Dear Galina, your desire is natural. Helping others is what it means to be a Christian and try to get closer to God. This good impulse cannot be questioned, although there is always a risk of disappointment. The reason is our damaged human nature. But first things first.

The Lord created man for rejoicing - so that he would remain in the love, goodness and mercy of God. This is what comes naturally to us. But sin came into the world and turned everything upside down: evil became an integral part of our lives. And evil is the absence of good. Since then, evil deeds have been easier for a person, and virtue seems like an unbearable burden.

And yet we must remember that when we choose between good and evil, we make a choice, and this choice is most often rationalistic, and, as a rule, in favor of sin. And then there is an imposition of a good impulse to help on our imperfections. We begin to think: since I did a good deed (which, perhaps, is good only in our eyes), then the people around me should respond to me in the same way. Yes, indeed, the Holy Scripture says: do as you want to be done to you, and what you sow is what you reap. But this does not mean at all that market relations for the exchange of good deeds should be established between people.

Doing good should be as natural as eating and drinking. There is no need to perceive it as heroism. But today the time has come for mercy, which is measured not by the strength of love for people, but by the degree of willingness to sacrifice one’s comfort: “I will help, but only as much as is convenient for me. And you, neighbor, accept my goods with honor, otherwise I will no longer help.” But if you “stress” in order to get something in return from God, yourself or others, it turns into a routine job in which there is no question of striving for salvation.

The Word of God is beyond doubt: indeed, whatever you sow is what you will reap. But it is not a fact that good will return to you from the person to whom you did this good deed. Often we simply do not notice the good that is happening for our sake: they gave us a seat on the subway, they greeted us, they smiled at us, they served us politely - we take all this for granted. We are accustomed to highly value our own good deeds and underestimate the deeds of others. We gave one hundred rubles to a beggar and wait for God to open a bank account for us. But our good deeds should change us, return us to a natural paradise state. This is what we should think about, and not about what others have not given us.

“My neighbor did not help me, but he should have” - this false attitude is very popular. And no one owes us anything. If you need specific help, make a list, post it online and ask, “Who can help?” I am sure that good people will respond to your call. But don’t expect people to figure out your need on their own.

So what is the right way to help your neighbor with what thoughts? The psalmist David formulated this well: not to us, O Lord... but to your name give glory (Ps 113 :9). This means: address all your good deeds to God.

A person who sincerely helps people cannot be “used.” He has no contradictions between real feelings, intentions and manifestations of these feelings, that is, deeds in relation to another person. If you help sincerely, then external circumstances, whatever they may be, will not be terrible - they will not be an embarrassment or a hindrance.

The same cannot be said about someone who imagines something about himself and begins to do “good” out of vanity and pride. Vanity is not just about admiring yourself in front of the mirror. This is also when you stand in front of the mirror and scold, humiliate, and dislike yourself. And then it’s easier to say: “I’m poor, unhappy, I help everyone, and everyone takes advantage of me,” than: “I help everyone, that’s why I’m the best of people.” You can even become dependent on your own weakness, on self-neglect, and you may like to be a victim. Such help to neighbors only gives rise to doubts and pain, and certainly cannot be natural.

So, if your relatives are pressing you, and you cannot say “no,” this does not mean that you are a kind and good person. This may well mean that you secretly want to be the center of the earth around which society revolves, admiring your “good” deeds. But you can’t save yourself by doing these things. You cannot save yourself by works at all. By deeds you can testify to your state - either devilish, or heavenly, Divine.

Of course, it is easier to be weak and grumble against God than to glorify Him. It’s easier to close yourself off from everyone than to show participation, forgetting about yourself. It is easier not to believe in people than to truly love them. But I want to remind you: Christians live in a world where Christ has conquered death. And in this world there is no place for personal comfort for them: they have to choose - comfort or life with Christ? Galina also faces this choice. She already knows how to do good. All that remains is to make the right choice.

Prepared by Anastasia Bavinova

Errors with homogeneous particles

Many people make mistakes in spelling sentences where there is a preposition between some homogeneous members and particles. Because of this feature, the mind simply does not perceive words as homogeneous and a person simply writes “nothing,” although the construction of the sentence suggests the opposite:

  • I knew practically nothing - neither how to paint, nor when to paint, nor what to paint with.
  • I didn’t understand how to stir the pilaf in a large cauldron, or how to stir it.
  • I didn’t understand how to build a house, or how to plant a tree, or how to plow the ground.

Basically, it is common to see sentences with the construction “nobody, nothing.” However, sentences will not differ in spelling if the main pronoun and particle are separated by some preposition or are part of any phrase. Such members of the sentence still remain homogeneous, so it is impossible to write “nothing” together in a sentence.

Except when it is not part of the structure: “I wasn’t sure who this person was or how to ask him about it, so I couldn’t help him.” Therefore, it is important to analyze the sentence according to its composition and not try to complicate the structure while writing essays.

The child is unsure of his abilities

Insecurity appears when parents are too demanding or give tasks that the child cannot complete. It is impossible to please you if you:

  • you see mistakes and shortcomings everywhere;
  • correct every action (you hold the rag wrong, you vacuum the wrong way, you wash too quickly);
  • shout and scold often;
  • do not thank for help, but only criticize;
  • constantly unhappy.

Children don’t want to do anything, because they are not sure that they can really do anything well. This kills not only motivation, but also any initiative.

Algorithm of actions for verification

Even knowing the rules of “not” and “nor” with pronouns and negative adverbs, you can make a mistake. And vice versa, having little knowledge of the difference between combined and separate writing of parts of speech, some manage to submit texts without a single mistake, since their intuition tells them how to write correctly. To reinforce your knowledge, you need to study not only the differences in spelling rules, but also be able to parse the composition of a sentence. If in doubt, it is recommended to follow certain steps:

  • We find the main and minor members of the sentence.
  • We identify the part of speech that raises doubts.
  • We ask the question from the main word to the dependent one.
  • We look at the semantic load of the sentence.
  • We pay attention to the presence or absence of homogeneous particles.
  • Let's look at the presence of prepositions.

To make studying easier, you can write out this algorithm so that it is always before your eyes. You can also make small cards with the rules so as not to forget important nuances.

Even if they cannot be used, human memory is designed in such a way that important fragments remain in it if they were not just read, but written down. Well, if all the information of interest is also presented in an extremely interesting way, then all the facts will never be forgotten.

The child has a phlegmatic temperament

A phlegmatic temperament may also be a reason. Here we need to develop a different approach - negotiations. Discuss household responsibilities and your wishes gently but firmly. Invite your child to make a list of things he could do. Talk about the time when this or that work will be done.

Children with a phlegmatic temperament have no problem being helpful. But they will wait for your initiative. If there is an official to-do list and routine, it will be easier for them.

Interesting examples from literature

In fiction you can also find many sentences with which you can study the spelling of pronouns with the particles “not” and “neither”. Moreover, the works of both Russian classics and foreign writers are suitable as an example. To compare the spelling of ordinary sentences that we are already accustomed to using in life and those phrases that are found in literature, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with several examples:

  • “I'm only in the third grade, so nothing has proven it” - this phrase belongs to George Martin, he used it in his work “Nightflyers”. It is easy to notice that in the entire sentence the semantic emphasis lies precisely on the word “nothing”, which is expressed by an adverb. Also, the construction does not contain prepositions or homogeneous particles, so the word is written together. But if you add the phrase “by anyone” to the sentence, the spelling will change: “I’m only in the third grade, which means this has not been proven by anyone or anything.” So the spelling changes just by adding one new word.
  • “She had never been seen in anything like this before” - a phrase from “New Beginnings” written by E. I. Rapinkina. Everything here is extremely simple. Between the particle nor and the negative pronoun there is a preposition “in”, so it is necessary to write the construction separately.
  • “An unremarkable person” - this phrase is used so often in Russian literature that there is no point in even indicating its author, since there may be several dozen of them. The construction is quite unusual and complex, since there is not only a negative adjective, but also the particle “not”, which is written separately from the participle (there is a dependent word).

Spelling the word "nothing"

The word we are interested in is a form of the negative pronoun “nothing”, which does not have an initial form of the nominative case.

Let's observe how it changes by case:

Today we have absolutely nothing to do.

Please note that in a sentence, a negative pronoun with an accented prefix is ​​not used with an affirmative predicate, in which there is no negative particle “not”.

Let’s correctly write the pronoun “nothing” with the letter “e” in the prefix in similar examples.


It's so dusty here that you can't breathe at all.

We already know this, but there is nothing else to be interested in here.

Sorry, there is nothing else to treat you with!

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