How can mute people regain the power of speech?

According to the World Health Organization, there are currently about 466 million people in the world who are unable to speak. Usually their muteness is associated with congenital deafness - without hearing the speech of adults, deaf children simply cannot learn to speak. But sometimes the cause of muteness is damage to the vocal cords, resulting in the person knowing how to pronounce words but simply not being able to vocalize them. It seems that in the future some of these people will regain the ability to speak simply by sticking a small film on their neck. But technology is unlikely to help everyone.

A person can speak thanks to the presence of the larynx, a section of the respiratory system in which the organs responsible for producing the voice are located. Before playing any sound, a person’s vocal cords are compressed and vibrate under the pressure of air leaving the lungs. From this sound wave, thanks to the movement of the lips, letters, words and sentences are formed.

How to talk to a girl to make her like you?

Usually a guy who wants to get a girl tries to somehow please her, interest her in something. Ideas on this matter vary. Some people want to impress a girl with money, a car, or other material possessions. Then they take her on a date to an expensive club or buy her gifts.

Others will begin to be interested in what the girl is doing. Let's say she loves animals, so he will buy a dog or go with her to a shelter to feed homeless animals. Men's fantasy has no boundaries.

But what does talking to a girl have to do with impressions? Huge. In addition to trying to impress a girl with your behavior, money, and social status, you also need to present yourself correctly in conversation. It's about the stories guys like to tell women. They can be different:

  • About how you met a celebrity.
  • About your achievements, education, courses completed, skills acquired.
  • Stories about parties, concerts and other unique events in which you participated.
  • Amazing stories.

Mohammad Rezaie , Unsplash
The correct concept is that by telling these stories, you indirectly show the girl that you are an interesting and attractive guy. You need to let the girl know on a subconscious level that you are good at something, better than others.

Here's a good example: “I entered the guitar competition again this year, and you won't believe who I met. It was Eric Clapton. I got his autograph and had the opportunity to play one of his songs along with the other members. I love going there, I always meet someone interesting.”

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This story is without direct boasting. You show the girl that you are a special guy. You don’t say, “I can play the guitar great,” but you say, “I took part in a guitar competition again this year.” Do you see the difference?

You don’t say: “My life is interesting because I go to different meetings and meet new people, I’m not a bore who only plays on the computer.” Instead: “It was Eric Clapton. I got his autograph and had the opportunity to play one of his songs along with the other members. I love going there, I always meet someone interesting.” Do you see the difference?

John Arano, Unsplash

Both sentences convey the same thing, but have completely different connotations and will be perceived by the girl differently. One girl will think that you are a braggart, and another will think that you have unique abilities and an interesting life. Simple but very effective.

But here you need to be careful. If you don't have the appropriate mindset, that is, if you talk to a girl without confidence and desperately, she will very quickly understand that these stories are just a smoke screen. Camouflage that will turn an ordinary nerd into a hero. Women can feel this very quickly.

You can tell the most interesting stories, but if it is not backed up by anything from the inside, it will not do any good.

If you don't know how to talk to girls and really want to get her, then you can create some real (very important not to lie) stories that will show you in a good light. You will always be more confident in yourself because you know that you have something extra to talk about.

“How to talk to a girl if I have nothing to tell about myself? What if I'm a boring guy who doesn't have much going on in his life? If you think so, then 90% most likely you haven’t thought about it longer than you read this text. In most cases you can find something interesting. In order to be more interesting for a girl, you need to... develop. Find a hobby, read books, go out and meet new people. Just like that, because sitting still, you will only gain extra pounds, nothing more.

Signs you don't have a future with a girl

You'll see that once you manage to become an interesting guy, you won't even have to think about any stories. Your life itself will send it to you. It is enough to tell a girl about everyday life, and it will be interesting. This is why it is so important to develop yourself, to build an interesting personality, and not to learn stories and tricks for girls.

You will find that if you start putting these tips into practice, you will very quickly gain value that a woman can feel. Talking to a girl will not be difficult because words, stories, interesting topics will naturally flow out of you.

Vicky Hladynets, Unsplash

How to independently learn to speak the language of the deaf and mute?

If you want to learn to speak sign language, you need to have a minimum vocabulary.
In the language of the deaf and dumb, almost any word can be expressed with a specific gesture. Learn the most common words people use in everyday life and learn how to pronounce simple phrases. Special online dictionaries are perfect for this purpose: the announcer shows the gesture corresponding to the word and the correct articulation. Similar dictionaries can be found on sites dedicated to learning sign language. But you can also use book-size dictionaries. True, there you will only see gestures in pictures, and this is not such a visual way to learn words.

To speak the language of the deaf, you will also need to learn the fingerprint alphabet. It consists of 33 gestures, each of which corresponds to a specific letter of the alphabet. The dactylic alphabet is not often used in conversation, but you still need to know it: letter gestures are used when pronouncing new words for which there are no special gestures yet, as well as for proper names (first names, surnames, names of settlements, etc.).

Once you have mastered the theoretical part, that is, the deaf alphabet and the basic vocabulary, you will need to find a way to communicate with native speakers, with which you will train your speaking skills.

How to avoid awkward silence? What are the best topics to discuss?

What and how to talk to a girl about is one of the biggest mysteries and the most frequently asked question for many. In order to avoid silence, you can use the keyword method. This is a fairly simple trick that will prevent you from running out of topics to talk about.

In short, it's about extracting certain "key words" from a conversation and building the next dialogue around them. In practice it looks like this. When she says, “When I was little, I went to art school. Once I drew such a beautiful horse that the teacher praised me. Then my dad came to pick me up in a Mercedes. When I saw it through the window, I was so shocked by the car that I forgot about my drawing. The next day my father went to pick up my drawing.”

From such a simple sentence you can find several topics for conversation:

  • "School of Fine Arts"
  • "Horses"
  • "Drawing, painting, art"
  • "Mercedes - passion for cars"

Each of these words are keywords that you can use in the topic of conversation. Simple and effective. You may ask:

  • “Oh, do you like to draw? Tell me more about this?
  • “Are you still doing art?”
  • “Do you like horses? Have you ridden them? I have an uncle who breeds them."

The shocking truth about good guys

See how simple it is. If you just listen to what your interlocutor says, you will see how many topics he himself presents to you.

Jane Palash, Unsplash

Where can you practice sign language?

It is important to understand that learning to speak the language of the deaf without practice is an impossible task. Only in the process of real communication can you master conversational skills at such a level that you can understand sign language well and be able to communicate in it. So, where can you talk to native sign language speakers? First of all, these are all kinds of online resources: social networks, thematic forums and specialized sites whose audience is hard of hearing or deaf people. Modern means of communication will allow you to fully communicate with native speakers without leaving your home.

You can take a more complex, but at the same time more effective path. Find out if your city has special schools for the deaf or any other communities for the hard of hearing and deaf people. Of course, a hearing person will not be able to become a full member of such an organization. But this is possible if you learn the language of the deaf and dumb not for pleasure, but in order to communicate in it with someone close to you. You can also sign up as a volunteer at a boarding school for deaf children. There you will be completely immersed in the language environment, as you will be able to truly communicate closely with native sign language speakers. And at the same time do good deeds - as a rule, volunteers are always needed in such institutions.

Some tips for talking to a girl

You're either interested or you're not.

For your conversation to be truly interesting and enjoyable, you must understand that this cannot be a forced, artificial flow of words. You really have to want to communicate with the girl, want to establish a deeper connection with her. If you don't have this desire, you will quickly begin to feel discomfort (just like the girl) during the conversation.

If deep down you don't care about what she has to say, you probably won't enjoy the conversation.

However, if you want to know her, understand her and love her more, then this is a completely different matter. Your attitude will change, and the energy of the conversation will become noticeably more pleasant for you and the girl. Then you won't have to think about what to say now, how to persuade her to go on a date or take her hand. Everything will happen by itself.

As a result, talking to a girl will become easy. This will become possible because you will understand that it is enough to be yourself. If you have an interesting personality, if you are confident in yourself, then you won’t need anything else. Your appearance and financial situation will not matter much.

Mohammad Rezaie, Unsplash

Voice-forming apparatus

A person with damaged vocal cords cannot reproduce a sound wave, that is, he is practically deprived of his voice. In some cases, they can speak by pressing the so-called voice-forming apparatus to their neck - it replaces the vocal cords and generates sound waves. These devices have two disadvantages: firstly, the sounds they produce strongly resemble the voice of a robot, and secondly, they must be constantly carried with you and pressed against your neck every time you need to say something.

Scheme of operation of the voice-forming apparatus

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