What to do if a girl cheated with a friend?

Women's infidelity has recently become as commonplace as men's. Nobody feels safe. Men are worried and trying to find out what pushes the weaker half of humanity to cheat. There really aren't many reasons why girls cheat on their boyfriends. And if you know them in advance, you can avoid an unpleasant incident. After all, part of the blame lies with the man.

Why did she do this?

The first question a guy wants to answer is “Why did she do this to me?” If a guy loved and trusted his partner, then the news of her cheating can really come as a shock. On the other hand, why does a guy need to find out the reasons for her betrayal? This is important for the guy himself if he wants to avoid additional betrayal in the future.

It doesn’t matter whether the guy maintains the relationship with the traitor or finds another girl, so that a similar story does not happen again, you need to remove the reasons that led to it. And often these reasons lie in the guy himself. Here, the fault of the girl herself who cheated is not at all excluded. She is undoubtedly to blame for sleeping with another man. However, she is often pushed into cheating by the indifference or bad behavior of her official boyfriend. If the reader himself does not change his behavior, then he will face infidelity in the future, even if he starts dating other young ladies.

The reasons for female infidelity are:

  1. Cheating on the guy himself. If you yourself are cheating, then do not think that the girl will not want to take revenge on you.
  2. Fading of feelings. Over time, love, passion and other feelings pass. Here a girl who cannot live without emotions will begin to look for them on the side.
  3. Lack of attention from the guy. A man may have a lot of work and worries, which is why he may devote little time to his beloved. Because of this, she will begin to cheat on him without breaking off the relationship.
  4. Lack of love. Here we can talk about a situation where a girl initially did not love a guy, but decided to date him, for example, because he has a lot of money.
  5. Life If partners live together and the girl sees nothing like pots, washing and cleaning, she may get tired of it. The lack of joys, entertainment and a beautiful life can prompt a girl to look for all this on the side.
  6. Variety in sex. A girl can also be sexually active and liberated. You should also not forget that maintaining virginity before sex with an official boyfriend can encourage your partner to try what it’s like to sleep with other men. In other words, if a girl has only had sex with one guy, she may want to try sleeping with other men to compare and understand something for herself.

It is worth considering such an option for the reasons for cheating as the desire to break up. If a girl already wants to break up with a guy, but cannot do it directly, she can start hanging out with other guys and directly state this, without hiding it. Thus, she will simply push her boyfriend to break up with her on his initiative.

What to do if cheating happened, but your husband doesn’t know?2

You can't undo what's done. There is no need to die in mental anguish. Now it is important for you to realize, analyze and accept the situation that has occurred. Take the right decisions and life lessons from it. Our next article will help you figure out how to deal with betrayal.

So, situation number one. You drank at a corporate party, you were happy and carefree. Before this, you worked very hard, were very tired, and your husband was also busy with his own affairs. What were you feeling at that moment? Anger, resentment, desire to attract attention. But the love in the family did not disappear anywhere, you just put it off for later.

During the holiday, a colleague began to flirt with you. He had his eye on you for a long time, or he also drank a little. Sex happened. But parting with the man you love, who is waiting for you at home, is not at all part of your plan of action.

There is an exit. First of all, talk to a colleague. If he doesn't take it seriously, then pretend that nothing weird happened. When your cheating partner wants the banquet to continue, it is better to protect your family from possible attempts to take you away from it. Quit your job, talk to your fleeting lover, explain your position.

If your husband finds out, then there is a ninety percent chance that you will face a divorce, or long and painful years of reproaches. Psychologists warn that a much smaller percentage of men are ready to accept and forgive their beloved for betrayal. They are owners, even in situations where they themselves cheat. If there is an opportunity to hide your move to the left, take advantage of it. There is no need to fall to your knees, beg for mercy, or make sincere apologies - this will not help.

This is not meanness, but caring for your loved one. Think for yourself, would you be pleased to learn such an unpleasant truth? Most likely, you will not want to suffer because of actions that are indirectly related to you. So it is here - take care of the psychological situation in the family, do not force your loved one to worry, suffer and delve into himself.

How to expose betrayal?

If a girl starts cheating, it is unlikely that she will advertise this to her boyfriend. She can tell her girlfriends. However, if a guy does not become aware of his lover’s betrayal, then he can pay attention to the following signs that may prompt him to think about his partner’s fidelity:

  • The girl became irritable. If quarrels have become frequent lately, then maybe she wants to break up with you so she can start dating another guy.
  • The girl has secrets and mysteries. This should be especially alarming if this has not been observed before. If she used to talk about everything and always wanted to spend time with you, then her behavior should become strange when she hides something, doesn’t say anything and says that she needs to be given more freedom, to spend some time off without you.
  • The girl got new things that she couldn’t buy for herself. If among your girlfriend’s things you begin to notice expensive perfumes, cosmetics, sexy lingerie, etc., then you obviously have a question about where she got it from. It is unlikely that this was given to her at work. You definitely didn’t give her such gifts. If she couldn’t buy such things for herself with her salary, then someone obviously appeared to her.
  • The girl began to take care of her appearance again. Of course, girls tend to make themselves beautiful, slim and well-groomed. However, if recently she has again begun to actively care about how she looks, maybe she is trying for someone.
  • The girl began to behave strangely with the phone. When she gets a call, she can go to another room. Sometimes he tries not to answer calls or puts the phone on silent mode. Sends messages to someone and then deletes them. It becomes strange if a girl gets angry and doesn’t give you her phone when you want to use it.
  • The girl stays late at work or after school. Of course, there can be a lot of things to do at work, so you shouldn’t attack a girl with accusations if you only guess about her cheating. We need to know for sure what the reasons for her delays are.
  • The girl does not want to introduce you to her friends. Girlfriends can reveal her secrets, and guy friends can be her lovers. Who knows?
  • The girl continues to communicate with her ex. The question is, why should a girl communicate with a guy with whom she did not have a good relationship, if now she is dating you and everything is fine with you? If the ex himself takes the initiative to communicate with her, then you need to discourage him. And if the initiator of communication is a girl, then you need to talk to her.
  • The girl began to avoid meeting your family. If the girl used to get along well with your mother, then you should be wary of what has changed. Perhaps the girl is ashamed of her behavior, so she cannot look your mother in the eyes normally.
  • The girl began to often be inaccessible. This applies to sex, and the desire to be with her, and at least get through to her. When you call, the phone is switched off. When you want to see each other, she is always busy. When you want sex, she immediately gets a headache.
  • The girl changed in mood and behavior. She has become more distant and indifferent to you. She began to rejoice, but not because you are nearby, but because she needs to go somewhere and see someone.
  • The girl set passwords for social networks. If earlier you could safely visit her page, since she did not hide it, now you need to know the password.
  • The girl stopped nagging you. It seems that this is a good sign - it means that everything is working out in the relationship. In fact, if a girl stopped nagging and demanding something from a guy, she most likely has cooled off towards him. And this often happens when a girl finds another boyfriend.
  • The girl loves to go to nightclubs. It’s not for nothing that guys don’t like girls’ hobbies like this. And the whole reason is that guys go there to find girls to sleep with. Going to nightclubs can end in bed with another guy.
  • The girl became unusually tender. And for no good reason. This may feel like the girl wants to make amends to you.

Make sure there was cheating

If your girlfriend cheated and then admitted what happened, then there is no need to check the information. But if you only have conjectures, conjectures, suspicions, or, even worse, gossip, then you need to check the facts. Was there really treason?

You can’t rely on indirect signs of a girl’s betrayal when it comes to your future. You need irrefutable evidence. On the one hand, it will be easier for you to decide what to do next, because you will have no doubt about her betrayal. On the other hand, it’s easier to have a conversation with a traitor when you have irrefutable evidence on your hands.

On our website there is an article on the topic of collecting evidence about a woman’s infidelity, but here we will briefly duplicate the options for obtaining evidence:

  • Check your phone and computer for correspondence, photos together, notes about the affair.
  • Pockets, purse and personal items for checks, hotel statements, expensive gifts, notes for bouquets, keys to someone else's apartment.
  • The car for unknown men's things, cigarettes in the ashtray.
  • Check the DVR recordings in her car, or donate a similar device and install it personally.
  • Track the user’s movement using a GPS tracker or look at the user’s movement on Google maps.
  • Install spyware on her phone to save all her keystrokes, so you can read her messages.
  • Just follow her the old fashioned way, maybe see her leaving with another man after work.

The invasion of a girl's privacy should go unnoticed. If she suddenly notices something, she will most likely be the initiator of the breakup.

You need to carry out all these operations if you want to save the relationship and are not 100% sure that the girl is cheating.

How can you find out for sure if a girl is cheating?

If the above-described signs appear in combination and you increasingly suspect the girl of cheating, then you can definitely check the betrayal. How to do it?

  1. Check the girl’s messages on social networks or on the phone, look through the list of phone calls.
  2. Follow up. What's wrong with that if it lets you know the truth?
  3. Ask a friend to keep an eye on her. You just need to ask someone you trust.
  4. Talk to the girl, implying that you know everything.
  5. Suddenly come to her home or work. You can often catch a traitor in the act.
  6. Talk to your girl frequently about her daily activities. The girl will not be able to constantly come up with stories with all the details.
  7. If she goes to some event, then do not say that you will pick her up, refer to your busy schedule. However, pick her up anyway to see if you are the only candidate to give her a ride.

Why does a girl cheat but not leave?

In our practice, we had the opportunity to observe the “hottest” paintings. One of the popular ones is as follows: a girl cheated on her boyfriend, for some reason she doesn’t leave, says that she needs her loved one, promises not to cheat again, to be obedient, etc. Why is this happening? What makes her feel so humiliated?

If you are cohabiting:

  • She may be afraid of the reaction of her parents who allowed you to live together. This usually happens if she was drilled as a child, used physical force during her upbringing, and had difficulty letting her leave home;
  • If you break up, she will lose a comfortable existence, she will have to leave the city (for example, in which she studies and lives with you, due to the loss of a bed, and there will not be enough money to rent housing on her own). The hero of this triangle showed no interest in cohabitation;
  • It was an instant flash without any obligations - an accident (sometimes, ladies are able to do this without even knowing the name of the left partner).

If you live with your parents:

  • After the treacherous act, it suddenly dawned on her and she realized that she loved you (it’s not a fact that this is true, such people are always looking for new sensations);
  • Your mother or father insisted on your return due to the promise and prospects of the future (if your career began to grow rapidly, your studies are at the highest level, your quality of life begins to improve). By the way, it’s not always the parents, perhaps she herself decided so;
  • He dumped her, spread the word about the fact, and somehow humiliated her in front of society. She, realizing what kind of cattle she had gotten involved with, decided to return what she had not previously valued. If a new guy appears on the horizon, she will leave.

That is why a person is able to cling so strongly to her “beloved.” We believe that you will be interested in continuing to study the topic, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with these materials:

  1. How to take revenge on a girl for cheating?
  2. Do girls cheat more often than guys?

Forgiveness cannot be forgotten

Where to put a comma in the expression “Forgive cannot be forgotten” is up to the guy to decide. However, psychologists do not advise acting on emotions. It's better to give yourself time to think and look at the girl's behavior.

Understand that cheating is a signal that there are serious problems in the relationship. Often, betrayal occurs on the part of a girl only when there has been no mutual understanding between the partners in the relationship for a long time. You should remember the reasons for the quarrels that arose before the betrayal. If a girl was constantly indignant about the same thing, then this was the reason for her betrayal.

Of course, identifying the reason for the betrayal does not in any way relieve her of guilt. She is wrong for betraying you and your love. But at the same time, you should understand how guilty you yourself were for pushing your beloved to such an act.

Pay attention to the behavior of the girl herself after her betrayal was revealed. Is she trying to ask you for forgiveness? Did she leave her lover to improve her relationship with you? Has she realized her mistake? All this can be taken into account and given a chance to improve. However, if all this does not happen, then there is no need to think: leave the girl who clearly shows that she does not need your relationship.

If you decide to forgive the cheater, then you need to wait a while. Let her realize her guilt, let her suffer a little not knowing whether you will forgive her or not, let her try to get you back. All of this will teach her a lesson that she won't want to go through again. If you forgive the girl very quickly, then she may not understand her wrongdoing and even begin to cheat on the guy further when everything calms down.

If your relationship resumes, then you will have to work on the problem that caused the betrayal. It absolutely must be eliminated so that betrayal does not happen again.

Ways to forget your lover

If the news of your lover's betrayal hurt you so much that you decided to break up with her because you understand that you cannot forgive her, then you will face another problem: how to forget your ex? The problem is complicated by the fact that you may still love your ex-girlfriend, that is, the breakup was forced, and you are constantly reminded of the fact of betrayal.

Ways to forget your ex:

  1. Throw away everything that reminds you of your ex. To think less about her and everything she has done, you need to throw away her gifts, things, photographs of her, etc.
  2. Stop communicating with her. It is strictly forbidden to see her, call her, or talk to her. Even on social networks we remove her from friends so that there is no temptation to become interested in her life.
  3. Realize the situation. Understand that only a girl left your life. Let your ability to love remain. It will come in handy when you again meet an interesting girl with whom you want to have a relationship.
  4. Mind your own business. Get busy with work, immerse yourself in your hobbies or daily activities, in other words, take a break.
  5. Play sports. You can get yourself in shape to meet your future love, thereby freeing yourself from negative emotions through strength exercises.
  6. Do self-hypnosis. Close your eyes and imagine that your past love is a shackle that prevents you from moving. Want to remove them, get rid of them.
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