The psychology of relationships between lovers, how long they can last and how to end them correctly

Feeling needed and desired is a woman’s main need. For this reason, she is ready to play any games with a man: to be caring and indifferent, in love and cold, passionate and tender. But how to behave with your lover so that he is afraid of losing you?

Do not rush to open the doors of the cafe yourself, do not order tables or reserve rooms - let him feel like a gallant gentleman. Source: Flickr (Jose_Hdez._Brito_Follow)


No, we are not talking about that understanding when a woman listens to all her lover’s stories, takes a deep breath and nods her head in understanding. Of course, he sometimes needs to speak out, complain about his wife and boss, get support from the woman he loves, but such relationships have no future, since over time the mistress will receive the status of a “vest” and not a beloved one.

In this case, the stake is on common interests. You need to take the initiative, be interested in what interests him. For example, he loves cars, why not offer to go to the races together, he enjoys fishing, you can organize a good joint outdoor recreation.

This is important because relationships that are built only on sex do not last long, and meetings are rare. After all, what is needed is to spend an hour together once or twice a week. And when people have common interests, they visit some places together, they have something to discuss over a cup of coffee. And this brings people together, strengthens their connection, not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level, which is important.

How to behave

So, let's try to figure out how to behave with a married lover in order to remain a happy woman. First of all, let's face it and admit that a man needs sex from his mistress, and then everything else. No one says that he meets with his mistress solely because of this, but intimacy occupies the main position. He may be in love with his mistress, but if he does not get what he wants from her, then this love will quickly pass and another, more accommodating young lady will take her place.

Features of this relationship

Many are sure that the stamp in the passport and the ring on the right hand should somehow stop a man and make him unattractive to other women. But this is not true at all. Especially recently, adultery has become almost the norm. Nowadays, no one is even surprised by such cases; they have become uninteresting and have long been familiar to society. Many women are now studying websites, going to a psychologist for advice, to find out how to take away a married man. After all, in the struggle for your own happiness, all methods are good.

Sometimes a relationship with a married man is short-lived, for example, if people met at a party, spent the night and forgot about each other's existence. Usually, after such evenings, both have a happy memory in their memory and nothing more. But more often such relationships last quite a long time, sometimes several years. It is difficult to say whether a woman is happy at this time, because she seems to have a man, but he does not belong to her, and most mistresses are very worried about this fact. A man is quite happy with this situation: he can relax with this woman, she always looks good, is never in a bad mood, listens to everything he tells her and, most importantly, never reproaches him for anything, does not demand anything, I can't say that about my wife. However, a mistress is, first of all, a woman, and she will want to completely possess a representative of the stronger sex, and in order to achieve this, you need to know how to behave with a married lover.

Bed and appearance

If a girl has fallen in love with a married man and wants a relationship with him, then she must forever forget the phrases “I don’t want to today” and “my head hurts,” since he hears this quite often from his wife. When meeting him, a girl should simply glow with passion, or at least skillfully pretend to be. Besides this, the appearance. When coming to his mistress, a man wants to see a beautiful picture, a sexy outfit, and not hair tied in a bun and a long-washed robe. He's seen enough of this at home, too.

A girl must understand that even in an unexpected meeting, she must look her best. Moreover, you need to constantly show imagination and not show up in the same thing, experiment with hairstyles and makeup, but you don’t need to do too much war paint, you can scare them off.

But you shouldn’t rely on sex with a married man alone, because in our times there are quite enough available women. And there is no man in the world who would leave his family just because his mistress is better than his wife in bed.

How long do they last?

Many people are interested in how long a love relationship between a man and a woman lasts.

Scientists say: depending on the characteristics of character and temperament, the feeling of falling in love finally passes after one and a half to three years of acquaintance.

Therefore, a relationship based on sexual attraction usually does not last longer than this period - as the attraction fades, common interests do not appear, which is not at all conducive to the continuation of communication.

But when deep love and affection arises, the union has no time limits and lasts a lifetime.

Partners do not think about themselves, selfishness and consumerism, jealousy, and mistrust disappear.

Deep feelings do not arise instantly, but are formed as a result of long-term, trusting relationships.

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