Types of relationships in a team: how to communicate correctly with different employees

Working with people - what qualities are needed July 13, 2013, 00:00 | Lipa Moskvicheva

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Yesterday, representatives of one very important and difficult profession - flight attendants - celebrated their professional holiday. Just imagine, these people - often, by the way, very young girls - are responsible for the safety of the flight, the peace and comfort of passengers, and compliance with all the rules and regulations in the aircraft cabin. Considering the recent increase in cases of severe hooliganism on board, one can assume that there is a lot of stress in such work. Yes, sometimes dealing with people is not easy at all.

What qualities are needed in order to successfully engage in work that involves communicating with people without problems for one’s own psycho-emotional health? Of course, there are nuances related to which side, so to speak, of the barricades you are on: whether the people with whom you communicate depend on you, or, on the contrary, you need something from them - to sell advertising, for example. However, there are some general, basic rules - we’ll talk about them today.

Communication is light

Obviously, in order to work with people, you need to enjoy the communication itself. And this does not mean communication with people you like and conversations on interesting topics, but communication in general, globally - as a process. The desire to listen to stories, the constant desire to learn something new (even if this is not the information you need most for later life), to speak yourself, carefully choosing words, explaining the same thing in different ways until you are understood. These are all the steps that make up the communication process: initial contact, testing the waters, first rapprochement, attempts to interact - not always immediately successful, studying the interlocutor, adjusting to him or, on the contrary, manipulating him so that he takes your side, and so on. For some, this is an exciting and somewhat gambling game, but for others it is a difficult task or even a skill that they are not very good at. I think that each of us in our lives has dealt with a colleague who would rather be advised to change his profession and not torment himself or those around him with unsuccessful attempts to build a dialogue. So I'm sure you know what I mean.

Smile and wave

It is fundamentally important for someone whose work involves constant communication to have a positive outlook on the world. Of course, sometimes there can (and will) be a bad mood, fatigue and even a desire to tell everything to hell, and go to the village, to your aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov, or under the palm trees in a sun lounger at worst. But it’s one thing when such a state occurs during a period of heavy workload against the backdrop of a long absence of vacation, and another when the end of each working day is accompanied by the feeling that all your strength has been sucked out of you and “everything is bad.”

There are people who charge us with energy, there are those who, as they say, “vampire”. The sign of a professional is not to allow yourself to be exhausted, to be able to defend yourself in a timely manner and to transfer communication to a direction favorable to yourself. Always have a joke ready to defuse the situation, no offense - just a willingness to smile, and even on the most difficult days your base should be optimism (“It can’t get worse...” sighs the pessimist. “It happens!” the optimist is sure). Otherwise, you will very quickly burn out inside and will definitely barricade yourself in the wilderness with your aunt (just in case, I apologize to the residents of Saratov - this is all a classic, not me!).

“I see you as if in reality”

Oh, if at work we were given a corporate mielofon along with a stapler and a calculator - that would be convenient! And so we can only guess what is in people’s heads, why they make certain decisions or perform certain actions.

In work that is directly related to communicating with people, knowledge of human psychology is very useful. Of course, the initial skills that you can obtain in training or from popular literature will not make you a qualified specialist capable of resolving any difficult situation. Moreover, a thoughtful study of this science will not help you, roughly speaking, categorize people and teach universal rules for interacting with them. This simply doesn't exist. However, such knowledge will help you more or less systematize the basic ideas about behavioral traits and various individual qualities, which, in turn, will form a kind of database and allow you to more clearly determine the ways of developing relationships with this or that person as you you will recognize him.

We show flexibility

It is important to remember that all people are different (pardon the banality). This means that approaches that work great with some will fail with others. Accordingly, you always need to adjust your behavior, your manner of communicating, arguing, and persuading. This requires attention to yourself, excellent self-regulation skills and self-analysis. And note: we are not talking about hypocrisy and pretense! This is precisely the ability to speak with everyone in a language that is understandable and pleasant to them. Therefore, you must first understand what kind of language it is.

Don't forget the goal

In order to communicate with people with pleasure and effectively, motivation is extremely important. For some, this is an attempt to find a new solution in a standard situation, someone gets satisfaction when they simply achieve their goal, others feel satisfied even if they did not achieve the goal, but gained experience. You should always understand what is most valuable to you in the current situation and concentrate your efforts and emotions on this, and not on “putting your interlocutor in his place” if suddenly the conversation went in some way that was unpleasant for you.

Divide and rule

For someone who works with people, it is very important to be to some extent an empath, that is, to be able to put oneself in another person’s place, look at things through their eyes, and feel their emotions. Then it will be easier for you to tune in to the same wavelength and together find a constructive way that is equally attractive to both of you. But in no case should you take something sad or unpleasant too close to your heart. And you certainly don’t need to take someone else’s frustration or dissatisfaction personally. Imagine that there is a mirror between you and a difficult interlocutor - on the one hand, he is communicating with someone similar to himself, who understands him, and on the other hand, you still stand, remaining yourself, reasoning undistorted and feeling familiar.

Would you like to work with people? Or if you already have such a profession, tell us why you like it and what causes difficulties.

Lipa Moskvicheva, iledebeaute.ru

Interpersonal relationships in a team

The structure of each employee within one organization includes two levels - primary and secondary. The primary level refers to all participants working in one company.

Employees communicate with each other in accordance with job descriptions, subjectively evaluate each other, there is practically no discussion of goals and methods of collaboration.

At the secondary level, a reassessment of the existing opinion about a particular person occurs, based on his professional and personal qualities. Separate groups within one team begin to emerge, leaders and outsiders appear.

Disagreements and problems are discussed on a more open level, and plans are outlined to improve the level of relationships within a particular group.

In the case of a positive orientation of group cohesion, employees take into account exclusively the best personal and professional qualities of a particular person, and emerging problems are resolved through peaceful compromise.

If the cohesion of the group is negative, then most of the working time of its members is spent on sorting out relationships, gossip and scandals, and the interests of production fade into the background.

The conformist orientation presupposes the participants' interest in the results of production in the complete absence of proper relationships within the group.

The quality of relationships between employees is assessed using the example of secondary groups. And if you are about to change jobs, you need to try from the first day to make every effort to build relationships in a new team for you, because in the future it will be very difficult to correct anything.

Why relationships don't work out

It often happens that a person does not have any good relationships in a team, more often in a new one.
Many people know how sometimes a person is afraid and does not dare to change jobs just so that he does not have to change the team and get to know and adapt to new people. Difficulty in relationships with colleagues or superiors at work can be caused by various reasons. Sometimes the problem lies within the person himself. Maybe he constantly conflicts with colleagues. Note that he does not argue, because in an honest dispute, as a rule, the most correct and correct decision is achieved, namely, he conflicts, opposing himself to everyone else. Or he despises his colleagues, considering them lower in rank, status, poorer in intelligence, dignity, and so on. In this case, it is obvious that in order to achieve favorable relationships with colleagues, it is worth changing your behavior yourself.

However, you should realize that you will not be nice to everyone. Just like the fact that there are always different people in the team. Some people watch every step of their colleagues in order to report any mistakes to their superiors, while others are simply a gossip or a gossip. But for the most part, the team still, as a rule, consists of simple, adequate people. It’s just worth establishing relationships with them. Yes, they themselves have been in your situation, so they will probably support you.

How can a newcomer quickly and harmoniously join the work team?

When meeting new employees, try to be yourself. Pretense in a person’s behavior and insincerity are immediately visible, even with the naked eye.

Helpful Tips:

Do not rush to appear very soft and compliant, ready to help at any moment. The role of a good-natured and reliable employee can work against you.

The manifestation of a defensive reaction in the form of inadequate criticism to the words of new colleagues or even aggression can be perceived as a tendency to conflict and reluctance to make contact.

Don't keep to yourself. Try to support any public initiative. Each team has its own unspoken routines and rules, and trying to change them is not the job of a beginner.

From the first days of your stay in a new team, analyze what types of interpersonal relationships prevail in it. Do not be influenced by gossips and brawlers. Try to immediately identify among the total number of employees people who are similar in interests and character. Maintain the closest relationship with them.

How to improve relationships with your team at work


No matter what position we hold, no matter how long we work, as a rule, each of us works in a team. Even those who work remotely (from home) do not fall under the exception, because they, one way or another, have to communicate with the manager, and for some, with other employees of this company. We often depend on these people at work, which is why the role of relationships with colleagues is extremely important. After all, it is difficult to work when relationships with colleagues are complex and sometimes hostile, when relationships with superiors are also not working out, in a word - when the psychological climate in the team leaves much to be desired, few people manage to effectively fulfill their work responsibilities. We’ll talk about this today, and also look at some behavioral models that will help you improve relationships in your team .

Modern companies have long been conducting all sorts of trainings for managers, which tell them how to instill a sense of teamwork, responsibility and organization in their subordinates, thereby increasing efficiency and labor efficiency.

So how can an ordinary employee improve relationships within a team? To more clearly examine the relationships in a team, let’s divide them into four groups (4 types):

  1. A person of a rigid type is always right in everything; it is simply impossible and useless to argue with him. It is better to try to communicate with him, guided by the rules, laws and instructions. He will respect such people, but your personal opinion is unlikely to ever interest him.
  2. Pedantic people always question everything, are constantly ready to find fault with something, even the most trifling detail. But they have a big advantage: such a person can be entrusted with the most tedious and painstaking work.
  3. People the demonstrative type are ready to do anything just to capture the attention of others. Everyone has met such “artists”. Give him this attention, and then he will move mountains!
  4. I agree with everything . This type of person is easy to communicate and open. However, there is a minus: you will soon see that all his promises are dust. Therefore, you should not rely on such a person, no matter how kind he may be.

We should also not forget that relationships in a team largely depend on ourselves, because we are not always “angels” either. Even if you suddenly get a new job, or if you hire new employees with whom you don’t have a good relationship, you shouldn’t immediately antagonize or give up, frantically looking for a new job. A way out of the situation can always be found, especially since it is impossible to change another person, and it is not necessary, because no two people are the same, we are all different, each has our own character and temperament. Therefore, the only thing that can be done in this situation is to work on yourself. After all, as they say: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself”! “But how to work on yourself, what exactly needs to be changed in yourself?”, you ask. But you don’t need much - just change your attitude to the situation and control all your actions and words; at work it’s impossible to do otherwise. Here are some recommendations that will help you improve relationships in your team :

  1. Sooner or later at work, you may develop friendly relationships with some of the employees. There are both pros and cons here. If you have such a trusting relationship with any of your employees, as they can have with the best friends in everyday life, then you must remember that if a conflict arises, you risk turning from good friends into enemies. And don’t blame me here, more than half of the company you work for can find out all your secrets. Of course, here everything depends on the person’s decency, since not everyone will rush to tell everything about your life after the first quarrel. But, nevertheless, it is worth being prepared for such an outcome of events. If you want to avoid all this, then it is better to just have good relationships with your colleagues. But you shouldn't tell your new friend and co-worker about your secrets, at least until you know him well enough to be sure that your secrets will never be known to others.
  2. Be friendly with all employees of the company, as well as with your superiors. This will work to your advantage. Don’t forget about the basic rules of etiquette - say hello to all the employees you meet along the way, even if you don’t know them personally. Of course, you don’t need to start a completely unnecessary conversation with each of them; it will just be enough to say: “Hello” or “hello” (depending on the relationship). Also while waiting for the elevator, you can exchange a few phrases with them.
  3. Never take part in squabbles and gossip; this is not a sign of good upbringing. If one of your employees tries to “wash someone’s bones” with you, nip it in the bud by letting him know that you are not at all interested in this. As for gossip behind your back, you shouldn’t take it to heart. Those whose lives are uninteresting or unsuccessful often have a desire to gossip about others. But that's just their problem.
  4. You should not complain to your boss about your colleagues and vice versa.
  5. The topic of discussing salary is considered impolite, even indecent, especially if you have signed a non-disclosure document.
  6. If your boss insulted you or shouted at you, you should not look for the “extreme” to “let off steam.” It’s better to find another way to relax, for example, physical labor is the best way to relieve stress. If there is no opportunity to do something “useful” at your job, then try to hold out until the lunch break, either for a while (about 15 minutes, if possible), distract yourself and take up a hobby, or just listen to your favorite music. In any case, this will be better than suppressing negative emotions and spending the rest of the working day wondering how to do it, because it is unlikely that you will be able to perform your work duties effectively.
  7. Some people believe that they are not accepted in the team just because they always tell the truth. But here we should not confuse sincerity with intemperance. As a rule, such people are intolerant of the mistakes and shortcomings of others, they will say nasty things and calm down. Therefore, try to be more tolerant and kinder to each other. You should not waste yourself on insignificant quarrels and conflicts.
  8. Imposing your point of view on any employee, even if it is your subordinate, will not lead to anything good. Therefore, in this situation, try to simply explain everything reasonably, convincing him that you are right. Try it, maybe you will succeed.
  9. An individual approach to each employee is also important. You should not try to change someone for yourself, express dissatisfaction with the words and actions of employees, it is better to try to look at the situation through the eyes of another person.
  10. If you want to be listened to, be sincere. Also, be yourself, try to say only what you think is necessary, do not try to seem better than you really are. On a subconscious level, your co-workers will sense that something is wrong here and will begin to distrust you.
  11. Conscious and responsive people, according to studies by foreign psychologists, rarely move up the career ladder. And it’s all because of the suppression of one’s desires for the sake of someone. You shouldn’t take on extra burden and rush to help as soon as you are called. Yes, you need to be responsive, but there is a limit to everything. So don't be afraid to say no if it's not in your best interest.
  12. Look around you, you will see people, on the one hand, very different, but on the other hand, very similar. After all, every person sincerely believes in his uniqueness and irreplaceability, everyone considers himself the most wonderful in the world and demanding respect. Therefore, if you have a desire to improve relationships with colleagues and superiors, try to show attention and respect to people, maintaining in them a sense of exclusivity and indispensability, because each of us enjoys feeling like a special and respected person.

Thus, in order to improve relationships in a team, you will, first of all, need to work on yourself, remember that all people are different, that everyone, due to their upbringing, education, temperament and character, reacts to a given situation differently. to your own. If it suddenly happens that you feel hostility towards someone, try to look at this person from the other side and find something good in him. After all, absolutely every person, even the worst, has something good. Remember this.

Good luck to you and success at work!

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Psychological relationships in a team

The mood with which a person goes to work every day largely depends on the psychological climate within the organization. And the more favorable it is, the higher the employee loyalty, the lower the staff turnover.

What determines the psychological relationship between employees?

  • Company management style. Should be applied to all employees equally, without singling out favorites or outsiders;
  • Ways to motivate group members. The greater and more diverse the motivation, the more united the employees and the higher the productivity;
  • Labor assessment. Evaluation of the performance of a particular employee should begin with indicating his successes and achievements, then shortcomings, and only then recommendations for improving performance;
  • The chosen style of relationships between employees.

Employees of an organization where a favorable psychological climate reigns are able to solve the most labor-intensive and large-scale tasks, and overcome even crisis situations with minimal costs.


Conflicts that occur at work can arise between a subordinate and superiors, or between employees of equal status. Quite often, the cause of the conflict is elementary: the responsibilities of employees may not be spelled out clearly enough. It is easy to avoid such disagreements: it is necessary that each specialist knows where his sphere of activity and influence begins and ends, so that it is clear who is responsible for what.

The second reason that can lead to conflict: changes that do not always suit everyone. This could be the introduction of a dress code, new requirements, changes in project deadlines, and similar events. Conflict experts are confident: sometimes it is enough to simply explain for what reasons and for what purpose innovations are introduced, prove their feasibility, and the conflict situation will go away by itself.

All people are completely different not only in terms of worldview and interests, but also in the speed of work. When several employees are working on the same thing at the same time, they will be indignant if one of them performs their duties more slowly than them, even professionally. Accordingly, to avoid conflicts, simply select people with a similar pace of work.

If you become a participant in a conflict in your work team, you need to find a way out. One of them is to simply stop arguing and accept someone else's position. We are talking about those cases when you are not sure that you are right, do not have complete information, or there is no point in spoiling each other’s nerves over a trifle.

Another option is, on the contrary, to insist on your own and prove that you are right as a result. Of course, in the case when you are completely confident in your abilities and the correctness of your actions. In such a situation, you can challenge the opinion of your superiors, but always give only weighty arguments and do it calmly. In the end, if you are right, your boss will notice.

The most difficult way out of difficult situations is to come to a compromise. It takes a lot of effort and requires a huge amount of energy. However, each participant in the conflict has the opportunity to influence the decision. Compromise is the most productive option that can positively impact the entire company.

We must not forget that conflicts do not always negatively affect the work process. Sometimes they become the engine of progress and can lead to the development of new technologies for the company or the creation of new departments. Productive work to you, pleasant team,

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21.02.2016 00:20

Social and psychological relations in a team

Why do people in some work groups feel discomfort, loss of strength and reluctance to take any action, while in others they feel a surge of vivacity, energy, and a mood for a positive result?

Opportunities for realizing the potential of an individual employee depend on the conditions in which the interaction of members of the work group occurs. This may include temperature conditions, lighting levels, quality of workplace arrangement and other sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The psychological state of the group, or more precisely, the socio-psychological climate in the team, is of great importance.

How can relationships in a team indicate the current favorable climate? The main signs of such a situation in an organization are the following:

  • Low staff turnover;
  • Employees often spend time together in informal settings;
  • Positive perception of work dominates;
  • Relationships are based on the principles of trust and mutual assistance.

Many of us dream of working in an ideal team. But to make your dreams come true, you need to work hard and hard on yourself. Maintain a positive attitude, remain yourself in any situation and do not forget about the boomerang effect.

Why it is important to treat colleagues well and develop working relationships

Effective working relationships are the cornerstone of your job success and satisfaction. They form the basis for promotion, salary growth, and achieving your goals.

The Gallup Institute studied job satisfaction indicators. The study found that among the 12 key factors contributing to job satisfaction was having good friends among employees.

Conversely, lack of friends creates problems. For example, it is not uncommon for a supervisor in a company with several hundred employees to quickly develop a reputation for being difficult to work with. It collects data and uses it to identify errors, find the culprit, and generally harm employees. This individual lives by identifying problems but rarely offers solutions. He worries his boss every day with demands for a bigger position and an increase in salary. And when he finally announces that he is looking for another job, no one would even think of convincing him to stay. He burned bridges.

Existing ways to get along with colleagues form the basis of effective working relationships. If you want to create a positive, developmental atmosphere that motivates your staff, you need to take some actions:


Discuss proposed solutions to problems in meetings. Yes, some employees may spend an unusual amount of time solving problems. Honesty and meaningful suggestions are important here. This is not an easy task, but they bring respect and recognition from both subordinates and superiors.


Never get involved in searching for the culprit.
This activity will make your subordinates and managers turn away from you. Yes, maybe we should know who created the problem. It’s probably also worth asking the question formulated by Edward Deming ( one of the creators of the principles of lean manufacturing, and an authoritative expert in the field of quality control
): “How did the work system cause the employee’s error?” But it is not mistakes that create enemies, but public examination of mistakes and accusations. These enemies, in turn, will cause you to fail in the future. However, at work you do not need enemies, but allies.


Your verbal and nonverbal cues matter a lot. If you talk sarcastically or condescendingly to your colleagues, remember that they can hear everything. Each person is something like a radar, constantly scanning the surrounding space.


One of the top managers put it this way: “I know that you can’t yell at your subordinates. But sometimes they drive me crazy. When is it worth yelling at a subordinate?” Answer: “Never!” Unless, of course, respect for people is at the core of your organization.


Never attack suddenly, be it a subordinate, a colleague, or a boss. If your colleague finds out that you have a problem with him in a meeting, or from his boss who received your letter, then this means that you have been stabbed in the back. First discuss the problem with its “owner”. Nor will you win allies by calling for the lynching of the perpetrators. And without allies, you will not achieve your most important goals.


Keep what you promise. All work in an organization is interconnected. If you miss deadlines and don't keep promises, you harm the work of other employees. Always keep your word, and if this is not possible, be sure to notify all interested parties about what is happening. Communicate the new completion date and make every effort to meet the new deadline.


Gain trust in the deadlines, results, and ideas you named. How often have you been able to achieve a goal, complete a project without colleagues? If you are a manager, how many of your employees' great ideas have you implemented? Find time, spend energy on gratitude, rewards, recognition of the contributions of people who helped you achieve success. This is a surefire way to build effective working relationships.


Help your subordinates find themselves. Each of them has some kind of talent, skill and experience. If you can help an employee bring out the best in them, you will be providing your organization with an invaluable service. The growth of an individual employee benefits the entire organization. Notice, recognize, praise and congratulate for the contribution you made to the common treasury. In order for the psychological climate to motivate employees, it is not necessary to wait for the manager to take charge of it. And employees easily recognize gratitude and respond with gratitude.

If you regularly implement these eight tips, you will work well with your colleagues. And your colleagues will appreciate it. Your boss will think that you are a good team player. You will achieve your goals and work with pleasure, with recognition and personal motivation. What else can you expect from work?

Alexander Parkhomov

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