How to communicate with a girl correctly - secrets of building a dialogue

Millions of guys want to understand how to learn to communicate with girls. There are dozens of ways, and you will learn about each of them right now!

But get ready for the fact that there are no magic methods for dating. You'll have to learn by trial and error!

How to communicate with a girl correctly

At a certain age, it is already difficult for a man to approach girls on foot.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

  • 1. We start communicating with the girl
  • 2. Chat with a girl on the Internet 2.1. Topics for communicating with a girl on the Internet
  • 3.How to communicate with a girl on the phone?
      3.1.How to communicate with a girl on the phone when you are nervous?
  • 4.What to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate?
  • 5.Conclusion
    • Nice words to your beloved man in your own words in prose
    • 50+ cute and affectionate names for your girlfriend
    • How to stop being nervous when communicating?
    • Do you need communication with your ex-husband?
    • What to talk about with a girl: on a date, on the phone, on the Internet?

    Let's start talking to the girl

    How to start communicating with a girl?
    The secret is simple - you need to learn to flirt! If the conversation turns out dull and not emotional, then you shouldn’t count on a productive relationship. Flirting seriously enlivens communication and can make it fun.

    Remember the incidents in your life when some girl refused you. You may not be a sad man, but the woman thought so. It's all about what impression a person leaves about himself. In the very first minute of communication, it gives the girl the main idea about you. And the girl develops a specific attitude towards the guy.

    Forget forever about the unknown “magic phrases” that you need to say to your chosen one. They don't exist! All that is required is proper and unobtrusive flirting. Don't be afraid to show your own intentions. The girl is waiting for some sign from you. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the “friend zone” and are unlikely to get out of it.

    In response to your flirting, the girl will begin to respond in a playful manner. Then the task becomes much easier for you. The most important thing is not to be afraid. Even if the girl reacts negatively, she will still create the impression of you as a cheerful guy.

    See more details on how to flirt with a girl correctly.

    Main problems in communication

    Psychologists have named the main factors that reduce communication skills and the effectiveness of a conversation. A common misconception is to appear before your chosen one in all her glory. It is unlikely that a lady will like to listen to her gentleman’s stories about herself, so it is important to adhere to the secrets of seduction:


    How to please a girl: ideas for everyday and intimate life

    1. Bet on the outcome of the dialogue. Expectation of a positive result, fear of refusal are the main causes of stress when talking with a beautiful girl. Instead of focusing on finishing the conversation, you need to be here and now. Fear of an unsuccessful scenario forces the guy to analyze his gestures and words every second, which is why the thought process is noticeably slowed down. You need to enjoy the dialogue, learn from your own mistakes and not make a tragedy out of refusal.
    2. Ignoring your partner's interests. A conversation with a pretty woman should not feel like an endless stream of information. After half an hour, the lady will get bored, rush away and never agree to a meeting again. The path to a comfortable conversation lies through discussing common ground. It could be a book, a movie, a hobby, a circle of acquaintances - a good topic will help you relax and get closer.
    3. Use of masks. Some men come up with an image for themselves. They try to make an unforgettable impression, because it is the strongest - and this is true. The problem lies in the fact that in a long-term relationship with the girl you love, the truth will definitely come out. You should also not talk about your own financial and professional achievements. This is just a pleasant pastime, and not reading out a resume to an employer.

    During the dialogue, you need to establish visual contact, even if it is awkward to look your chosen one in the eyes. The impression of the conversation will decrease if the guy stares at the chest or directs a wide glance past the lady.

    Chatting with a girl on the Internet

    How to communicate with a girl on VK and other social networks?
    The problem plagues millions of guys. Where to start a conversation online? The first thing that comes to mind is to simply add a beautiful girl as a friend and immediately ask banal things. Among them:

    • “How are you doing?”;
    • "What are you doing right now?";
    • "How are you?".

    We want to learn as much as possible about our new acquaintance and stir up communication. I want the girl to start answering with interest. After that, in theory, you hope to take her phone number and ask her out. However, the reality is harsher. Below you will learn how to properly communicate with a girl.

    Cute and sweet girls receive dozens of similar questions every day. If a guy is more handsome than you, then it’s easy to lose in the competition. There is another strategy - to distance yourself from other men and act differently. There is only one solution - you have to develop your imagination.

    The second problem most guys have is the lack of social activity. Successful men are constantly dating someone, they have friends. They regularly party at parties and meet new people. These guys go to movie premieres. In other words, their lives are exciting and cool.

    What happens to them is an excellent reason to meet and communicate with a girl on the Internet. The girl develops a certain interest in such a guy. After all, he has many connections and there is something to discuss with him. A person with versatile thinking attracts other people.

    You can always cast a fishing rod. Let’s take a common topic of conversation: music. Monitor the girl's page to see what she's listening to. For example, on her wall there are photos from a party dedicated to the Disco of the 80s. You can freely write to her in a message something like: “Wow, you were at this party! I like dance music too! I personally go to a section where I study modern dance. And in general I love parties like this!”

    This is the only way you will know what the girl’s attitude is towards this. Moreover, you don’t get into her soul, but just talk about music.

    The most important thing is to be “on the wave”. If you are not on it, then you are nowhere. Girls prefer promising guys. When a girl is interested in you, start “taking the bull by the horns.” There should be dynamics in the correspondence. Now you have every right to ask about personal things and hint at a meeting.

    Topics for communicating with a girl on the Internet

    There are 5 main topics on which you can develop a conversation now.
    Ask her:

    • what she gets pleasure from in her life;
    • how she would feel if she started dancing with a new partner;
    • what kind of job she dreams of or where she wants to live (an understanding of the girl’s priorities arises);
    • what would she do if she won a million dollars (the question assumes an understanding of financial priorities);
    • how she sees her future life.

    Next, take the phone number. Now you understand how to start communicating with a girl on the Internet and VK in particular.

    Preparatory stage

    Sometimes it happens that there is an opportunity to find out a little about a girl before meeting her. Maybe the guy will find her profile on a social network. Or he once knew her and has an idea about her interests. If he wants to start or restore communication with such a special one, he needs to prepare for this. The most unpleasant thing that can happen during a conversation is a lack of topics and awkward silence. Many young people are familiar with this situation when they simply don’t know what to talk about. To prevent such failures from happening, you should prepare several topics for conversation in advance.

    Where can you get such topics? It will be enough to simply analyze the available information about this or that girl. Most of today's young ladies have accounts on social networks, which reflect all their interests and tastes. This is the surest way to find common topics of conversation. You can use open audio recordings, find out what kind of music this girl likes and discuss her favorite bands when we meet. Or she may belong to communities dedicated to some cultural events. You can also mention them, especially if the guy himself visited them or is simply familiar with the topic.

    The most popular conversation topics that you can come up with in advance relate to movies and TV series. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not enjoy watching something in his free time. These could be popular films, some TV series, cartoons, or even blogger channels on YouTube. You can get acquainted with all this information in advance, so the guy will only have to start a conversation with the girl on this topic when he feels that communication is reaching a dead end. There is nothing better and more pleasant than talking about your favorite and interesting things, so girls will happily join in the discussion of such topics.

    How to communicate with a girl on the phone?

    You have already met a girl and want to call her to invite her for a walk.
    Don't put things off for a long time. After meeting each other a day, take out your phone and dial your new friend. A convenient time to call is during the day or evening, when she has already returned home from work and has not yet had time to do anything.

    It is important to realize that every girl has her own daily routine. You should decide in advance where you will take your new crush on a date. Don't forget to think about where you will meet her. If you ask a girl: “Where would you like to go?”, she will name a place that is inconvenient for a guy. Moreover, this way you will flaunt your insecurity and disorganization.

    How to talk to a girl on the phone when you're nervous?

    There are many techniques in psychology on how to get rid of anxiety.
    But the best is regular communication practice. If this becomes a habit for you, then you will worry much less. Imagine that you are talking to one of your good friends - there is no excitement, right? We always talk to guys in a natural manner. When you call a girl, imagine that she is standing next to you. Just communicate out loud. Imagine that the girl reacts wonderfully to your phrases and laughs sincerely. Then freely dial her number. Tune in to the dialogue and to speak positively and confidently.

    One mistake that guys often make is that they speak more interrogatively. For example: “Maybe we can meet tomorrow? Shall we take a walk? Uncertainty is felt from the very first word.

    Keep in mind the first phrase with which communication will begin. You can joke or come up with a personal signature “trick” in your own calls. Be sure to ask if the girl is comfortable talking now. The general attitude you should take is that she should take the time to talk to you. But you shouldn’t forget about politeness.

    In the future, it will be easier to communicate with a girl on the phone if you have already compiled a list of topics in your brain that you can talk about.

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    Among these topics:

    • girl's mood;
    • what cool thing happened to her;
    • what you yourself were doing right now (it will be better if you write everything in a light favorable to yourself);
    • any communities connecting you;
    • funny situations with you and your friends.

    Now let's talk about how long a telephone conversation should last. If you know how to flirt, communication can take more than five minutes. And this is great, because you give the girl additional emotions.

    When you feel like the conversation is going on too long, you need to make a call to action. A striking example of this is the proposal for a meeting. Then end the phone call.

    What about stereotypes4

    Without established public opinion, many believe that on the street, among men, only marginalized individuals can approach girls to meet them, that is, rapists, thieves, all sorts of mentally ill people, and so on. There really is a possibility of such an outcome. But what prevents you from standing and chatting? In 5 minutes you can fully evaluate a person, at least superficially.

    If you like the man, then you can agree to a date, somewhere in a crowded place. That is, fear deprives a girl of the opportunity to have a possibly good and promising relationship. Therefore, one might think, how significant are social stereotypes?

    What to do if a girl doesn't want to communicate?

    Do you remember situations when the girl you liked refused to go somewhere with you? Then know that you are not the only one asking the question: “What to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate?” Psychologically weak guys will become depressed because of such a minor problem. The strong will continue to enjoy life.

    But, if you have an urge to meet a specific girl, then there is still a way out.
    And personal growth will help you. If you want to change the world around you, then you need to start with yourself. You need to strive for the ideal, and you will feel happiness. What do we have to do?

    • Read serious books;
    • Explore interesting ideas;
    • Exercise regularly;
    • Find other methods of self-improvement.

    One day you will be surprised to discover that girls themselves begin to flirt with you. Perhaps your object of former attention will look at you differently.

    Inferiority complex

    What else is the ulcer of jealousy based on?
    On your own insecurities and complexes. Eternal comparisons of oneself with other men, or with ex-boyfriends of a girl can play a very cruel joke. Fear that the girl will find someone better than you or return to her ex. At the same time, for some reason we forget that the girl is already with us, which means she chose us instead of someone else. Each person is unique in their own way. If a woman is adequate, she will not rush from one to another, comparing and choosing.

    Love is tested by time, as well as by the acceptance of a person with all his shortcomings. If your passion constantly reproaches you and compares you with others, then it’s a lost cause - this is not love.

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    The first and most important thing in the fight against jealousy is to overcome your complexes and low self-esteem. The best option would be to contact a specialist psychotherapist who will help you find the roots of your experiences and get rid of them once and for all. You can even explain to the doctor what exactly worries you. Say it straight: “My girlfriend is texting other guys, and I’m very jealous, I don’t know what to do.” Psychologists often hear about such problems and will suggest the most correct solution.

    How to avoid awkward silence? What are the best topics to discuss?

    What and how to talk to a girl about is one of the biggest mysteries and the most frequently asked question for many. In order to avoid silence, you can use the keyword method. This is a fairly simple trick that will prevent you from running out of topics to talk about.

    In short, it's about extracting certain "key words" from a conversation and building the next dialogue around them. In practice it looks like this. When she says, “When I was little, I went to art school. Once I drew such a beautiful horse that the teacher praised me. Then my dad came to pick me up in a Mercedes. When I saw it through the window, I was so shocked by the car that I forgot about my drawing. The next day my father went to pick up my drawing.”

    From such a simple sentence you can find several topics for conversation:

    • "School of Fine Arts"
    • "Horses"
    • "Drawing, painting, art"
    • "Mercedes - passion for cars"

    Each of these words are keywords that you can use in the topic of conversation. Simple and effective. You may ask:

    • “Oh, do you like to draw? Tell me more about this?
    • “Are you still doing art?”
    • “Do you like horses? Have you ridden them? I have an uncle who breeds them."

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    See how simple it is. If you just listen to what your interlocutor says, you will see how many topics he himself presents to you.

    Jane Palash, Unsplash

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