How to start communicating with a girl and what to say?

It’s interesting, but not all guys know how to start dating a girl. For example, one never stops seeing his fair half, while the other is always single. Although, it would seem, he is not deprived of appearance, and is pleasant in communication, but here is such an opportunity. It’s just that one young man is immediately given the ability to make acquaintances, while another needs some advice.

Where you meet matters. It’s one thing if a young man approached a girl in a regional library, it’s another thing if he met a beautiful girl in a restaurant, and a completely third thing if fate brought him together at a medical dispensary, agree! Therefore, we suggest considering dating by place and situation.

Initial preparation

To meet girls, you don’t need much skill, but you need to make sure that the girls look at you with pleasure and without disgust, and this is the most important thing.


You must be clean and tidy, without obvious mistakes in your clothes, such as holey jeans (if they are not designer ones), broken sneakers, or a wrinkled shirt. Our task is to make the right impression about yourself, that you are a good and clean guy and don’t throw your socks all over the apartment. You can continue to do this, but not when there is a girl next to you.

Help from a psychologist in gaining self-confidence and gaining correct self-esteem. Come in!

Your hair is not disheveled, but also well styled and looks natural. If you are overgrown, then cut your hair and come up with your own style that will naturally fit with you. It’s stupid to wear a jacket and a mohawk if you work as a lawyer, for example. In general, you should be well-groomed and neat in clean clothes. Wash your clothes more often.

All your clothes should be the right size, you shouldn’t have everything on you like a sack, you’ll look like a small, insecure person, and girls don’t like people like that.

Your body

In fact, it doesn’t matter what your body is, even 150 kg, but if you have the opportunity to pump up or lose weight, then be sure to do it right away. If you don’t have money for a rocking chair, then go in for sports on the horizontal bars, they are free. The main message is, if you can change, then change.

Read the article: how to become confident

A mandatory shower in the morning and clean teeth, it is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE that you smell bad, out of politeness, of course, they will talk to you, but you should not count on a further meeting. If you have a problem with sweaty armpits, then buy a good deodorant and antiperspirant and change your T-shirts more often, as well as take a shower.

If possible, get a manicure or at least keep your nails in order; if you bite, then give up the bad habit. Why is it so important to keep your nails clean? Just imagine, you’re talking to a girl, she sees your dirty nails and imagines you getting into her panties, disgust will result immediately. Don't neglect your manicure, even though it's strange for a man


Your face should express a smile and happiness. If you have eternal problems, then you need to change your life, with such a burden you will not get out of this ass and it will be difficult to get acquainted. But the good news is that the more you meet girls in this state, the more fun and relaxed you become.

Any unshaved hair should be tidied up, either completely shaved or trimmed nicely. If you have a brutal beard, then leave it, provided that it suits you. Shave all other mustaches that are a pass to your panties right away. Other guns also fit under the machine.

How to impress a girl on the street?

Street dating is not only the most exciting, but also the most effective. The street offers a huge selection of girls - a real man has room to turn around here.

However, in order to impress a lady on the street, you need to know the specifics of such dating. In order to avoid making unforced errors, it is very important to follow certain rules.

How to meet a girl? Psychologist's advice :

  • pay attention to the mood, it should not be bad, and the girl should not look gloomy;
  • give an appropriate compliment, there is no need to praise the girl for missing qualities, you should only notice what makes the girl really remarkable;
  • do not rush into your proposal, you need to give the girl the opportunity to see and become interested in herself;
  • try to keep the conversation going with questions if the girl reacts to a compliment;
  • simulate a situation for getting to know each other, namely, involve them in your problem (send an SMS, shake off your back, etc.).
  • What to do if you are not beautiful?

    Well, that's it, you will remain alone forever and ever. Jokes aside. What exactly is not beautiful about you? If there is an opportunity to fix it, fix it. Perhaps you just need to change your hairstyle and everything will immediately become okay. And what are the standards of beauty? The fact that the sugary guys in magazines show off with a torso like Apollo? Well, yes, this is a plus, but not the main indicator.

    For a girl, a guy's appearance is important, but not in first place and not even in second place. In the article above, I wrote about neatness, so for a girl it is enough that you are neat. And leave the handsome and handsome guys to the girls who are driven solely by their appearance.

    ✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

    Who told you that you are not beautiful? If a girl rejected you once, and you realized that you are not beautiful, then this is complete crap, and you are frustrated and it’s enough to just continue to practice pickup. But if you’re just a freak who’s creepy to look at, then you just need to put in more effort and still meet girls the same way, only 3 times more, and success will come sooner or later.

    When I went through various pickup trainings 15 years ago, we had students, for example, without one leg, and he met girls normally, but only he put in 3 times more effort and met girls for whom it’s okay if a guy doesn’t have legs. The main thing is his inner attitude, he didn’t feel sorry for himself for his disability and the girls felt it and that’s why he succeeded.

    And there were guys who were very handsome with a good body, but they didn’t succeed because they were afraid of approaching and were afraid that they would be rejected. They were afraid of lowering their self-esteem and losing their importance. All examples are real and therefore, I repeat once again, there are no standards of beauty. I have a friend who loves very fat girls and for him this is the norm. So, you’re wasting your time in vain, stop it, come on.

    Correct thinking and attitude

    This is one of the main points, and more important than appearance and neatness. Your inner state is what sets the entire tone of your life and success. Even if you are not confident in yourself, all this can be changed by pumping up your inner state. Not immediately, but gradually.

    Fear of Rejection

    Remember that on the path to success with women, you will be rejected constantly, CONSTANTLY!!! For example, at the very beginning of the journey, the failure rate will be about 90%. And with each acquaintance this percentage will constantly decrease. Therefore, if you are afraid of refusals, then accept it as it is, believe me, you don’t have to please everyone, but getting upset over trifles, well, that’s just an activity.

    Read more: How to make a girl squirt

    Therefore, if you approach dating from the point of view of the game, then it will become much easier for you to communicate. The more you approach girls, the better and more confident you become. I repeat once again, they will refuse you, perhaps they will even send you to X..., but it’s not you who is a fool, but most likely there is something wrong with the girl. I understand that it is difficult to accept this information, because... I myself suffered from low self-esteem, but still this information needs to be immersed deep within myself. Failures are a normal practice in a pickup truck, you can’t live without it.

    Required video to watch

    Fear of judgment from others

    You are walking down the street and see a beautiful girl. Are you afraid to approach, because suddenly she will send, and those around you will laugh at you or look at you judgmentally, are you afraid of that? A normal social phenomenon, it goes back to our ancestors, when we were afraid of being expelled from the pack, and being expelled means death.

    Time passes, but fear remains and what to do with it? It can be worked out (sign up for a free consultation with me) or it can be gradually replaced by constant practice. Unfortunately, this fear is always with us, even if I now want to approach a girl, I will still experience a little excitement. But I’m already getting a kick out of it.

    “An exercise to work through fear of the environment: print out your favorite positive song or poem and sing it loudly in a crowded place, for example, in a subway crossing. 3 times with breaks of 60 minutes. You will become more confident in yourself, and you will understand that people don’t care about you.”

    How to meet a girl if you're shy

    Yes, shyness is a gift from childhood. Were you by any chance forced to tell a poem to Santa Claus as a child if you didn’t want to? In fact, it's normal to be shy. Girls even love it, but not all. But again, everything depends only on you, if you gradually overcome your fears and embarrassment, then you will succeed and you will get a thrill from communication.

    ✅Guide to changing yourself .pdf

    If embarrassment is a really strong obstacle for you, then it’s better for you to contact a psychologist who will remove this problem.

    “Exercise: go to any shopping center or store and talk to a female consultant for 10 minutes using her profile as a potential buyer. Don't be afraid to ask about things."

    Get it together, man.

    Women don't like wimps and mumblers. These are those who, when we meet, twit something in their mustache. The only thing I want to do for such a man is to send him far and long. There is a very simple association: he says something bad, which means he does the same! A man with a weak tongue cannot earn real money and do business.

    You must be confident in yourself and what you say! This is the only way you can achieve success with the woman of your dreams. A woman who knows her worth and wants a man to match. So go for it!

    • Think about what you need to meet a woman?
    • Upgrade yourself: read books on self-development and personal growth, sign up for courses, trainings, start communicating with successful people.
    • Start liking yourself. Hanging belly? Go to the gym. Dressing like a homeless person? Change your wardrobe. It's not difficult, you just have to want it!
    • Yes, want to become a pumped-up man. Without your desire, you will not be able to succeed. Do you want to get a woman? Become worthy of this woman!

    Everyone has a really fucking strong core of personality. Learning to use it is difficult, but doable. Let me show you with my fingers:

    • Kolyan started a service station in his area. The guy didn’t have any special skills or money, so he made money from what he had. I became a helper and learned everything in practice. Slowly I put aside my money. And then he opened his own service station.

    Yes, he doesn’t earn millions, but now he has time and money to upgrade himself and reach the next level! No one helped him, he achieved everything on his own.

    • Alexander is an intelligent pianist. He lives with his mother, studied at the conservatory, but his talent was never recognized. He is always dressed to the nines... according to his mother's standards. He doesn’t know what he wants, but lives by his mother’s wishes. She tried so hard to raise her son.

    It’s as if the guy wouldn’t mind flying out of his parents’ nest, but why? There is always food to eat, everything is cleaned up. Mommy will give you money for small expenses. Why stress?

    It seems like two guys, but what different tasks they have. And I can say with confidence that Kolyan will find his one and only, who will both support and inspire. And Alexander will search for a long time and find the one that his mother will approve of.

    Both guys have a core. But only one of them wanted to develop and use it. So, the first type of men has no end to women. Even if they are rednecks, you can feel the strength in them! The second type can be chosen by a woman who lacks self-confidence. Most likely they will be comfortable together under their mother’s wing, but will they be happy?

    A man needs a choice. Not a bunch of chicks swarming around. Namely, a conscious choice:

    • “I want this woman because she is beautiful and deserves the best! I’m ready to give her such a life!”

    Instead of

    • “Well, not very scary. Well, there is a hole and it’s normal! I’ll somehow get used to it there.”

    So, when a man feels confident in himself, he will conquer the woman of his dreams! And even if he fails, the depressives will not attack him. He will analyze the situation and draw conclusions. And he will go further to the top!

    Girl psychology

    Since a man and a girl are slightly different in terms of brain activity (men are logical, girls are emotional), girls have different areas that men cannot really understand, and there is no need to.

    Why do girls refuse?

    The reason may be different and you shouldn’t even think about it, you still won’t understand. They conducted an experiment, several different guys approached the same girl and found that the girl leaves her phone number to approximately every third guy. That's why you see a girl, approach her, get rejected, and so on every third time.

    Total of 9 approaches - 3 phones. With experience leveling up, such statistics will grow more and more and out of 9 approaches there will be 6-8 phones. But we are not phone collectors, we will need to make more calls on them.

    A girl can refuse because of a bad mood, so she goes and worries about some reason and then you come up, well, she didn’t want to talk to you, but it happens. But why do you need such a girl with sadness, if there are more cheerful and relaxed young ladies.

    Another reason to refuse, if today “the moon did not stand cancerously in front of the lion,” is complete absurdity, but you need to understand that the girl refused for her own reasons. And she shouldn’t explain them, you should wish her a good mood without rudeness and go to another girl, you can even let her see it. Fuck it.

    The main message of this section is that it is better to approach a girl, afraid and stuttering from fear, than to later regret that you did not approach. As one famous pickup coach said, “Better a crappy approach than a great no approach.” The closer you get, the better you get.

    Read more: What is self-hypnosis?

    And another important fact: girls love to test guys for perseverance. In general, girls always test guys, pushing him into boundaries and seeing how he behaves. Therefore, it is important to set the frames yourself.

    “Exercise: Go to a girl and admit all the fears you experience, say that you don’t know what to talk about, that your legs are shaking, believe me, she will appreciate and support you”

    "Why are girls so stupid"?

    If you think girls are stupid, then there is no point in communicating with them and getting to know them. Let's respect each other, because you feel good when people communicate with you respectfully, right? And if you answer the question about stupidity, then it’s simply elementary in the difference in the structure of our brain.

    Men think with logic (left hemisphere), girls live with emotions (right hemisphere), hence the conflict of thinking. What is obvious to you is not obvious to others and also works the other way around.

    If you are worried that you are making hints to a girl, but she does not understand them, then you better start talking about it directly. This removes various understatements and develops honesty towards each other.

    Why do girls lie?

    What is the girl lying about? In fact, often girls not only lie, but understate. But this is so that you would think that she is not like everyone else and is generally super individual. Here everyone has their own business. And the girls also lie that they are so good and correct and in general they have a diploma of education.

    And this happens because it is accepted in society that a girl should be correct, study well and have sex only for love with one boy starting from the age of 18. Understanding all this, you can calmly seduce all the girls.

    Why do girls like bad boys?

    As I wrote above, society demands from a girl that she be correct, study well and sleep with boys only after marriage. But in every good girl, there is a bad girl who is fed up with the moral principles of society and wants a little adrenaline in her blood. Therefore, if she meets a bad guy, it means that she can get more emotions with him than with an ordinary guy.

    And the point is not that she needs a bad guy, she needs a guy who can calmly say NO to society and do what he wants, and she feels confident with him. For example, there is a girl who is such a sweetheart, and there is a nice guy, but at the same time she says, honey, let’s go have sex in the fitting room and she looks at him, like, are you serious? And he is so confident in himself that he says, YES, and the girl agrees, because she gets emotions.

    “The conclusion is that girls don’t like Fools, but confident guys who can calmly reject social norms of behavior.”

    Short communication techniques

    When you have learned to make fleeting contacts with others, move on to the small talk technique: learn to be interested in strangers. You can start with people of the same sex as you, it’s easier and clearer. Many practicing psychologists specifically conduct practical classes of this kind. By the way, in the film “Where is Nophelet,” ladies’ man Gena did the same thing: he taught the main character not to be afraid to approach women and get to know them. The reasons can be very different. psychologist and business coach Evgeniy Yakovlev told a MIR 24 correspondent

    : “I have been practicing communication techniques with clients in street exercises for many years. For example, techniques for establishing contact and “small conversation.” Sometimes it turns out funny, and sometimes it’s heartbreaking, to the point of tears.”

    For example. A nondescript older man left the office for a smoke break. Let's contact him:

    – Think of something that you are not planning to buy right now, but are thinking about buying someday.

    - Automobile.

    We're trying to figure out why. The goal is to quickly get the person talking about their deepest values. Here the look, the tone, a lot is important. And it turns out that he would like to buy a car for his wife. Once upon a time, during the Soviet Union, he distinguished himself among all the men he knew: he gave his wife an imported car, compact, good! I never learned to ride myself. 30 years have passed.

    – What is it all about that makes this so important to you?

    If you pass by, you won’t turn around - a nondescript man, battered by life. And suddenly he says:

    - So that my wife would return there again, to those years, thirty years ago...

    According to Evgeny Yakovlev,

    There is also a wonderful exercise called “Hugging”: you come up and offer strangers a hug. “The thing is that as long as the client does this even a little hesitantly, everyone refuses. Even when it’s a client, and she’s a very pretty girl, men squabble: “not now,” “I’m married,” and so on,” says the trainer.

    According to him, even when you are not in the mood, everything is not going well, then at any exit, in any city, you meet someone who is attractive to you, cool! - a girl who, in response, sincerely lights up towards her: “How good!” And he hugs you, apparently, with all his soul! And at such a moment - a slight prick that you are married - honestly, for half a second. Then it dawns on me that I’ve already met just such a seventeen-year-old, and I’ve been happy with her for 26 years, and four children together... And you teach your clients how to meet their people further.

    Meeting girls

    Here we’ll talk about where to meet people and, most importantly, how to meet people. This article will look at dating in person and on the street; I described the Internet in another article. Meeting girls is a normal, physiological process. It's not normal for guys to meet guys on the street sexually.

    Where to meet girls?

    The answer is simple - everywhere. Seriously, you can always meet any girl anywhere, on an airplane, in a store, on the subway, on a bus. But each place has its own nuances, which I will talk about below.

    Dating on the street

    The most ordinary place, everyone is always on the street, and here the easiest thing is to approach the girl with a smile on her face and just say hi. The coolest thing is that if a girl is just walking on the street and not in a hurry, you have a better chance of meeting her. If a girl is in a hurry, then either you rush with her or offer to meet her in your free time and take a walk.

    Out of mutual sympathy, she either leaves her body or not. It's up to you whether to persist or not. Most likely, she is really in a hurry and has no time, in the near future you will be able to distinguish when a girl is really in a hurry or just wants the guy to be persistent.

    Dating on public transport

    There are pros and cons here. Let's start with the minuses, if you are afraid of public opinion, then you will not be comfortable communicating with a girl, a conversation that others can hear, not counting the subway. Another disadvantage is that the girl can get off at the next stop, and you can continue on.

    The advantage is that the girl is in a static position and will not be able to run away anywhere and will at least communicate with you out of politeness, and during this time you will be able to reveal yourself in all your glory, show what a strong, charismatic and humorous guy you are. Don't forget to offer to meet and exchange phone numbers.

    Meeting in a store/supermarket

    A simple way, at the same time, go to the store and meet a girl, talk about anything, say look, the eggs are expired, and so on.

    “Exercise: Come up and ask the girl for the time 5 times. Walk up to a girl and say “You look great” 5 times.”


    You can meet people absolutely anywhere, just any place, you just need to start approaching girls and striking up a conversation. You can dart and run, you can even silently approach her and look into her eyes, she’ll even be the first to start a conversation, it’s been verified.

    Online dating

    Get to know the person whose photo is on her avatar. It happens that the photo of the sweetest angel hides behind it the grandmother of five grandchildren, who lacks affectionate communication in real life. Again, no one can guarantee that there is not a hairy man behind the photo of a charming beauty. But that's not the worst thing.

    In the end, if an acquaintance takes place, then there will be a meeting. And after this meeting, no one will force you to meet with someone who is unpleasant to you. By the way, those who post someone else’s photo also understand this, which is why such photos are not found so often, or things simply never come to fruition.

    But otherwise, the Internet is a wonderful place to meet people. This is convenient for those who are timid, who are not too confident in their appearance, for those who are looking for a person with similar interests. By the way, now people who met on the Internet very often create strong and lasting families.

    In order to start dating a girl on the Internet, you need to put your page in order. Leave on it only those photographs that could be shown to a new friend.

    Not every girl will agree to a real meeting if there are several groups on the page “Sadomaso”, or “For hunters - how to butcher a hare”. And the abundance of female friends will also not play a very positive role. But young ladies like photographs of themselves in sportswear, in a car or a cool motorcycle.

    Before meeting her, it would be a good idea to go through her page. By looking at groups and societies, you can determine her interests; by following her and other people’s photos, you can find out her style of communication. And in the future we will speak, as they say, “in the same language.”

    Read more about how to meet girls on the Internet in our article.

    If a beauty is interested in sports, it is better to learn more about this sport, at least the latest news; if a girl has a pet dog, then she should look in more detail about this breed. If a girl is drawn to music, it would be better to get acquainted with the direction that is close to her.

    And now, after everything has been cleaned up and worked out for her, you can safely send a post about getting acquainted.

    Of course, humor is always welcome. Kindness is always appreciated, and no one can resist compliments.

    “My computer keeps sending me to your page! It would seem like a soulless machine, but he knows how to understand beauty, the brat! Let’s get to know each other, otherwise he’ll hang up on me, I’m telling you the truth.” Or “My mother doesn’t allow me to talk to strangers, let’s get to know each other quickly, I really want to talk to you!”

    What are the best phrases to use for dating on the Internet, we read in our article further on the link.

    After the acquaintance has taken place, you need to arrange a meeting. Of course, the purpose of dating may be different, but if you really want to find a girl to meet, then you shouldn’t delay the real date.

    "Let's meet. I’m very afraid, so I’ll take a knife and firecrackers with me, you also take a knife with you, in case you’re afraid of me, it will be calmer” - something like this sentence can be sent to a new friend. There is no need to make proposals in such a way that the answer shines through: “Shouldn’t we meet?”, “Shouldn’t we make an appointment?” It’s like asking: “It’s not worth it,” “not to appoint.” Avoid this.

    What to say to a girl when meeting her.

    A successful guy and seducer never uses template phrases; he generates them on the fly. Even if you can't generate on the fly, just say hi! You look great and that’s enough to initiate communication in the first couple of days, and it always works. But be prepared that they will not want to communicate with you, not because you are not confident in yourself, but because the stars just aligned in the sky.

    But never use hackneyed phrases such as: “Girl, can I meet you?”, “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” "How do I get to the library?". These are forbidden phrases at the beginning, but when you gain experience and confidence and your inner state is pumped up as it should, then even such banal phrases will make girls’ panties wet.

    Dating on the street is not about psychology and appearance, it is about a motor skill, such as walking or riding a bicycle.

    How to meet a girl if you have no money

    My friend, you should still have a minimum of money for a cafe, at least a cup of coffee. In the summer, of course, you can walk in the parks or in the city center, but in the winter, the girl will still not freeze with you on the street. Maybe out of politeness he will meet, but then he will refuse. If a girl is beautiful, believe me, she has a choice. Therefore, the main criterion for good acquaintances is personal development; if you develop personally, then you will get money with ease. ALWAYS invest in your education.

    Other dating places6

    There are also places that simply cannot be foreseen - on the beach, in a store, in line at the bank, on vacation. Each case requires a specific approach.

    On vacation, for example, a person has a lot of time. It is likely that you are already tired of lying passively and sunbathing, so the girls easily engage in conversation. There is also another important plus - on vacation, as a rule, it is immediately obvious that the girl is single or she has a boyfriend (husband). After all, most often married and loving couples relax together. If the husband remains at home, then the lady can rest without him, but with the children, and this is also important information.

    The beach is another special place. Light jokes are acceptable here, like “girl, I surfaced here for a short time, didn’t swimming trunks float through here?” “Oh, don’t pass by! The men further down there are even scarier!” Or you can ask for help: “won’t you look after my things? This is the seventh time I’ve come home without pants!”

    In other places you also need to take into account the specifics - in a cafe or restaurant it is enough to invite a girl to dance and you can make a date, but in a museum it is worth showing knowledge of at least something.

    This increases authority in the eyes of the virgins. You can show off with this, whatever. And then you can promise: “but in the Tretyakov Gallery I will tell you even more interesting things.” Well, you need to tell me if you promised.

    If you meet your lifelong dream at a bus stop, then once in your life you can shake your wallet and offer: “Let me take you by taxi. Where are you going?". It is likely that the girl will not immediately agree, then you can reassure her: “don’t worry, if you don’t want to, I won’t accompany you, but you must give me your phone number so that I can be calm that the taxi driver took you.” That's right - they don't give her a lift like this every day, she will definitely react positively.

    In the store you can buy a chocolate bar and just approach the girl: “Promotion - I’ll exchange the chocolate bar for your phone number!” Agree, girl, cars will be raffled off later in the promotion.” It is unlikely that the girl will refuse.


    If you develop personally while meeting girls, then everything will work out for you, and you will become successful with a lot of money and, in general, the son of your mother’s friend, who is always held up as an example. But you will never succeed if you just sit back.

    Yes, I understand that you need to try to get out of your comfort zone, but either you dream or you do. Only 5% of people, after reading this guide, move on to action, trying new things and learning from their mistakes.

    You will get into a lot of trouble, you will be depressed from constant refusals and disappointments. It will turn you inside out, but for God's sake, continue if you care about your own life. Continue in any case and you will no longer have questions about how to meet a girl.

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    Please excuse my ERRORS in the text, unfortunately I am a specialist in psychology, not literacy)) Sign up for a free 15-minute consultation now! Also read reviews about my work. Download now the guide to changing yourself.

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