What's going on with the girl I like? It appears and then disappears.

If a girl doesn't want sex in a relationship:

  1. She's stressed
  2. You've given up on relationships
  3. You don't communicate with each other
  4. You are monotonous in sex

She's stressed

Stress is quite common and a normal reason why the desire to have sex disappears.

It may be difficult for a young girl to relax, because her thoughts revolve around quarrels with family members or problems at work. Believe me, in this state, sex is far from a priority.

What to do? Talk to her. Understand what is bothering her and offer your help. Let the young lady talk and relax. Don't overdo it with persistence, save face. If she wants sex, you will be the first to know.

You've given up on relationships

When you're in a relationship, everything is easier when it comes to sex. He took off his pants, took the girl - thank you, dear.

Now ask yourself: when was the last time you gave her flowers? When did you spoil yourself with a pleasant trifle? When did you arrange the surprise? When did you surprise her, give her emotions, impress her?

Where is the guy she got into a relationship with? Who wooed her so much, who looked after her? Where is the one whose eyes were burning?

You understand what I mean. If you want to keep the spark in your sex life, you have to work on your relationship.

Read also: 10 rules for a happy relationship

You don't communicate with each other

In relationships, communication is key. And I’m not talking about “how are you, honey?” or “what are we having for breakfast?”

I'm talking about sincere communication. There may be things between the two of you that make her not want intimacy. Negativity that needs to be worked through. Talk.

What to do? Talk to her calmly. Understand what doesn't suit her. Try to solve the problem, come to some kind of compromise together.

Read also: How to quarrel and resolve conflicts correctly

You are monotonous in sex

Let's be honest: do you surprise her in bed? Or is your sex with her no different from the first? Slobbery kiss, missionary position - and thank you all, are you all free?

Discover it for yourself from a new side: change poses, rhythm, situations. Try to love her roughly today, and romantically tomorrow.

And if you dare to take her in a public place, believe me, she will never forget this. Women live by emotions. And sex is a damn powerful release of emotions. Do not forget it.

But do you at least please your woman?

Yes, I understand: it’s unpleasant for any man to hear that he’s bad in bed. But sexual problems are extremely significant for relationships. And often he is silent about them.

Most likely, for everything, your young lady is embarrassed to tell you that you fuck her badly. In any case, we need to clarify this issue; you won’t meet just to play dominoes, will you?

Talk to her. Find out what she doesn't like and what you need to emphasize. Believe me, she will definitely appreciate this approach. It is important for her to feel your care.

To get rid of problems in sex forever, sign up for my course “God of Sex”. After completing the training, any girl will run after you with a mattress. More details: https://site.akloni.com/bogsex

Read also: The role of sex in relationships

I'm telling you the truth...

Success in a relationship between a man and a woman depends, first of all, on your status relative to each other. Is there BALANCE (parity) in your relationship or not. Understand?

Remember: without balance in relationships, serious relationships are not possible in principle.

What is balance? Balance (parity) is when you did something for a girl, and then she did something for you. And so on ad infinitum. The result is 50% you invest = 50% she invests. This is balance (parity).

If your demanding lady doesn’t do anything for you, and you just fulfill her whims, wishes, dreams, invest a lot of resources, etc., etc. = RELATIONSHIP IMBALANCE begins immediately!

Relationship imbalance puts an end to future relationships.

The fact is that the more you invest in a girl, the more her importance (value) for you grows and grows. It gets bigger and bigger. AND ATTENTION: at the same time, your importance (value) in her holes, on the contrary, falls (decreases). Diminishes and diminishes.

This happens with the so-called a one-goal game (that is, when you do everything - but for you there is no answer).

This is one of the key rules of the relationship between a man and a woman. Without balance (parity) = serious relationships are not possible in principle. Therefore, this must be monitored.

And watch you like a man. A man is a responsibility. Women are women in Africa = what to take from them. The vast majority will not understand anything at all from what I am saying here.

If you hear “I don’t want to” from a girl you really like:

  1. You overestimate its importance
  2. You stop at the phrase I don’t want
  3. You don't show her that you want sex
  4. You don't act like a man
  5. You don't know how to seduce girls

You overestimate its importance

I'm even tired of talking about it. This is the key problem from which all the others come!

Look: you have no problems with girls who are not interesting to you. You behave with them as naturally as possible, you don’t bother, and therefore you easily seduce.

But as soon as you meet someone you really like, problems begin. You fall in love with her, which means you are afraid of losing her.

What's next? You turn into a weak-willed rabbit: you indulge her every request and do not question her decisions.

And when you timidly squeaked to her that you wanted sex, she immediately refused you. She is not interested in you as a male - you are just a weak-willed toy.

Understand that by overestimating someone’s importance, you are thereby underestimating your own. Why would a woman sleep with an insecure man?

Take care of yourself! Improve your self-respect and raise your self-esteem. The lion's share of my course “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES” is devoted to this. Click the button below and get your first 3 video lessons for free!

Read also: Pimp yourself

You stop at the phrase “I don’t want”;

In other words, you listen to her. You think that what she said is how it should be. If she said she doesn’t want to, that means she doesn’t want to. Dot. That's your logic.

Shitty logic.

Women are incredibly complex creatures. They often say one thing but mean something completely different. And by refusing you sex, she is testing you. So the young lady wants to see how you will behave. How will you show yourself towards her? How will you achieve it?

You know, women love to be pursued. But there is a difference between “conquering a girl” and “throwing yourself at her feet, hoping that she will give.”

Make it a rule: never listen to women.

Read also: A real man through the eyes of a woman

You don't show her that you want sex

You are trying to prove to her that you are primarily interested in her inner world. Of course, it seems noble of you. But in reality you are insulting the young lady.

Why is that? I'll explain.

Answer the following questions: Why do girls take so long to get ready? Why do they stand in front of the mirror for an hour? Why do they spend so much money on clothes? Do you think they are so extravagant with beauty in order to be able to impress a man with their inner world?

No. Every woman wants to be in demand in the world of men. And if she came to you on a date, it means that she was interested in you as a man. Dot.

But it’s one thing to lazily express your desire, and another to declare it like a man. Make a girl want you.

You must demonstrate your desire, flirt with her, touch her. Show in every possible way that you are interested in her as a woman.

Read also: How to flirt with a girl correctly

You don't act like a man

Because you don't know how. Nobody taught you how to be a man. Your father didn’t do this - rather, for everything, your mother was the main one in your family. Since childhood, you haven’t had the correct male model of behavior before your eyes.

Complexes from childhood, an unsuccessful first experience with a girl - there can be many reasons, but there is only one result. Everything you know about women is just the advice of your friends, who themselves do not understand anything about it.

You are used to opening doors for a woman, giving her space, giving her compliments, asking permission about everything and almost throwing yourself at her feet.

Why did this happen ? These principles were instilled in you by women themselves. As a child, it was my mother who gave me an understanding of the word “good boy.”

And where is the sexuality here? Where is the strength, leadership, courage here?

Don't be surprised that a woman doesn't want sex with you.

Do you know when a girl wants to give it to you? When she wants to have you. Try to tame you, a wild beast. Then she will feel like number two. A small, fragile girl next to you.

Are you giving her this feeling? Or is it the other way around?

Here is your result - the opposite.

What to do? Grow eggs. Pump up the man in you. Forge for yourself the correct male model of behavior. Can't handle it yourself? Welcome to my courses.

Read also: Pump up the man in you

You don't know how to seduce girls.

Seduction is a skill. I studied it for over 10 years. Therefore, I can tell you that you do not know how to seduce. Believe me, I know the difference.

It’s one thing to speak and do it intuitively, maybe you’ll get lucky. Another is to act consciously.

You don’t have a step-by-step working model of behavior with a girl: how to meet her, how to call her out on dates, how to go on dates, what to talk about with her on a date, how to start touching her, how to take her home and how to make her run after you afterwards with a mattress.

That is why, in the 16-day workshop “How to turn a woman’s NO into a woman’s YES,” I tell you what needs to be done from A to Z, with what consistency and intensity - at every stage of your relationship.

Do you know what will happen after? What changes will happen to you?

As a result, your personal life will no longer be a pain. You are confident in yourself, you consciously understand what to do and when - what to tell her, how to touch her, what emotions to pour in, how to remove blocks from her.

Thanks to the workshop, you will become developed as a man, as a leader, as a person. You will learn to lead people, and, moreover, people themselves want to follow you.

I am silent about the girls who will run after you.

So what are you waiting for? Click the button below and start learning!

How to understand that a girl has lost her feelings?

In fact, there are a huge number of obvious signs that the girl has lost her cool. You just need to take a closer look. Here are a few of the most notable:

  • The girl began to pay much less attention to you. This most often happens in long-term relationships. If a girl begins to pay less attention to you, then it will not be difficult to notice in this case. It is quite possible that she is simply emotionally oversaturated with you, or is trying in every possible way to hint to you that something needs to be changed in the relationship;
  • The girl stopped sharing her thoughts and experiences with you. Even for trivial questions about how her day was, she can find excuses. This is a clear indicator that she is not interested in you and does not consider it necessary to tell you about everything that is happening in her life. If you lose such privileges on her part, then this is another alarm bell on the path to separation;
  • The girl just doesn't want you. This is the most obvious sign. She shows no enthusiasm and refuses the tenderness that she used to enjoy so much. It is quite difficult for girls to hide their reluctance to kiss a partner or have sex with him, so you can definitely see her reluctance
  • The girl is openly avoiding you. Have all your dates been over for a long time? Congratulations, you're in blatant shit. This is already a clear and unambiguous hint that everything will soon change.

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