What to write to a girl who doesn't respond to text messages?

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to behave if a girl does not respond to messages. Perhaps you personally have had to deal with a similar situation more than once and already have experience. It’s good if you are self-confident, having not received a response to your message, you think that your beloved is simply busy. But what about those who literally begin to tear out the hair on their heads, going over the reasons why she can remain silent. In this article you will read the most common options for this behavior of girls.

Possible reasons

A girl may deliberately not answer your calls, inflating her worth.
Let's look at the answer to the question why a girl doesn't answer a guy's calls.

  1. She was interested in someone else. This is often observed when meeting people in nightclubs or in other informal settings. It is possible that you were not the only one who showed interest in her. In the end, she chose someone else.
  2. Your desire to get her number simply stroked your pride. A girl is pleased to know that someone is interested in her. But this is not a reason to continue communicating with you.
  3. She lost interest or gave her number only to stop personal communication. And there are cases when the dictated number turns out to be fictitious. It is possible that she only changed a couple of numbers. If the guy turns out to be smart and decides to immediately challenge her, then as an excuse he may hear that she accidentally mixed up these numbers.
  4. The girl already has a boyfriend. That's why she doesn't call back or answer calls. She gave the number, succumbing to emotions. It is possible that at that moment she was in a quarrel with her boyfriend.
  5. Technical problems. For example, she forgot her phone at home or for some reason doesn’t hear your call.
  6. The girl cannot speak because she is at school or work, or in the dentist’s office.
  7. She behaves this way on purpose, inflates her worth, tries to manipulate you.
  8. You didn't make the right impression. Perhaps the girl was bored while talking to you. Even if a date had already taken place, she could be even more convinced that you are not suitable for her. That's why I stopped answering calls. Here it is important to think ahead about your behavior, improve your qualities, become a more interesting conversationalist, or hope that you will meet that person who will interest you as you are.

My friend had a case. He met a girl while visiting a painting exhibition. They communicated nicely, there was a clear interest in each other, and besides, it turned out that they had a lot in common. After visiting the exhibition center, the girl was in a hurry to meet her friend, but managed to dictate her number to the guy. Vadim was sure that a date would soon take place. I decided to call her in the evening, but the young lady did not answer. I assumed that the girl was busy and decided to try again in the morning. However, there was no answer. Vadim did not understand the reason for this behavior, because everything was going so well. The guy decided not to bother and not call anymore. Imagine his surprise when he received a call back from this number in the evening, and it turned out that it was a complete stranger. As it turned out, the girl, in a hurry, dictated the numbers incorrectly, or Vadim himself made a mistake when he wrote them down. Natasha herself sat upset, not understanding why the guy didn’t call her. Fortunately, the story had a good ending, because the guys met quite by chance on a minibus a week after they met. Today they are husband and wife.

Why does the girl ignore?

Why are you unlucky in love?

Do you need to work on your relationship? No. Leave the girl

The girl ignores messages, doesn’t want to communicate, doesn’t agree to go out and doesn’t respond to messages? Sympathy is not always mutual. What to do if a girl ignores and does not reciprocate?

Do you like a girl, but she doesn't show a positive response? This is a fairly common situation when a man is faced with a lack of reciprocity. Is it possible to attract the attention of the fair sex and win a girl? What are the chances of getting attention, getting out of the friend zone, or making her your girlfriend?

How to understand that you are being ignored?

You've fallen for a pretty chick and are getting your crush on her. You call her, write messages and hit up her, but she ignores the pressure. The girl does not respond to messages or does not read them at all. The girl doesn't pick up the phone when you call her. She accepts all your proposals with irritation and does not know when she will be free. A real love impasse.

The girl makes excuses:

  • I have a lot to do and no time at all
  • I'm not in the mood to go out and meet
  • Come on next week
  • I'm not ready for a serious relationship
  • We are not right for each other
  • We won't succeed
  • Let's remain friends
  • I don't have time for relationships

The girl comes up with 1000 excuses and excuses to make your relationship stall.

Why does the girl ignore? What not to do when ignored?

You understand that you are being bullied and not particularly appreciated. But at this point, many men begin to make a common mistake. They are guided by romantic films or stupid advice in women's magazines. You can guess what is on offer there.

In films, they begin to conquer a girl, besiege her with attention, shower her with gifts, do romantic things, pester her around the clock and perform feats for her sake. This should lead to the girl realizing what a fool she was, and then falling in love with the man. Isn't this naive and snotty nonsense?

How do you know when a relationship is over?

In the real world, things happen differently. The girl is in no hurry to show reciprocity. She can mercantilely accept gifts and services. She can use a man for her own purposes. She may allow herself to be bullied in order to make someone else jealous. She can keep a man in her friend zone so that someone will solve her problems and be at her beck and call.

A girl can give hope and throw a “bone” to an unlucky boyfriend so that he continues to spend his time, energy and money on her. This can be beneficial to her, solves many everyday problems, feeds her financially, strokes a woman’s pride and allows her to keep a backup option if things don’t work out with other men. But in the end, the girl leaves the man empty-handed.

Why does the girl ignore? The girl doesn't need you. The girl is not “busy”, or rather she is busy with another man or men. There is someone better and more promising from her point of view. And you are designated as a backup option if the other men screw her up and leave her.

What to do if a girl ignores you or keeps you in the friend zone?

The girl does not make mutual steps towards each other? Most likely nothing will work out. There is a rule of three initiatives. You called three times and invited to go out, but all the time the girl left you without a clear explanation of the reasons? That means she doesn't need you at all.

A girl may agree to go for a walk with you, but keep you at gunshot distance. The girl does not allow herself to be hugged, kissed, caressed or touched. She ignores the initiative and behaves like a friend. She may accept some nice things from you, but keep her in the friend zone. Everything is clear here. There is practically no way out of the friend zone, or the price is too high.

What to do if a girl ignores you and leaves you in the friend zone? Nothing to do. Why waste your time, energy and money on a girl who doesn't appreciate you? Who will love you only because of hopelessness or money. Why do you need to suffer because of a woman, or a girl of low social responsibility who is ready to give herself up only for gold?

How to take revenge on your ex?

We heard right. We will not offer you options for winning a girl or buying her body. All this is pointless and stupid. Being in a girl's Fredzone while someone else fries her? Comfort a girl after breaking up with other men? Be content with little? Buy yourself a girl? It's like marrying an escort who will leave at the first problem. It's possible, but it's disgusting.

Why does the girl ignore? She doesn't need you. Why do you need suffering, wasting resources and lives in vain? Find yourself a girl who takes steps towards you and is interested in you. Which falls for you, is drawn from you and wants you. Choose a girl who chooses you.

I know you were hoping for different advice. But if it doesn’t work out with a girl, then why bother? There are millions of pretty girls in the world who are free and ready to do something interesting with you.

There are a lot of cute, funny, hot and cool girls around. Spend your energy, time and money on them. Among them you will find the one with whom you will be happy.

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Topics: separation

Is there any point in calling multiple times?

“I’m calling a girl, she doesn’t answer the phone, I’ll keep calling until she answers” ​​- if this is about you, then it’s time to understand that such actions are unacceptable, and in very rare cases lead to a favorable outcome.

  1. You must understand that if a young lady accidentally missed your call or could not speak at that particular moment, she will definitely call you back. If her action is deliberate and she deliberately does not want to communicate with you, it means that your endless calls will not only not be able to influence the situation, but will anger the girl even more; you are older and simply hateful to her. And, if you also start bombarding her with messages with reproaches or threats, then, most likely, the young lady will begin to treat you like a maniac, and will certainly not want to maintain a relationship.
  2. You can call a maximum of three times, although in some cases this is too much. Between the first and second call you can take a short pause, but before the third call you can take a longer one.
  3. If you had a meeting and agreed on a date, then this is not a reason to bother you every five minutes with your phone conversations. With such obsession you can only scare away the young lady.
  4. In any situation, be patient and calm. There are times when after two calls a guy already despairs and decides that the girl is ignoring him, and then it turns out that she simply could not speak at that moment.

The girl became silent and cold. I don't understand what's going on.

Hello, Vladimir.

Of course, the true reason is known only to your girlfriend (even if she herself does not yet fully understand this reason).

Therefore, any attempt to understand “outside” will only be a guess.

And you are absolutely right in trying to give space to your beloved. Having really felt enough space, it will be easier for her to understand herself and formulate, find words to explain what is happening.

Any pressure on your part now may cause even greater resistance. Moreover, pressure without words, constant waiting, thinking about her can be felt stronger than talking. Therefore, in those moments when you “try not to bother with interrogations,” find an opportunity to distract yourself enough so as not to think about the reasons for her coldness. It could be a movie, a hobby, a sport. Get involved in something else. In other words, get out of her air, try to stop being filled with tension and expectation.

Give her enough space to get bored, to feel freshness, the need to communicate with you.

I am not suggesting that you completely disappear from her field of vision. Just concentrate on something else that is exciting and interesting to you. This will allow her interest, attention, and energy to awaken to you really inside her, and not just because you are expecting it.

Perhaps there really is no particular reason. Especially if you exclude the possibility of her being offended by you, or expecting something from you that she cannot say out loud, for example, flowers, a gift or a marriage proposal.

It is likely that there is some mental fatigue, exhaustion that she is experiencing. Being together, living in the same territory can be quite a draining moment. In this case, she really has nothing to say to you, there is no particular reason. And emotional communication with friends nourishes her morally. In this case, it again makes sense to use time for yourself and your hobbies.

Moreover, in general, from reading your letter there is no feeling of a situation in which urgent measures need to be taken. Your girlfriend is with you and this is the most important moment. Moreover, she wished to restore relations with you after a period of pause.

Make an effort to realize what it means to stop intruding into her ether, stop creating tension, and stop thinking constantly. This will be useful to you in the future, for example, in communicating with children. Because when they grow up, we cannot control them all the time.

This will give more fresh air to the whole situation and your relationship.

Overall, cohabitation is a great art. I sincerely wish you to achieve it with your girlfriend.

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The girl does not respond to messages on VK

First of all, you should know that not responding to a message is disrespectful to you. A girl’s silence cannot be interpreted as being busy and lacking time.

Mere confidence that the girl shows sympathy, but is simply busy at the moment, is not enough. You need to understand the situation, know why the girl is silent and what it means .

Thanks to this, things will go much better and develop faster. It is important not only to be confident in yourself, but also to know how to respond to changes in communication.

What should you write to a girl to get her to respond?

You can be indignant as much as you like about the girl’s behavior. However, if you still want the girl to answer, then you need not to be offended, but to think about what to write to her. You can “rehabilitate” communication if you do it correctly. However, you should not think that the above methods will work one hundred percent.

If a girl has finally decided to stop communicating with you, then even magic will not help you. If the girl is just waiting for something, then you can resume the conversation.

What should you write to a girl to get her to respond?

  1. “They won’t let you near the computer so you can write me a message?”
  2. “I recently watched a movie that reminded me of you.”
  3. “I got a little distracted. I'm sorry I forgot about you."

You can come up with something of your own. Use your imagination, which may allow you to find the right approach. The most important thing with everything is not to push for pity, but to encourage communication.

  • For example, you can pretend that the communication never stopped: “Hello. How are you doing? Are you still working/studying the same?”
  • You can ask her an interesting question that she will want to answer: “I saw a lot of beautiful flowers today. Which are your favorites?
  • You can discuss some event (like this suddenly): “Were you at the concert today? Did you like it?".

Questions on abstract topics work best. You need to pretend as if nothing happened, as if communication never stopped. You yourself didn’t notice that the girl didn’t write to you! By the way, this really encourages the girl who deliberately and proudly stopped communicating with you. You can write to her: “Sorry, I was leaving town for a while. I kept thinking how soon I could write to you. Finally I can do it. How have you been all this time?

Girls are proud, but guys have to pretend they don't notice it. Moreover, you should communicate with girls as if nothing bad happened. Only in this case can communication be resumed.

Why doesn’t the girl respond to messages on VK?

Quite often, men think that a girl does not respond to messages on VK because she is busy. This reason occurs, but is quite rare. However, busyness can come with forgetfulness.

A more common reason is the girl's lack of mood. However, this is a bad reason, because it means a lack of interest in you.

The most common reason is the girl's lack of desire. In this case, neither forgetfulness, nor being busy, nor anything else will be a consolation for you.

You will just need to accept the fact that it was not possible to interest a girl in VK, to arouse her need for you.

One of the main indicators of a girl’s loss of interest in you will be the fact that you used to communicate a lot and cheerfully, but now the girl is constantly silent and ignores you. This means that the reason for the loss of interest arose during the communication process.

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