How to tell a girl that I like her and hint that I love her and need her

Heroes of films and novels are so clever in admitting their feelings for the woman they love that ordinary guys can only envy. It seems that representatives of the stronger half of humanity are determined and it costs them nothing to declare love. But, in fact, guys are at a loss as to how to tell their chosen one that they like her. And the reason for insecurity is the fear of rejection.

How to confess your feelings and at the same time maintain your own dignity?

Should you be the first to tell a girl that you like her?

Of course, if a certain girl arouses your sympathy, and you hope for reciprocal feelings, then tell her about it, show her in some way or hint. It is so customary that men often take the first step in expressing their feelings. Not all girls are ready to take the initiative in this regard, so even if the person who attracts you likes you, you may not even know about it until you yourself indicate your position in relation to her.

It is worth understanding that many girls were raised from childhood in such a way that it is unacceptable for them to be the first to show their sympathy to a guy. Perhaps she believes that by this act she will not show herself in the best light, because “decent girls do not impose themselves.” It may also be that she had a negative experience during her school years - she showed her sympathy, but did not achieve it in return. In any case, if you want to know for sure whether you have a chance of building a relationship with this girl, you should let her know that you care about her. You can determine for yourself how best to do this. Of course, the character of the girl, the duration of the acquaintance and many other factors matter.

Moreover, it is important to remember that girls love decisive guys, so even if she initially did not consider you as a potential partner, your confession may make her look at you from a completely different perspective.

How to hint to a girl that I want her

Spiritual love continues in physical love. Only a lady can react unpredictably to an offer to move into a close relationship.

Therefore, first it is worth hinting that the guy is ready to move to another stage. It is better to do this in the form of a joke, but if the girl does not have a sense of humor, then hints of an intimate relationship may be perceived negatively.

It is important to choose the right words that would not offend the chosen one. The proposal to move on to intimacy “I need your close contact, very close” will sound beautiful.

Gifts can talk. If you present erotic lingerie to your friend as a cute present, this will serve as a hint of your partner’s desire.

Gentle and persistent touches will tell you better than words about an offer to continue the relationship. During a hot kiss, it is enough to say: “I want you.”

How to tell a girl how you feel

When you're really afraid to admit it

If you are afraid to admit your feelings and can’t do anything about this fear yet, then, apparently, you are completely unsure of exactly how the girl treats you. In this case, you should get closer to her to learn more about her and understand what your chances are of being together. It is better not to delay the process of rapprochement, so as not to move into the friend zone.

What you need to do for this:

  • Be attentive to her - listen to what she says, ask leading questions.
  • Take an interest in what she does in her free time, what her mood is, whether everything is okay with her - be sympathetic.
  • Try to cheer her up more often - with jokes, smiles, and so on.
  • Show interest in her personality - what she likes and what she doesn’t, what films she can recommend for watching, etc.

When she's your friend

Remember that friendships often make loving couples - perhaps the same will happen in your case! Many girls are secretly in love with their friends, but often try to overcome this feeling, fearing that it will not be mutual and that they will end up losing each other. However, even if this is not the case, your chances are very high, because if a girl is friends with you, then at least she likes you. You can start to get to the point by simply starting a conversation about what she generally thinks about friendship between a man and a woman, how common she thinks it is, and how good couples are made as a result of bringing such friends together.

It is worth noting that in fact, such unions often turn out to be stronger than others. Many people start relationships without really knowing each other, and then break up due to “surprises” revealed to them. Friends, in turn, as a rule, are already well aware of each other’s bad sides, and enter into romantic relationships already consciously.

When she loves another guy

The situation is quite difficult and by taking too drastic actions you can only cause harm. First, try to understand what kind of relationship connects the girl and her lover. If they are not a couple or he doesn't treat her very well in the relationship and she is suffering because of it, then your chances are very high. Try to be near her as often as possible, showing your clear advantages over the object of her affection. Be attentive to her, take an interest in her affairs, make surprises without hinting at a serious relationship. Most likely, if she gets more attention from you than from the guy she was originally interested in, her interest will be redirected to you.

When she said she liked me

In this case, it’s easiest to act, because the girl has already given you the green light. If you didn’t immediately get your bearings and didn’t admit your reciprocal sympathy, then don’t put it off until later. Call her, write or offer to meet her, admitting that you really like her too.

What to write to a guy to make him understand that I need him

Not only men, but also women experience difficulties in recognition.

Here are some options on how to hint at sympathy:

  • It is generally accepted that the fair sex is not indifferent to words and compliments. But guys love praise no less than girls. Therefore, if you regularly emphasize a man’s strengths, he will understand that the woman is clearly interested in him.
  • It is important to pay attention to the object of sympathy. If you wish a guy “Have a nice day” or “Good night” every morning or evening, then after a certain time he will feel uncomfortable without such calls and messages. And he will guess that the girl is not indifferent to him.
  • Men are very sensitive to erotic hints. You can sometimes spoil them with explicit messages. It’s just important not to cross the line from erotica to pornography.
  • Jokes will do. With their help, you can hint at sympathy and maintain pride. For example, “We bumped into each other in the corridor, it would be a pity to die in the prime of life, even from the carelessness of such a handsome man.”

Hints of liking a girl

Compliments about her taste and figure

Every girl loves compliments, even if she won't admit it. Usually girls are attentive to the choice of their clothes and hairstyle, and you can draw her attention to the fact that you notice this and admire her taste. For example, you can say that she has a funny T-shirt, a very nice dress, shiny hair, cool jeans, and the like. As a rule, girls like such words. Many representatives of the fair sex believe that they have a special eye color, and even if you don’t bark, still give the girl a compliment on this score: “You have such a beautiful and interesting eye color.” Make some comparison. If the eyes are green, then say that they have an emerald shine, if they are blue, compare them with the endless sea, yellow ones with a cat’s gaze, gray ones with an anxious sky on the eve of rain (specify that you like rain).

It is also important to note that many girls doubt their figure. however, if your chosen one is happy with her, then confirmation of her thoughts will only please her. A very thin girl does not need to say: “Oh, you need to eat more, otherwise the wind will blow you away,” instead say: “You are as fragile as Thumbelina! I like!". If a girl is inclined to be overweight, then on occasion note that she has an ideal figure. If a girl often goes to the gym, say that it’s noticeable, adding: “Guys are probably freaking out.”

Flowers and banal amenities

Probably all girls love flowers, and if someone doesn’t like bouquets, it’s only because they prefer flowers in pots rather than cut ones. Although some people, on the contrary, love bouquets, not finding the time or much desire to look after house plants. However, you will most likely find out about this circumstance after you hand over the flowers, unless you casually ask about it in advance. Girls also love various goodies - casually find out about her tastes either in personal communication, or by studying a page on a social network (often you can determine from the profile what exactly a particular person likes).

Write poems with a hint about love

If you do not have confidence in your own poetic abilities, then it is better to find a work by some classic - Asadov, Yesenin, Pushkin, Rozhdestvensky and so on. Let there be no more explicit declarations of love, but the topic should be close to that. You can send her the work by personal message via SMS or social network, commenting that you caught your eye today and really liked it. At a minimum, the girl will think that you are not alien to romance.

Invitation to the cinema or a cup of coffee

This is already a very radical step, and if in previous cases the girl may still doubt your sympathy, then after such an invitation even the most slow-witted one will suspect that you like her. Choose a cozy coffee shop where you can talk calmly. If you are not yet sure that, due to the feelings that have gripped you, you will be able to have a free conversation, then it is better to choose an art cafe where some musical groups perform. You can also invite a girl to the cinema for an interesting premiere.

SMS recognition

If you cannot decide to confess to a girl, although you assume that the feelings may be mutual, then an SMS message may be a way out of the situation. For some girls, this option is even preferable because... with “live” recognition, they are often lost and do not know how to react. In the case of a message, the girl will have the opportunity to think about her answer and approach it carefully. True, subsequently all important conversations with this girl, if you develop a relationship, are better to be conducted in person, so that she does not get the impression that you are afraid of any serious topics.

Selfless help

Help the girl without hinting at anything in return. Do it casually, as you would do it for a close relative or friend. Help can be very different. Perhaps she is late for somewhere and you have the opportunity to give her a ride. It is possible that she has problems with her laptop, and you could repair it and so on.

Let her know that she is the best

This can be done by commenting, for example, on some star (it is better to avoid comparisons with real acquaintances if they are not obvious enemies of the girl). For example, she is delighted with some actress - note that you will not understand what she sees in her. if she herself is much more beautiful. Or especially note her merits: “I’ve never met a girl who cooks so deliciously,” “You have the perfect height,” “It’s crazy what color your eyes are,” “You’re so graceful, you probably did ballet?” etc.

You can say “I love you” in other words or actions

There are many ways to show your chosen one how you feel. If you have a meeting in the cold season, or you work together, grab her a glass of her favorite hot drink. If she is sick, offer to bring her medicine or give her some fruit (you can also do it through a friend or courier): “Eat your vitamins, get better.” You can also send a bouquet of flowers by courier on any occasion or “Just for the mood.” Rest assured, such actions will most likely be appreciated.

Dialogues about love

All ladies love with their ears. This is a fact that cannot be disputed, no matter what anyone says. You can work like hell at work, earning money for her new boots, run to the pharmacy for medicine when she is sick, but nothing can replace kind words. With the help of a correctly delivered speech, you can not only charm your companion, but also make her think about a more interesting pastime. Here you have several options:

  • Try to position yourself as close to her as possible so that she feels the intimacy of the situation. At the same time, you can talk about almost anything here (even about airplanes), the main thing is to make your voice lower and your tone more playful.
  • Conduct online correspondence. This option is suitable for modest guys who instantly get lost as soon as they find themselves close to their passion. Send seductive emojis (only without outright vulgarities), exchange beautiful and erotic pictures, flirt - and she will instantly be hooked.
  • Phone sex. Everything here is the same as in correspondence - there are more piquant topics for conversation. But again, don’t focus too much on vulgar fantasies, otherwise the effect will be the opposite - the girl will doubt your intentions towards her.

Of course, the main spice for a conversation should be your confidence. Don’t mumble, don’t calm down and try to be sincere - all this will let your partner know that she worries you and evokes certain desires.

Seize the moment

There are many situations when intimacy for women is an afterthought. If you want to know how to hint at sex to a girl, you must learn to identify such moments. Critical days are the most obvious example. Many guys are sure that menstruation cannot in any way affect sexual activity, because a girl still has a mouth, but this position is held either by people who are as far removed from the art of seduction as possible, or by couples who have been married for many years.

How to touch a girl so she likes it?

You should not think that the bad mood of your chosen one is also a reason to refuse any attempts. On the contrary, if you show yourself as a sensitive and understanding companion, she may well melt and agree to get closer. Ask her about her affairs, sincerely sympathize, hug her, bring her a cup of hot tea - all these sweet gestures will significantly increase your rating in the eyes of your passion.

Again, be aware of situations where any hint of sex would be inappropriate. For example, one of her relatives died or became seriously ill. The only thing you have to demonstrate here is a sense of tact. Otherwise, the stigma of being an “insensitive blockhead” will stick to you forever.

Tested Scripts

You've been talking to a cute work colleague for some time now and you're sure that she likes you, but you still don't know how to hint to a girl about sex. To finally dot the i’s and get either a categorical “no” or a gentle “yes”, you can choose one of the scenarios that will reliably hint at your vulgar thoughts.

  • An invitation home to an interesting film. To do this, you need to find out what exactly from cinema interests your companion. In an intimate home environment, sitting next to you on the sofa, you can casually hug a girl, and then, without meeting resistance, move on to more interesting actions - kissing and light petting.
  • An offer to try a good bottle of champagne or wine together. There is one nuance here - you really have to buy good alcohol. At the same time, you can be sure that if the lady gives her consent, then she is definitely ready to move to another plane of communication.
  • Use gestures. It’s enough just to look directly into the girl’s eyes, smile and run your hand over her knee or cheek. You don’t even need words here, because such hints will be clear to her immediately.

There are no former womanizers and former whores

For more confident males, there is also such an option as “a direct question.” No, asking directly if a girl wants to sleep with you is stupid. However, it is quite possible to ask if she would not mind spending a pleasant evening alone. Despite the complexity of the female character, there are many people with whom such a straightforward approach works.

To gently hint at a relationship, you need

Explain why she is special and you need her

Make it clear that you don't just want a relationship with some girl, but that you are interested in her. Tell us what you like most about her, why you think your couple has a chance for a happy relationship. Tell her about when you first realized that you liked him, what exactly you felt. Girls especially like such stories.

Show how much a woman cares for you

It happens that words are not always enough, and many women no longer take words seriously. Therefore, do not neglect actions that could show her your true attitude towards her. Many men have forgotten what it means to “court” a woman, thereby increasing the “value” of those who still do it.

Induce her to have her first kiss

Most women believe that the beginning of a serious relationship is the first date or declaration of love, and the first kiss. If you bring your meeting to the point that it ends with the first kiss (you can do this when parting, walking your chosen one home), then it means that you were completely able to win her over.

Voice your desire that you want to see her next to you

Some women do not understand hints or do not want to take them seriously for fear of getting into an awkward position. Usually we are talking about adults, busy or business women who do not have time to “catch” your signals. In this case, it is best to say your feelings directly.

How to make it clear that there is sympathy if you saw her for the first time

For women, a few seconds are enough to understand whether a guy is suitable for a future relationship. When meeting, it is important to let her understand that this is not just politeness, but real interest. The following tips will help with this:

  1. Select her when communicating, ask more questions than others.
  2. Be polite and courteous. This does not mean that it is okay to be rude to others. Just offer to lean on your hand or walk you home.
  3. Give more compliments.
  4. Start a conversation on a topic that interests both of you.
  5. Call for a meeting. You don't have to have a date, you can just take a walk around the city.

What to do if a girl refuses

In this situation, of course, you need to behave like a man - without making a scene, without insulting the girl and without making fun of her later in the company of friends. If you behave with dignity in this situation, then perhaps the girl will look at you from a completely different perspective and will soon want to be with such a balanced guy. If she refused, then simply say: “Well, then the topic is closed.” If you were on friendly terms before, then there is no need to avoid her now, act as if nothing happened, and do not return to this topic even with hints until she herself initiates such a conversation. If you haven’t communicated before, then just periodically congratulate her on the social network on the New Year, Birthday and March 8th, for example. If she becomes interested in you, she will somehow let you know about it.

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