What does it mean if a man doesn't call a woman by name?

At the dating stage

This is how the man tried to get your phone number!
So insistent on a date! Everything was quite romantic, easy, that in the end it even became a shame! Wait to take it personally, there is an explanation for everything: If a man disappears after taking your phone number:

  • I simply lost it, didn’t save it, mixed up the number, got my phone stolen;
  • burned out (at that time he had a rush of euphoria, but by the evening it passed);
  • I just wanted to raise my self-esteem by adding another number to my collection list;
  • he already has a girlfriend;
  • disappeared because he considered you an easily accessible lady, since you quickly give out your number;
  • he just didn’t like your tone/manner of communication/manicure (everyone has their own cockroaches), and backing down was already awkward;
  • personal problems (accident, someone’s death, illness, moving).

What to do in such situations? Absolutely nothing! If you didn’t save your number, believe me, the man will find a way out of the situation to find you. If something serious happened, he will definitely explain himself later if he remembers you. And if everything else - live calmly, throw the unnecessary things out of your head!

If a guy disappears without explanation after the first date:

  • The sympathy that is needed for the development of relationships never arose. For this, appearance alone is not enough—outlook on life, similarity of interests, hobbies, and goals are important. In this case, do not despair. It’s better to immediately understand that you are not on the right path than to get buried in conflicts or misunderstandings later.
  • The woman was too pushy and had actually already decided on their wedding date. They don’t just disappear from such individuals, they run away at breakneck speed!
  • The guy dates several girls at once. And, accordingly, he will stay with the one who turns out to be closer, prettier, and dearer to him. Do not be upset under any circumstances - be glad that dishonest people have bypassed your life!
  • Does not seek commitment. It happens: you are pretty, you speak smoothly, everything is to his taste, but he doesn’t want to continue yet. Maybe the man just got out of a previous relationship and needs to breathe out. Or maybe he's just afraid. Give him a couple of weeks - if he still doesn’t call, then there will be someone else.
  • The man felt that he had already won you over, so he became bored. There are types for whom dates are trophies, steps where they need to feel like winners. They disappear especially often if the first date ends in sex.
  • He is completely overwhelmed at work or personal life. And since you are not yet in such a close relationship to put you as a priority, he may simply spin out, postponing your communication. BUT! If you really hooked him, he would remember you!
  • After the dialogue with you, the man realized that he simply would not be attracted to you. Neither morally nor financially.
  • He disappeared because he made peace with his former flame. It may happen that your short communication coincided with their breakup, but they decided to get back together. Whether it happened on purpose or just this way, you shouldn’t worry about it anymore.
  • Something happened to him or his family/friends. This is unlikely, but it cannot be ruled out. If you are really worried about this, look at his social networks - if life there is full of bright pictures and statuses, you can calm down.
  • After the date, a holiday is coming. Yes, such men exist. They disappear so as not to give gifts, but after that they will definitely make themselves known. And whether you need such happiness or not - decide for yourself!

Even in the initial stages of a relationship, as you can see, there are enough reasons to make you wonder! So relax and let everything take its course. Experience his loss quietly, with dignity, without imposition or humiliation.

Dear girls, remember the most important rule: if a man disappears after the first date, it’s not your problem, but HIS. After a short period of time, there is a chance you won’t even remember it, so move on with a firm gait!

Call my name softly

If you are satisfied with everything, you are confident in the feelings of your chosen one, and maybe you have been living together for more than one year, there is no need to strain yourself. Everything is completely individual for each couple.

But if the absence of a name brings discomfort, and all the “bunnies” and “fish” only irritate, try to bring the man to a frank conversation. Explain your point of view to your partner and listen to his reasons.

It is worth not starting the situation at the very beginning of dating. At the first attempts to call you a “kitty,” decisively declare: “I’m just Tanya!” Many young people will understand immediately. For slow-witted people, patience is required. Here, like in school, you will have to repeat: I have a name, what is my name, there is no kitty here.

Neglected cases will have to be corrected using more subtle methods. Alternatively, you can find a poster with your name written on it. Place things where indicated. You can often play a song about your namesake. The goal of all actions: the name should be constantly heard by the man.

A very effective method, although it sounds childish, is to call yourself by name during affection: Lena, a good girl, loves Sasha, Lena is smart, what a good guy Lena is, and so on. That is, we act on the subconscious.

He's cheating on you

If from the very beginning you are just a “fish” or a “bunny” for him, then it is possible that you are not the only one with him. Very often men depersonalize their ladies because they have quite a lot of them.

Some people simply don’t want to make a mistake in their name, while others, on a subconscious level, don’t want to single out a woman from the rest so as not to get attached. Unfortunately, it is impossible to solve this problem, but it can be diagnosed. If a man devotes little time to his lady, then it’s worth thinking about.

Reasons after many years of marriage

A man may not call a woman by name even after several long years spent together. The couple can now safely leave behind all attempts to become a full-fledged family. And follow the proven path of love and respect. At the same time, trying to use the name. But understanding without words the most frequent requests of your soulmate.

In addition, the name can be replaced by a simple nickname, or a cute nickname. Its meaning is understood only by a certain person. Therefore, any set of words can evoke strong and sweet emotions. Even though other people will not understand its true meaning.

In addition, in some situations, you can simply look at the situation from the other side. If you set your priorities correctly, then in most cases, using the name of your beloved woman is not necessary. Many couples communicate without using such words. And they don’t see any problems in this approach to building their own relationships.

But at a later stage, many couples are already tired of names. It is very difficult to continue to see in your chosen one the love of your life, without trying to influence her mind too much. It happens that such primitive attempts to restore relationships, even using a name, are no longer possible. And all that remains is to accept the new rules of the game. However, as a rule, many couples continue to live together. But they have long found a new love on the side.

How to react if a man disappears and appears again

The man disappears, evaporates, ignores you, and then appears with words of love, as if nothing had happened. You have forgiven, established relationships, everything is fine, but bang - the same song again!

What should a woman do in such situations, how to react to sudden departures and returns?

  1. Think about what caused you to leave and whether this can be corrected in the future. Analyze recent events, your behavior, conversations. Calm down, you have time for this! If you understand mistakes, correct them, become a wise and reasonable woman.
  2. Stop trying to take revenge, scold, or arrange an interrogation with passion! React to his appearance with restraint, even if a storm is raging inside.
  3. Have self-respect - do not throw yourself into his arms with words of love or gratitude, otherwise the man will regard this gesture as encouragement, repeating his departure in the future.
  4. Without raising your voice, calmly express your grievances. “You disappeared, I was in the dark. I find it difficult to answer how to evaluate your action now, but then I set myself up for a break. Sorry, I need time to decide what to do next.”
  5. Spare your man the bitter stories of how difficult, lonely, scary, painful it was for you. Don't make him feel guilty.
  6. If a man comes with gifts after he disappears, just accept them. Don't be arrogant or condescending. The time has come to seek you again, let him feel it.

During his absence, try to live with benefit for yourself: new acquaintances, transformations, meetings. Spend more time with loved ones, be outdoors more often. Open up, take up a new hobby, treat yourself to delicious food, beautiful things. Life goes on!

If a man disappears or appears, there are undoubtedly reasons for his return. He likes you - that's a fact. Another question is how long this can last, because there are reasons to leave you! You can live like this all your life, or maybe he will someday meet the one in whom he will be satisfied with absolutely everything! If you are already truly tired of this and have done everything possible for this relationship, do not be afraid to break this cycle. The time will come - and you will find that man who will take care of you and appreciate you, and not abandon you at every opportunity! After all, you certainly deserve someone who prefers to solve issues constructively, without burying your head in the sand! Remember this always! Be happy!

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An objective assessment of a man who has known him for a long time

Some time after the start of a relationship, the partner’s behavior changes. He is no longer as romantic and emotional as in the first days of meeting him. The gentleman behaves more reservedly, devotes more time to personal matters, and says fewer compliments to the lady. It seems to the girl that the love has passed, the desire to see each other often has disappeared, there is no more passion.

When a relationship with a partner has been going on for a long time, you want to determine whether he still has feelings. If he still abandons his plans in favor of the girl, shares her interests with her, tolerates whims and forgives a lot, it means that he is still not indifferent to his chosen one.

How to be

Let's look at what to do if a young man does not address you by name.

  1. It is best to have a heart-to-heart talk about the current situation.
  2. The next time a young man addresses you not by name, but using some nickname, you can interrupt him and say that you don’t understand who he is addressing, that your name is such and such.
  3. If negative memories from a past life are to blame, your name is associated with the ex-love of a young man who was unhappy, wait, some time must pass for the man to realize that a completely different person is nearby and everything could be different.
  4. If the young man’s family did not address each other by name, then you can play along with him. Address him by his last name, this will make your situation non-standard. Then gradually instill in him the habit of calling you by name.
  5. If your partner is convinced that the name your parents gave you does not suit you, then you can either accept the situation as it is, or say that you would like to hear him pronounce your name.
  6. If already on the first date you hear words like beloved, dear from your boyfriend, then most likely you have encountered an infantile person or a loving person. You need to understand how such a relationship will turn out and whether it is worth continuing.
  7. If, in addition to kind words, manic behavior is directed in your direction, then you should distance yourself from such a man.
  8. If a young man has problems pronouncing your name due to stuttering, then you need to come to terms with it, because this is a speech impediment and a significant reason.
  9. If, after years of marriage, you think that your spouse does not address you by name, then in such a situation it is already too late to do anything. It’s better to resign yourself or seek help from a psychologist; you won’t achieve much on your own, because a man has become accustomed to calling you that way over many years.

It is important to understand that today the use of all kinds of nicknames has become quite popular, especially among young men. So don't panic right away

It is possible that it is enough to simply tell your partner about your feelings and everything will work out.

Now you know what psychology thinks about situations when a young man does not call his girlfriend by name. As you can see, the reason for this can be many different factors, and in each situation, active actions directly depend on what exactly provoked this phenomenon.

Reasons for starting a relationship

Sometimes, when a couple is just starting to live together, or, on the contrary, has already been living for several long decades, there is always a chance not to use the name of the woman they love for obvious reasons.

At the beginning of a relationship, loved ones are just learning to exist as a full-fledged unit of society. They cannot use names, and if the husband at this stage does not call his wife by name, you should not take this seriously.

At least three years will pass before the couple’s first actual crisis, so that after that, loved ones will be able to take on faith a personal attitude on certain issues.

In addition, different members of the couple are ashamed to use the name of their loved one. Not knowing what is the best way to prepare the ground for such an invasion of privacy.

Names always have a certain kind of energy. And it is better to carefully monitor what kind of soil is laid as a result of such love. If nicknames come instead, or certain nicknames, nothing terrible can happen. But when, using an address to a partner in this way, an individual refuses the slightest attempt to insert a name into this address at least once, most likely, there are underlying problems in his psyche.

Many young people do not understand that calling the woman they love by name helps her feel needed. This is the highest form of tenderness that a person can afford without additional expenses. However, if you neglect this option for a long time, you can really go crazy.

Having seen how great the probability of losing oneself in the abyss of constant battles really is. Where the heart of a loved one is both the main prize and an insane stone of discord.

To prevent this from happening at an early stage, you need to: ·

  • Limit the use of nicknames and other words in advance, focusing only on the name. Of course, their frequency should not be reduced to zero. But the number of nicknames should be kept to a logical minimum.·
  • Trying to build trust. In any couple, the name indicates the degree of trust. As soon as its level is high, the direct need to depend on external factors will be reduced to logical zero. This means that the name will become a constant variable that the couple will access.

Why a man doesn't call a woman by name: 6 hidden reasons

Some men like to call their ladies anything but by name. According to psychologists, this may indicate the presence of hidden problems in the relationship.

Instead of a name, affectionate nicknames are often used, each of which can mean something specific. A good sign is the alternation of nicknames and first names when addressing. Such a man is sincere and really loves his lady. If a man rarely calls a girl by name, you should understand the reasons.

He's a nomatophobe

There are people who are simply afraid to pronounce other people's names. For most, this is not difficult, but some are simply terribly afraid to pronounce the name of even the closest person.

The problem is that people are in no hurry to admit that they have such a problem. They experience enormous difficulties in communicating with loved ones. They find it difficult to address a person by name; instead, they get straight to the point. The most interesting thing is that quite a lot of people suffer from congenital nomatophobia. Experts say one of the reasons is the popularity of remote communication on the Internet.

The most unusual cause of nomatophobia is genetic. In ancient times, people rarely addressed each other by name. Many people simply have such a program “written” in their heads.

He was far from his parents

This refers to emotional distance. If parents rarely or do not call the child by name, this creates in him a desire to also protect himself from calling people by name.

It is possible that your man is not to blame for not calling you by name, because he simply never did this and was raised in such conditions.

Replacing the name with affectionate nicknames

There are couples in which people only address each other as “bunny”, “cat”, “Masya”, “baby”, “dear/darling”. Perhaps it's just a matter of habit. For such people, the person's name sounds too formal.

This suggests that a man’s attitude towards a woman is very warm and positive. It may be worth calling each other by names more often in such a situation, but many psychologists believe that this is not at all necessary.

Fear of getting close

One of the most unobvious problems is the fear of getting close to a person. To understand whether this is so, remember what the person was like at the beginning of the relationship - did the man call you by name in the first few months.

Perhaps the man doesn’t like something, or he doesn’t want to be consumed by his woman and her love. This may be a desire to remain self-sufficient. There is also the possibility that the man simply does not consider the woman close enough. The problem can be solved with a simple conversation. A woman should say that she doesn’t like being treated impersonally. If the problem happens again, it means the man doesn’t love her enough.

He's cheating on you

If from the very beginning you are just a “fish” or a “bunny” for him, then it is possible that you are not the only one with him. Very often men depersonalize their ladies because they have quite a lot of them.

Some people simply don’t want to make a mistake in their name, while others, on a subconscious level, don’t want to single out a woman from the rest so as not to get attached. Unfortunately, it is impossible to solve this problem, but it can be diagnosed. If a man devotes little time to his lady, then it’s worth thinking about.

He wants to be a leader

Diminutive derivatives of “cats” and “bunnies” not always, but often can indicate that a man wants to control his woman. Such men are hidden manipulators.

At first everything is harmless, and then the man begins to devalue the woman as a person, revealing the aggressive sides of his personality. When trying to get close to him, he will show aggression.

Many experts believe that the use of a name in address is direct evidence of a man’s respect and love for a woman. Do not be afraid of a man’s reluctance to call you by name, because there is a possibility that he simply does not attach importance to names. In this case, he will be able to understand the problem and correct the situation. It's enough to just hint that you don't like it. Five other signs will tell you about an unhealthy relationship. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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March 1 08:21

If a guy calls you by name

If a man calls a woman by name, what does this mean?

If a man calls a woman affectionate names, this is not evidence of great love. And vice versa - sometimes an official address only says that a man is embarrassed to open up, show his true attitude, or show weakness.

During communication, especially personal communication, women not only utter more words, but also analyze the process of verbal exchange to a greater extent. This ability is inherent in them by nature; even in childhood, girls spoke 1.5 times more than their male peers.

Women notice the slightest nuances in a conversation, pay attention to the facial expressions of men during a conversation, shades of tone. Every word is analyzed.

Surprisingly, the older a woman is, and the more “burned” she is, the more suspicious she becomes in a relationship. Every word a man says is scrutinized—sometimes with the participation of his girlfriends.

And a woman has very big questions if a man calls her by name. What could this mean?

Sometimes it doesn't mean anything. A man likes a name, he is not afraid to mix it up or call it something else. Due to his upbringing, he does not believe that adults should coo with each other, inventing affectionate nicknames like bunny, fish, etc....

When such an attitude begins to interfere with communication, it is worth talking to the person, explaining why it is unpleasant, and in what cases you want to hear some kind of personal nickname.

If a person, calling by name, does it unconsciously, then after a logical explanation: “I don’t really like my name. I would like a more affectionate attitude - he will fulfill the request.

But it happens that a man calls by name because he wants to distance himself and is looking for a way to escape. Then he is unlikely to admit the motives for his behavior.

Most women intuitively feel the relationships of men. Surely, a man’s fears are visible not only in his reluctance to use a diminutive title for his girlfriend in a conversation.

Do you want to continue to be with this person, to overcome the dividing distance?

Then at this stage there is no point in starting a conversation. First you need to tame the object.

One more nuance needs to be taken into account. Affectionate nicknames came into use not so long ago. Now you can hear the endless from the TV screens: my Pusya, Kotya and so on. Just 20 years ago they only addressed children this way.

So it’s not worth asking men older than middle age to call them by affectionate names. One must even appreciate the fact that in intimate moments the official name is softened with an affectionate ending.

It is also necessary to take into account that on average men are less emotional than women and are more specific. Therefore, they may not understand women’s resentment of the “formality” of communication and the desire to introduce comparisons and metaphors into the conversation.

If a man calls his wife by name in the company of friends and acquaintances, this indicates his respect for her as an individual. An affectionate intra-family nickname in a company often shows that he does not consider her his equal in status. Although sometimes this means nothing.

You need to start stressing about being called only by name when, when discussing everyday issues, a man calls by name, but does not mention the name during intimate relations. It depends, of course, on each specific person and situation, but most often this indicates a reluctance to let a woman get too close.

How can you interpret a relationship if a man calls only by generally accepted pet names, ignoring his name? Is it really just about being afraid of being confused with someone? Having noticed such an attitude, do you need to immediately double your vigilance and have a conversation that explains his behavior?

When a man switches from his name to affectionate words, there is no need to strain. Many modern men use affectionate names to express their tenderness.

If a man immediately starts with kind words, when the acquaintance has not yet become close, he does not want to go deeper into the relationship. Easy relationships do not imply recognition. In the case when a woman is not satisfied with such a pastime, she needs to look for another person.

Surprisingly, there are psychologists who, by analyzing affectionate words addressed to women, have classified men’s attitudes towards them.

For example, a man solemnly calls “Beloved.” Most likely, he himself lacks love and in this way he hints at it. Or he is a rich snob and has reviewed romance novels and wants to live up to their heroes. You need to try to rebuild it to a more domestic level of relationship.

Most often women are called "Pussycat". There are two reasons - they do not take her seriously, or they emphasize softness, affection, and pliability as the main qualities that attract her in a partner.

“Fish” sounds somewhat disparaging to many women. Usually this is what a woman is called by flighty men who can sail away from their girlfriend at any minute.

A man who calls a woman “Sun” is either being ironic or admiring his friend and is proud of her. Such an affectionate name is a great responsibility. You need to constantly try to shine and live up to the ideal.

“Baby”, “Kroshka”, “Lapulya” and similar names sound with a tinge of disdain. Perhaps a young girl playing daughter with a man will be pleased with such diminutive nicknames. But a mature woman will understand that a man who addresses his girlfriend this way only wants sex from her. But there is no need to rush to slam the door. Sometimes the sexual component strongly binds the family.

If a man calls “Gold”, “My Jewel”, then this may indicate that he wants to use the woman. The nickname reveals the true motives of the relationship. You should be careful with this type and not trust him from the first day.

It happens that a man calls by name, without thinking at all that this bothers his partner. And there may not be any subtext in this regard. Each case must be considered individually. taking into account the tone in which the name is pronounced and the actions that accompany the relationship.

Source: If a man calls a woman by name, what does this mean? A man calls you by name and it’s annoying? If a man calls his girlfriend by name, this is in most cases explained by the fact that it is pleasant for him to pronounce the name and he does not want to offend the woman.


If a guy calls you affectionately by name, what does that mean?

If a guy calls you affectionately by name, what does that mean?

What do the affectionate nicknames your significant other calls you mean?

People in love often call each other affectionate nicknames. Family psychologists are convinced that based on this affectionate name that your partner gives you, you can find out his true attitude towards you.

All the most common nicknames used by people in love with each other can be divided into several semantic groups.

Beloved, sweetheart, dear, etc.

Baby, baby, baby, etc. These nicknames indicate a clear division of roles in a couple. A man who calls his beloved by such nicknames makes it clear that he is the main one in the relationship, and his other half is a defenseless creature whom he is ready to protect, instruct and guide.

Sun, miracle, happiness, etc. Such nicknames indicate that a man feels very good next to you, he experiences joy and positive emotions when he is next to you.

Bunny, pussy, little fox, fish, etc. some nicknames from this group can sometimes seem offensive to a woman. But if your loved one called you a hamster, this does not mean at all that you have big cheeks and it’s time for you to lose weight. No! With such nicknames, as a rule, men emphasize their readiness and desire to take care of their partner.

show tenderness and affection. In some cases, animal nicknames are a manifestation of sexual play. Sometimes men show imagination and come up with original nicknames - giraffe, owlet, skunk, pug, etc.

With such unusual, sometimes even offensive in a sense, nicknames, men only emphasize that they love their women for who they are.

If a man calls you by your last name . then this speaks of equal relations in the family. By this he emphasizes that he always takes into account your opinion and you are a dear person to him. If the nickname is even more official in name and patronymic &mdash, Maria Ivanovna &mdash, then this means that the man treats you with respect, albeit with some sarcasm.

  • glasses, Echka (Katechka, Marinochka) &mdash, I have warm feelings for you, comparable to those that are felt for children. You make me want to protect you, take care of you and help you in everything.
  • Ik (Svetik, Lelik) &mdash, I have tender feelings for you, I feel very comfortable with you, you are both my favorite and a faithful comrade on whom I can rely.
  • Enka and Onka (Nadenka, Veronka) &mdash, you evoke a whole range of feelings in me, you are a special person in my life whom I value very much.
  • Yushka, Usha (Tanyushka, Valyushka) &mdash, I’m afraid of losing you, I want to always know what’s happening to you, whether everything is okay with you. I really care about you.

What do your other halves call you? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Source: If a guy calls you affectionately by name, what does it mean? What do the affectionate nicknames that your significant other calls you mean? People in love often call each other affectionate nicknames. Family psychologists are convinced that based on this affectionate name that your partner gives you, you can truly recognize him


Advice and opinion of a psychologist

Modern psychologists claim that no one owes anyone anything. If you do not agree with this opinion, it means that you have certain psychological deviations. You should not force a man to call you what only you like.

Experts give advice that will help you get rid of this problem or not attach importance to it at all:

  1. Avoid discussing a situation that worries you with your partner.
  2. Don't keep coming back to this topic.
  3. Love the way your spouse calls you.
  4. Appreciate actions and attitudes.

Relationships, mutual support and love are valued above all else in a family. It's stupid to focus on little things that don't change your life in any way. If your husband likes to call you Zai or Baby, accept it. Perhaps this is how he expresses his love for you.

Main reasons

At appointments, psychologists often hear complaints that the husband often does not call his wife by name, but uses some nicknames and gestures to call her or draw attention to himself. Experts say that this problem is relevant for everyone; most men refuse to contact their wives in the traditional way due to one reason or another

To understand why a guy doesn’t call a girl by name, you need to consider the issue from a psychological point of view

There are standard assumptions to pay attention to:

  1. The husband copies the attitude of his parents. If it is customary in a family to call each other Zaya or Kotik, but no one remembers their real names, a man develops this attitude on a subconscious level since childhood.
  2. Psychological barrier. The partner does not want to get close to the woman or let her into his life.
  3. Unsuccessful previous experience. If a woman’s name is like a guy’s ex-lover, he will choose more affectionate nicknames.
  4. A man doesn't like the name of his beloved. Such situations also happen. To avoid an uncomfortable situation, the young man completely abstracts himself from it, choosing diminutive nicknames.
  5. If the woman is not the only one in his life.

At the beginning of a relationship

When building a relationship with a girl, many guys at the first stages call their companions by name, avoiding affectionate addresses. This is fine. But sometimes there are times when it is difficult for a man to address a girl this way. There are several psychological reasons for this problem:

  1. It's hard to remember your name.
  2. Too difficult to pronounce.
  3. For a person, relationships are temporary.
  4. The spouse attaches little importance to the name.
  5. Indifferent to the girl's name.
  6. He believes that it is easier to call his beloved by cute nicknames.

If the restriction occurs only at the beginning of the relationship, it is too early to sound the alarm. But when you're seriously worried about a situation, just ask your guy why this is happening. You will get an answer if you really care about this person.

Many people pay increased attention to the problem, but this is wrong. It doesn’t matter how your loved one addresses you: by name or affectionate nickname

The main thing is that care and love are manifested in attitude, understanding, and feelings.

Many years later

After a few years of living together, feelings become stronger, and relationships change a little. A man may simply be tired of his wife's name, so he will want to add some variety to it. This is where Cats, Bunnies, Babies, Marmalades and other nicknames come from.

It’s stupid to think that after years a man stops loving you, loses respect, and therefore selects a standard set of nicknames with which all women can be associated. Psychologists say that sometimes all these words mean much more to a husband than his name. Many girls, when they come to see a psychologist, confirm the fact that after a certain period of family life they even prefer to hear from their beloved Kitty or Sunny. This is where love manifests itself for many.

He was far from his parents

This refers to emotional distance. If parents rarely or do not call the child by name, this creates in him a desire to also protect himself from calling people by name.

It is possible that your man is not to blame for not calling you by name, because he simply never did this and was raised in such conditions.

What does a guy call and what does it mean: relationship psychology

Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not baby, for example. Why? The point is that he himself enjoys the sound of this word.

Sometimes a man can call it differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

  • For example, the sound "F" can clearly express wild and burning reactions. It is often used when you are acutely dissatisfied with something - “Ugh”
  • The sound “X” means sharp excitement (exclamations “ah”, “oh”).
  • And the sound “Ш” , on the contrary, fascinates and attracts attention. He can use affectionate nicknames much more often than others. This sound absorbs attention and forces you to break away from other things. When silence is necessary, say “sh!”
  • The second most common name in nicknames is the sound “K” . It is often used in affectionate nicknames: bunny, baby, honey. This sound focuses on sensuality, tenderness, and care.
  • The third is the sound “L” , it can be found in affectionate nicknames 50% more often than in others. It means that emotions overwhelm us, but we are not afraid of it, but rather open up to them. When we are in a good mood, we sing “La-la-la,” and when we are not happy with something, we say “Damn!”

Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even the sound of a word will tell you a lot about your chosen one’s feelings for you.

What does a guy call and what does it mean?

Does your man often call you bunny or kitty? Or maybe just sweet or dear? Have you ever wondered what this means?

Psychologists advise you to listen to the nickname that your loved one gives you, in this way he unconsciously expresses his attitude towards you. After all, every nickname contains very interesting and useful information.

Affectionate nicknames

Sunshine, berry, doll, sweet, candy, honey. Such nicknames are mainly found in the initial stages of a relationship. They show that a man is attracted to you and has boundless tenderness. Falling in love and passion dominates your relationship now. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period.

Animal nicknames

Kitten, tiger cub, elephant calf, squirrel. These messages show that your chosen one has a playful and tender attitude towards you. He is ready to take care of you and give you his warmth and affection.

Standard nicknames

Beloved, sweet, dear, dear. This is how men usually call those in whom they are confident and whom they want to call their wife. They take responsibility for you and are ready to be with you under any circumstances.

Official nicknames

Does a man call you by your first or last name? This means that your man strives for an equal relationship. In this way, he emphasizes that he values ​​​​your opinion, and you are a close relative to him. Calls you by your patronymic - the man respects you, but there is also a share of sarcasm in the relationship.

Children's nicknames

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, little. When a man calls you that, you can be sure that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall. Such a man is ready to do everything himself, and for him you are his little miracle, which he adores. But don’t get too used to the role of a baby, because it is much more profitable to become a charming seductress.

Abstract nicknames

Sun, miracle, happiness, gold, my joy. These nicknames imply that the man feels very good around you. He experiences the most joyful and positive emotions when you are around. Only sometimes you should add more passionate emotions.

Funny nicknames

Donut, crocodile, crocodile, musya, telepub, booger. Your partner feels complete intimacy with you, he is inextricably linked with you. He is energetic, does not walk in circles, and does not hold back his emotions. It demands the same from you.

These nicknames tell a lot about the man who uttered them, and also reveal his true intentions towards you. Listen to them and draw the right conclusions.

What does your nickname mean?

In order to finally understand your partner’s feelings, let’s take a closer look at the following examples of nicknames:

  • Calls you by name - he values ​​you as a person, respects and trusts you. But try, nevertheless, to bring zest and passion into your relationship.
  • Sweetheart - your lover dreams of building a happy and long-term relationship with you. The influence of his mind is directly proportional to his feelings. He avoids quarrels with you, and simply despises scandals and intrigues.
  • Princess – idolizes you. He can fulfill any of your requests. Ready to protect you and take tender care of you. Just don’t abuse his good attitude.
  • My good one considers you the best girl. He has confidence in you and is grateful to you for everything.
  • Beloved – really loves you. He has the most reverent and sincere feelings for you. But he also wants to receive care, tenderness, affection from you. If you give him this, then your relationship can very soon develop into a strong and happy union.
  • Sun - he experiences the brightest and most tender feelings for you. You are attractive to him like a magnet, so he is very drawn to you.
  • Kisa - he loses his head over you, and therefore wants to quickly move on to close contact. Prefers playfulness, carelessness, affection. He's avoiding seriousness for now.
  • My girl protects you, and already considers you completely hers. He is confident in you, and he wants you to become confident in him. Fully ready to envelop you with care and attention.
  • Zaya wants to play with you, because she loves excitement. But at heart he is quite jealous, and you are always under his close attention.
  • Sunny - you are a gentle and bright creature for him. He protects you and is always interested in you. Continue to give him the brightest and most joyful emotions.
  • Baby - completely directs all her attention to you. He is fascinated by you. But he also wants to receive the bulk of your attention.
  • Dear , he values ​​you madly. You have already become part of his family. He trusts you and believes that you can build a happy future together. Appreciate this attitude.
  • Darling , he values ​​his relationship with you immensely. He senses that you both invest a lot in the relationship and really appreciates it.
  • My little one - he adores you. His feelings towards you are very deep. He is always ready to take care of you.
  • Baby - his attention is focused entirely on you. He's madly in love with you. And he expects the same return from you.
  • My joy appreciates you very much. You bring him the positive emotions he needs so much. You are the most important person in his life now.
  • Baby - focused on finding full contact with you. But be careful, his feelings may be superficial. His first priority is practical interest.
  • Beauty, beauty - admires your appearance. But the danger is that he only sees your outer beauty and not your inner beauty. Therefore, you may not be considered for a further serious relationship.
  • Friend – grateful for the support and communication. But you are more of a friend to him than a girlfriend. Think about it. Perhaps it makes sense to show your femininity and arrange a couple of tender romantics.
  • Kitten - feels a close, inextricable connection with you. He doesn’t want to part with you, and intends to show his loyalty and care.
  • Sweet - finds you incredibly attractive. But he is a calm and balanced person. Therefore, crazy actions are not for him.
  • A child takes care of you. Considers you small and defenseless. The main thing is that at the same time, he feels you not only as a child, but also as a mysterious coquette.
  • Sweetie - very emotional towards you. Believes that he has already conquered you.
  • Lapulya - he is ready to do a lot for you. He is quite active and can take bold actions. Use them for good.
  • Doll, doll - they are very passionate about you. But perhaps it is only externally that you attract your chosen one. Think about this, and try to become his friend.
  • Fish - treat you in a businesslike manner. Romance is not the first place in your relationship. Perhaps a couple of sensual romantic evenings will help you.
  • Tiger cub - partner emphasizes your independence. He respects you and is ready for equality. But sometimes, try to show your femininity so as not to become just a partner for him. Mischievous, harmful - loves to play with you. I'm ready to forgive your pranks. He himself is mischievous and cheerful, so he likes your whims and games, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Pay attention to what your lover calls you. Interpret his words and message correctly. Thus, you will begin to better understand how your partner is feeling at the moment, you will be able to significantly improve your relationship and direct it in the direction you need.

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Source: https://WomensRules.ru/psihologiya/kak-nazyvaet-paren.html

Or maybe so...

Well, at least someone honestly says what they think! Even if he pretends that this is affectionate, in fact, one cannot trust the “enemy”.

It seems that there is no need to explain anything here, your beloved has already said everything himself. On the other hand, if a man really loves you, then all these names don’t matter. He is gentle, loving, and without any hints. Maybe…

Baby or Tiny - for your man, only sex and sexual relationships are in the foreground. He is a restless experimenter in sex, loves fun and entertainment. Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build serious ones with him.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - If a man compares you to a small rodent, then he is a born hunter, and, quite likely, he has such bunnies... Or he changes them often. To keep this free shooter, you must constantly pretend to be an uncaught animal, ready to escape at any moment. Recognize only legal marriage as a cage that can hold you back, and don’t forget to remind that “you’re chasing two hares... and you’ll get it from both!”

Gold, gold, gold. Are you sure that he is not with you for commercial reasons? After all, your loved one is a very mercantile type, even if he tries to see some benefit in his loved one. And then, this is again a subtle hint at your talkativeness, because “silence is golden.”

As psychologists say, by calling you “Golden or Precious,” a man subconsciously thinks about how he can make money or benefit from a close relationship with you.

In addition, gold is a metal, so you will have to become an “iron lady” and cope with all life and financial difficulties. Myself.

Kitty, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik Lovers of “cats” and “kittens” are usually slightly romantic, but very soft-bodied. Such an specimen is difficult to classify as the stronger sex, but they are easy to train. At the initial stage of dating, “cat people” can mimic quite well, hiding their spinelessness and masking it with romance.

It is best to show maternal instinct towards them, and at the same time practice before having a baby.


First of all, the question arises - whose? Maybe he's subtly hinting that you're the "rabbit's foot" that brings happiness? Or that your hand is so heavy that it is comparable only to a bear's paw?

Here it is better to immediately find out what he means and act according to the situation: either please your loved one with a happy smile every time he touches your hand, or... wean him from calling you that once and for all!

It's just very nice to hear this.
If a man calls you Beloved, then he needs care, tenderness and affection. Perhaps he is very tired and exhausted at work, and at home he wants attention from the woman he loves. If you give such a man your warmth and care, he will be the most exemplary family man.

Darling - your boyfriend does not like gossip, scandals, intrigues and quarrels. He hates arguing with you and tries to avoid such moments.


— A fishing enthusiast can be expected to regularly “throw a fishing rod” into someone else’s garden. And this is also a direct hint at “shut up, dear!”

If you are not ready to remain silent all your life “like a fish on ice”, patiently enduring the next “fishing”, then you can safely turn into a sawfish or, even better, a barracuda.

Donut (Bun) For him you are a Bun, Candy and other food products. For men who call their woman these tender nicknames, the everyday aspect of the relationship is primarily important. Such men are convinced that the main thing is a lady’s thriftiness. In their opinion, you should cook well, wash, clean, and solve all household issues yourself. It’s worth thinking about, maybe he just needs a housekeeper and housekeeper?

Don’t forget that “the way to a man’s heart is through HIS stomach,” and not through yours.

Sun, sunshine. With such an affectionate name, you are ordered to get up early and shine longer. While your beloved egoist will chill in the shadows (quite likely of other women).

You will have to look your best, because “well, you are my Sun, everyone is looking at you,” that is, you are a calling card, the beauty of which should please a man’s vanity.

In general, the most important thing is that you feel and know that you are loved!

Sometimes a woman hears an affectionate nickname from a man, but does not know how to react to it correctly. A tender word from the lips of a loved one warms the soul and acts magically. However, you should not relax and trust sweet words too much. If a man does not call a woman by name, then, according to the psychologist, he is not serious about her.

If a guy calls you affectionately by name

Today, many women are discussing one of the very interesting questions - what to do if a man does not call a woman by name?
No, he doesn’t just address her as “you” or use any other pronouns! Many men address their woman, replacing her real name with gentle words like - sun, pussy, mouse, etc. Yes, it seems nice, so affectionate... But have you ever wondered why he doesn’t call you by name? Most psychologists argue that such “names” have a certain character - each affectionate word means something. What does he call you - “baby”? This word is English, in relation to a Russian woman, it does not mean anything significant. Such an appeal speaks, or rather does not speak, about the sincerity of your boyfriend.

Although, remember how thrilled you are, how you are in a semi-fainting state when you hear from your beloved the words “my mouse”, “dear”, “beloved”. And none of us even thought for a second what the real meaning of these words was. After all, women love with their ears, and therefore, they believe that this is how a man expresses his love. But no.

It is by his address to you that you can find out about his real attitude. If a man doesn’t call a woman by name, what does that mean? How to understand it? Psychologists analyzed this situation for a long time and came to the following conclusions.

If your lover calls you “darling,” this may indicate that he lacks tenderness and care. He wants to be treated kindly. The reasons for this need may be different - or he gets tired at work.

And who besides you will give him this tenderness and affection? Here you should not ignore this, and show that you are really affectionate and gentle, and then, very soon, an exemplary family man will appear before you.

Does your lover call you “pussy”, “pussy”, “kiyunka” and other synonyms? He's just soft by nature. And, believe me, you can easily control him and his actions.

Are you a “fish” for him? Don’t be upset, but still know that you are not constant for him. In order to be with him you will have to spend a lot of effort and patience.

Although such men have positive qualities - he values ​​home comfort, the absence of conflicts and tranquility in family life.

Are you the most “golden” and “precious” for him? This is where psychologists advise you to be wary. Men with words like these look at you as a means to achieve certain goals in life. If you don’t pay attention to this, he may simply squeeze all the “juice” out of your relationship...

Does a man like to call you “marmalade”, “candy”, “bun” or other food industry products? Yes, it’s sweet, pleasant, but you shouldn’t delude yourself, because by pampering his “sweetie” with such tenderness, a man hints that she should take more care of the housework. That is, he believes that a woman should first of all wash, clean, and cook.

“Baby”, “baby” - this characterizes a real male. He is very relaxed in bed and simply loves experimenting in sex. But, unfortunately, these are the only thoughts that interest him. A serious relationship is unlikely to work out, but you can try.

Source: If a man does not call a woman by name Today, many women are discussing one of the very interesting questions - what to do if a man does not call a woman by name? No, he doesn’t just address her as “you” or use any other pronouns! Many men address their woman, replacing her real name with gentle words like - sun, pussy,

If a man doesn't call a woman by name

Usually already during the period of falling in love

the girl and the guy call each other affectionate names, trying to express the depth of their feelings to each other. After all, there is no more pleasant word in the world than your name with a diminutive suffix pronounced with love and tenderness by a loved one.

But often lovers do not call each other by name, but choose nicknames. By calling his beloved woman by her nickname, a man wants to let her know that he has warmer feelings for her than just friendship.

But not all affectionate nicknames appeal to women; some of them can make them blush and seem ridiculous.

According to the authors of the bestseller

“The Secret of the Name” by Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim, by the way your loved one calls you, you can determine what feelings he has for you. If your partner calls you:


- he is ready for decisive action and has serious intentions. Treat your partner with increased care and attention; if you are affectionate and gentle with him, he will be a reliable support and protection in your life.


- He loves to dominate relationships and play with women. When the “prey” gets into his cage, he quickly loses interest in it.

With such a partner, you need to be attentive and behave in such a way that he cannot lead you and does not encroach on your independence.

As a cage that can hold you back, recognize only a legal marriage and hint to him that he should not “chase two birds with one stone”, so as not to be left with nothing later.


- you are a very happy woman, your partner is extremely non-conflict and peaceful. He never does anything rash and will not betray you. A relationship with him can be ideal if you yourself behave wisely and reasonably, and do not create scandals and hysterics.

Pussy, pussy

- your man has a romantic nature that is easy to train. He is committed to close contact with you and will always be faithful to you if you treat him with maternal care and love.

Kitten, kitty

- the world of living nature is closest to us, this is what your man wants to convey to you. He considers you the closest person and wants to convince you of his loyalty.

Baby, baby, baby

- he feels some semblance of parental feelings for you. He considers himself your patron and obligated to look after you, but he is not interested in your real feelings. For example, Bill Clinton called Monica Lewinsky “baby,” apparently the President of America had “fatherly” feelings for the young intern at that time.


- for him you are the most beautiful and attractive woman. Try your best to look good next to such a man, because “you are his Sun and everyone is looking at you.” Your beauty and impeccable appearance should please a man’s vanity. Marshal Zhukov, national hero Nestor Makhno and poet Vladimir Mayakovsky gave the nickname “Sunshine” to their loved ones.

Candy, chocolate, sweet, berry

- he is so attracted to you that he is ready to “eat” you. But be reasonable when communicating with such a man, do not give him a reason to consider you his property.

Gold, precious, pearl

- he wants to emphasize that his relationship with you means a lot to him. Similar words can be heard from men for whom reason prevails over feelings. He is ready to register a marriage with you if this will bring him some material benefit.

My fish

- your man puts practical interest in the first place, not romance.
On a subconscious level, he wants you to silently agree with his opinion. To tame such a man, you will have to provide him with silence and a “comfortable body of water.” Chick, chick
- he offers you more active contact, but deep down he is not sure of his feelings.

Sweetie, sweetie, musi-pussy

- these words are not in dictionaries, but this is how many men tenderly call their loved ones. Apparently these nicknames come from childhood, when mothers leaned over the crib and affectionately reassured their beloved child with these words.

Some women like such nicknames and every time they hear them from their loved ones, just like kids, they joyfully smile back at them. In fact, these men are not practical, they quickly get carried away and have no sense of proportion.

To find out how strong his feelings are for you, try first to let him know that you are already an adult woman and wean him off calling you that once and for all.

Donut, hostess, wife, mommy and other “domestic”

Women are called nicknames by those men who value them for being good wives, housewives and mothers for children. These men extremely value home comfort and family well-being. The way to their heart is through their stomach.

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"Psychology of Relationships"

Source: If a guy calls you affectionately by name , do you like how he calls you? The meaning of a pet nickname


What does it mean if the interlocutor often calls you by name?

What does it mean if the interlocutor often calls you by name?

What does it mean if a guy/girl often calls him by his name?

I re-read Dale Carnegie. Or some other “psycho-psychological” books. Specialists and pseudo-specialists in unison insist that there are no more pleasant sounds for a person than the sounds of his name. Is it true - who knows. Your interlocutor gains confidence in you. Just kidding, of course

Source: https://psihologvsem.ru/esli-paren-nazyvaet-laskovo-po-imeni/

Reasons why a man doesn't call a woman by name

Before we understand the psychology of a man who speaks kind words to his beloved, let’s remember who we ourselves like to call not by name. That's right, small and stupid children who behave like cats, bunnies, and mice. Adults associate babies with soft animals or toys, but they understand their responsibility for their lives. Parents do not consider their children to be independent individuals who can manage their own lives.

So why doesn't a man call a woman by name? The psychologist’s opinion on this matter is already clear to everyone: a man considers a woman an unintelligent child. Could such a judgment about a girl’s personal qualities indicate indifference or reluctance to have a serious and long-term relationship?

If a guy is looking for a reliable companion whom he can rely on in difficult moments of life, then the “cute bunny” is unlikely to be able to count on a marriage proposal. True, some men are accustomed to completely relying only on themselves. Perhaps the stupid “kitten” is the person who will suit them as a wife and mother of their children. Although such a statement is very controversial. After all, every man is looking for a woman similar to his biological mother to act as a mother for his future children. It is unlikely that in the eyes of a child the mother is a “bunny” or “cat”. Most likely, “tiger” or “dog”.

There is another factor due to which a man avoids calling a woman by name. It's all about the character and life principles that guide a person. An independent man, as a rule, wants to see a woman next to him who will obey him. With affectionate nicknames, he “programs” her for a subordinate position. After all, if a girl calls herself a “little rabbit,” it is unlikely that after this phrase she will be able to reproach a man for something or force him to do something. A woman with a cute nickname is obliged, like a child, to obey a serious and adult man.

According to the psychologist, if a guy doesn’t call a girl by name, it means he doesn’t consider her a person to be reckoned with. If a man pronounces the name of his beloved, he treats her with respect, and considers the relationship serious and promising. After all, is it possible to make plans for the future with a stupid “sweetie”?

True, there is one more nuance that explains the reluctance to pronounce the name of your beloved. Perhaps in childhood the guy suffered a strong mental shock when he was punished by a woman named Anna. She could have been a kindergarten teacher or a school teacher. Since then, all women called Anna evoke unpleasant associations in a man’s subconscious. Without thinking about the meaning of his actions, the guy tries not to say this name out loud. Mental trauma received in childhood can be the cause of discomfort in the relationship between lovers.

Only an experienced specialist can cope with this problem. It is recommended to seek help from a psychologist - hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin. In the process of working with the client, the hypnotherapist will find out the cause of any problem and tell you how to get rid of complexes forever and painlessly.

This is interesting: If a man does not talk about his feelings: we tell the question

If a man avoids calling a woman by name

A name for any person is one of the most important components of a person’s personality, and it matters how often and with what intonation it is pronounced by the most significant people in life.

Of course, on your own, without involving specialists, you can build a lot of theories about why a man avoids calling a woman by name - the opinion of psychologists on this matter agrees on several aspects, and all of them are not in favor of the lady.

Men, for all their internal similarity, are somewhat different in character, and their attitude to certain issues is also sometimes different.

Of course, men, for all their internal similarity, are somewhat different in character, and their attitude to certain issues is also sometimes different, but in any case, the name of their beloved is no less important for them than the other components of her image.

That is why the fact that the girl is not called by name should certainly alarm her, because the explanations for this, which experts boil down to three main reasons, are not at all joyful.

No excuses

In fact, a loving man will decline the name of his chosen one in all cases, coming up with various affectionate variants.

Thus, many psychologists note: a representative of the stronger sex subconsciously refuses to call the supposedly beloved lady by name only because in reality their romance is not something significant in his life.

The girl herself may entertain illusions on this score, for example, that these are supposedly the individual characteristics of her man, but soon she, based on the behavioral signs of her chosen one, will find out the unpleasant and rather painful truth for herself.

She should take into account: no matter how secretive or reserved a man may be, when he is really seriously in love, with the prospect of making matrimonial plans, the name of the woman he loves will hardly leave his lips.

Moreover, in fact, a loving man will begin to decline the name of his chosen one in all cases, inventing various affectionate variants of it, and in some cases he will begin to invent ones that no one has called her before.

This will be a manifestation of a natural desire not only to be original and unique, but to verbally “mark” his territory, demonstrating that this woman belongs exclusively to him, and no other guys have the right to approach her.

Therefore, if a girl, instead of her name, regularly hears from her beloved the usual “fish”, “pussy”, “bunnies” and their other analogues, she should think about the prospects of her romance.

Is it really necessary to spend priceless months, or even years, on someone who does not experience deep reciprocal feelings and subconsciously strives to maintain a certain psychological distance with this woman? Wouldn't it be better to leave and start looking for someone else, for whom her name will sound like real music, and will be pronounced by him with love, tenderness and joy?

Without loss of identity

At the early stage of a relationship, a man will endlessly lisp and use “zoological” nicknames in relation to the girl he is dating.

Another explanation for the lack of naming by name, often voiced by psychologists, is that a particular woman got a hidden domestic tyrant and despot as a companion, who will not immediately begin to show the worst qualities.

At the early stage of the relationship, he will endlessly lisp, use “zoological” nicknames in relation to the girl he is dating (never or actually never calling her by name), and when he takes steps to get closer, certain manipulations on his part will begin.

He will suddenly show a penchant for unsolicited moralizing, criticism of everything that is important for this woman: her friends, clothing style, eating habits, and so on. By any means, such a person will strive to remake and even break it for himself.

A girl who does not seek to end her life as someone’s psychological slave should not agree to such a thing; it is better to part with such a tyrant as quickly as possible, distance herself from him and go in search of new love.

No modifications

As many people knowledgeable in psychology know, any complexes bloom in a riotous color precisely when they are cherished and cherished in every possible way, and not longed to be eliminated.

The least common reason why a man finds it difficult to call a woman by name is the presence of psychological complexes associated with him or other unpleasant associations.

For example, if in childhood a guy regularly received scoldings from the teacher or teacher Marya Ivanovna, he is unlikely to be eager to pronounce the name “Masha” in any of its variations with love and tenderness.

Another question is whether the chosen one should indulge such complexes in an adult man, who, by definition, should already learn to cope with psychological problems or look for ways to solve them with the involvement of appropriate specialists.

As many people knowledgeable in psychology know, any complexes bloom in a riotous color precisely when they are cherished and cherished in every possible way, and not longed to be eliminated. It will be difficult or even impossible for a girl to convince and change such a man. You will regret wasting time on such relationships later.

For thought

It became clear that a man’s reluctance to call a woman by name may be based on the desire to maintain a distance or put up a barrier, on distrust, insincerity, disrespect, a frivolous attitude towards a woman and fear of deepening relations with her.

Think, dear ladies, do you need to become a “nameless star”?

Source - misseva.ru

Source: https://yagazeta.com/otnosheniya/esli-muzhchina-izbegaet-nazyvat-zhenshhinu-po-imeni/

What's in a name

By the way a man addresses a woman alone or in public, one can diagnose his true feelings for her and predict the future of the couple. A woman’s friends may become envious when they hear that their beloved man calls her nothing more than kitten, star, swallow. Experts rush to reassure envious people: this is not always good. Affectionate names may hide a man’s internal contradictions:

Childhood trauma. A man unconsciously avoids using a woman’s name because he associates it with a negative experience. Perhaps this was his first tragic love, and this name still “hurts” him, or that was the name of the blood offender from childhood, and then he considered her name the most vile in the world. Childhood experiences leave deep hidden wounds that take a lifetime to heal. Perhaps the man has long forgotten the unpleasant story of past years, but the name associated with it is still stuck in his throat.

Difficulty remembering. In the practice of psychologists, there are cases where men forgot or confused the name of their wife, with whom they lived for several years. Experts have explanations for this, and, like many psychological problems, such “amnesia” is treated. Sometimes a man does not call his woman by her passport name, because it is so difficult to pronounce that you can make five mistakes in it, even reading it from a piece of paper. Here, willy-nilly, some Eupraxia or Iphigenia will be called exclusively by affectionately fluffy nicknames.

An inconvenient or unpleasant name. Names, like any words, can caress the ear, or they can “cut it” with their absurdity or absurdity. That’s why it happens that it’s awkward to pronounce a person’s name. When pronouncing it, it can be terribly awkward for the parents who thought of calling the child that. So the person is trying to smooth out the situation with affectionate nicknames. Of course, today it is rare to find female names such as Priska or Epistimya, which were so popular during the times of “Tsar Pea” (it’s scary to imagine how girls were called by their peers), but the more commonly used Evlampia in the mouth of a man can easily turn into “light bulb” or “honey.”

Defense mechanisms. When the human psyche doesn’t like something, it turns on defense mechanisms to preserve a person’s mental health. Most often this manifests itself in relationships. The male psyche is very vulnerable, and, if something goes wrong, it builds barriers. Sometimes psychological defense is triggered by pronouncing the name of a close woman. A man may make up a woman's name to keep his distance. This way he is able to control the situation, while calling him by name brings him closer spiritually and obliges him. And for some men, this is more dangerous than being targeted.

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