How to make a woman jealous and bring the sparkle back into a relationship?

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  • How to make a girl jealous?
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Jealousy is a strong feeling that is almost impossible to control. A person in a state of jealousy is simply unable to think adequately. He does everything to bring his beloved partner back. He tries to please him, constantly follows him, worries, sorts things out. Girls usually like this behavior on the part of guys, it pleases their pride. Now guys are encouraged to do the same: make girls jealous so that they fall in love with them.

The men's site does not attribute jealousy exclusively to a negative phenomenon. Many say that jealousy can even strengthen relationships. It is important to understand which girls can evoke this feeling in order to further strengthen the relationship. You should also know how to do this.

What does jealousy indicate?

There is an opinion that jealousy is the main sign of love. This is often true, but not always. Sometimes jealousy indicates selfishness and self-centeredness, and is also a strong sign of a toxic relationship. If this is a healthy feeling, then the consequences are not destructive.


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Jealousy fuels the partner's interest, brings freshness to the relationship, and destroys existing barriers. Sometimes partners use it to manipulate each other. But if you skillfully dose the feeling, it does not harm the relationship.

Polygraph test7

If a man doesn’t know how to check a girl, it’s enough to start a serious conversation about taking a polygraph. This method is used by couples who have lived together for a long time or have been married for several years. Both should understand that such a method is aimed at clarifying the relationship with the involvement of a third party. In this case, the woman agrees to be checked when the man explains his position. It will be difficult to convince her.

But if a couple values ​​their relationship and wants to help each other in a difficult situation, the girl will hear the man’s arguments and will not be offended. A possible refusal should not be taken as a reason to hide vicious relationships or infidelity. The psychology of the question lies in sincerity, and when a man makes such a proposal to his wife or fiancee, he must be ready to prove his fidelity.

A polygraph test consists of using sensors that help distinguish between lies and truth. It is worth making a series of questions that interest a man. Incorrect wording can provoke the subject, which will affect the correctness of the given answer. In return, the man can also take a test to answer questions about why he decided to see a polygraph examiner, what prompted him to make this decision, and why he is tempting fate.

According to statistics, married couples in 79% of cases are ready to undergo any tests of fidelity in order to maintain their relationship. As a rule, the majority of this number are women who want to prove their innocence to their spouse. Men rarely refuse. This is the only way to understand some behavior.

If the spouse does not want to hear about testing, it is probably convenient for him: to live with the thought of betrayal, even if it is not proven. Of course, there are alternative ways to find out the circumstances that led to the idea of ​​possible betrayal. This is a heart-to-heart conversation.

But, as practice shows, both sides are afraid: the woman is afraid to tell the whole truth, the man does not want to listen to the reasons that led the girl to this outcome, since part of the blame falls on him. Therefore, you need to learn to listen to each other in any difficult situations so as not to push the relationship to the limit.

Why does a guy need this?

A guy can do this unconsciously, without the intention of specifically making him jealous. This can also be done on purpose, and the reasons for such actions vary. Sometimes this is what guys do who are simply not confident in themselves and their chosen one. By making her jealous, the partner is trying to increase self-esteem. A man can also do this for the following reasons:

  • refresh relationships, add new feelings and passion to them;
  • make her value her partner more;
  • check the lady's attitude towards you.

It is better to identify any problematic behavioral characteristics in partners before marriage, so checking for jealousy is not absurd, but a sure way to create a comfortable and strong relationship.

When provocation is appropriate ↑

This situation is especially relevant for those who are in the friend zone against their own will. So, she thinks you're a cool guy, talks to you and spends a lot of time with you. But passion and love interest do not flash in her eyes...

Well, you have already done the most important thing - you have become an interesting interlocutor for her. Now pay attention to yourself: perhaps you need to change your style (clothes, hairstyle) a little, because girls also love with their eyes.

But all this, most likely, will be useless if you do not organize competition around yourself, show that you are interesting not only to her, prove that you are attractive as a man.

Well, when your girlfriend is attractive and other men pay attention to her, then you have made a good choice, sir.

However, some ladies believe that this attention is too little, and try to increase it significantly by flirting with friends, colleagues, acquaintances and other people of the opposite sex.

Of course, your partner doesn’t really like this. And after another remark in her direction, which she simply shrugged off, the whole situation begins to be very annoying. Then it's time to act! Moreover, with her own weapon! Maybe then she will understand how unpleasant it is?

What is jealousy and how to deal with it? Read on.

Sometimes it happens that there is love, and fervor, and unbridled interest, but at a certain period all this begins to disappear. This can happen after 3 years of marriage, or after a month of relationship.

How to return old feelings or even make them brighter? Make your other half afraid of losing their partner! And here jealousy can help you.

Effective ways to make a girl jealous

It is not worth creating artificial jealousy if the relationship is in crisis, since partners may separate as a result of such a shake-up. Also, you should not experiment when a girl perceives such situations too painfully. If she already explodes over every little thing, additional reasons for jealousy will not lead to anything good. But when a healthy atmosphere reigns in a relationship, which is spoiled by boredom, you can fuel it with jealousy using any of the available methods.


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Communicate regularly with other women

The easiest way is to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex.

It’s not at all necessary to flirt—it’s enough to just communicate periodically, and do it explicitly. For example, you can often discuss work nuances with attractive female colleagues. The woman will begin to worry about this, so you need to prepare for claims and explanations.

If a girl loves a man, it will be unbearable for her to realize that he pays attention to other ladies. You can play on this using the following methods:

  • allow light flirting with her friends;
  • agree to have lunch with an old friend;
  • give a friend a ride home from work;
  • praise the hairstyle or outfit of a mutual friend in front of your chosen one;
  • tell your partner about a friend, admiring her appearance or spiritual qualities;
  • help your neighbor carry heavy bags, chatting nicely on the way to the apartment.

The main thing is not to abuse this, understanding that such actions can break the hearts of strangers.

Leave the room during telephone conversations

Mystery is an unplowed field for female fantasy. If you add an element of mystery to a relationship, it will become a reason for jealousy. The easiest way is to leave the room during telephone conversations. This is not an open reason for jealousy, but there will be intrigue.


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If you do this more than once, the girl will clearly become interested in the personality of her interlocutor. To enhance the effect, you don’t have to go into details when discussing. When answering the question “Who called?”, you can say “Just an acquaintance.”

Do not allow access to your pages on social networks

An affordable way to get a girl out of her comfort zone is to change passwords to pages on VKontakte and Facebook. You can put a password on your phone to keep things interesting. If the relationship is not yet that close, you can use privacy settings to hide some of the information on the page by adding an element of mystery. This is one of the signs of impending betrayal, so the chosen one will begin to be jealous.

Change your plans unexpectedly

Another way of behavior that will make the girl you like worry. To do this, you should change plans frequently. At the last moment, inform that the meeting is canceled without explaining the reason. You can just spend the evening with your friends or stay at home and watch the latest cinema. But you don't need to do this too often. The girl may think that the guy has simply lost interest in her and wants to break up.

Receive gifts from other girls

Receiving gifts from the fair sex is another way to make your girlfriend jealous. This is not a serious reason for separation, but an opportunity to make the chosen one nervous. If a lady understands that she has competitors who do not leave the guy unattended, she will devote more time and attention to him.

When girls are not lining up to give gifts, you can display items received from ex-partners in a prominent place. If your beloved is interested in their origin, mention in passing that these are gifts from an ex-girlfriend.

Psychological methods for detecting lies

There is a separate branch in the science of observing human reactions. She analyzes behavior, identifying symptoms of lies or understatement. You can use the technique during a conversation, asking leading questions, or taking specific actions. In the first case there will be a facial reaction, in the second - behavior and non-verbal gestures. One should proceed from the opposite. If there is a reason for jealousy, the girl will not blame the guy for looking for a convenient reason for quarrels.

There were cases when partners checked each other using an allegedly found page on a dating site. The young ladies, obviously aware of their boyfriend’s jealousy, quickly found confirmation that this was his doing. And the situation changed radically: suspicions arose among the weaker sex. Either the man wanted to humiliate the woman, or put her in an indecent light, or break up, but not on his own initiative.

Signs of jealousy on the part of a girl

It’s not enough to just make your friend jealous; you also need to monitor whether the chosen tactic worked. To do this, you need to carefully monitor changes in the girl’s behavior. Even if she does not want to show her jealousy and does not speak directly about it, there are clear signs by which her condition can be easily determined. You just need to concentrate on the girl’s behavior and speech and observe.

Periodic detachment in relationships

If your lover is very jealous, it will be difficult to force her to confess. But you can notice such a change - she periodically becomes distant, cold in relationships. This is how resentment, attempts to manipulate and discontent manifest themselves. The chosen one may not explain the reasons for her sudden detachment - this is a type of passive aggression.

You can notice a pattern. For example, jealousy worsens immediately after a guy's phone conversations or when he returns home later than usual. It is worth noting that this behavioral feature does not always indicate a negative feeling.

Sometimes the tactic of emotional coldness is a feminine trick, manipulation aimed at controlling the actions of the chosen one.

Hot temper

Increased irritability is a sign of passive aggression, which is difficult to contain. If you have already managed to make your chosen one nervous, but she does not show her feelings, you can determine their presence by her temper. Suspicions are the cause of anger, but if there are no compelling arguments to make claims and accusations, outbursts of irritability may not be directly related to jealousy.

Any little thing can drive you crazy if the chosen one is haunted by thoughts about her competitors. From the outside it may seem that this is not the reason, but in fact, her irritability is the result of jealousy that torments a woman.

Groundless accusations

If you want to make a girl jealous, you need to be prepared for claims and accusations. Even one reason can violate trust and lead to frequent quarrels, unfounded accusations and suspicions, so it is worth considering whether it is worth resorting to this method. Everything can end in chronic conflicts, unreasonable jealousy and separation.

If, after a reason, a girl begins to suspect that any phone call is an attempt by other ladies to contact her boyfriend, it’s time to stop. When she sees her rival in every acquaintance, this is also an alarming signal. She either suffers from pathological jealousy, or her chosen one has gone too far in his provocations.


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Frequent calls

You should prepare in advance for increased control on her part. She will persistently remind you of herself via correspondence, and will start calling more often just to find out how you are doing, to test the waters.

These are signs that the woman is not indifferent, she was hooked by the guy’s attempts to create an emotional shake-up. But you need to be careful, because this can develop into a real disaster and blurring of personal boundaries.

It is important to assure the girl of your love and immediately after the experiment stop playing with her feelings.

Requires increased attention

The girl begins to sense a rival and immediately tries to make sure that all the guy’s attention is switched to her; he does not have a free moment to even think about someone on the side. She may behave defiantly, for example, calling at the most inopportune times asking for help. It is possible that she will begin to impose her presence when the guy wants to go to a bar with friends.

You should reassure her in advance that there is no reason to worry in order to avoid bouts of moodiness and excessive demands.

Aggression towards other women

When a guy is popular with the ladies, the girl will have to be a lot nervous. If he also gives reason for jealousy, aggression towards potential competitors is inevitable. The partner may be overly picky with others, criticize them in front of her lover, or even provoke quarrels.

It's better not to involve your ex in these games. The reason for jealousy will lead to the fact that the chosen one will be aggressive towards potential homewreckers. There is no need for people from the past to become victims of the current relationship, because this will hurt everyone. You shouldn’t pit your current passion and your ex against each other if you can do without sacrifices.

Frank conversation2

This can be not just a conversation where a man asks tricky questions, but a special dialogue built in such a way as to provoke the girl to give an unspoken answer. You need to pay attention to the following points:

Sight. When asked how her day was, she looks up and to the left. This speaks of the truthfulness of the words. Looking up and to the right indicates understatement. It's too early to draw conclusions. Perhaps the girl is not telling her some unpleasant moments: embarrassment, a reprimand at work, an unpleasant client.

Facial expression. When talking, the voice trembles, the corners of the lips are lowered, the smile is forced, unnatural. This speaks of a lie. There's probably something to hide. It cannot be said that the beloved is cheating. But there is definitely a reason for mistrust and loyalty.

Gestures. When a partner cheats, he involuntarily tries to hide his facial expressions by twisting his fingers. Can fiddle with clothes, straighten hair. One of the gestures does not exactly indicate betrayal, but the complex of these movements and reactions makes one think about honesty.

If a girl behaves well in a conversation, it was not possible to recognize the deception, you should not blindly believe. More sophisticated methods help dispel doubts.

How not to go too far

Nobody likes the feeling of jealousy, so you need to be careful when forcing a girl to experience this emotion. If you go too far, serious problems may arise in your relationship. To prevent negative consequences, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. There is no need to distance yourself from the girl and make her nervous for too long. Intensifying the situation does not contribute to creating a healthy and romantic atmosphere in a relationship.
  2. There is no need to keep the intrigue going for long so that the chosen one does not cool down and lose interest. If a girl sees that a man has other women in mind, she may stop fighting for his attention.
  3. It is important to be able to stop in time if games with jealousy begin to cause pain to the woman you love.
  4. You should be wary of retaliatory steps. When the chosen one wants to take revenge and also provokes jealousy, conflicts are inevitable.
  5. You should not be seriously carried away by other women, firstly, so as not to break their hearts, and secondly, so as not to fall in love yourself.
  6. There is no need to allow real betrayal. Maximum - flirting. If trying to make a lady feel jealous will lead to cheating, there is no point in them.
  7. You should always respond to impulses of jealousy so that the girl is confident in love. No need to get carried away with the game. When reasons for suspicion strongly affect your soulmate, you can lose her.

If a girl starts to get jealous, you need to react correctly. There is no need to say that everything was planned and arranged on purpose - this will only worsen the situation. It is important to assure your beloved of absolute fidelity in time, so that the reason for jealousy does not become the cause of serious discord.

Compliment her friend

The main rival in any woman’s life is her friend. So give your friend a compliment!

Don't overdo it for several reasons:

  • A friend shouldn't fall for you. Things could turn out too badly. The chosen one, as a sign of solidarity, will put a “cross” on you.
  • You risk jeopardizing their friendship.
  • and, of course, you are not a sadist to torture the girl you like like that.

That is why we are moving slowly, as if in a minefield.

First, compliment her appearance, something like, “You're super beautiful today.” Then, in a conversation with your chosen one, “rejoice” at the next evening together with that same girlfriend. Rest assured, you will touch a nerve. And then the seventh technique will help you.

Let's start to start

Before we dive into such a fascinating topic of conversation, let me make an important note. Make sure that the girl is jealous of you in reasonable doses.

Pathological jealous people are not to be trifled with. Your main task is not to drive her crazy, but to make her perceive you as a guy who other women like, moreover, who is in demand.

Just by being a little overzealous, you can ruin everything and acquire in her eyes the lifelong status of a moron and a womanizer. It's a girl. She will think of everything for you, you just need to push her, but not in any way traumatize her.

It is better to proceed from her behavior:

  • vulnerable - don’t rush;
  • jealous - the same thing;
  • long-term relationships - especially since jealousy should be in small doses.

So, now about the first method of seduction that causes jealousy.

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