How to make a guy miss you: 5 life hacks

You can't impose yourself

In order for a man to show interest, you should not openly show your interest and impose yourself: flood him with messages, call several times a day, deliberately appear in the places he visits. This may have the opposite effect. To make a man think, do not rush to respond immediately to his messages or calls. Pause briefly before answering. Less everyday conversations, and more intrigue, so that he looks forward to every SMS or opportunity to talk goodbye.

How to make a man think about you - psychology

The truism says that the birth of love initially comes from thoughts about the person you like. And the “degree” of love feeling is directly dependent on the number of such thoughts. That is why it is very important that the image of a girl who intends to conquer him constantly pops up in a man’s head. But the image should appear in the male imagination in various guises.

How to make a man think about you constantly?

You need to become a girl whom all your chosen one's friends admire. The influence of the opinions of their close friends and acquaintances on men should not be underestimated. That is why it is necessary to become the topic of everyday conversations around the chosen one. And then, willy-nilly, he will have to think about the mysterious lady who has been the main character in all conversations throughout the week. How can this be achieved? The most basic, but effective thing is to be seductive and attractive. That is, carefully create your daily image. After all, what is femininity? This is a “set” of external manifestations or internal qualities of an individual that attract the attention of the opposite sex to him. Properly selected clothes that highlight your advantageous sides, makeup that focuses attention on shining eyes and seductive lips, a light, beautiful gait, a kind smile - this is quite a bit, but the effect of this “set” is simply stunning.

How to make a man think about a woman? You need to be an interesting conversationalist. Therefore, you should experiment in conversations and be original in your statements, for example, say something that no one expects to hear from a girl. It is necessary to interest the interlocutors so that they want to listen to the fairer sex all the time. Just being an interesting conversationalist does not mean being known as an extraordinary person, shocking with his shockingness. Excessive zeal and unconventionality will make the girl the main topic of conversation, but not in the same direction as she herself imagined. Thus, the first step of the strategy: “how to make a man think about a woman” is to become the kind of person you want to listen to, and not just look at.

The area of ​​interest of the male half of the population is, for the most part, between sports and gambling. But even more they love to win. And the more difficult the task, the greater the joy and pleasure of victory. Therefore, you need to become the main reward for your hero. He should be proud that such a girl chose him over all the other “heroes”. The girl is recommended to become inaccessible to others, inaccessible, like the top of Everest for the rest of the male sex. This will provoke a man to take active steps to conquer the unattainable “peak”. Efforts aimed at achieving results will only increase the pleasure of winning and increase the value of the prize. In addition, the man will have to strain his brains to figure out how to beat all his rivals and win. And a hard-won win will be much more valuable than an easy win, which contributes to the formation of further strong relationships. After all, a man will always remember how much effort he had to put in to win his one and only.

After you have established a weak relationship with your chosen one, you should not surround him with only a rosy atmosphere when meeting him. He, of course, will feel good with such a problem-free young lady, but temporarily. A man will think about her only at the moment of meeting, and after she leaves, he will find more important things to do. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of entering into confrontation. A guy must realize that he does not always meet the high ideals of his partner and force himself to change for the sake of that one. To achieve this, you should boldly focus the gentleman’s attention on those qualities of his that drive him crazy, and on traits that the girl cannot put up with. Let the chosen one be constantly in tension, trying on the tight costume of the girlish ideal. After a while, being in conditions of confrontation, even the most stubborn “hard worker” will suddenly begin to write tender poetry, dress up in a suit and invite him to a “romantic party”.

How to make a man think and get bored?

You need to become the heroine of the famous Arab-Persian fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights”. In it, the girl remained alive only by fueling the king’s interest in his untold tales. The birth of love occurs with the joint participation of thoughts about the object of desire and fantasies about it. Humanity is designed in such a way that it notices only what it wants. Well, then why dwell on the “bare” reality if it can be embellished?! However, it is better to leave the process of preening to men, as they have their own taste. What is the best way to achieve this? First of all, you don’t need to say anything about yourself. All his questions can be answered with an entertaining story without ending, because you need to leave a little space for the flight of a wild male fantasy. At the same time, you shouldn’t go too far. Therefore, stories should be used from your own life, and not fictional ones. You can select several interesting cases from your past life, embellish them somewhat, and present them as untold tales of a cheerful, sometimes difficult, but interesting girl’s life. Sad memories or stories that show the narrator in an unfavorable light should be kept to yourself, or better yet, simply mentally destroyed in your head.

In addition to the above, we should not forget about a woman’s best friend – jealousy. After all, it is a rather strong feeling, which is sometimes perceived by individuals as love. However, when causing jealousy, there is no need to overdo it with authenticity. In other words, there should be no obvious reason for its appearance. After all, it is important not to humiliate the chosen one, but to bring him to a state where he just wants to incinerate all the males hanging around the girl.

How to make your ex-man think about you? Elementary. A woman should think less about him and devote more time to herself for her beloved. And you definitely shouldn’t pester him with your own obsession. Therefore, there is no need to flash before your ex-boyfriend’s eyes, bombard his phone with messages, and his social networks with postcards. It is also not the best way to borrow money from your loved one. Of course, he will remember the girl, but he will obviously not have pleasant thoughts about her. You should not demonstrate to the guy your absolute readiness to fulfill his every whim.

How to make your ex-man think about you? Psychologists recommend that girls become the best of the best for guys. And for this you need to try not to violate the personal space of the chosen one. It would be more effective to spend this time on your own development, health or appearance. But you shouldn’t completely disappear from his field of vision. It is recommended to periodically visit the parties that the guy attends, and to visit the entertainment establishments where he is a regular more often. At the same time, any meeting with an ex-boyfriend should seem random. It is also necessary to look not one hundred, but one thousand percent, radiate happiness and fun. You can flirt a little with his friend in front of his eyes or invite a nice guy to dance. In addition, you can make your ex jealous through social networks by posting several photos of a girl in company with a man or having fun with friends.

Ask for help

This technique is very effective. By helping and solving your issues, a man will not only be busy thinking about you, but will also be able to feel stronger, more courageous, more confident and smarter. It is not necessary to ask for something material or physical; it could be an analysis of a situation, advice on what to do, a search for certain information.

The main way is to leave on time

Most often, if a complex and stormy relationship with a man ends, for the first period of time he experiences a strong longing for his former partner. And at this very moment he is also overcome by a feeling of lightness, deliverance from past problems and burdens that he had in his relationship with her:

Nishtayayak…. Finally I am free and this nightmare is over. It’s sad, of course, without her, but there are no more problems.

Try to get ahead of him in expressing such thoughts! You should leave him before the problems in the relationship deepen. Then he won’t be able to think: “I like her, but I can’t stand this anymore.” Leaving him with only positive impressions of himself, he will not be able to find unpleasant moments in his relationship with you during analysis.

Let me feel what it will be like without you

When breaking up, a man analyzes two lives: with a girl and without her. He should feel this difference! Let him feel life without you. But he won’t understand this if you are constantly next to him, calling him day after day, writing hundreds of messages on social networks, and so on... If a man feels an excess of attention to himself, and does not get the desired peace because of the girl he loves, then when parting, he will feel the peace and tranquility that he lacked so much.

When your relationship ends on a pleasant note for both partners, avoid reminding yourself for a month. Let him feel sad. He should feel that he misses your presence, that he felt good next to you. You should not advertise your current life on social networks, no stories, no photos on Instagram or VKontakte, nothing. Otherwise you will kill all the intrigue. Yes, and if you personally talk about your life while maintaining contact with him, you will not give him a reason to worry. Wanting to maintain a relationship in this way will only push your partner away from you.

Shine in his absence

I'm sure you're familiar with this error. Most girls tend to show their worst side after a breakup. They begin to visit nightlife establishments, indulge in pleasures with strangers, and abuse alcohol. It is not permissible to do this; such behavior will only convince the guy that breaking up was the right decision.

Regardless of whether the separation is temporary or final, behave with dignity! You must improve yourself, both internally and externally, physically! Become brighter, more beautiful, wiser than when you were in a relationship with him. A man should find out that you have acquired a beautiful figure, opened your own business, began to glow with happiness, and so that his friends or acquaintances tell him about it.

He must see that life does not stop on him and that you are moving and improving your own life without his presence. Dedicate your free time to self-development and self-improvement. Seeing that your life is getting better, that you are becoming happier and reaching heights, he will begin to yearn and regret that you separated. The main thing is that you learn to love yourself during this period of time.

How to get your loved one back: 5 steps to get your man back

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