How to make a man miss you and chase you

He didn't get over his breakup with his ex-girlfriend/wife.

This point partly echoes the previous one. The difference is that in this case it is his conscious choice to continue to live in memories and hope that everything will return. Therefore, one drunk call from your ex can break the fragile bridge that has formed between you after several dates. Any breakup in a long-term relationship needs to be overcome, but many men quickly seek solace on someone’s ample chest. Make sure that you do not become an alternate airfield or a transit point for such an unfortunate person.

What to do to make a man chase a woman.

For him to become yours completely, you need to touch the subtle strings of the male soul. A woman is a mother to a man. He has already grown up, but the craving for affection remains, as well as for a woman’s breast. But how to make a man miss you and run after you? Take advantage of his weaknesses.

Let fate be unfair to us, but life is a game - play beautifully!

Weasel. Tender, maternal. Pet him more, just like that, throughout the day. More on the head, but you can also hit the shoulders and cheeks. Have pity, listen, sympathize.

Two actions that will ensure 100% success on the first date.

This is something else that is very important! Draw your attention! After following all the above recommendations, go on a date. Now you know how to make a man miss you and run after you.


Show the man on the first date that you look this way just for him. This is 50% success. If he saw you alone in a normal environment, he is here, he should see you completely different. And understand that this is all for him. That's it, he's half yours.


Show slight excitement, and under no circumstances be an indifferent little girl. Make a slight stutter or something else so that he understands it. You're worried about him, which means you like him. You need him. A man must understand this clearly. That's another 50% success. He's yours.

Third, additional.

Do not force the development of events under any circumstances. Let him take you home and go to his place. I don’t need any cups of tea, and I’ll just lie next to you and won’t take off my panties.

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He already has another woman

When you meet an attractive/charismatic/successful/man of your dreams, you don’t want to think that he was taken before you. By the way, it is precisely this reluctance to believe that he already has a loved one, from whom he blows off dust and to whom he brings fresh orange juice in bed in the morning, that forces him to ignore even the sometimes obvious signs of reserved. That is, you don’t want to notice, but he’s in no hurry to upset you. A passionate night of love, and then you can’t draw it, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. A surprised face and silent reproach in the eyes: “I thought you understood everything.” Of course, I’m exaggerating a little, but before you make plans for a future together, make sure that he is free.

How to make a man miss you and run after you.

Here, first of all, inner beauty comes forward. You must be able to highlight what you have. There is no beauty, there is intelligence, kindness, care, selflessness, figure. No figure, show elegance, smell, behind which the flaws of the figure will not be visible. Our goal is how to make a man miss you and run after you.

You should not be with the one you can be with, but with the one you cannot be without...

You need to be able to be different from others. So sometimes it seems, what is there in this woman? No skin, no face, but he takes our men away. But because she is different, she knows how to present herself.

  • Some unusual hairstyle For example, highlighting a high forehead, or small ears. Or, on the contrary, hiding them.
  • Behavior. He carries himself with dignity, there is a constant smile on his face, a slight one. Not ironic or contemptuous, but on the contrary, trusting, kind, attractive. A smile always attracts. Eyes, expressive, deep. Just a smile and eyes can drive any man crazy. Train, attend courses on how to smile, how to make your eyes expressive, how to highlight them with makeup.
  • Sensual lips. Not like the puffed-up lip slippers of today, but natural ones, but they should stand out on the face. This can be done with the help of cosmetics, even if they are thin.
  • Cloth. You need to dress not according to fashion, but what suits you and suits you perfectly. If you don’t have a butt, then you don’t need to wear tight clothes, small breasts, don’t wear a tight blouse. Otherwise you will look like a plank. Hide the shortcomings, emphasize the advantages. There is no ass and breasts, but there are long legs and a swan neck. So work on them.

  • Ability to conduct a conversation . Don’t be intrusive, don’t interrupt or raise your voice, it should be quiet, languid, a little chesty. Listen more than talk yourself. Men love when they listen to them, and even with interest. Assent, agree no more, don’t get into an argument. Knowledge and intelligence also play a big role, but do not stick them out, rather support the man’s thought. And smile, always. Just not in the whole mouth, just with the lips.
  • Cleanliness, smell. A girl should always be clean. And she should smell nice. This is very important. There is no need to use strong and floral scents, men hate them. Something a little bitter is better. The aroma should be subtle. Or it should just smell clean and fresh. This is suitable for anyone. Clean, tidy clothes, shoes, linen. Clean hair, neatly styled, not necessarily a hairstyle, the main thing is neatness.
  • Cosmetics. The required minimum must be maintained here. We emphasize what is necessary, hide what is not necessary, and that’s it. There is no need to draw finger-thick eyebrows and paint lips halfway across your face. The nails are neat, any color, but not pale, white, they get lost and look unkempt. The main thing is that it suits your style.
  • Elegance is the ultimate minimalism. Everything is calculated down to the smallest detail. From color to size.

How to make a man chase you.



1 How to make a man chase you.

2 How to make a man miss you and run after you.

3 Two actions that will ensure 100% success on the first date.

4 What to do to make a man chase a woman. 4.1 Praise. Don't be stingy with praise. If you praise a man, he will never leave you. And most importantly, he will move mountains for praise.

Hi girls! How to make a man miss you and run after you? They say you have to be beautiful. But I will tell you that not all beautiful people can captivate a man. There are cases when a woman is beautiful in both face and body, she has everything, but men do not, they do not stick to her.

I even remember from my studies and work that these girls seem to be beautiful, but not only is she not married yet, she’s not even dating. It's all bad luck with the men, they don't fall for her. The other girl, as they say, is not behind, not in front, nowhere, well, no matter who she is. And the men are chasing her, you can’t drive her away with a shovel.

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There are some men who will even be shown on TV, but he smells like a man. The charisma is incredible. But he himself is a freak and a freak. And the women are fighting, running around in groups, ready to do anything because of them.

So it’s not about beauty, girls, it’s not about beauty. This is different. How to present, present, express yourself. You should smell chic and at the same time inaccessible. Here, put a beauty next to you, but she is ready to lie under a man on the first date. And such, maybe not beautiful, but spectacular, looking with dignity, elegant.

Which one will men choose? Second! Men love to fight and woo women. Their eyes light up, excitement appears, and their eggs become square. That's it, go ahead! What's the use of that beauty that gives without problems? No passion, no desire. I put it in, took it out and went, and forgot. NOOO, things are more complicated for them here.

He doubts that you are the best option

Remember in the movie Route 60 there was a girl who was looking for her ideal sexual partner and couldn’t stop because she was afraid that the next one would be better, but she would never know.

Read also - Which girls do men not marry?

Perhaps he ran away from the relationship precisely in search of his ideal. But that’s the beauty of the ideal, that it is unattainable. So he punished himself. Perhaps at the age of sixty he will understand that you were that unique one, or maybe before that time he will have a heart attack due to a dissolute lifestyle. In any case, a doubting man has no place near you. You will still meet someone who will not dream of another in your arms.

You are not sincere with him

What I'm talking about now is that you can also play a double game. That is, you continue to date one, and at the same time arrange your future with a more profitable option. The latter may accidentally see you with your “almost ex” and, without saying a word, disappear from your life. So it’s better to play by the rules, and pay off all past debts before starting something new.

Building a good relationship between a man and a woman is a great art that only the wise can do.

He is afraid of a serious relationship

Read also - 5 ways to get closer to a guy

A man knows from childhood that he is expected to behave responsibly, but he is not always in a hurry to shoulder this burden. Perhaps you have come across a specimen that wants to frolic in freedom for as long as possible, without becoming attached to anyone. Or he has already experienced a couple of serious relationships, is tired of the hassle and wants to live for himself. As soon as he feels that you expect more from him than he is now ready to offer you, you will not be on your way.

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