How to work through relationships with men on your own?

Processing emotions and relationships - how does it affect life? First session

I have always understood that our emotions, for the most part, are our illnesses. But after the session I had an understanding of how to work with this. That the energy of love is universal and I can direct it to everyone, and at the same time I myself begin to be filled with it. Because I divided myself and all my loved ones suffered from it. If I like or don’t like something now, it’s the experience of past lives. I understood how to energetically cleanse myself, returning my soul crystals; I need to pass this energy through a filter. As it turned out, I didn’t know a lot about how to set up protection correctly. I understood and realized a lot, it’s like puzzles that are scattered and lying separately, listening to the session helps to put these puzzles together and see the whole picture. And you see where it all comes from. For example, having divided myself, I began to sleep a lot and became dissatisfied with myself, and this is what influenced my problems with my husband and children.

When in regression I was told to look at myself, I saw a deformed gnome, but the most interesting thing is that there was no feeling of fear. When we began to separate this essence from me, I felt it very strongly on the physical plane. It was interesting for me when they began to ask this entity what it was waiting for when I woke up. And his task is to “protect” me. The most interesting thing is that for the last 7 years I have wanted to sleep all the time. But in fact, he blocked my energy channel and after he left, I had a very strong feeling of relief, so much so that I couldn’t stop the tears, I just wanted to cry and cry.

I was very touchy as a child and now, as far as I understand, through this emotion this entity was able to pick up on me. The main problem turned out to be that I divided myself internally and I saw all this as a ravine in which there was a stone with a sharp end and shiny like metal. From here, as it turned out, all my main internal problems with health and with my family came from. Because I abandoned my other half (which was the completely creative part), I became dissatisfied with my life and this all naturally spilled over into both my children and my husband. And many events that happened in my life, such as running over a child, might not have happened at all.

Working through emotions and relationships. Basic moments

When I listened to the session, I came to the understanding that the attempted rape in childhood was not just like that, but it happened in order to replace my positive emotions with negative ones. And this in the future contributed to the separation of me from myself, especially sexually, which manifested itself in some dirt in myself.

Then, as it turned out, the elaboration of non-acceptance of oneself specifically in the sexual part lies in the experience of a past life and oneself as a depraved girl. Honestly, I didn’t feel very good at that moment. When we started working on returning particles of the soul to our family and friends, after that I began to have inner peace, as if a stone had been removed from my soul.

Listening to the session, I found out for myself that there is a lot of unnecessary things in me. And we live believing that everything is ours: these thoughts, emotions, feelings, depression. And that all these emotions are deposited in certain images and cells. And all this can be removed and cleaned. You can protect not only yourself, but also your children. That the more I cleanse myself, the people around me change. How to properly work with energy and remove entities, already being in hypnosis I felt relief. I remember my pride very much.

Changes began almost immediately. Firstly, after the session I began to feel happier. It was as if I returned when I was 25 years old, I even started listening to the music that I listened to then. I started singing and dancing every day. The dreams were very clear and memorable.

In reality, I began to remember someone and this person could appear in just a few minutes. Wishes will come true faster. Previously, I needed from 3 months to six months, but now events happen within a few days. Then, when I do meditation, I began to feel the stages of immersion, while I am clearly aware of myself, my mind is clear.

Since in the session we worked on the return of soul particles with my husband and children, the return appeared immediately. My husband and I literally began our honeymoon; we haven’t had such harmony and understanding for a long time, and without any complaints against each other. In children, this began to manifest itself more in relationships of understanding and affection.

Since I have boys, they were more distant, but now we have become very close. I have a constant harmonious state inside. Previously, I often felt depressed and could get angry over little things. And you understand that this is not right, but emotions took over. Now I have become simply filled with peace and inner happiness.

Question: I want to see my past lives and work out the mistakes I made in them. Answer: The lives that I saw during the session really surprised me because I didn’t expect that it was all so interconnected. Those feelings and emotions that occur inside, that they do not just come out of nowhere, but stretch like a thread through all lives and now influence this incarnation.

Question: I want to help my children, disconnect them from false programs. Answer: I didn’t expect that I could work through so many programs in one session. Before helping the children, I had to remove the blocks from myself and many things began to change on their own. I learned how to properly direct the energy of love. They returned pieces of their souls and returned them.

When I put on an energy suit, I feel a sense of protection. Once, as if I had been poisoned, my stomach hurt for half the night, I directed the rays and an image came as if I was pulling some kind of beetle out of my stomach. After half an hour the pain went away.

How to get out of karmic relationships: 8 tips

Karmic relationships can be so unbearable that your suffering will eventually lead you to decide to break the connection with your karmic partner. How to do this so that the karmic lesson does not go in vain?

  1. The most important thing is that you need to understand what exactly the Universe wanted to tell you by teaching this lesson. Analyze your condition, remember key situations, your behavior and results. Formulate what mistakes you made, but do not succumb to guilt - accept the past as experience. For convenience, write down your findings on paper.
  2. Recognize that you and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Don't shift responsibility to your partner. This is your life and you live it as you see fit. All in your hands.
  3. Answer yourself the question: “What have I gained in this relationship?” . For example, you have become tolerant of others, you have learned to openly express your feelings, etc.
  4. Sincerely thank your partner for walking with you through the lessons of the Universe, teaching you something new, reminding you of important things (for example, that it is important to love yourself).
  5. Say goodbye to your partner and the unpleasant feelings and thoughts that accompanied you in the relationship. Mentally tell them: “Goodbye!” and release on all four sides. Letting go is an important part of leaving a relationship, don't neglect it.
  6. If you live together, move to another apartment ; if you have the desire and opportunity, move to another city. Stop communication, do not respond to attempts to contact you - your partner may not want to let you go. Cut all the strings that bind you. Lesson learned - nothing should bind you anymore.
  7. Don't try to jump right into a new relationship. Learn to spend interesting time alone with yourself. Practice meditation, yoga, mudras, pamper yourself with gifts, walks in the fresh air, and trips to exhibitions. Find inner harmony, feel that the main person in your life is yourself.
  8. Don’t close yourself off from communication and new acquaintances, but remember the lesson you learned and the conclusions you drew from the experience of karmic relationships. Take your time to live, enjoy every moment, tune in to a positive mood and the right people will be attracted into your life!

Remember, we need relationships in order to develop spiritually together, and not to degrade.

Processing emotions and relationships - how does it affect life? Second session

In this session, I saw a crystal inside me. It is truly an amazing feeling that you have a very large diamond inside, but it is cone shaped.

After that, we started working with my mother, as it turned out that she was the problem now. And while working with her, my eyes began to itch very much, and this happened several times during the session*. *This is usually a distraction from the session, but maybe the body was indicating a block in the eyes

The eyes turned out to be interconnected with the kidneys and ovaries, lungs, chest and back. There was a metal object in my back that was screwed into the lumbar region, where I have a hernia and protrusion. Since in the first session, as I understood, they made it clear to me that I had to deal with my dirt myself, this time it was easier for me to dissolve everything*.

Let me remind you that programs, entities and connections are different and are removed layer by layer and as they are ready, and not all at once.

A very interesting thing happens when I start working on seeing my essences in the eyes. For example, importance comes out in the form of an overweight woman, cunning with narrow eyes.

Working through emotions and relationships. Highlights of this session:

I learned to cleanse my space energetically. I used to clean my house with herbs and incense. It is easier for me to dissolve and transform dirty energy. Now I can not only clean it, but also fill it with light energy.

I became convinced that each of our problems, if we have not worked through it, comes out on the physical plane in the form of diseases, and at the same time they are all so interconnected that if one thing hurts, after a while it spreads to other organs. And all the fears and grievances that are instilled in us in childhood manifest themselves in the form of blocks and illnesses, and they will not go away until we consciously work through them. That all negative emotions must be immediately replaced with positive ones.

And most importantly, I received the keys that helped me realize that I can fix everything. That if I cannot repay a debt to a person, then I can give the energy of love.

What to do if you are in a karmic relationship?

If the above seemed familiar to you, analyze your relationship and honestly answer the question of whether you want to continue it, whether you need it. The further development of events depends on your answer.

If the answer is no and the situation has long been out of control, you feel a potential (or already feel a real) danger in the future - end such a relationship immediately, no matter how difficult it may seem to you. If necessary, do not hesitate to ask your loved ones for help or special assistance centers for women in trouble if you have nowhere to go or need protection.

If there is no threat to your health, and you are simply tired of repeated torment in karmic relationships, try to understand what lesson the Universe is teaching you in the form of a meeting with a karmic man. He himself can probably point out the problem to you by stepping on a “sore spot.”

Think about what personality trait, character trait or aspect of your worldview you need to work on in order to feel relief and continue your spiritual development.

Perhaps your partner will teach you important things, enrich your experience, and you will be able to move forward together along the road of life or, solve a karmic problem, disperse peacefully, like ships at sea.

To understand which partner is ideal for you, you can calculate the Love Number in your couple.

Working through emotions and relationships. After the session:

Previously, I doubted whether I was feeling correctly, but now it’s as if the answer immediately comes to me that yes, it is so. I became much calmer, but at the same time I began to live a very active life, took up sports, and began to wake up early in the morning. My interests changed and I started playing more with children. In the family, the feeling of harmony and understanding has become stable.

The fear for the children ceased to arise. My relationship with my mother has changed, I stopped being annoyed with her. Lately I’ve been walking with the feeling that I have wings on my back and they seem to want to open, and as a result I’ve begun to walk upright, which is most surprising. Changes happen constantly, I can’t reflect everything now because it comes and it’s so natural that sometimes I don’t even notice.

We worked through childhood fears, forgave ourselves with our mother, removed foreign implants, removed entities, removed the blockage of self-doubt, and realized ourselves as a creator. I strengthened my understanding of how to set up protection correctly, and this time it turned out even better. I protect not only myself, but also my children.

The difference with the first session was that this time I already understood how everything would happen and worked more consciously. I realized that I can do and correct as I like, there are no rules, you are the creator yourself at this moment.

General outline of causes and consequences:

My problems with vision, kidneys, back and implants, which were subsequently connected to these organs, were due to my resentment, aggression, anger, mostly towards my parents, especially my mother. My inner dissatisfaction and depression were due to unforgiveness and lack of self-acceptance. I was very pleased with the session, thank you, it really helps and works.

How do you know if you are in a karmic relationship?

How do you understand that you have met a karmic partner and what to expect from a man in a karmic relationship? Here are the signs that a man has appeared in your life for karmic purposes:

  1. You are irresistibly drawn to this person, while he is, as they say, a “complicated” person, it is painful for you to be around him, and when you are not together, you yearn for him.
  2. You constantly think about him, but these thoughts do not bring you pleasure, but on the contrary, you become more anxious because of them.
  3. It is obvious to you that this is “not your” person, you are frankly not suitable for each other, but you cannot bring yourself to break off relations with him.
  4. Under the influence of a karmic man, you more often experience negative than positive emotions, and quite strong ones. They literally harass you.

Do you recognize yourself in a current or past relationship? If at least one sign suits you, it means that you are in a karmic relationship.

Do you want to learn more useful practices and also create your natal chart to see what awaits you? Then hurry up and register for the free webinar, where you will learn a lot about yourself! Register using this link

So that you can see more clearly how serious everything is in your case, look at these signs of karmic relationships:

  • the relationship began suddenly, for example, you met at a resort, and after a couple of days you began to live together;
  • you are two opposites, you cannot imagine life without sports and proper nutrition, but he is addicted to alcohol and lies on the couch all day;
  • often a sign is too much age difference;
  • after a short time you discover that you yourself do not understand how you managed to enter into a relationship with this person, but getting out of it seems very difficult to you;
  • you are unable to have a child: in a karmic relationship, the energy of both partners is directed at each other, there is no room for a baby;
  • you both act illogically and strangely: in karmic relationships there are often betrayals, love triangles, so-called “open relationships”.

If you do nothing, you risk getting a tyrant, alcoholic, liar, etc. as your wife. For more information about which men are not suitable for marriage, read the article at the link.

Working through emotions and relationships. Questions about the session:

Q: When I'm in meditation, at one point I start coughing a lot, what does this mean, does this happen almost always? A: This is often due to a block in the throat (throat chakra) and is often used as a distraction, but it must be looked at individually. The throat is responsible for communication with the world, creativity, self-expression, self-love. These points need to be addressed first, since they are paying attention.

On the subject: About the fear of self-expression, the thyroid gland, Vishuddha and love / Why you want to yawn during practices

Q: How can I correct inducing labor and cesarean sections on my children and is this considered an irrevocable sin? A: There are no “sins”, there is only experience, everything can be corrected with desire and persistence, even if damage has been caused)

On topic: 7 deadly sins and awareness of oneself as whole

Is it necessary to do an ultrasound?
Arguments and facts METAISSKRA sessions are great for working with fears, destructive relationships and unlived emotions through meditative practices. If you do not meditate, you can also solve this problem through sessions with a psychologist , but this method may take longer.

What are karmic relationships?

From our past lives and actions, we have karmic debts and tasks that need to be worked out. That is why karmic encounters occur with us throughout our lives, the purpose of which is to resolve unresolved issues in the past.

A karmic man is a person whom we meet again and again in each incarnation, until we learn the necessary lesson, complete the karmic task in a wiser way than we tried to do it in past lives.

If you do not learn the karmic lesson in such a relationship, it can result in a big problem and become a disastrous factor for both partners and lead to disastrous consequences: a painful long-term relationship for both, an unhappy marriage, emotional or physical abuse. Unfortunately, this happens very often. Cases when karmic partners coped with the karmic tasks of the past and continued the relationship in happiness and harmony are quite rare. This requires serious work from everyone in the couple.

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