TOP 10 deceptive male phrases that will calm any girl

If the entire planet were populated by healthy and rational people, then all issues would be resolved calmly. However, life is not that simple.

Many spend most of their time grumbling and arguing, trying to fight often and for no reason. Even the most reasonable of us get irritated and angry from time to time. It is not always possible to avoid communicating with overly emotional people.

That's why it's important to know techniques to make this process easier and learn how to handle this type of daily stress in a less painful and more constructive way.

According to clinical psychologist Albert J. Bernstein, there are 3 phrases you can use to immediately calm someone who is losing their temper to get them to regain control of their emotions. Of course, these three phrases will help you navigate your most difficult and challenging conversations day after day.


Keep calm

    Don't argue.

    If someone reaches a boiling point, responding with equal anger will only make the situation worse. Focus on staying calm, otherwise things will quickly escalate into an argument. Of course, this means that you have to be completely impersonal, just try to keep your emotions under control.

    Try not to get into a defensive position.

    When a person is angry, he is unlikely to speak in a calm tone. In such a situation, there is a danger of taking his behavior personally and becoming defensive. When dealing with an angry person, remember that the anger most likely has nothing to do with you. Separate his emotions from yours - this way you can help the person without taking his anger personally.

    Stay in the present tense.

    Angry people often bring up situations or conversations from the past, especially if they are trying to provoke your emotions. Try to counter this by staying focused on the moment and the solution to the problem at hand. Don't allow yourself to wallow in rage over past events.

  • If you feel like the conversation is drifting into the past, try saying something like, “We can talk about this later. For now, I think we should focus on what's upsetting you at the moment and find a way out of the situation. Let’s do everything one by one.”
  • Stay calm and cool.

    If a person screams or loses his temper, allow him to let off steam, but at the same time remain calm or silent (this will be best). If you do speak, do not raise your voice. If you are silent, try to maintain a neutral facial expression and open body language. You will be better able to control yourself if you do not react to the “provocations” of a raging person.

  • There's a difference between letting someone blow off steam and being the victim of verbal abuse. If a person reproaches you, calls you names, or unjustly lashes out at you, you may want to say something like, “I understand that you're upset, and I want to support you. But please don’t take it out on me.”
  • Use good listening skills.

    When people are emotional, they want to be understood. Really listen to the person's words. Make eye contact, nod if necessary, and ask questions to learn more. The process of conversation and the feeling of being heard will help a person calm down.

    • Of course, sometimes angry people don't want to be asked questions, and they may be so angry that they don't believe anyone can truly understand them. All you can do is try your best. If a person is not in the mood for heart-to-heart conversations, do not force him to do so.
  • Acknowledge his feelings.

    In fact, sometimes anger hides another emotion, such as resentment, embarrassment, or sadness. Whatever the reason for your anger, listen to the person and acknowledge their feelings (but don't necessarily agree with them). You should also refrain from being judgmental, as it may come through in your words or body language, showing a lack of support on your part.

    • Here are some things you can say to acknowledge someone's feelings: “Yes, it's not easy,” or “I understand how upset you are.”
    • But such expressions are unlikely to be useful: “You should let it go,” or: “I had the same thing, and I got over it.”

  • Show empathy.

    Empathy can take the form of understanding a person's point of view, being genuinely saddened by other people's misfortunes, and being able to sympathize with their emotions. To show empathy towards an angry person, you can show that you are listening to him and understand what he is saying.

    • To be more understanding of an angry person, try rephrasing the source of his anger. You can say: “You say that you are angry because you think that you have to do all the household chores alone.”
    • You may want to say, “I understand how you feel,” but be aware that this can sometimes make the person even angrier. He may believe that no one truly understands what he is experiencing.

  • Lighten the situation with humor.

    You'll likely need to understand the situation or know the angry person pretty well to know if this technique will work. Humor can effectively combat anger because it changes chemical processes in the body. If you make a joke or stop and point out something funny about the situation, making both of you laugh, you can lighten the situation and potentially cool the person down.

  • Give him some space.

    Some people need to vent, while others prefer to process their emotions alone. If you feel like the idea of ​​talking is making the person even more angry, it's best to give them some space and time. Most people need at least 20 minutes to calm down, while others need even longer.

    • If you think the person needs some time alone, try saying, “I understand that you're angry, but I don't think I can help you with this. I think you need to be alone for a few minutes. I’ll be nearby if you need to talk.”
  • Which ones are not worth it? the site will tell you how to provide moral support to a person in a difficult situation.

    Grief is a human reaction that occurs as a result of some kind of loss, for example, after the death of a loved one.

    4 stages of grief

    A person experiencing grief goes through 4 stages:

    • Shock phase.
      Lasts from a few seconds to several weeks. It is characterized by disbelief in everything that is happening, insensibility, low mobility with periods of hyperactivity, loss of appetite, and problems with sleep.
    • Suffering phase.
      Lasts from 6 to 7 weeks. Characterized by weakened attention, inability to concentrate, memory and sleep disturbances. The person also experiences constant anxiety, a desire to be alone, and lethargy. Stomach pain and a feeling of a lump in the throat may occur. If a person experiences the death of a loved one, then during this period he may idealize the deceased or, on the contrary, experience anger, rage, irritation or guilt towards him.
    • The acceptance phase
      ends a year after the loss of a loved one. Characterized by restoration of sleep and appetite, the ability to plan your activities taking into account the loss. Sometimes a person still continues to suffer, but attacks occur less and less often.
    • The recovery phase
      begins after a year and a half, grief gives way to sadness and the person begins to relate to the loss more calmly.

    Is it necessary to console a person? Undoubtedly yes. If the victim is not given help, this can lead to infectious diseases, heart diseases, alcoholism, accidents, and depression. Psychological help is priceless, so support your loved one as best you can. Interact with him, communicate. Even if it seems to you that the person is not listening to you or is not paying attention, do not worry. The time will come when he will remember you with gratitude.

    Should you console strangers? If you feel enough moral strength and desire to help, do it. If a person doesn’t push you away, doesn’t run away, doesn’t scream, then you’re doing everything right. If you are not sure that you can comfort the victim, find someone who can do it.

    Is there a difference in consoling people you know and people you don't know? Actually, no. The only difference is that you know one person more, another less. Once again, if you feel empowered, then help. Stay nearby, talk, involve in common activities. Don't be greedy for help, it is never superfluous.

    So, let's consider methods of psychological support in the two most difficult stages of grief.

    Shock phase

    Your behavior:

    • Don't leave the person alone.
    • Touch the victim unobtrusively. You can take your hand, put your hand on your shoulder, pat your loved ones on the head, or hug. Monitor the victim's reaction. Does he accept your touch or does he push away? If it pushes you away, don’t impose yourself, but don’t leave.
    • Make sure that the person being consoled rests more and does not forget about meals.
    • Keep the victim occupied with simple activities, such as some funeral work.
    • Listen actively. A person may say strange things, repeat himself, lose the thread of the story, and keep returning to emotional experiences. Refuse advice and recommendations. Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, talk about how you understand him. Help the victim simply talk through his experiences and pain - he will immediately feel better.

    Your words:

    • Talk about the past in the past tense.
    • If you know the deceased, tell him something good about him.

    You can't say:

    • “You can’t recover from such a loss,” “Only time heals,” “You are strong, be strong.” These phrases can cause additional suffering to a person and increase his loneliness.
    • “Everything is God’s will” (helps only deeply religious people), “Oh, “Forget about it.” Such phrases can greatly hurt the victim, since they sound like a hint to reason with their feelings, not to experience them, or even completely forget about their grief.
    • “You are young, beautiful, you will get married/have a child.” Such phrases can cause irritation. A person experiences a loss in the present, he has not yet recovered from it. And they tell him to dream.
    • “If only the ambulance had arrived on time,” “If only the doctors had paid more attention to her,” “If only I hadn’t let him in.” These phrases are empty and do not carry any benefit. Firstly, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, and secondly, such expressions only intensify the bitterness of loss.

    The most effective way to calm a drunk

    According to medical representatives, the most effective method of calming an intoxicated person and plunging him into a restful sleep is detoxification of the body. That is, first of all, it is necessary to remove all remnants of alcohol from the body and sober up the person. But you should know that doing this at home is quite difficult.

    The most effective method is infusion therapy (droppers), which can be administered at home by an experienced narcologist.

    If quick measures are needed, you should seek help from a narcologist (a specialist can be called to your home). The doctor will administer an IV and in a short period of time will bring the drunkard into a state of sobriety. If calling a narcologist to your home is not possible, you can use the following methods:

    1. Dilute peppermint tincture (20–22 drops) in water (200 ml).
    2. Instead of mint, you can use ammonia (5-7 drops).
    3. Give the intoxicated person drink activated carbon (1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight).

    But the most effective method is considered to be inducing vomiting. This will help remove alcohol toxins from the stomach and speed up the sobering up process. A weak solution of manganese will help induce vomiting. A few crystals of the powder must be dissolved in a glass of heated water and given to a drunk person. If necessary, you can take 2-3 glasses of manganese solution. After 5–10 minutes, the intoxicated person will develop gagging and vomit.

    After cleansing the stomach, the drunkard should drink warmed tea with honey and milk. By the way, it is worth giving folk medicines at this time, which will have a sedative-sedative effect and send the rowdy into a peaceful sleep. And upon waking up, a violent drunkard (if he is not already suffering from alcohol addiction) will experience a feeling of remorse. At this time, it is worth having a heart-to-heart talk with him and explaining to him the dangers of such a lifestyle.

    Sometimes the best way is to leave the drunken brawler for a while and wait for him to sober up.

    Many experts in the field of psychiatry and addiction rightly believe that there are no effective methods for quickly calming violent drunks. If you happen to become the object of aggression coming from a drunk person, it is better to choose not artificial methods of calming, but to take care of your own safety.

    1. If you can’t calm down a drunkard, you should stay away from the rowdy. There is a great risk of getting hurt, because a drunken, insane aggressor does not know who is in front of him and can attack a girl, an elderly relative, or even a child.
    2. You should not try to take away alcohol from him or create scandals. This will further provoke the drunkard and provoke inappropriate actions that are fraught with dangerous consequences.
    3. You need to stay close to a rowdy drunk as quietly and calmly as possible, as unnoticed as possible. Sometimes it happens that a drunken person adopts the behavior of those around him and calms down himself. In any case, you should adhere to exactly this tactics of behavior.

    Suffering phase

    Your behavior:

    • In this phase, the victim can already be given the opportunity to be alone from time to time.
    • Give the victim plenty of water. He should drink up to 2 liters per day.
    • Organize physical activity for him. For example, take him for a walk, do physical work around the house.
    • If the victim wants to cry, do not stop him from doing so. Help him cry. Don't hold back your emotions - cry with him.
    • If he shows anger, don’t interfere.

    Your words:

    How to comfort a person: the right words

    • If your ward wants to talk about the deceased, bring the conversation to the area of ​​​​feelings: “You are very sad/lonely”, “You are very confused”, “You cannot describe your feelings.” Tell me how you feel.
    • Tell me that this suffering will not last forever. And loss is not a punishment, but a part of life.
    • Do not avoid talking about the deceased if there are people in the room who are extremely worried about this loss. Tactfully avoiding these topics hurts more than mentioning the tragedy.

    You can't say:

    • “Stop crying, pull yourself together”, “Stop suffering, everything is over” - this is tactless and harmful to psychological health.
    • “And someone has it worse than you.” Such topics can help in situations of divorce, separation, but not the death of a loved one. You cannot compare one person's grief with another's. Conversations that involve comparison can give the person the impression that you don't care about their feelings.

    There is no point in telling the victim: “If you need help, contact/call me” or asking him “How can I help you?” A person experiencing grief may simply not have the strength to pick up the phone, call and ask for help. He may also forget about your offer.

    To prevent this from happening, come and sit with him. As soon as the grief subsides a little, take him for a walk, take him to the store or to the cinema. Sometimes this has to be done by force. Don't be afraid to seem intrusive. Time will pass and he will appreciate your help.

    How to support someone if you are far away?

    Call him. If he doesn't answer, leave a message on his answering machine, write an SMS or an email. Express your condolences, communicate your feelings, share memories that characterize the deceased from the brightest sides.

    Remember that helping a person overcome grief is necessary, especially if this is a person close to you. In addition, this will help not only him to cope with the loss. If the loss also affected you, by helping another, you yourself will be able to experience grief more easily, with less damage to your own mental state. And this will also save you from feelings of guilt - you won’t reproach yourself for the fact that you could have helped, but didn’t, brushing aside other people’s troubles and problems.


    Since childhood, the antagonism between life and death evokes in a person a whole palette of diverse emotions that cannot be explained. The feelings that people experience when they have lost their soul mate cannot be expressed in words. Depression and shock, stress and apathy for the future - grief cannot be gotten rid of overnight, but it can be shared with true friends.

    At the moment of loss and separation, we become the most vulnerable, so the support of close friends and relatives is especially valuable. However, how exactly can you help in such a situation? How to comfort someone with words? What phrases will help you cope with loss?

    Classification of stress: finding the right words for comfort

    To answer the above questions, you need to consider options for the development of the situation. Traditionally, psychologists classify the state of a person experiencing the loss of a close friend or separation from a spouse into 4 stages:

    Behavior: the duration of this phase ranges from 5 seconds to 2–3 weeks; a person refuses to believe in the events taking place, convinces himself of the opposite outcome; There is a lack of appetite and mobility in the grieving person.

    Actions: do not leave the person alone with; share the bitterness of loss; try to distract the sufferer with light stories about a departed relative or friend; remember it in the past tense, programming your consciousness for the completion of the event.


    Behavior: this time period lasts 6–7 weeks; during such a period, a person who is experiencing the death of a friend or relative is characterized by a lack of concentration and apathy towards the events taking place; during this period of disorder, people can visualize the “gone”; some experience intense feelings of guilt or fear, projecting impending loneliness.

    Actions: do not be intrusive, let the person be alone with his own thoughts; if he wants to get angry or cry, then just don’t interfere; provide the grieving person with sufficient water; make sure he eats; invite him to take a walk, spend time outside.


    Behavior: this condition begins in most people no earlier than a year later; attacks of panic and fear occur less frequently; sleep and appetite are restored; a person learns to plan the future taking into account past events; this phase is characterized by coming to terms with the loss of a soul mate.

    Actions: at this stage there is no need to remind about the bitterness of loss; try to spend more time with the person, involving him in social areas of life.


    Behavior: after completing the stage of accepting the situation that has happened, a person’s consciousness automatically “transitions” to the recovery phase; after 1–1.5 years, grief is replaced by a feeling of sadness, which accompanies life, but does not interfere with development in social activities.

    Actions: during this time period, it is important to support the endeavors of a person who has experienced the bitterness of loss; point in the right direction; help implement plans; dream with him, designing a bright future today.

    Using the tips above, you can properly support your loved one by choosing the right words. Don’t forget to project your recommendations onto the current situation so that, if necessary, you can promptly adjust the advice provided.

    To support a person who is learning to live without a soulmate, it is important to follow simple rules that alleviate suffering:

    Keep conversations about the departed person in a positive manner, but do not remember him yourself when starting a dialogue. Don’t ask unnecessary questions so as not to accidentally “touch” a sore subject. Listen carefully and do not interrupt the interlocutor who is experiencing the bitterness of loss. Instead of “warm” phrases of support, it is enough to hug the person tightly, making him feel that he is not alone. Do not compare the event that happened with other situations that happened earlier. If a friend or relative experiences the betrayal of a spouse, then do not remember him, do not sharpen the “bare” consciousness, increasing anger and pain in the soul. To contain your emotions without increasing your friend’s feelings, call rather than meet in person. Before talking, project the situation that happened on yourself, understanding your friend or friend. Do not take responsibility by giving useful advice - recommendations are inappropriate, and you will remain to blame. Offer help in the abstract, leaving the choice to the interlocutor. Be patient - only time helps to cope with the pain of loss.

    In answer to the question of how to comfort a person with words, psychologists agree that the traditional phrase is optimal: “I will always be there.” The main thing is to adhere to such a statement in practice.

    January 15, 2014

    Situations in life are completely different, and the psyche cannot always calmly cope with what is happening, then the help of those who are nearby is necessary. Confusion from the need to somehow stabilize the state of another person is quite understandable, especially when it is not clear how to calm a person down with words at a distance, because removing the cause of the experience may not only be overwhelming, but possibly also an unnecessary task.

    Most of all, I want to calm down a crying person, since everyone’s own psyche is structured in such a way that the sight of other people’s tears is unbearable. However, we do not take into account those reactions where strong experiences and destructive mental processes can occur without tears or loud laments.

    Causes of the condition

    Before answering the question of what to do in case of aggression after alcohol, it is worth understanding why such a condition develops. To date, scientists who are at the head of the study of the issue have confirmed the theory that ethyl alcohol is a factor causing aggression. This is due to its ability to directly influence the human psyche. Depending on the stage that alcohol intoxication has reached, a man or woman does not have stability in terms of character. A person does not keep his word, actions and emotions speak for themselves.

    In difficult times

    You can help a person overcome difficult experiences without arranging special rescue operations or completing crisis psychology courses - the main thing is to show attentiveness and sensitivity. Don’t rush to take active steps and give advice on how to calm down, but listen to the situation. The more a person speaks out, the more the emotional intensity decreases; there are situations when, having told your problem to several friends in a row, negative emotions go away, the significance of bad events decreases, or the relevance of what is happening is completely lost.

    Even if the situation is more complex and requires real intervention, then after your attentive and active listening, with supportive statements and clarifying questions, a plan for getting out of this situation may emerge or a certain rethinking will come. But you shouldn’t dwell on problems either - it’s one thing to tell your friends what’s happening in order to throw out burning emotions, and the situation develops completely differently if you allow a person to constantly wind himself up with retellings of what happened. As soon as you notice that mentioning a painful situation causes deterioration of the condition rather than emotional relief, gently change the topic of conversation, distracting from the discussion on the established topic. It is even better to distract and calm the person with activities.

    Participation and an offer to help, expressed in a direct form, helps to calm a person down during a panic attack. You can ask how to help or offer your options for the person right now, even little things (bring water, wrap them in a blanket, give them a ride home, etc.).

    And don't forget about physical contact - a hug, a friendly pat on the shoulder, a touch on the arm can do much more than any words. If the problem arises of how to calm a person at a distance, then contact techniques are not available, but you can influence a person’s emotional background using your own voice, namely volume and intonation. Try to speak measuredly, a little drawn out, bringing your voice closer to that of someone falling asleep, both in volume and intonation. Instinctive mechanisms of the psyche are triggered that it is impossible to sleep in danger, and if you fall asleep, it means it’s safe, then the other person has a subconscious perception of what is happening as less threatening.

    In an extreme situation

    The problem with extreme situations is that people who have known each other for a long time in different event scenarios give completely unpredictable reactions. The most common reactions are panic and hysteria. You need to work with them in different ways.

    If a person is covered, then focusing on breathing and nearby objects will help to calm down. Initially, you will need to control his breathing, i.e. talk about the need to take breaths, make sure that they are not very deep (hyperventilation leads to loss of consciousness, which is already narrowed in panic) or too frequent (small amplitude of breaths can increase anxiety).

    Shift the person’s attention from abstract concepts or attempts to evaluate the general stop to his well-being - warmth in the limbs, comfort of posture, ask him to do some small work (fold things, type a message).

    You will have to get out of the stupor using physical methods, by lightly shaking or rocking the person. Immediately after being brought out of the stupor, all pent-up feelings may pour out, and hysteria will come. Here you need to silently listen to any text spoken, even with threats and insults addressed to you (you will hear an apology later, when the person has stabilized emotionally). If hysteria turns into threatening physical activity, then the task is solely to restrain destructive impulses - perhaps with your hands, you can pour water on it.

    During extreme events, the question of how to calm a drunk person is especially important, because harm from his rash and over-emotional reactions can lead to catastrophic consequences. Methods of dealing with hysteria are suitable - listen or pour water on you when you notice that a person is completely losing control of his behavior. Control your own behavior - you need to remain calm and speak only to the point. Choose neutral phrases to calm the person down, in which it is impossible to provoke a new emotional outburst. And there is also a secret way - to pretend that you don’t notice the drunk, so you deprive him of the emotional feedback and the person either calms down or moves away further in search of those who will support his wave.

    Other methods

    If methods for putting a drunk person to sleep at home did not help, or you need to quickly bring your husband or acquaintance to his senses, while remaining conscious, you need to cleanse the body of toxins.

    The following methods are suitable for this:

    • Gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink as much of a special solution as possible at one time, and then induce artificial vomiting. It is allowed to use a solution of soda or salt.
    • Ammonia. Dissolve 5 drops of ammonia in one glass of water and drink.
    • Large amount of liquid. To restore the body, you should drink as much liquid as possible, for example, tea, fruit juice or herbal decoctions.

    In addition to taking various liquids, fresh air, running and strength training will help sober up. If you cannot sober up a person on your own, you should consult a doctor.

    When you lose a loved one

    The death of a loved one from illness, at predictable dates or due to extreme situations when it happens unexpectedly, always has a strong frustrating effect on those left to live. In addition to the immediate loved ones of the victims, those who will try to help them and somehow calm them down are also subject to secondary traumatization. This is what explains the stupor of many and the inability to find the right words to calm a person down.

    There is no recipe that can, in one magic phrase or action, remove the pain of loss and calm a person who has lost a loved one, but you can help someone else experience grief and return to their life by forming new patterns of interaction. Do not try to distract the person from what happened with other conversations or proposals for activities - in the first period, all thoughts will still be devoted only to death, and your attempts can lead to withdrawal. If there are no words, then it is better to sit next to you and be silent, and you can start speaking only when the person experiencing grief turns to you, and it is better to listen to what he tells you.

    Your task is to show that you are nearby and can provide support. It is important not to say this phrase, but to make it clear on completely different levels - maintain constant contact. You can call on the phone and ask if the person has food, if they need help in closing accounts and filling out the papers of the deceased, stop by and give them a ride where necessary. Those. you do not focus attention on what happened with questions about your well-being and how difficult it is after the loss. Perhaps one day, when the person himself is ready to talk, he will call and ask for a meeting. Then be prepared for tears and difficult experiences, with which you do not need to do anything, just listen, but listen carefully.

    Alcohol and pills compatibility check

    The combination of alcoholic drinks with pills - you can expect anything from it. Alcohol alters the effects of the medication, which can have the greatest impact on the alcoholic's level of intoxication. Along with the use of barbiturates and alcoholic beverages, breathing may stop, and subsequently the person dies. If you use ethanol and the strong drug imizin, your blood pressure increases and a hypertensive crisis may occur.

    Taking the drugs sonapax and phenazepam along with ethanol dramatically increases the effect of the drugs on the nervous system, which leads to mental disorders, loss of understanding where he is, and then it will be difficult to put the drunk to sleep. In the worst case, the work of the heart and blood vessels will decrease. Considering the real consequences of combining drugs with ethanol, it is better to abandon the obsessive thought of putting a drunkard to sleep.

    Narcologists note that there are no drugs that can put a drunk to sleep. If you have witnessed the rowdy behavior of an alcoholic, then it is better not to think about methods that will calm and stop a drunken person. Take care not to make him angry.

    What not to do

    Since the suffering of others is unbearable for those nearby, and the desire to calm the person increases to the maximum and requires any decisive action, many stop worrying about who really needs reassurance now and make mistakes. Remember how a mother shouts at a crying child, trying to calm him down in this way, as a result, all participants in the situation become agitated. It’s worth listening to your feelings and walking away; if you find yourself unstable, let others calm you down.

    You cannot devalue the cause of a person’s disorder, because this can greatly hurt. Those. those who mourn the dead do not need to be told that they are better now or that this should have happened, and a woman going through a divorce should not be told about her beauty and unworthiness of a man, because self-esteem is now at the lowest level, and the suffering from his absence is painful.

    If you are going to help, then stay, and do not leave with the phrase that you will come on the first call. When a person needs reassurance, he cannot always adequately test reality in order to understand what help he needs, and he can also fall into such a deep depression, pick up the phone and not remember the phone number.

    When you compare a person’s suffering with others (starving children in Africa, the disabled, the homeless), in an attempt to show that someone is now much worse off, then at best you will not be heard. By reacting more adequately, you can train an aggressive reaction or provoke a desire to emotionally shut down. When you personally are already fed up with the suffering or hysterics of another, then exclude yourself from the situation, and do not start ordering the person to calm down or switch. Believe me, if a person could do this, he would have done it long ago.

    Offer help

    Your initial task is not to understand the reason, but to help comfort your friend, mother, wife, in one word, your loved one. Of course, if we are not talking, for example, about a favorite series that is about to end. In this case, everything will soon return to normal without your intervention.

    Crying girl

    If the reason is more complex and you just can't stay away, then what should you do? Initially, show attention and care. Provide mediocre help and encouragement.

    Find out through a leading question what happened, then you will be able to correctly assess the situation. Donate your time and let the person talk, of course, if he wants to.

    This is a very important point, we can say that your actions begin with it. This can be done as follows:

    1. Stay. You can't always console someone by talking; sometimes it's more important to just be there. It often happens that at the peak moment words do not work. In this case, your presence is much more effective. Be patient.
    2. Offer water. As a rule, drinking half a glass of cool water will make you feel relieved, it will help quench your thirst and catch your breath. Agree that it works.
    3. Offer a handkerchief or recommend washing with cool water. Here you yourself must navigate the situation. It’s stupid to ask a friend with painted eyelashes to wash her face; as a result, she may misunderstand your intentions. You may decide that you are demanding that you stop crying immediately.

    To behave correctly, carefully observe the reaction to your words.

    How to calm a crying person: provide support

    How often do we support our friends, and how correctly do you think you do it?

    Let's figure it all out:

    • Allow the person to vent their emotions.

    It is pointless to ask, especially a woman, to stop crying, no matter what the reason behind it. It is much more important, on the contrary, to allow you to cry out all the negative emotions, all the pain, regret, and anxiety. Don't hold back, otherwise it may lead to negative consequences such as depression.

    Try to avoid statements such as “Stop it” or “Don't cry, it's not worth it!” The person gave free rein to his feelings, which means that at least for him it is important, do not disturb him.

    • Find out how you can help.

    It is possible that you may be asked to leave or asked to stay. Anyway, is there anything I can help you with now? And regardless of what they answer, make any decision respectfully.

    If you are asked to leave, it will be enough to say whatever you say, but if I can help you with anything, let me know about it. Don't be offended under any circumstances. Sometimes you just need to be alone.

    • Take your time.

    Don't rush to take any action. Sometimes it just shouldn't be done. You are nearby, your presence is already beneficial, and if additional help is needed, I assure you, you will be informed about it.

    • Hugs.

    Remember how nice it is when your mother hugs you. How necessary it is when something worries us. If your girlfriend or boyfriend loves to hug, don't skimp on this gesture.

    If in front of you is an unfamiliar person or someone who avoids physical contact, just ask directly - will you mind if I hug you?

    Often, unlike friends, strangers do not strive for such actions, so you need to ask about it.

    Prevention for sleep

    If your husband/son/brother likes to drink and suffers from lack of sleep, you can give him mint tea to drink during the day as a preventative measure. Such a herbal infusion will have a calming effect on an alcoholic, and sleep will come to him even with a small dose of alcohol. Mint can be brewed simply as an independent decoction, or you can add mint leaves to tea. Homemade lemonade with mint sprigs is also popular.

    Occupational therapy is also an excellent means of promoting sleep. It will be good if a frequent drinker does some household chores on the street. Fresh air, even when combined with ethanol, will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a drunkard.

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