"Everyone hates me." 10 tips from a psychologist on how to be offended less often

01/20/2019 Zoryan Freidovich Psychology

The question “why does everyone hate me” is quite a difficult one. A significant number of people believe that they are unloved, underestimated and disrespected. Therefore, hatred is the only feeling they can get from their environment. How true such a belief is, how it arises and what to do with it, we will consider in the article.

Why does everyone hate me?

The original question was most likely formulated incorrectly. Since it is usually unusual for people to hate each other.

If, for example, you take several dozen or hundreds of different photographs of people and analyze the reaction that arises when looking at them, then it is unlikely that any of the subjects will feel hatred.

There are people who are scary, annoying, or seem incredibly stupid. But hatred is a serious emotion. And for its occurrence there need to be compelling reasons.

What is it?

You can often see the question online: “Why does everyone hate me?” Hatred is a strong and energy-intensive feeling. It is very easy to get tired of it, as it requires serious dedication. Hatred is very similar to being fixated on a specific person.

In a team, for example, contempt can occur. When there is a “black sheep” or “scapegoat” in him, people around him try to assert themselves at his expense. But this state of affairs does not cause feelings of hatred. This is simply contempt; they take it out on a person, subconsciously feeling that he is mentally weaker.

Of course, there is a category of people who irritate most colleagues. And maybe just one person can really hate you. But this feeling arises only after a conflict situation between you. It is possible that a person did some bad deed towards another completely unconsciously, which caused a wave of hatred.

Pay attention to the fact that famous rulers who killed millions of people are hated only by part of the population, while others are ready to applaud them. Therefore, any actions and actions are perceived differently by people.

What to do to correct the situation

When you have decided on the reasons for hatred, you need to determine a strategy for behavior in this situation. In fact, there are several ways to respond to hostility:

  1. Ignoring. You leave everything as it is and simply do not pay attention to the current situation. Such an attitude is possible if the hostility of this person (people) does not affect you and does not at all interfere with effective interaction.
  2. Confrontation. You also begin to hate and do everything to harm. Life according to the principle of “blood for blood.”
  3. Conformism. You try with all your might to please people who dislike you, curry favor with them.
  4. Cooperation. In this case, it will be expressed in the fact that you admit your wrongdoings if you are really guilty, and your “enemy” does the same, and in the future you are in the relationship in which you are comfortable (it is not necessary to start loving each other).

Of course, from the point of view of psychological health and constructive behavior, the latter method is considered the most suitable. However, no one obliges you to start a dialogue right now. To begin with, you can tune in positively towards the person, for this you can try to say a few affirmations, and stop feeling disgusted towards him. You will see that gradually his attitude towards you will change.

Hello everyone, readers of my blog!

The mood went downhill - I decided to try myself here. I will write and share my opinion about Mourinho’s famous saying “ If
you are loved
, then
if they hate
you , then
the best

Probably 99 percent of the people reading this now have not achieved what Mourinho achieved. And this is not an insult, but a fact. In my opinion, Mourinho is the BEST coach in the history of football. This scoundrel who is Hated has achieved everything he can. He knows how to take pressure off players and transfer it to himself. He can change the formation right during the game and play closed football, and then open up and completely finish off the opponent. In short, if you play against Chelsea tactically, it is very, very difficult to beat this team. But we will talk about his psychology and perhaps we will reach our goal - to understand what is going on in the head of this genius.

Judging by his biography, we can say that he literally proved this statement throughout his career. At first he just lifted clubs and won trophies with him, but now he does the same thing, making statements that make many people boil. They start to hate him. I asked people who support Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal. They just consider him a terrible coach and tactician. But they're just funny! I won't say how many trophies Jose won and why they shouldn't say that. Please note that he seems to be deliberately, and in some places he is, to arouse hatred among those around him. This is an insane coach and I can't stop praising him.

After finishing his playing career, Mourinho began coaching, first joining the coaching staff of various Portuguese clubs (working most under the leadership of Bobby Robson). He himself comes from a football background. He is the son of football goalkeeper Felix Mourinho. Throughout the history of his coaching career, he coached 12 different teams. Not bad huh? And it’s easy to guess that more than half of these clubs are incredibly grateful to him.

The winning percentage of teams under his leadership is 67 percent.

What was I leading to? I call on all fans of Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United, MS, etc. understand and stop writing some nonsense about Mournya. You don't make him angry in any way, he just enjoys it.

Guys, write your opinions. Don’t judge strictly - I wrote it in haste after watching old Porto matches. If it comes in, I’ll write every day. Thank you.

Mourinho on himself: “I like to test myself. When I started working with Porto, they had not won anything for many years. When he moved to Chelsea, he had not won the league for 50 years. Inter have not won the Champions League for 45 years. Challenges like these give me motivation...

In some cases, when a person has a strong dislike for you, he makes it clear, but often society forces him to hide his feelings. Hate is a complex emotion, and many times people will not hate you

, but rather your
. The following tips will help you determine if a person hates you and tell you how to act accordingly.


Sometimes the reason for feelings of hostility on the part of other people lies in the person himself. And if this is really the case, then you will have to do a lot of work on yourself. Sometimes hostility from others is useful. It is by analyzing the situation and thanks to criticism that you can change for the better.

Usually, team hostility is associated with the following reasons.

  1. A person with low self-esteem. He was most likely a victim of peer bullying as a child. Over time, a person grows up, such moments are forgotten. But fears remain in the subconscious, which lead to the fact that he begins to think that no one wants to communicate with him. Often such people expect a trick from their environment, and quite often they catch themselves thinking that someone hates them. Although these fears are unfounded.
  2. Victim status. A person believes that everything in his life is worse than that of others. The “victim” tends to take the communication and advice of people around him with hostility.
  3. A person with high demands on others. If he does not receive due attention and compliments from people, he tends to draw conclusions that he is disliked or his personal opinion is not respected.
  4. An obsessive person. People of this type tend to make acquaintances. They do not hesitate to ask an unfamiliar interlocutor about his personal life, hobbies and problems. They also like to tell a lot of personal things about themselves, even when the interlocutor was not interested in this information. Such an obsessive person likes to give advice, even if it is not asked for. And when kindness, sociability and openness are left unanswered, he gets the feeling that no one appreciates his wonderful character traits.
  5. Reluctance to take care of yourself. Despite the good character of the interlocutor, very often his sloppiness can be repulsive. And in this case, even a rich inner world and high intelligence do not save. But people of this type are often confident that those who are worthy will definitely see the wonderful qualities behind their appearance.


Read the signs

    Pay attention to the person's eyes.

    Many things that are considered too gross to be spoken are often conveyed through the eyes. In fact, some of our emotions are read by the size of our pupils, because this is something that people cannot control. If someone is uncomfortable talking to you, you can often tell by looking the person in the eye.

    Pay attention to extremes in behavior.

    Any heightened emotion can be a signal that something is wrong with your relationship. However, don't judge these emotions based on what is considered normal for you or your friends. Perhaps this person just always behaves this way. Look out for the following signs:

    Keep an eye out for differences.

    People behave differently depending on their attitude towards what they say or do. There are many subtle (and often unconscious) signals that can help determine when a person is reluctant to discuss certain topics or is not telling the truth. The basic idea of ​​a polygraph (lie detector) test is to look for tiny differences in how a person reacts when they tell the truth compared to when they lie. Even if you can't use equipment to track differences in someone's behavior, some simple clues can help you notice that a person hates you:

    Don't confuse hatred with other emotions.

    Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between feelings such as jealousy, shyness, fear and hatred. Here are some things to consider:

  • Is this person generally quiet and shy?
  • Do you hold some position or own something that this person would like to have and would make him jealous?
  • Do you sometimes act annoying and demanding? Could he be afraid of you or your reaction?
  • Notice how open he is to you.

    Of course, we are all different, and how much we share about our personal lives depends on the situation. However, if someone constantly hides information related to your joint affairs from you, most likely there is some kind of problem between you. Perhaps this is not hatred, but simple forgetfulness on his part, but it is still worth finding out why he is not frank with you. Here are some things that people usually share with each other:

  • everything related to joint projects at work;
  • information that will clearly help you do your job or become happier;

  • messages asking for something to be conveyed to you.

Recognize the Important Signs

  1. Don't take things personally.

    Observe the person to see if they are rude or uncaring to everyone they speak to. You may not be the problem and this is his normal behavior.

    Assess his overall behavior.

    If you've only met once or if he doesn't usually act like he doesn't like you, then it's probably a small thing. We all have bad days that make us rude and moody. To be sure if someone hates you, you have to look at their behavior over the long term rather than focusing on one or two isolated incidents.

    Don't confuse frivolity with hatred.

    This is especially true for people who don't know you very well and may not notice that their actions and words are hurting you deeply. Some people have great difficulty recognizing social cues and may not understand your negative reaction to their behavior. In addition, for many people, their words sometimes get ahead of their thoughts, and this causes them to often say things that they later regret. If you notice that a person says hurtful things to many people, most likely he has difficulties with behavior in society, and his actions are not related to hatred towards you specifically.

    Pay attention to sources of rumors.

    If you hear from another person that someone hates you, think about how reliable this information is. Ask why he thinks you are hated and determine how valid that reason is. If this person is known for gossiping and causing discord, he may be using his words to provoke your anxiety or may be trying to make things easier for someone else.

  2. Take a closer look at your own behavior.

    If a person who you think dislikes you only acts rudely when you do something specific, consider maybe he hates your
    and not
    . Here are some things that can irritate or anger people:

    • certain topics of conversation;
    • words or signs that a person finds offensive;

  3. humor that may seem inappropriate;
  4. requests to do or change something;
  5. the way you behave with other people, especially their close friends or loved ones;
  6. level of physical intimacy (for example, many people hug everyone they know, while others do this only with a select few. The person may be uncomfortable with the fact that you touch him often or, conversely, little).

Try to improve the relationship anyway

  1. Ask questions.

    If you notice that someone gets irritated or angry when you talk to them, try asking them kindly and gently what you are doing that upsets them. Letting the person know that you just want information rather than asking them to change their behavior will help you avoid conflict. If you don't want to confront him in person, a note or voicemail will give him time to think about his response instead of instinctively reacting defensively without solving the problem. Remember, even if your question sounds perfect and thoughtful, the person may snap back and there is nothing you can do about it. Here are some possible questions:

    • “You look depressed all the time, is there anything I can do to cheer you up or make things easier?”
    • “I feel like you treat me differently than everyone else, why is that?”

  2. “I thought you were angry when _______. Is there anything I can do to please you?”
  3. “Did I do something to make you angry? I feel that you are angry with me, but I don’t understand why.”
  4. Try to see things from this person's point of view.

    Think about how you would react if someone treated you the way you treat them. Consider options like these:

    • Could he feel like you're giving him an unfair workload?
    • Do you scold him more often than praise him?

  5. Do you disagree with many of the things he says? Even if you try to hide your disagreement, he may still realize it and not trust you.
  6. People who make you nervous are not worth your time. Whether a person hates you or not, if you cannot communicate with them in a manner that is acceptable to both of you, then it is in your best interest to forgive and forget.
  7. Don't create drama around whether the person hates you or not. Even if they hate you, you shouldn't worry about it. Other people around you, be it your friends, family or colleagues, will appreciate it if you keep drama to a minimum.
  8. If you can't agree with someone, your best option is probably to avoid them. Don't pester him to see if he hates you. Even if you try to fix the situation, you can add to your problems if it doesn't work out.

On the path of both a creative unit and entire creative battalions, a terrible beast inevitably rises - criticism.

And you won't do anything with her. I painted a picture in red tones - bullfighters came running to poke you with a sharp stick. I replaced red with green - the chopsticks were lowered, but rotten tomatoes were already flying from the other side. And there is no rest for the artist until the end of his days.

An ancient truth has been heard: you can’t please everyone. But to explain point by point what the truth no longer wants to do. Well, that’s why it’s ancient, and we’ll try to figure it out.

1. Here is a nut hanging on a palm tree. He is needed to survive. And under the palm tree there are primates: strong, weak, smart, stupid - different. Naturally, among them there is an alpha male who can climb a tree the fastest. This is his skill. But each of us subconsciously feels that if we climb first, stones will fly. Abandoned by those who remained below. If the male is strong, he will climb, if he is weak, he will fall down.

2. The logic of primates is this: “I can stand below and throw stones until there are no candidates. And then I will be able to deliver my plowshare to the nut.” This attitude towards any resource is ingrained in the blood: “You’re either dead or dead.”

3. Today there is a lot of food, but the palm tree remains. Now it is called “social capital”. The primate learned to be polite and helpful so that those around him would be polite and helpful. The higher the social capital, the more resources available.

4. Modern stone is criticism. Each critical attack breaks off a piece of social capital. As a result, the critic gains more power than the mother, the boss, and the president combined.

5. Social capital affects not only status, but also self-perception. The lower it is, the stronger the reflection: “Am I climbing the wrong palm tree? Will I be able to climb? Perhaps the thrown stones were supposed to teach me something? Do I even need this nut? Should I follow the fashionable trend to gnaw on bark?” The task of critics is to reduce social capital to zero so that a person drops out of the race for a resource: “I’m lying under a palm tree, looking at a nut, everything is fine, everyone is happy.”

6. What to do with all this? We need to change our attitude towards failures, and after this our attitude towards critics will change. The pilots will help us. They say: “Flight is a series of bad decisions, most of which can be corrected.” If we return to earth, this phrase will sound like this: “Only people who are maximally resistant to failure achieve the goals they set for themselves.”

7. “The desire for success” is one of the scams of modern society. Trade manipulation. Nobody teaches, “Before you get the nut, you will have all kinds of failures—that's life. And if you can stand it, the nut will be yours.” It's not fashionable, it doesn't sell. There is an endless amount of “Get a nut the first time”, “Seven ways to get a nut without getting off your butt”, “How to get a nut for those over thirty”, “List of primates who got a nut by the age of 25”.

8. This is instilled from childhood. Everyone is trying to look like the nut is already in their pocket. Look successful, not fail-proof. This feeds the beast called “The Critic.” Both external and internal. Not feeding a critic means not being afraid of your mistakes, admitting them, discussing them.

9. Success is the result of hundreds of attempts, not one super-thought-out blow. Failure-resistant ones are rare. They are the ones who become opinion leaders, legends, and make scientific and creative breakthroughs. It is they who, in the long term, collect the most nuts. Critics are an expensive attribute of those who fail. They should be proud.

10. In the right hands, criticism is a tool. It helps you work on mistakes, move towards goals, and learn analytical thinking. It is the fuel and indicator of social growth. You need to accept it, draw conclusions and ask for more.

Hello, new day... a day that again does not bode well, because again you have to go out, go to work, school or just to run errands. It seems that there is nothing unusual here, because all people live this way. It's just these same people who hate you.

Wherever you go, no matter what team you join, everywhere you are subjected to aggression, attacks and mockery. Of course, under such circumstances, every day literally turns into torture, because you constantly have to interact with people who are trying to harm you.

Signs of hatred

Is it possible to determine that colleagues are negatively disposed towards you? Experts have compiled a list of signs based on which we can conclude that you are disliked in your team.

  1. Most of your team's employees communicate with you only when necessary.
  2. Colleagues try to take credit for your successes.
  3. They don't notice your presence in the team.
  4. Colleagues are constantly trying to argue with you or create a conflict situation.
  5. No one from the team is interested in your personal life.
  6. You never participate in employee conversations.

Hate in educational institutions

Children tend to feel hatred towards another person if he is significantly different from the group of people. Most often, there is one student in an institute or school who becomes the center of ridicule. In class and groups, it is accepted that society should be a single whole, and students strive to be as similar to each other as possible.

If a “black sheep” appears in a team, then the people around him begin to feel angry towards him. It's easier to mock than to try to understand a person. In addition, at a young age it is very difficult to discuss the situation, since it is still unusual for children to interact correctly with others, because most often emotions take over.

In such a situation, true friends who will provide support and share your worldview can save you. It is not the best way out of the situation to make plans for revenge or to build retaliatory intrigues, since in this case you will only waste your nerves.

Who becomes the object of other people's hostility?

A man with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors very often finds himself in this position.
He is completely different from other men. At a time when in primitive society some men went hunting, while others remained in the cave to guard women and children, skin-visual boys simply did not survive, as they were considered unnecessary ballast. The psyche of such men is not intended for either the first or the second task. The visual vector gives a person special emotionality and sensuality, so that he becomes incapable of any violence. And whoever doesn’t work is eaten. This principle existed in primitive society. The hostility towards skin-visual men comes from there.

While all other men have formed their own clear specific role, the skin-visual boy is only now working on its formation in such areas as culture and art. Dancers, actors, theater and film performers, catwalk models—everywhere a man with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors is involved. Therefore, outside the context of the creative field of activity, other people may perceive him as a person without rank.

In cases where, for a number of reasons, psycho-sexual delays also arose in the childhood of a cutaneous-visual man, additional negative life scenarios are formed. Let's look at some of them.

Working team

Often people, visiting a psychologist, ask the question: “Why does everyone hate me at work?” In addition to the “black sheep syndrome,” hatred can be caused by feelings of envy. Let's say a new employee comes to the organization. He has excellent experience, is excellent at his job and often receives praise from management. And then his colleagues, dissatisfied with this state of affairs, begin to whisper behind his back and cast sidelong glances.

In this case, such behavior is caused by envy, so do not be surprised if soon the team starts gossiping about you and even tries to “set you up.” How to approach such a situation is up to you. Do not react to what is happening, continuing to work, or change your place of work to one where the team will be less envious.

Magic and conspiracies

To take cruel revenge on a person, many resort to magic. This method often has dire consequences for the offended and the offender. Magic provides many opportunities and ways to harm the offender.

Revenge with magic:

  • Conspiracy on the water.
    Used to bring adversity and problems into the home of the offender. During the conspiracy process, the address of the villain must be indicated.

    There are a huge number of conspiracies of this type. Basically, they are simple and do not require a special set of herbs or occult objects.

  • Rituals for deprivation of health.
    A voodoo doll is used. This method is relevant in cases where a beating has occurred or serious damage has been caused.

    If you perform the ritual incorrectly, you can harm not only your health, but also take your life.

  • Anti-talisman for a guy,
    who quit. Throw the charmed thing to the young man.

    As a result, things will worsen in your personal life. Anti-talismans are not very convenient to use: they are lost, given away, or thrown away.

Conspiracies worsen the situation in any area of ​​a person’s life: career, health, love.

It is impossible to figure out the complexities of conspiracies on your own, so they turn to specialists for help.

Important! The magical influence does not pass without a trace for the “customer”. Some of the adversity will affect the Avengers

Often, with the help of magic, betrayal is punished, beautifully arranging adversity and failure for the offender. The method is effective, but too dangerous for both parties.

Useful video

I was offended. Cruel and baseless. Hatred covers us like a black wave. I hurt so much that I want the offender to feel the same pain. I want him to learn his lesson and experience first-hand what it’s like to be unappreciated.

I am a good person and still want to take cruel revenge on my enemy! Questions involuntarily arise in my head: how to take revenge? How to do nasty things to your enemy? How to qualitatively and thoroughly harm a person you hate? What method of revenge is the most effective and will certainly defeat the hated enemy, and will elevate me to the pedestal of the winner?

The desire for revenge is great, and uncontrollably drives people to search for ways to take revenge. Finding answers to these questions now takes up most of my life. My head is constantly replaced by pleasant fantasies of my triumph, forcing the offender to fall to his knees in shame. How you want to play a dirty trick on someone unworthy of respect! I will take revenge and justice will be restored!

It most often does not matter to an offended person what form revenge will take: whether it is causing property damage or humiliating the offender’s personality, causing him physical injury or mental pain. Use the help of black and white magic with whispered conspiracies - or spoil a person using the latest technologies

It is important, in principle, to take revenge on the person who offended you. And, probably, then satisfaction will appear in the soul, peace and joy of life will return.

But is it? Is revenge really the only true way to achieve happiness and pleasure in life? Where does the desire to take revenge for unjustified expectations and unfulfilled hopes come from? And why do thoughts about how to harm a person come as if by themselves?

The answers to all these questions are in System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Hatred within the walls of your own home

Teenagers often complain to friends: “Everyone at home hates me.” What to do in this case? Unfortunately, money is a common cause of negativity and conflict in the home. There are often quarrels between spouses over the fact that one of them wastes a lot of money, which makes the child feel unnecessary and guilty. Some parents tend to reproach their children for providing for them, but they do not want to study well, etc.

Even when spouses separate, the division of material assets and even a child begins. You can always find a way out in such situations. But often the solution to such problems depends on the people themselves. It is important for a teenager to understand that his parents love him, and parents need to realize that their child needs attention. Frank conversation is the best way to solve a problem.

How to act more wisely?

If the offense inflicted on you is reversible - something of yours was damaged, a monetary debt was not returned, then you should simply start restoring the damage. Rest assured: karma will take care of the offender. Remember what happens to those leading a vendetta? A person who allows himself to treat others unfairly is digging a hole for himself into which he will one day have to fall. You don't even have to push it. So forgive him and forget him, you have more important things to do now: repair the damage done. You must respond as if the damage was caused by a natural disaster or bad weather. You don’t get offended by bad weather - you just take an umbrella.

If you have been offended, and strong feelings are seething within you, such as anger, rage, indignation, you become an easy target for manipulation. You can easily become a victim of a scammer, for example, who will sell you a pseudo-magical “spell”. how to punish a person for meanness , but he will replenish the wallet of the fake sorcerer (and significantly lighten yours).

In any situation, you should take care of your well-being. Harming someone is not in your best interests. Moreover, this creates the risk that they will want to harm you in return, and this will last indefinitely. Don't you have something more interesting to do?

Plato, in his dialogue “The State,” cited Socrates’ reasoning about justice. It is difficult to imagine a reader who has read it and then wants to take revenge on someone. This dialogue explains very simply that a person who commits a bad act is bad. And justice is doing good deeds. If you harm a bad person, it will make him even worse. Which means you will be unfair. Therefore, it would be fair not to do evil even to bad people, so that they do not become even worse from it.

Two frogs

You are so eager to judge the sins of others. Start with your own people, and you won’t reach others. (W. Shakespeare)

This quote says the same thing that Jesus says in the New Testament: you see the speck in someone else’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own. The point here is to focus on your development. In any situation, you should make efforts to become stronger yourself. Remember the parable about two frogs drowning in sour cream? One of them was offended by the whole world and drowned. The second one began to quickly move its paws, the sour cream turned into butter, and the frog was able to get free. If she had started making plans for revenge on the man who left the pot of sour cream open, nothing good would have come of it.

It's time to stop looking for someone to blame. It's time to become an adult. It's time for us all to grow up. It's time for us all to stop looking for someone to blame. This is the first sign of growing up - to stop looking for who is to blame. (I. Vyrypaev)

Transferring responsibility to another person is very easy, pleasant and convenient. But not everyone thinks about the consequences of this. The baby has no choice: he has no means of his own and is completely dependent on his parents; only they can buy him a toy or candy.

But as a person grows up, he must realize that more and more actions become available to him. Already, having discovered that there is no candy in your pocket, there is no need to angrily kick your mother’s shoe, as some children do. You can go to the store and buy yourself some candy with your salary.

When a person , already an adult, retains this childish mental mechanism that in case of trouble one must certainly take offense at someone, he may face a number of unpleasant consequences.

Hatred is the acquisitiveness of love. (E. Brodetsky)

According to this psychologist, even hatred is just our attempt to receive love. What can we say about resentment? Being offended, we try to demand some dividends from the offender.

A mother, reluctantly, can close her eyes to the whims of her child and still give him the desired treat. If, as an adult, he behaves this way at work, his boss may simply fire him. His colleagues won't understand him either.

If you're feeling left out, it's greener to simply speak out about how you feel. And if you were not heard, then quit and find a job with a more suitable psychological climate for you.

A lit candle will shine until it burns out and goes out. Our life is just as short, and it’s stupid to waste it on petty grievances . You yourself will suffer from them first of all . If you come up with a way to annoy someone who, in your opinion, is guilty, to frame him, the suffering will only become more, not less. Now, besides you, one more person will suffer. It makes more sense to think about how to make sure there is less suffering in the world.

Moreover, resentment can even lead to illness. But this is a topic for another article and on another topic.

Below are some practices that can benefit your mental state and spiritual well-being if you have been wronged:

  • prayer,
  • rune Evaz,
  • Forgiveness Sunday,
  • Ho'oponopono.


A good way to improve your life is prayer. If you spend at least an hour a day in prayer, gradually the grievances will begin to let go of you. “Thy will be done”, “Lord have mercy” - is it possible after such words to retain the selfish desire to harm someone, to hurt someone?

Runa Evaz

If you have found the courage to forgive your offenders and allow God to give them what they deserve, this rune will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future. You can draw it somewhere in your home, carry its image with you, or even get a tattoo with it. The less selfishness and resentment you have and the more steadfastness you have in resisting anger and outbursts of anger, the more benefits the Rune of Forgiveness will bring you.

Forgiveness Sunday

In the Christian tradition, there is a special day when forgiveness is given special attention - Forgiveness Sunday. It usually falls in February, the exact date varies from year to year. On this day, Christians not only forgive those with whom they were offended, but also ask for forgiveness from everyone around them. Everyone who has been offended, wittingly or unwittingly. When you ask for forgiveness, you understand that you yourself have offended someone, and this gives you a feeling of harmony in the world. You no longer feel undeservedly offended by someone, it becomes easier to forgive your offenders.


The famous esotericist Joe Vitale talks about the Hawaiian method of changing life for the better, which is called “Hooponopono”. According to him, a person who practiced it cured an entire psychiatric clinic simply by repeating a few words. Namely:

  • "I'm sorry",
  • "I love you",
  • "thank you".

Repeating these words, filling them with sincere repentance and love and addressing them to the patients, doctors and even the walls of the building, Hew Len ensured that the clinic was closed: there was no one to treat, everyone began to recover. Also, with the help of this technique, you can improve your health, and it can be performed completely unnoticed by others, repeating these words to yourself. Distance is not a hindrance for her either.

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