How to quit smoking? Ten tips from a psychologist

The problem of smoking has plagued society for many decades; it is difficult to resist this scourge. This addiction destroys relationships, harms health, and causes the birth of children with various pathologies.

Many books have been written and videos made that tell how to get rid of this vice. The most basic requirement is that the smoker himself wants to do it. Then the result will be maximum.

What to do when your boyfriend smokes and you try to dissuade him. Just the words “full” will not fill you up. You need to take drastic measures, how can you get rid of the problem of smoking in your society?

Why is it difficult to quit smoking on your own?

Each of the people who smoke has his own reasons why cigarettes have become a part of his life. Most people start smoking in their youth, usually to fit into a new life. Teenagers and young adults believe that a cigarette will bring fun, friendship, and understanding. But it only carries nicotine addiction.

A person continues to buy cigarettes and does not think about the fact that it is harmful. For what? After all, tobacco smoke already plays the role of a stimulant of the nervous system. Nicotine acts as a sedative, calms and relaxes. But the state of “euphoria” is temporary, and it does not help at all to solve the problems that caused nervous tension.

There are people who smoke out of boredom. They don’t know what to do with themselves while waiting for a vehicle at a bus stop, or while talking with a friend. While killing time with a cigarette, they kill themselves - with nicotine and poisons contained in tobacco smoke.

After some time, the smoker develops a characteristic cough and has heart problems. And this prompts some to think about how to quickly quit smoking on their own. However, nicotine has already firmly taken its place in their lives. The body has forgotten how to do without it and every day requires a new and new dose. This is nicotine addiction.

Why is it difficult to quit smoking forever on your own?

How to quit smoking yourself forever and not return to the “bad habit” again?

It would seem that the smoker himself understands the harm he causes to his health with cigarettes, and consciously decides to give up the “bad habit” forever... But after a while he returns to it again. So is it really possible to quit smoking on your own? Yes, but only if you look deep into the mechanism of addiction formation.

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Smoking as a ritual is when you add a cigarette to a cup of coffee, go out for smoke breaks during the working day, and take a puff of smoke after dinner. Therefore, in order to quit smoking yourself, you need to realize the presence of such rituals and get rid of them.

Cigarettes are also used as a remedy for stress and nervousness. How to quit smoking on your own if tobacco helps you cope with difficulties and adversity? It's an illusion. All nicotine does is make you spend money on cigarettes and ruin your health. A “bad habit” will not solve your problems at work, nor will it help improve relationships in your family. It will not make you more confident or successful.

Where to start? How to quit smoking at home? First, understand that you need to separate your life of problems and adversity from another powerful problem - nicotine addiction, which creates additional stress in a person's life.

How to quit smoking yourself and not return to the “bad habit” again?


There are a lot of modern ways to force your husband to quit smoking, so these include:

  • Patch. The products are sold in the pharmacy. Nicotine patches are designed for different wearing times. This is a real way to help you break the habit.
  • Chewing gum. It distracts a person from smoking.
  • Lollipops. Now pharmacies and stores sell special lollipops for those who quit the habit. They contain nicotine. It is important to pay attention to the sugar content in the composition. A large amount can harm the figure, teeth, skin and other human organs.
  • Nicotine tablets. The drugs relieve physical dependence, but psychological dependence may persist.
  • Encoding. Just one session will save your beloved husband from smoking forever. In this respect, a drinker differs little from a smoker.
  • Psychotherapist. Psychotherapy sessions help. They can be either paid or completely free. You can find free group sessions on social networks. The specialist knows exactly how to help a guy quit smoking.
  • E-Sigs. Recently, electronic cigarettes – vapes – have become very popular. Many experts claim that the products can relieve nicotine addiction and help maintain health.

When considering the question of how to get your husband to quit smoking, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will tell you about all the pros and cons of the methods and will be able to recommend the most effective ones.

It is recommended to talk to someone who has already successfully quit smoking. This could be a friend, acquaintance, relative, etc. He, like no one else, knows how to convince a person to quit smoking and could answer pressing questions. The support of a friend who was able to force himself not to smoke is very important.

Motivation to quit smoking cigarettes on your own

Answer three questions honestly:

  • Do you want to smoke for the rest of your life?
  • Why do you want to quit smoking on your own?
  • What will change in your life after you quit smoking?

There are usually no problems with the first two. A person understands that smoking is harmful to his health, and is ready to give up cigarettes forever in order to improve his health and change for the better. But not everyone understands what to expect after he was able to quit smoking on his own. What is usually given as an example:

  • after 30 minutes, blood pressure normalizes;
  • after 12 hours, the cells will receive their normal portion of oxygen;
  • in a day the oxygen supply to the heart and brain will return to normal;
  • on the 4th day the brightness of taste and smell will return;
  • after 5 days the bad breath will disappear;
  • after a week, the face will acquire a normal, healthy shade;
  • within a month the headache will stop, dizziness, cough and shortness of breath will disappear;
  • in a year the risk of stroke will decrease by 2 times;
  • after 5 years, the likelihood of lung cancer will decrease by 5 times.

However, not all of this is true. The very next day you will feel positive changes in your body! Once you realize this, you will be surprised how easy it really is to quit smoking on your own. Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" method has proven this - thousands of people have overcome this problem once and for all.

Never give up!

In conclusion, it must be said that if it was not possible to overcome a bad habit the first time, no matter how hard a man tried to quit smoking on his own at home, do not despair, because life gives many chances. You just need to think through your motivation again and start over, sooner or later everything will definitely work out!

When one person has a problem in a relationship, it usually becomes a problem for everyone. Especially when it comes to such an unpleasant thing as bad habits. But the mutual comfort of people, especially those living in marriage, directly depends on how the partner behaves - what to do if he does something that is unpleasant to the other? Then you need to try to come to mutual understanding - and try to help each other solve the problem. Especially if all parties are interested in this - both husband and wife.

So, a situation of this nature very often occurs - there is a young (or not so young) family in which the husband has an unpleasant habit - he actively smokes. What to do in such a situation? How can I help my husband quit smoking? First, it is necessary to motivate the husband to at least consider the option of giving up what bothers his wife - and harms his own health. Secondly, if you are really interested in this, you need to not just put all the efforts to quit smoking on your husband - you need to “push” him in the right direction and help him quit smoking.

How can a guy or girl quit smoking at home with the help of medications?

Pharmacological agents are in demand and available, because people continue to hope for a “magic pill”. Here's what pharmacies offer to help you quit smoking:

  1. Tablets (“Nicorette”, “Tabex”). They replace nicotine by stimulating the same receptors in the brain. It is believed that they help quit cigarettes. But in fact, only the “delivery service” of nicotine into the body is replaced. Or, in other words, they create an “overdose” effect, which, of course, can help you avoid putting cigarettes in your mouth.
  2. Chewing gum. Contains nicotine and acts similarly to tablets, quickly delivering a psychostimulant substance to the body, while maintaining dependence.
  3. Patch. As the manufacturers say, it helps you quit smoking because it reduces the number of cigarettes you smoke. The patch also contains nicotine.
  4. E-Sigs. Nicotine enters the body in the form of inhalation. These are the same cigarettes, only electronic. Nicotine addiction persists.

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Traditional methods on how to quit smoking yourself

How to help

To force and help your husband or boyfriend to get rid of the habit, you will have to be patient. At the initial stage, you can try to replace a bad habit with another, safe one.


  1. If your husband is used to taking a long time after eating or having sex, you should suggest that he do something else during this period - walk the dog, look at the stars, try to put him to bed as quickly as possible. The main thing is to switch attention, try to distract.
  2. In the case when a guy smokes during a break, to help him quit, you should offer to take a walk or watch a funny video on your smartphone.
  3. When the husband is used to starting the day with a cigarette, this habit can be replaced by the tradition of drinking coffee.
  4. If a guy likes to puff and drink at the same time, he will have to limit his alcohol intake and force him to avoid bars and other similar establishments. This will help a person quit drinking and smoking.

Speaking about how to force a person to quit smoking, at the initial stage you should convince your husband not to inhale while smoking. Let him hold the smoke in his mouth and release it. Of course, taking it does not bring a person much closer to a full healthy lifestyle. This is already a serious step taken towards refusal. The method significantly reduces the health risk of the smoker and helps change attitudes towards the habit.

It is worth temporarily getting rid of people who smoke, including loved ones. Don't know how to get your parents to quit smoking? You need to ask them not to take out cigarettes in the presence of their son and ask about their husband’s habits. Perhaps they can tell you how to convince your son to quit smoking.

Traditional methods on how to quit smoking yourself

Giving up a “bad habit” can be supported by some folk remedies. As a rule, detoxification measures, which free the body of accumulated toxins and wastes, help to quit smoking on your own. For this purpose, you can take a decoction of oats, millet, and rye. You can also use a decoction of medicinal herbs: plantain, nettle, calamus, echinacea, St. John's wort.

When you want to smoke, you can rinse your mouth with salt water. Or chew regular gum, suck a lollipop, or eat sunflower seeds.

For those who are determined to quit smoking forever on their own, the following tips will be useful:

  • do not be afraid to solve problems that cause nervousness and anxiety. When a person quits smoking, his body heals. More strength and energy appears that will allow you to solve any problem;
  • Don't change anything just because you quit smoking. Change for one reason - you want it;
  • there is no need to limit yourself to coffee or alcohol, or to communicate with friends who smoke;
  • remember that in the first days nicotine hunger will make itself felt. This manifests itself as normal hunger. Therefore, to avoid the risks associated with weight gain, do not snack between meals;
  • Remember that when you quit smoking, not only your body loses the habit, but also your brain. Therefore, do not be afraid of “crazy” thoughts. This is a normal process, these thoughts will soon disappear.

How to deal with physical and psychological addiction?

What is the motivation?

For a man to quit smoking, he needs motivation. Let's look at the main reasons that can be beneficial for giving up a bad habit:

  • Reducing the risk of dying from the consequences of smoking
    . Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that smokers live less than non-smokers by an average of ten years. This is associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which ultimately lead to disability or death. Smoking provokes cancer, so lung cancer is a common occurrence among smokers.
  • Quality sex life
    . A cigarette is the enemy of a stable erection, which is why the vast majority of smokers are dissatisfied with their intimate life. Conceiving a healthy child for tobacco lovers is practically reduced to zero. In addition, the spermogram in such people shows a low level of fertility.
  • Saving money.
    A significant portion of smokers' income goes towards buying cigarettes. The costs of maintaining an addiction also include trips to the dentist, cardiologist and other specialists who help eliminate the consequences of the bad habit.
  • Full life
    . A person who leads a healthy lifestyle perceives colors and smells better and can enjoy life without resorting to stimulants. He is less prone to depression, does not get irritated over trifles, and is more successful in his career and personal life. The absence of cigarettes for a smoker, as well as the ban on smoking, leads to irritation and provokes nervousness.

A man who can quit smoking on his own will be helped by realizing how rich his life will become and how strong his health will be without tobacco.

How to deal with physical and psychological addiction?

When should a girl or guy quit smoking on his own? Any time will do, the main thing is to make a firm decision. In the first few days, physical dependence will make itself felt when thoughts of smoking appear at the usual moments in life. Perhaps this will manifest itself as slight tension and some discomfort. But soon any symptoms will disappear. But on one condition: if at the same time you overcome the psychological dependence on nicotine.

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In order for a guy or girl to quit smoking himself or herself, you need to get rid of the psychological reasons that led to this “bad habit.” Understand that a cigarette is completely useless, so you don’t need to give up your usual rituals associated with cigarettes, and don’t even think about looking for a nicotine replacement. Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" helps to understand the motives of smokers and the difficulties that await them when trying to quit smoking.

Ten tips on how to easily quit smoking yourself

What happens to a man's body?

Some people who dream of leading a healthy lifestyle are afraid of the consequences associated with quitting tobacco. The first week will definitely be difficult. Dizziness, insomnia, decreased or sharp increase in appetite, and irritability may occur. Increasing nervousness, a feeling of constriction of the heart, increased blood pressure and other symptoms should not be a reason to procrastinate again.

The second week will be easier, but psychological dependence will be present.

  • By the end of the first month, restoration of the body at the cellular level will begin.
  • In the second month, the craving for cigarettes practically disappears.
  • The third month is marked by the absence of physical dependence, psychological cravings are significantly reduced.
  • A year after quitting tobacco, the risk of relapse is catastrophically small, but everything depends on the desires and needs of the person.

Ten tips on how to quit smoking easily and forever yourself

  1. Look at quitting cigarettes as a priceless gift to yourself. You give yourself a healthier and longer life.
  2. Don't think of quitting nicotine as losing something important. You rid yourself of harmful and unnecessary things, garbage.
  3. Quit smoking for yourself. Not because of an ultimatum from the wife/husband, not at the request of relatives, not for company. You are doing this only for yourself.
  4. Prepare motivating materials in advance that will help you. Always remember why smoking interfered with your life, why it bothered you. And every time you remember this, be glad that it is no longer there.
  5. Don't kid yourself that now is not the best time in your life to quit smoking. There will always be difficulties, there will always be problems and challenges that need to be solved. Cigarettes do not solve life's problems.
  6. Don't be afraid of gaining excess weight. If you do not replace cigarettes with food, but solve the psychological problems that led to smoking, you will not gain excess weight.
  7. Do not limit yourself in communicating with smokers, go for walks, relax. And watch people smoking. They are happy not because they smoke, but because they relax.
  8. Don't skip meals. The desire to smoke may hide ordinary hunger.
  9. Don't overwork yourself mentally or physically. This causes irritation and the need to stimulate the central nervous system, and you are used to doing this with the help of nicotine.

To speed up the cleansing of the body from the poison accumulated due to smoking cigarettes, try to drink more fluids. To relieve inflammation in the mouth, rinse it with a soda solution. A special indoor climate helps speed up the removal of phlegm: air temperature - up to 22 °C, humidity - 50%.

How to quit smoking for a girl or guy on your own and forever?

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