How not to lose faith in yourself when the whole world is against you

Everyone has difficult times in life. Especially when you are at a crossroads and you need to make the most difficult choice - to continue to fight or succumb to external circumstances and the general mood. It’s quite difficult to insist on your own when things are not going well at all, and those around you are twirling their fingers at your temple behind your back. When no one but you believes in the success of the business, and it seems that the whole world is against you.

However, this is not at all a reason to give up and abandon what was created and grown with such diligence. A few tips from Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, a self-employed entrepreneur, blogger and podcaster, reminded me that if you miss the ball once, you'll know how to prevent it the second time.


I decided to touch on this topic because I think that each of us has had such moments in our lives. Some resisted, while others gave in and quit. And now, perhaps, he’s biting his elbows because he didn’t endure it, didn’t push through, didn’t prove it.

According to inexorable statistics, which do not take into account miracles, the percentage of successful startups is negligible compared to failures. So let’s assume that this is a reminder to those who are desperate and ready to give up ;)

Way of thinking

Even small children know this - if you think that everything around you is bad, then it will be so. If you want to feel like a failure and good for nothing, then so be it. Moreover, if you especially diligently get used to the role, then those around you will believe it. And who wants to have serious affairs with losers?

Positive thinking is one of the components of success. Or at least faith in him. You build your own attitude towards yourself and what you do. In your head you create a whole world, which is then reflected by your own actions in reality.

What kind of world do you want to see around you?

Golden Age of Silver

The only forecast from Saxo Bank that seemed quite realistic to the experts interviewed by Izvestia was a significant increase in global demand for silver, and, therefore, in prices for this metal. Investment bank analysts believe that silver prices will go up to a greater extent due to the rapidly growing interest of many countries in “green energy”. And it is the demand for solar panels that use silver in their production that will create a real shortage in the market and, accordingly, cause a significant increase in prices.

In a conversation with Izvestia, senior analyst at BCS World of Investments Vitaly Gromadin explained that if gold is supported by investment, that is, more speculative demand, then its use in industry plays in favor of silver.

“Also, only a third of silver is mined from silver mines; it is mainly mined as a by-product when zinc, copper, and lead ore are lifted to the top,” the expert said. “Therefore, the growth potential for silver looks higher than for other precious metals. The risks, of course, are also higher, since the metal is more sensitive to economic cycles.”

How scary to live3

Photo: Global Look Press/


The people around you are also of great importance. And they are inextricably linked with your inner sense of yourself and your business. At such critical moments, try to surround yourself with optimistic and active people with a lively mind and wild imagination. Because sometimes even the craziest ideas eventually turn out to be quite tenacious and produce unexpected results.

Limited people, closed to dialogue with the world, put pressure on you, criticize you and do not let you go.

Look for mentors for yourself among those you would like to be like. Learn from them, collect the optimism you need bit by bit, and then, perhaps, you yourself will become an example for someone. And this charges you with optimism and energy even more!

Who has difficulty getting along with others

If a person is depressed by the lack of normal communication, it means that he has already identified this problem for himself and is looking for a solution. In this case, you cannot do without analyzing your own qualities. So who can’t count on shared love and acceptance? First of all, these are people who are fixated on the importance of their personality and do not want to be the first to make contact.

They are sure in advance that they will not be understood and try to prevent unnecessary worries about this. But other members of society often remain unattended. They are the ones who often worry that no one wants to communicate with them.

Articles on the topic

  • What to do if a work colleague is annoying: how to avoid confrontation


  • How to Ignore Someone Who Annoys You and Stay Calm


  • Primitive communication: how not to succumb to the pressure of a boor


  • An important step to success in life is effective communication.


Selfish people

Those who put their own interests above others, choose the topic of conversation based on their preferences, impose communication and do not listen to the opinions or statements of their interlocutors are unlikely to become the soul of society.

Melancholic people

Being constantly sad, always upset about something, they are not the best interlocutors. Tears that are ready to fall from your eyelashes at any moment are annoying. Anyone who decides to console them will be enveloped in an aura of quiet sadness. Melancholic people are not without good qualities - they are most often compassionate, empathetic people, ready to immediately respond to a call for help. It's not easy to change yourself. But if a melancholic person can control his emotions, the attitude towards him will change.

Skeptics and pessimists

Not everyone is ready to listen to cynical comments with or without reason. Anger and discontent emanate from eternally gloomy people. Those who strike up a conversation with a skeptic quickly lose their mood. Therefore, a pessimistic person should not expect the manifestation of joyful feelings from others. However, this is what happens.

Gossip lovers

Everyone tries to stay away from such people. After all, today they turn the life of one person inside out, and tomorrow of another. Is there any guarantee that they will leave someone alone and will not whisper behind their backs about the good and bad moments of his life, envy or judge.

Antisocial personalities

People whose behavior can hardly be called adequate are often left alone. Among them are patients with severe mental disorders, alcoholics, psychopaths, whose behavior can only partially reflect their true essence.

People with congenital or acquired defects

Many people worry a lot about their repulsive appearance or some other physical abnormality. They believe that for this reason it is almost impossible for them to make friends with someone or find a mate. However, there are many communities that organize communication and meetings for people with disabilities, pensioners, and those who cannot find friends on their own. This category includes people suffering from unpleasant body odor or bad breath. Nowadays many products are being produced that allow you to solve such problems and live a normal life.


Inspiration is another important and powerful factor. When we fade away, lose interest in the business, then the business fades away and those around you stop believing in it along with you. How can investors believe in the success of a business if you talk about it with a dull look? How can you believe in something that the creator himself does not believe in?!

Perhaps you need a little break. Read books, watch movies, attend conferences and interact with people who inspire you.

You never know where a new brilliant idea for your business will come to you - at the next smart conference or while contemplating the sunset.

Just a cry from the heart.

Almost all of us have to share living space with other people - with a spouse, children, parents, roommates. And they do not always share our view (and even more so, efforts) on order in the house. Sometimes they drive us to white heat and we, in our hearts, having previously called them ungrateful pigs, stop serving them (cook for yourself, wash, clean, that’s it, I’ve had enough, I’m off to take care of myself). I don’t know about you, but I very quickly return to the old ways - because it’s painful to see how your beloved house is turning into a branch of a pig farm before your eyes, and it’s even more painful to note that this still doesn’t bother anyone but me.

And all this is repeated cyclically: your enthusiasm, your heroic work, your fatigue, your irritation, your boiling point followed by a strike - and in a new circle.

This is terrifying. Is there any way to change this? You can, but, as always, you need to start with yourself. Before developing a new strategy for raising household members (by the way, how many of these strategies have you already tried to implement in life? How many of them were successful?), it is worth learning some postulates.

  • You can't change someone's behavior

You undoubtedly have a choice: you can ask, threaten, bribe, force, cry, complain, appeal to your conscience or to your mother, scream, shout, scream - but all this applies only to you. You can only fully control what you do yourself.

  • It's important to you, not them

It's a shame, but that's how it is. You are bursting with enthusiasm, you dream of floors that you can look at like in a mirror, of a five-course dinner, you are right now thinking about doing some spring cleaning or painting the fence. But your daughter is currently enthusiastically painting her nails, your son is fighting tanks, and your husband is generally sleeping. They are busy with other things, their priorities are different, and YOUR cleaning is the last thing that might interest them. And no interest means no action.

  • They don't do it to spite you

(There are exceptions, but this is a question of psychology or even psychiatry). Are you sure that your family members are in cahoots, at night the children sneak into the kitchen with malicious giggles to crumble bread on the floor and place dirty cups on the armrests of the chairs, and your husband, waiting for you to leave, happily throws his socks around the rooms (after holed and rolled into lumps)? Relax, it's your sick imagination. In fact, they either don’t notice the disorder at all, or it doesn’t bother them at all. Stop looking for evil intent where there is only laziness and sloppiness.

  • Sometimes it's better to be happy than right

If all you get from homework is anger and irritation, it's worth weighing what's more important to you: your peace of mind or perfect cleanliness. You are completely wrong to consider yourself a Negro on a plantation - in fact, no one is bondaging you. For some reason you think you have no choice, but you do have a choice - you can do 100% to 0% of the housework, to the extent that it allows you to not be stressed. Always remember that you decided to work yourself into a coma.

  • Passive-aggressive behavior doesn't work.

Making snide remarks (passive behavior) and throwing things (aggressive behavior) will only make you appear unreasonable, unrestrained, and childish.

  • Use words

Yes, yes, imagine for a moment that your household is able to understand human speech! This means you can explain to them what exactly you are doing and why. And you can even ask them to help (it’s better to define a specific task and a specific deadline). For children, help can be presented as a game, for example, cleaning upholstered furniture with foam. If you are tired of having to constantly remind yourself, write a list and silently point your finger at it when necessary.

  • Give them time

As I said, it's you who gets excited, not them. But the more your behavior is consistent and inevitable, the faster they will accept it.

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A clear goal or at least a clear direction is already half the success. You can't create anything if you don't have the whole picture. One common, big goal is good, but you must work out ways to achieve it, lay out steps to it. Gradually overcoming step by step, you can achieve results. Only the goal must be real. You must understand what you really want and what failure will cost you.

Anne struggled with anorexia for 14 years. Her main goal was to survive at any cost and start living a full life. Of course, my own life cannot be compared with “I want to build a successful business,” “move my business to another country with better conditions,” or “provide for myself in old age.”

You must really believe in your endeavors and clearly know what you want to achieve as a result. Even creating a simple application for photography or video shooting can help you earn enough money not only to provide a reliable rear in your old age or the opportunity to finance other projects, but also to serve greater goals - helping children, the disabled, etc.

What do we believe?

Another thing is what a person believes. I wrote this article based on the sermon of Anatoly Belonozhko, honorary doctor of theology and theology, bishop and simply a wonderful Christian. I express my deep gratitude to him for his kind words and valuable instructions.

Let's look at the levels of faith in ascending order: The easiest and most accessible faith is faith in God. “You believe that God is one: you do well; and the demons believe and tremble.” Almost everyone believes in God. Because it is easy and does not oblige a person to anything. For most people it is an abstract belief in an abstract God. When you ask a person if he believes in God, most people answer in the affirmative. Some answer “sometimes”, some answer “sometimes”, they often answer “yes, I believe in God and have always believed”, while holding a bottle of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, it may be that he even goes to church .

An easy but unreliable faith is faith in other people. Often people believe and hope in others, and are often left disappointed. Relying on others means abdicating responsibility. And a person must take responsibility for his life.

The strongest and most enduring faith is faith in the Word of God. A person who believes what is written in the Bible knows the right principles to live by. The word is the life core that always strengthens a person; it is a compass that always points to the right exit. It carries invaluable benefits.

Many people confuse religion with believing the Word of God. So, religion is when a person can go to church, can wear a cross, light candles, have several Bibles and even more icons at home; and at the same time continue to swear, gossip, lie, etc. Faith in the Word of God is when a person agrees with what is written in the Bible and wants to apply it in life. Such a person clearly sees the boundary between righteousness and sin. Gossip and deception disgust him, and love for people is a priority for him. The cross is in his heart.

The most effective and most difficult belief is belief in yourself. If a person does not believe in himself, then believing in everything else will not bring any benefit. After all, a compass will not help if a person is afraid to use it. On the contrary, self-confidence allows a person to create great achievements. People who believe in themselves, but do not believe in the Word of God, can achieve great success. Remember, for example, “The Tale of a Real Man.” The man believed in himself, and this belief in his capabilities accumulated desire and efforts that helped him. If a person does not have a compass, but he does not despair, but persistently looks for a way out of the forest (of course, he must have some knowledge and the desire to acquire it in order to get out), then he will definitely find a way out. Although, with a compass it would be easier.

A person is capable of a lot when he believes in himself. But much does not always mean right. To determine the level of a person, the level of his faith in himself, you need to look at where the person gives up. Where you accept failure, stop - this is you, how you see yourself in your own eyes. The most important assessment is your own. Therefore, faith in yourself is the most important faith. To gain faith in yourself, you need to get rid of doubts and fears that reduce self-esteem and thereby limit faith. You need to arm yourself with the right principles, believe in them, in their effectiveness, and, most importantly, believe that you can do everything, believe in yourself.

Then you will achieve success.

Tags: god, confidence, faith, religion, psychology


Fortitude is the fifth and final element. You should not give up, even if everything is against you, and in the short term you will be sucking paws for several months, or even more. At this time, it is difficult to do without the support of those closest to you and without their faith in your success. But if you insist on yours and believe, then they will believe too.

If you know that everything should work out, you must defend your point of view and your creation. Even if you have to slow down, don’t give up or retreat, but continue moving with smaller but confident steps.

These are five tips from a person who was on the verge of death (even if because of her stupidity), but she had the strength not only to overcome it, but also to move on, proving with her own example that the impossible only happens in our heads .

And a small note from my inner skeptic - sometimes a more sober look at things still won’t hurt, because if you lose your head, you’ll lose everything.

Amazon Tax Crash

Saxo Bank is confident that the flight of large companies, especially leading IT giants, to more comfortable tax jurisdictions will continue. As an example, they cite Amazon, which may decide to move its European headquarters to Cyprus, and lobbyists will “help” the country’s government rewrite tax laws in a way that will benefit Amazon.

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Capitalization of hundreds of billions of dollars in the absence of real income and negative cash flow can become a symptom of a general financial crisis

Saxo Bank believes that such behavior on the part of IT giants will cause serious dissatisfaction on the part of European regulators, and they will quickly force Cyprus to bring tax legislation into line with pan-European standards. Of course, this will hit the income of the conditional Amazon, and, as a result, the quotes of its securities. Therefore, Saxo Bank recommends selling shares of IT giants.

In a conversation with Izvestia, the chief tax consultant of the Tax Compliance law firm, Yulia Pavlova, said that in the current economic situation we should not be talking about “punishment” for tax residency, but just the opposite - after all, any tightening of tax policy will inevitably lead to an outflow of capital from the country's economy. Therefore, countries counting on a rapid recovery in the post-crisis period, on the contrary, should attract investors by easing their tax policy.

“Tax policy, in general, should be fair, the tax burden should be distributed depending on the economic benefits received. However, during the economic crisis, it is possible to create more attractive tax conditions for those sectors of the economy that can attract foreign capital,” noted Yulia Pavlova.

How scary to live2

The robot works at a furniture factory in Germany,

Photo: Global Look Press/Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB

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