How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife?

What does a man want to achieve?

Very often, jealousy leads to a break in relationships - the time comes when neither party can cope with grievances, stress, scandals. At the same time, harmless attempts to cause jealousy in most cases have a beneficial effect on family happiness.

It is important to decide what goals a man pursues by provoking his wife to jealousy.

Attract attention

The husband uses jealousy as a technique to attract attention when the wife has completely lost interest in him - she does not show signs of attention, does not reciprocate, and sometimes includes complete indifference.

To restore his former sympathy and passion, he demonstrates his attractiveness surrounded by other representatives of the fair sex. This encourages your spouse to begin to appreciate your strengths.

Feeling test

Some people want to make them jealous in order to test their partner’s love, because feelings of jealousy towards an indifferent person do not manifest themselves. Despite the fact that jealousy is not a sign of love, you will be able to understand for yourself whether she has feelings for you and how sincere they are. Even for the most persistent ladies who are not prone to jealousy, feelings of worry that their husband will leave for another will not go unnoticed.

Refresh your relationship

In almost all cases, relationships begin with ardent passion and love, which subside over time. They are replaced by routine and quiet everyday life. Those couples who know how to keep the flame alive in their relationship have a strong and long-lasting family. But for many, due to a lack of feelings, relationships end in breakup.

Strengthen feelings

A man who makes his wife jealous is adding wood to the fire, thereby stimulating his other half to constantly fight for him. This helps to enhance feelings. A woman's desire to be close to her lover will cause a response from a man. As a result, faded feelings and passion can be renewed with renewed vigor.


Women more often cause jealousy in their husbands, but such feelings in males and females are incomparable - they are completely different. To make his wife understand that her actions are unacceptable, the man tries to make her experience this.

A means of motivation

Typically, the husband uses methods to induce jealousy towards his wife, who has stopped looking after herself or paying attention to him.

An imaginary rival will force your wife to become better, look irresistible in your eyes and transform her appearance.

Restoring relationships

If the divorce was initiated by a woman who is dissatisfied with her family life, then the abandoned man is left alone with his grievance and suffers greatly. But what to do if his feelings for his ex have not faded away and you feel that she also still loves you. The only way out is to provoke your wife to jealousy.

How to make you afraid of losing your husband

There are many ways you can make her jealous enough to make her afraid of losing you. These methods are effective for both men.

If you want to make your wife jealous, remember the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Assess the situation soberly, do not go too far. You should also consider how strong your lover’s feelings are for you, since even the slightest intrigue and testing can further aggravate the situation - lead to divorce or the inability to restore the old relationship.

  1. Talk about another woman, for example, a colleague or acquaintance - about her successes, virtues, achievements, and also about how attractive she looks. Such harmless stories will cause unpleasant feelings in the wife. She may not show it, but after that she will try to do everything so that her husband admires only her.
  2. Stop appreciating everything your spouse does for you and become completely indifferent. Without a doubt, you should show signs of gratitude, but make it clear to your wife that ordinary breakfasts, dinners, order in the house and comfort are no longer important to you.
  3. Change your lifestyle. Take care of yourself - start going to the gym, change your image, go to the hairdresser. This will be especially effective if you have not previously paid attention to your appearance and style.
  4. Before going to work or on business, wear the best that you have in your wardrobe, wear good perfume, and shave thoroughly. In short, pretend that you are going on a date.
  5. Get out of her sight for a while. Don’t answer every call or text from your spouse—pretend you’re very busy. Call back after 2-3 hours, do not give specific answers to questions. Sometimes you can stay late at work.
  6. Refusal of intimacy is another alarming signal for the spouse. In this case, she may think that the reason for such a refusal could be problems at work or fatigue. To change her mind, try to disappear from home for a while without any explanation. This will make her interested and jealous.
  7. Checking your phone, smiling while reading SMS and immediately deleting them is another effective way to make your wife jealous. In this matter, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise your spouse will begin to rummage through the phone, re-read all SMS, mail, and check calls. Another reason for jealousy is communication on social networks. Periodically visit the pages of other women, look through their photos, leave harmless comments and likes.
  8. Be active in communicating with other ladies with whom your spouse communicates. It is better to show gestures of attention in the presence of your beloved. But try to avoid flirting; it will be enough for your wife that you show excessive attention and interest in them.
  9. Another effective and old method of making your wife jealous is wearing women's perfume or lipstick on a shirt. No wife will miss such things. You don’t need to come up with any excuses - just pretend that you don’t know how this happened or this was a random collision with a colleague or acquaintance.
  10. Buy a precious gift, but hide it from your wife in a place where she is sure to stumble upon it. Immediately after she discovers this item, take it and leave the house for a while. When you return home, sit for a while, and in the evening present it to your beloved. This will make her not only jealous, but also afraid of losing you.

Before resorting to such methods to make a woman jealous, take into account all the individual characteristics of your significant other.

Evaluate the strength of mutual affection to get the most positive outcome. If the relationship is shaky and close to breaking, there is no need to aggravate it.

What to do to make a husband afraid of losing his wife?

If it seems to you that your husband is no longer constantly afraid of losing his wife, you should not immediately blame him for indifference and lack of love.

The site will tell you one secret: in a marriage that is truly successful and based on deep trusting relationships, neither spouse ever experiences constant panic fear that he will be deceived and abandoned! In a happy marriage, a man does not have to constantly go out of his way to prove how good, loving and caring he is - just so that his wife doesn’t leave!

After all, in general, a family is a place where every person can relax and feel that they will never be abandoned!

Therefore, the most important advice on how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife is to show him that you need him, that you feel good with him, and that you accept him unconditionally - as he is!

For every man, this feeling of being needed, coziness, comfort and mutual understanding is the most important thing - what makes marriage worth saving! And a man really won’t want to lose such a loving wife!

Yes, this advice is quite banal and may seem too patriarchal to many women. But “accepting your husband unconditionally as he is” does not mean endlessly forgiving him for behavior that is unacceptable to you (for example, infidelity, drunkenness, etc.).

It's about when you really love a person and don't want to leave them. If in general you are satisfied with everything and you want to strengthen your marriage, then do not stage “cheap performances”: not a single marital union has ever benefited from “blackmail by leaving.” What does this mean - read on!

How to make your ex jealous

There are several effective methods to make your ex-girlfriend or spouse jealous.

Take care of your image

Put on a show. You don’t have to resort to drastic changes—get plastic surgery or dye your hair a different color. It’s enough to buy a couple of creative things, shoes, and sign up for a gym to lose or gain weight, if necessary. It won't hurt to have a beautiful and attractive hairstyle. And be sure to change the scent of your perfume.

Seeing you in this form, your ex-wife or girlfriend will simply be shocked. She will understand that after the breakup your life did not go downhill, but on the contrary, it became even better. This turn of events will make her jealous and want to get you back. If you also want to renew the relationship, you need to meet halfway and show gestures of attention.

Find another

The most effective method to feel the jealousy of your ex-wife or girlfriend is to start dating other representatives of the fair sex. It doesn't have to be a serious relationship. It's better to just flirt. It will help you get your loved one back if he really has feelings for you.

Seeing you attracted to someone else, your ex will immediately begin to show jealousy, and you will definitely notice it. The more often you date someone, especially in front of her, the more she will think about why not me, but another girl became number 1 for him.

Your task is not to enter into a relationship, and certainly not to bring communication to intimacy, but to let your beloved know that you are very popular, attractive and many women are simply crazy about you. In modern psychology this is called pre-selection. The more popularity you gain among the fair sex, the more it will grow in the eyes of girls. This is how our subconscious works. Therefore, feel free to gather your friends and go to the club to meet new people.

Be socially active

Social networks will be a good way to make your ex-wife or girlfriend jealous. Even after breaking up, be sure that she periodically visits your page. If you are not on her blacklist, you can use this tool and make her jealous.

Take more pictures with friends, other girls, show that your world is filled with interesting, exciting people, fun and diversity.

Remember: any actions towards your ex-wife or girlfriend must be carefully considered. In this matter, extreme caution is needed, since the result is not always expected.

And the wife is afraid of her husband

Option four, ordinary.

They are both average residents of the city, even of a metropolis. They plow like oxen and get home tired and angry. You have been married for a long time, and, as usual, out of hopelessness and fear of loneliness.

Almost like they’re yelling at each other, like they’re out of their minds:

- Stupid, why the hell did I marry you?! I knew you were stupid! -Have you seen yourself?! It’s not for nothing that my mother told me - he’s an idiot, don’t marry him, daughter, he won’t achieve anything in this life, he’ll only ruin your youth! So she was right! - Hate you! May you die! Let's go sleep.

- Let's go. And by the way, I hate you too, good night.

The role of a woman in a man's success

Sometimes such scandals are diluted with fights. But, everything is like with people. Are you saying that no one dreams of this? They still dream. When no one asks you to get married anymore.

Although, when we are fourteen years old, we buy our first sanitary pads, and, dreamily rolling our eyes, we imagine a prince who will one day come and take us away from such families. And we will live in love and harmony, in eternal spiritual harmony and mutual respect.

Are you saying that we are fools? Yeah, I agree one hundred percent here. Because it is possible to live in such a fairy tale, but it requires several years of hard work in the field of building your own family. But we spoil everything with our own hands. Or lack of life wisdom.

The work on the part of a woman is to close her mouth in time, even if she is tearing up the tower, as she wants to yell at her husband, to send him into unknown distances. Work means being with him and supporting him in difficult times, when, for example, he was laid off at work. And not to finish off someone who is down, so that he doesn’t start drinking out of hopelessness and grief. The work is to cook for him deliciously and from the heart, to make sure that in appearance he looks as if he had just been taken out of a box. It’s hard work to say kind words and tenderness to him, to kiss and hug him, even when you’re so sad that you want to go out into the yard and howl at the moon, hugging the yard dogs. The work is to make small gifts on minor dates, be it February 23 or International Men's Day. By the way, few women are even aware that such a holiday exists, and it takes place on November 5th. Did you congratulate yours? And I congratulated him, gave him a tiny piece of junk, and he was happy like a child.

Returning to what else a woman should do.

So, you have to work a lot, for the first couple of years, and then everything will become familiar, like water in the tap. And, most importantly, you should never refuse your husband. In general, take into account the rule - sex is not a reward for good behavior, not a method of punishment, and not a subject of bargaining.

Signs of girls who can only be used for sex

And in general, introduce sacred rules in the house - all disagreements remain outside the bedroom threshold, you should go to bed hugging each other, kissing each other good night. Never raise your voice at your husband and don’t let him do it, respect each other so much that you don’t even quarrel with him mentally. And, especially, don’t insult him, even in your head. Because love ends the moment you first called him a “goat”, mentally. Well, or another equally affectionate word.

And you can discuss the subject of the disagreement quietly and calmly. And, believe me, you will come to a mutual agreement in five minutes, and not in three days of quarrels and scandals.

Better praise him for every good deed he does. Hammered a nail? My good girl, you are my darling. Did you go to the grocery store? Oh, you are my breadwinner, my hardworking sun. Etc. Never reproach someone for mistakes. And, under no circumstances compare his failures with Vasya/Petya’s successes. Do not raise a loser husband with your own hands, because this is exactly what you will get in the end result. It’s better to praise him, and preferably in front of everyone.

What will you get after such diligent work? A wonderful husband who will help you on time, who will not forget to give you flowers, and who will pamper and cherish you, shower you with love, affection, gratitude, and, most importantly, respect.

Be sure that with such a wife, the husband will never notice another woman and the absence of competition is guaranteed to you a priori. Because there are very few truly wise women; everyone strives to snatch the steering wheel from the hands of their spouse. And they don’t understand the true meaning of the saying “The husband is the head, and the woman is the neck, where the neck goes, the head goes.”

Difficult? Fuck, how difficult. But don’t build a family for someone else, for your loved ones.

You can, of course, give a shit about all this and do as usual - yell, throw a slipper at him, give a bunch of arguments in favor of your own rightness, and, sooner or later, your husband will agree with it. It will just collect its treasures and merge with the horizon. Sometimes, in the arms of your best friend. But you will remain right in everything.

A man's view of modern relationships

And then... welcome, lonely stinking life. When you have to pay unrealistic money to some drunk to turn up the tap, endure the grins and mockery of neighbors, reproaches from parents, pain in the eyes of your own children, and loneliness on long winter evenings. The chance of a second marriage, especially a successful one, is equal to the chance of falling under the hooves of a blind horse in the yard of a high-rise building, but we don’t believe that. Because we are fucking beautiful, unique, unique, sweet, full of charm, etc., etc. And, of course, there will be a whole car and a small cart of people who want to raise our children from another man. Moreover, to educate with dignity.

This is what, in my understanding, means “let the wife fear her husband.” Because only a limited brain perceives such advice literally. There is a much deeper meaning here - to be afraid of losing, being left without him, the one who seemed to us the only one on the whole Earth on that day when we agreed to walk hand in hand with him for the rest of our lives.

And, by the way, for those who are not in the know... these words are taken out of context.

And the full text reads like this: “So let each of you love his wife as himself; but let the wife be afraid of her husband."

And Tolstoy said it even more beautifully.

“...Only for the first time did he clearly understand what he did not understand when, after the wedding, he led her out of the church. He realized that she was not only close to him, but that now he did not know where she ended and he began... At the first minute he experienced a feeling similar to what a person experiences when, having suddenly received a strong blow from behind, with annoyance and a desire for revenge turns around to find the culprit, and is convinced that it was he who accidentally hit himself, that there is no one to be angry with..."

Is this like slavery? In my opinion, nothing can be better than this.

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