card index of game therapy card index (junior, middle group)

Accept the child as he is

You can take a course of play therapy from a psychologist. He will choose an individual method for the child, taking into account all factors. However, the therapists themselves argue that games in which parents participate rather than strangers are more effective.

In addition, spending time together changes the relationship between children and parents for the better. Play therapy allows adults to “return” to a carefree childhood. This helps them better understand their child and return sincerity and naturalness to communication.

Where does the game start? First, you need to accept the child for who he is. That is, respect his wishes, do not force him into the game, create an atmosphere of fun, monitor the baby’s condition, and do not overload him emotionally.

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What's next? Many children like to draw. This is where you should start: depict a family, a home. This way you can recognize the child’s fears, worries, and psychological trauma. This does not even require special education. Parents should ask who the child drew, what kind of person he is, what he does, etc. - this way they will be able to get closer to their child, relieve him of worries, dispel suspicions and worries with their attention and care.

One of the simplest and at the same time effective is playing with dolls. Children call them after their relatives and friends. You can understand the child’s attitude towards a particular person or his behavior. When everything is good in the family, the toys will probably live together. If there are any troubles, the baby will take them into the game.

It is necessary to involve the child in a variety of games. He will definitely like something new, and he will see your responsible and reverent attitude towards him.

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