It won’t be boring: how to diversify the gray everyday life of family life

How to diversify the boring everyday life of family life?

“Mortal melancholy!”
– this is how you can describe your everyday life with your significant other in a nutshell. You have breakfast and dinner in silence. That's the way it is. The weekend program has been known since Monday and has not changed for years. Sex on schedule. Rarely and according to the same primitive scenario. Impromptu is not welcome. It seems there is no way out of the vicious circle? They searched badly! Everyday life eats up the lazy and incurious. If you are not one of them, then you are only a few steps away from an interesting and rich life together with your partner. We'll tell you how to get through this path faster.


It's time to break the deathly silence that has so inappropriately settled in your home. No one calls for empty chatter, which will instantly bore both of them. “How are you?”, “What’s new?”, “Were there any traffic jams?”, “Did you have to stand in line at the store?” – with such banal questions you will definitely discourage any desire to continue the dialogue. A cold exchange of pleasantries will negatively affect the weather in the house. Communication with loved ones should be lively. Don’t be afraid to tickle your interlocutor’s nerves by touching on sore topics: “How do you imagine our couple in 20 years?”, “Whose footsteps do you think our son will follow?”, “How did the first meeting with the new boss end?”, “ If there was a third day off, where would you and I go?”

Change the scenery

Young female colleagues sport stylish tight dresses. Bright, well-groomed beauties. Eye-catching. Having seen enough of this, how can one get used to the idea that a wife in a greasy robe is waiting in the kitchen at home? It's in vain to feel sorry for yourself! Believe me, your soulmate is also not happy to share a bed with a tired and irritated man, in whom nothing remains of the alpha male of five years ago. Be lenient with each other! Does not work? This means it’s time to change something around you if you can’t change yourself. Start with the environment:

  1. Stop by your wife's office. Arrange an impromptu date outside the family nest. Don't be surprised if you find a real beauty queen in your spouse's workplace. Yes, unexpectedly. But the woman at the stove and at the laptop looks completely different. It turns out that your chosen one follows fashion trends and knows how to dress with taste. She really makes a stunning impression on others. Exactly the same as your fellow ladies mentioned above. Seize the moment, admire your beloved and shower her with well-deserved compliments before the young promising chef takes her away right from under her nose.
  2. Visit your husband at the gym. “How can you lie idle. It’s sickening to watch!” - how many times have you branded with these offensive words a breadwinner who whiles away a Friday evening on the couch in front of the TV! But in a different setting, the spouse looks completely different. Visit your betrothed in the “rocking chair”, where he and his friends usually get in shape after working days. The eye rejoices at the sight of an amateur athlete with a barbell in his muscular hands, diligently mastering the stages of strength training.
  3. Spend your vacation not at the dacha. Believe me, road adventures, amazing landscapes, meeting interesting people will benefit your couple. In non-standard situations, a person whom you know “as if” will open up to you from a completely different side.
  4. Solve the housing problem. You don’t want to grow old in a dilapidated house. Act now, while you have the strength and desire to change something. The hassle associated with purchasing real estate and moving, a magnificent housewarming party will mark a new stage in the development of your relationship.

Variety of intimate life

Does your heart stop beating faster when you see your other half? Your intimate life definitely needs a reboot! Even couples with considerable experience can regain the feeling of the honeymoon. Test:

  1. Sex toys. Avoid specialty stores? Do you think you can cope without newfangled gadgets? But why not improve the quality of marital sex with the help of devices developed by professionals?
  2. Fresh images and poses. Role-playing games are designed to reveal each partner from a new, unexpected side. This is a win-win option that is guaranteed to diversify your married life. Invite your overly domineering wife to dress up in the seductive outfit of a helpful, modest nurse. Perhaps, at least this night, you will stop perceiving her as an arrogant general in a skirt. You should also not strive to turn every night of intimacy into strict adherence to an established ritual. A boring set of well-known exercises kills passion. Ardent attraction and monotony of poses are incompatible things. Offer bold experiments if you don’t want your bedmate to instantly fall asleep with his nose turned to the wall.
  3. Heart-to-heart conversations on intimate topics. Never discuss in advance “who’s on top” that night? Taboo topic? Strange! You are together precisely to give each other pleasure. Tell your partner frankly what you would really like. Don't be afraid to shock with flights of fancy. A little shake-up won't hurt either of you. Has your truck driver spouse gone on a business trip? This is not a reason to put a barn lock on your bedroom door. Feel free to call and make colorful plans for the next hot night together. Such conversations “without cuts” are a working way to diversify your relationship with your husband at a distance.

Pleasant surprises for no reason

Bring joy to each other. Give your partner a present on a weekday as an experiment. A custom-made airy cake in the shape of a heart pierced by an arrow will lift your loved one’s spirits and help relieve the burden of accumulated emotional fatigue. The initiator of the surprise will not lose either. Finding an original bouquet or preparing a “multi-story” salad according to a recipe from a popular blogger will relieve you of the obsessive thought that you have to go through another Groundhog Day. It definitely won't be boring!

If you have children, try to be alone more often

Long-awaited heirs sometimes become energy vampires. Many parents completely dissolve in their children, sacrificing their careers and personal lives for the sake of their child’s smile. However, relationships in a full-fledged family should be complex, multi-layered: when you decide to add, do not forget to leave room in your heart for your soulmate. Have you told your daughter a bedtime story? A wonderful bedtime ritual! All that’s left to do is figure out something to please your despondent spouse in the bedroom!

Play with the whole family

Team spirit and a sense of community will help overcome any crisis in problematic relationships. Couples who have mastered:

  1. Quests. Joint solving of highly complex problems and a breathtaking adventure will bring the participants of the original event closer together. Once you start, such a pastime will become a good family tradition.
  2. Board games. Checkers, chess, lotto, and intellectual quizzes allow you to fill family leisure time with new content. An excellent way to combat habitual loneliness in front of phone and computer screens! By competing in breadth of outlook, luck and intelligence, household members get a wonderful opportunity to express themselves, appreciate others and relieve emotional stress.

Joint hobbies

How to diversify family life with your husband? Offer to your companion:

  1. Do his favorite thing together. No matter how original and complex it may be, you can always support your significant other in some way. Be his model if he draws or takes photographs. Based on reviews on the Internet, draw up a regional map of mushroom places if he is an avid lover of quiet hunting. Now you don’t have to while away the time alone, as was the case previously, when the spouse went headlong into the world of his personal hobbies.
  2. Join your closed club of interests. You sew, knit, embroider and are sure that men don’t understand anything about it? Break stereotypes. Hand your companion the knitting needles and show them how to use them. He definitely won’t want to give in to your ability to alternate knit stitches with purl stitches. A “training” scarf, knitted with four hands, will warm the soul of both.
  3. Master the basics of fashion hobby together. Take a master class on clay sculpting, wicker weaving, or growing exotic plants at home. By combining business with pleasure, you may be able to turn your hobby into a family business. So, without being separated day or night, you will discover bright prospects for personal growth with the support of your partner.

Remember: you were created to love, not to nag.

A partner who is always dissatisfied with something does not evoke positive emotions, especially if reasons for dissatisfaction are found every day. Do you nag your significant other all the time? Believe me, she didn't deserve it. This is not your child, this is your chosen one, you don’t need to raise him. You can't tell him how to behave all the time. Otherwise, he will simply get tired of you and run away. If you are not satisfied with something, of course, there is no need to remain silent. But have a heart-to-heart talk with him, tell him about what worries you and why. You will be able to find a solution to the problem. Perhaps your partner is not even aware of your attitude to this or that situation.

What extremes should you not go to?

Don't suffocate your chosen one with love! It's cruel. He should feel at ease and comfortable with you, otherwise he shouldn’t have started living under the same roof. Do not unnecessarily violate the boundaries of personal space, do not buy cheap authority with countless gifts. Boring, clinginess, predictability are the enemies of healthy relationships. Keep your distance and don’t hang yourself every five minutes so that your companion doesn’t perceive the house as a prison from which he is being pulled to freedom.

Obsessiveness in communication

“Who called you?”, “What did your mother say about our car?”, “What are you thinking about now?” – leave your soulmate alone for a while! Pay attention at what moments your partner seeks privacy. Troubles at work, quarrels with parents, car breakdown - in some situations, even your sympathy will be interpreted as shameless interference. Do not invade the perimeter of personal space further than your loved one allows. Otherwise, your attempts to get closer will resemble the siege of an impregnable fortress.

Don't try to please everywhere

A spoiled partner will quickly sit on the “benefactor”’s neck. The chosen one will naively believe that it gives you special pleasure to fulfill all his whims completely free of charge. Don't expect any "bonuses" as a reward. If one person is comfortable in a relationship, the other will sooner or later feel like a victim. Do you want to avoid an offensive fate? Fight for equality: if someone cooks deliciously, then another should wash the dishes clean.

Too frequent surprises can become boring

Today a bouquet of scarlet roses, tomorrow - of white ones. Homemade cakes and Peking duck upon request. Holiday every day? Not enough money. And strength. In addition, a feeling of satiety will spoil the planned effect of endless surprises. Know your limits! Focus on quality over quantity. One ticket to a concert of your favorite artist will bring much more joy to the recipient than several banal boxes of chocolates.

Start over

When was the last time you talked not about family matters or work, but about music, about love, about your thoughts. For a long time? Start with communication, with communication not as parents or experienced spouses, but as two people who want to get to know each other. Tell your husband what you dream about, about your emotions, about your impressions of the movie you watched. Be interested in his life, not his work, but what he is living now. Have a heart-to-heart talk.

Remember why you fell in love with your spouse, what you liked so much about him. Give him the opportunity to show these qualities and be the one you were so in love with. Remember how you met, ask him what he liked most about you then. Discuss the very beginning of the relationship, what did you both like: dinner together at home, watching a movie before bed, evening tea? Do it as before.

See off and greet your husband with a smile

Let this become your ritual. No matter how early your spouse leaves for work, get up, make him breakfast and send him off with a kiss and a smile. And how nice it will be for him to return home to see his wife smiling in a good mood, and not a grumpy and dissatisfied woman.

Make surprises

Please your beloved husband with something he will like. Cook him breakfast, bake him a pie for dinner, or buy him some little thing that would remind him of your love. Be sure to emphasize that you thought about him and decided to please him. Just. And how surprised he will be to find a love note from you in his jacket pocket. Believe me, he will wait for the evening to return home as soon as possible. Cute, loving or frank SMS are welcome.

Relaxing in nature brings you closer together and lifts your spirits

What better way than a vacation to diversify your life together, but on condition that you are alone. In winter, you can go to the forest, just take a walk or have a small home photo shoot, you can build a snowman or go sledding. Or you can give a man a chance to feel like a real hunter by having a snowball fight. In this case, you can attack him with the whole family. He will have enough strength to cope with you, but he will also add confidence and lift your spirits.

If the weather is warm, you can have a picnic. Meet him from work and immediately go to nature. This is romance, and relaxation, and relieving fatigue, and variety in the gray everyday life. Mushroom picking is a good way to improve your mood. You can arrange a whole family competition to see who can collect, knock down, or find the most mushrooms. It is not at all necessary to eat them.

The bedroom is a place where fantasies come true

In family life there is more consistency than variety. And even if such an important aspect of family life as intimate intimacy takes place exclusively in the missionary position, then after a while you simply don’t want to do it. Try at least once a week to send the children to grandma and have a romantic evening for you. Just don't overfeed him! Choose light but filling dishes, such as fish. Then watch light erotic films (for example, "Color of Night" with Bruce Willis). Show your imagination and make everything you secretly dream of come true!

These are just a few ideas on how to diversify and make family life more interesting. Many of them are not at all difficult to implement, but with such an idea, a man will never get bored and will not want to look for adventures on the side.

Switch roles

Tip number two - alternate between “children” and “adults” in your relationship. In everything that does not concern fundamentally important issues, one can and should be “children.” Don't take everyday issues too seriously. But we shouldn’t forget about them completely.

Respect your partner, learn to love him for who he is, do not neglect his opinions and desires, be attentive to his requests. And then, with the mutual fulfillment of these points, you are guaranteed an ideal family that your children, grandchildren and acquaintances will look up to.

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