3 Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Disciplined


27 November 2020, 16:16

  • Why does the question of self-discipline arise?
  • How to develop self-discipline?
  • Daily regime
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Planning
  • Finally
  • The word “discipline” is familiar from childhood, when at school people were punished for violating it. It would seem that with the end of school it should disappear from life, but no, it reminds of itself again. It turns out that the teachers were not mistaken when they demanded discipline.

    Don't push yourself into strict limits

    The popular myth that organized people are hyper-organized is just that: a myth. How to dress, how to organize your workspace, where to store things and papers - it depends on you and nothing more. If you are a more creative person, you have every right to have a little chaos around you, but you shouldn’t see this as a bad sign. It's important to feel comfortable!

    How to develop self-discipline?

    Self-discipline is not an innate human quality ; it can be developed to certain limits. Self-discipline includes limits, control, adherence to rules and plans. It's not as hard and boring as it might seem at first glance. By following the plans and deadlines, a person achieves success. Isn't this a motive for further achievements? The most important thing is that it becomes clear why the efforts were crowned with victory.

    Self-discipline helps you get rid of bad habits and make your day more productive. Through self-discipline, useful skills are formed. This takes time and patience.

    Often imagine the result that will come from following the established rules

    If you want to play the guitar well and delight your friends with new songs, then imagine their smiles and praise after your performance. Nice? Then let's get to work!


    Daily regime

    The formation of self-discipline begins with small victories . The daily routine helps to increase its level. Start by setting clear sleep boundaries . For example, go to bed at 23-30, get up at 6-30. For the first month, do not allow yourself to sleep for a long time, even on weekends. Only when a habit has formed can you allow yourself to relax once a week and create a weekend routine for yourself.

    Healthy lifestyle

    You should join a healthy lifestyle . Start with ten minutes of morning exercise. You shouldn’t immediately go for an hour-long morning jog. It's easier to get up ten minutes earlier than an hour earlier. And the muscles won't hurt as much. After a month, extend the charge for five minutes. Add to this a contrast shower, exclude buns and sweets.


    Start making a plan for the day , week, and marking what you have accomplished. The plan disciplines. It can be flexible. You can replace some things with others if necessary. It is only important that things are replaced with activities, and not with rest.


    Let's summarize. To develop discipline, you need to:

    • follow a daily routine:
    • get daily physical activity;
    • draw up a plan and monitor its implementation.

    If you set a goal to increase self-discipline, then be consistent and persistent . Remember that actions repeated daily become habits. It will only be difficult at first. In the future, they are performed easily and naturally.

    Concentration and composure are promoted by meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga.

    It is a mistake to think that disciplined people deprive themselves of pleasure. For them, life itself gradually becomes a pleasure. This costs much more than those pleasures for which you have to pay with health, poverty and collapse in your personal life.

    Tip #5. Learning to delegate authority.

    Why do you need to delegate authority?
    Delegation involves the distribution of responsibilities among several individuals. But this does not mean that all the tasks you have planned should be done by someone else. This principle is effective when a group of people receives a task. For example, team work in pairs. Here it is advisable to distribute questions or tasks to speed up the process of preparing for the seminar, etc.

    Discipline. "Must"

    What to do when there is no desire to do something, but it must be done? Maybe you need some extra motivation? The American comedian George Carlin expressed this beautifully:

    No, you need discipline! We all, one way or another, learn it, starting from childhood. The daily routine was instilled by parents (“brush your teeth in the morning,” “wash your hands after going outside”) and was an integral part of being in kindergarten.

    For 10 or 11 years, each of us went to school and faced school discipline, when we had to force ourselves (let's be honest!) to get up at seven in the morning in order to be on time for the first lesson by eight. Learning lessons was 99% of the “necessary” stuff. The motivation, perhaps, was when I really liked a particular subject. And it was external when parents promised rewards for good grades in the quarter.

    If at school discipline was maintained mainly “from the outside” (even in high school), then in universities it was exclusively about a person’s self-discipline - attending lectures and practical classes, writing coursework and doing a lot of other academic work. All for the sake of obtaining the coveted diploma. Another thing is that for some it is just a piece of paper, while for others it is a ticket to professional heights.

    What awaits us after graduating from university? That's right - WORK! Everyone has probably heard the expression “labor discipline” (the beginning and end of the working day, lunch break), but few (yes, no one) have heard of “labor motivation”.

    A person can be disciplined only externally, because social pressure is exerted on him: if external control is lost, he will be left to his own devices and, most likely, will begin to behave chaotically in life in general or in its individual spheres.

    If a person has a mindset of discipline, he will act equally effectively and achieve his goals regardless of external circumstances.

    Discipline seems to have all the benefits, but it also has its dark sides. There is often a significant difference between the prescribed discipline in a particular organization and the internal attitudes of a person. Let's take an extremely harsh example: military operations, where you need to kill the enemy in order not to be killed, and the conviction of a particular soldier that killing is wrong. The American film “Hacksaw Ridge” is dedicated to this paradox.

    A person’s discipline, under external influence, can degenerate into unconditional faith in the authority of a person, organization, ideology, etc. An example here is the experiment called “The Third Wave”, conducted in 1967 in the USA. School teacher Ron Jones spent a week teaching his class how to understand the behavior of the German people in the ideology of National Socialism.

    It is noteworthy that on the first day the teacher clearly explained to the students the power of discipline. He encouraged the students to sit at attention because this way the learning process goes better. After this, the children stood up several times and then sat down in a new position. They also left the audience several times, quietly came back and took their seats. The whole class really liked this “game”, and they obeyed the teacher unquestioningly - even those who had not previously shown much interest in studying.

    On the second day, the guys chanted “Strength in discipline, strength in community”...

    By the end of the week, the climax came: there were about two hundred students in the audience, and the teacher admitted that there was no “Third Wave” movement. Thus, he showed how dangerous submission to false authorities is, even if it is “involved” in discipline.

    Books about discipline

    Unlike motivational literature, specialized books are not presented in such quantity, however, there are bestsellers here too:

    1. Neil Fiore "The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating."
    2. Dan Kennedy: Tight Time Management. Take control of your life."
    3. Eric Bertrand Larssen “Without self-pity. Push your limits."
    4. Caroline Arnold "Micro-Decisions"
    5. Vladimir Yakuba “Self-discipline 2.0. How not to sleep through your life."

    Tip #8. Motivation and relaxation.

    Regardless of the level of complexity and priority of the tasks set for himself, the performer must reward himself for achievements and fulfillment of plans. This will give you both motivation and pleasure from what you do. Carrying out an assignment with the anticipation of “victory and reward” is more pleasant and faster than under pressure and pressure, reprimands and comments.

    We reward ourselves for certain achievements

    Don’t forget about rest, which will help replenish your strength and energy for further achievements. There should be everything in moderation: both work and rest.

    Staying organized is not an easy task and requires constant work on yourself. Acquiring this skill increases the level of professional and general training of an individual, making him more attractive and successful in the eyes of others.

    Tip #2. We make a “rating” of cases: we set priorities.

    It is important to set priorities correctly: highlight the primary (most important) things, and then the secondary ones. In the rating of tasks, it is necessary to mark those that must be completed, as well as those that can be temporarily abandoned or postponed.

    We rank things by importance

    The first thing you need to do is throw all your energy into solving important matters, difficult tasks. You need to switch from one task to another only as you complete the first one. Don't quit halfway through.

    The character of the parents is very important for strengthening the character of the child.

    Another group of rules related to the need to teach a child to discipline relates directly to parents, their perseverance and willpower. You shouldn’t consider your baby as your opponent, but you shouldn’t disrespect yourself or show weakness and softness either. You must remain true to your convictions, despite his whims, or all efforts to develop discipline will go to waste. To do this, it doesn’t hurt to remember the following:

    • There should be no exceptions to the rules, or they should be minimal, justified and explained. Especially if the child is still quite small. With teenagers, you can already discuss controversial situations and the possibility, somewhere, in some circumstances, of giving up your principles a little. But children under the age of 10-12 will simply sit on your neck if you are inconsistent in your actions. Therefore, if you say that you can only cross the road when the traffic light is green, then in the presence of a child you should under no circumstances cross it when the traffic light is red or even orange. If you say that you can’t eat dry food, then your child shouldn’t see you on the sofa with a sandwich in your hand.
    • Misdeeds must be followed by punishment. This means that, firstly, you should not shy away or let everything go if the child consciously goes against the established system of rules. You must accept this challenge and withstand it, no matter what the cost, or you will not be able to count on authority in the eyes of your child. And secondly, you should not ignore disobedience simply because you feel sorry for it, or you are lazy, or you are tired and you want to rest. Another thing is that the punishment should not be excessively harsh, but it still should be.
    • Try to control your emotions. This can be very difficult, and sometimes you just want to yell at the child or hit him in the bottom, but you can’t do this. This is not constructive and will not teach him discipline - moreover, it will make him doubt its significance. If you are very angry and angry, then you can verbalize it. It is better to tell your child that you are upset about something he has done, than to yell at him and ruin his peace of mind and self-esteem with dirt.

    Tip #1. Write down your thoughts and upcoming tasks.

    Due to the large amount of information and parallel execution of several tasks, a person can get confused in his own judgments and actions, forget important points and nuances. Such violations and errors may result in administrative, disciplinary or other punishment.

    We plan our affairs, create a list

    It is very difficult to keep everything in your head. Therefore, you can simplify this process by keeping simple records. This method is effective and applicable everywhere: when organizing the educational process, at work, when going to the store, etc.

    Tip #6. We only keep what is necessary and useful.

    Organization should be manifested everywhere and in everything. You shouldn’t waste time cleaning and sorting things, objects, responsibilities, etc. Always maintain order at home, then you will know what is where, and if necessary, finding the right item will take a few minutes.

    It’s the same in the head. It is important to keep only what is necessary and important with you. Don’t clutter your mind with advertising, useless statements, etc. Train your memory, thinking, sort information.

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