How to overcome writer's block: four ways to tame inspiration

Hunting for the treasures hidden within us is what creative life is all about.
Elizabeth Gilbert "Big Magic"

Do you know the feeling when you can’t tear yourself away from work for hours, forgetting about everything in the world? That feeling when great ideas are just bursting out of your head? In this state, day is confused with night, and the day is measured not by hours, but by cups of coffee drunk.

If so, then you are probably familiar with the opposite feeling - the feeling of a ringing emptiness in your head, an irritating blank monitor screen, silent numbness and approaching panic at the sound of the terrible word “deadline”. If you understand what I mean, there is no doubt: you are a person in a creative profession.

Every blogger, writer, copywriter, designer or marketer knows firsthand what a languid wait for inspiration, a timid groping in the darkness of consciousness for a worthwhile thought and painful procrastination are.

If you recognize yourself, read this article carefully, or even better, immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice. This will allow you to forget about creative crises, find lost inspiration and always deliver projects on time.

To find inspiration, realize all your creative ideas and turn your hobby into a business, you can use this >>>

What is the life of a creative person: blindly following inspiration or hard work? What role does inspiration play in the life of a creator? And most importantly, where can you find this inspiration?

Let's figure it out together.

Where to look for inspiration and Muse

The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that certain spirits (or “geniuses”) favored creators, accompanying them in their creative endeavors. Writers and poets for centuries have placed high hopes on the Muse, expecting her to appear to them and bestow inspiration.

But, unlike the great creators of past centuries, we live in a completely different world and cannot afford to wait for inspiration to descend on us or for the Muse to visit us.

And in fact, should the whims of spirits, geniuses and Muses influence our work? After all, today a creative person is bound by deadlines and obligations: a designer is in a hurry to finish a layout before the start of an advertising campaign, a writer is finishing a manuscript on time, according to the contract with the publishing house, bloggers and copywriters are strictly following the content plan.

And you sit for hours in front of a dim monitor, unable to even begin! What to do if masterpieces are not created, but there is no inspiration, work is not progressing, and the supply of creative ideas has dried up?

How to find inspiration for creativity?

You are not alone! The same questions are asked by all people who have once set foot on the creative path: both those who take the first timid steps, and the most talented, successful and recognized writers and artists - they all never cease to reflect on the nature of inspiration and the role of the creator in the creative process.

Today I want to tell you about Elizabeth Gilbert’s book “Big Magic. Creativity without fear”, in which the writer discusses the nature of creativity and inspiration, and also shares her experience and tells how to overcome a creative crisis.

Why, among the great variety of motivational books, should you choose this one and spend your time on it? For me the answer is simple. When the author of my favorites “Eat, Pray, Love” and “City of Women” admits that she also experienced fears, also lost ideas, also doubted, also looked for inspiration, and then takes me by the hand and leads me to creativity, helping me cope with negative thoughts and allow yourself to create - I go with her. And today I invite you with me.

The book is captivating because it does not contain a drop of edification and so-called, popular today, expertise. I got the impression that Elizabeth and I were chatting in the kitchen over a cup of tea: she told me a million funny and sad, inspiring and inspiring stories that I will remember more than once in moments of creative crisis.

By the way, after reading the book, I found Elizabeth Gilbert on Instagram, and she turned out to be exactly what I imagined her to be!

In this article, we will look at four ways to overcome creative block and tame inspiration so that you can start creating without fear and stress - only for pleasure!

But first, add a mini-book on wish fulfillment from Elizaveta Volkova to your treasure chest. From it you will learn how to become the Creator of your reality and write your own unique life script.

Get distracted

This method will help restore the spirit of those who feel that they have worked too hard. People associated with business cease to perceive anything other than calculations of income and expenses . The corridor of perception narrows greatly, and many interesting ideas and opportunities pass by.

A short-term change of activity will allow you to distract yourself, relax, and begin to see the world in all its diversity. Anything you like or liked before, when you weren’t so focused on work, will do. Favorite music, sports, comedy programs, light TV series, romance novels or detective stories with a primitive plot.

And don’t think that you are now sharply degrading if you are distracted from constant development. A couple of days of rest won’t hurt, and inspiration will definitely return to your empty head.

Method number 1. Don't wait for inspiration, start without it

In her book, Elizabeth Gilbert told the story of the poet Ruth Stone, who was “a clear channel for divine inspiration”: poems flew into her almost every day, like a rocket, ready-made, and she only had time to write them down. But this example is rather an exception that confirms the rule. And the rule is this: we ourselves
are the creators of our inspiration

I'll be honest: most of my literary life does not look like the creepy, from the past, reminiscent of voodoo shamanism, Big Magic. Basically it consists of unattractive, disciplined labor. I sit at my desk and work like a peasant, that's how it's done. Fairies don't usually sprinkle magic powder on me.

The truth is that neither inspiration, nor Muses, nor geniuses magically put into our heads what is not there. They just add a little lightness and excitement to our creativity.

If inspiration doesn't come, remind yourself that you are a talented person, whether it's a writer, a designer, or someone else, and your talent doesn't depend on fleeting fortunes. And then just start working, because you already have everything you need to create. Listen to yourself - you already know what needs to be done.

Don't forget that in moments of creative crisis, like any other, it is very important to control your thoughts. Of course, when inspiration leaves you, it is very easy to slip into negativity and fall into the grip of destructive attitudes that you are not worthy or talented. This state is familiar to every creative person. But don't let such thoughts control you!

“You shouldn’t wait for
inspiration , you have to chase it with a club,” said
Jack London.
And Stephen King, author of 60 novels and more than 200 short stories, writes: “Those who have no experience wait for inspiration, the rest just get up and go to work
. Think about it, would these people be able to create so many talented works if they waited for inspiration to visit them every time?

Just as appetite comes while eating, inspiration comes while working. Don't wait for things to happen a certain way, just sit down and work. So, little by little, little by little, little by little, more and more new ideas for creativity will begin to come to you. The main thing is to try to mentally immerse yourself in a state of inspiration, and it will not keep you waiting.

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Immerse yourself in the stories of leaders

Emotional burnout, lack of self-confidence, feelings of helplessness - all this can be treated with books and videos that can motivate you. Studying other people's success stories in business, politics, family life, we experience the emotions of people who were able to achieve victory, no matter what. And we are infected by their enthusiasm. Live meetings and communication with successful leaders in your field of interest are even more effective If there is no possibility of a personal meeting, read real stories about rich people who achieved everything themselves.

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Method number 2. Accept ideas with respect

An idea for a creative person is Willy Wonka's golden ticket, opening a secret door to unknown worlds. There will be a new idea - there will be a new project, a new book, a new masterpiece... They are waiting for ideas, they are hunted for them, they fight for them, they are stolen.

Ideas are the main currency of the creative world. But the problem is that no one knows exactly how an idea gets into our head - in what way. When she comes? Will he come? What if a worthless one comes?

“How to find an idea?” - every creative person has asked this question at least once. But not everyone thinks about how often he says: “I came up with some nonsense,” “Nonsense gets into my head,” “I can’t concentrate, my thoughts are racing.” And how many times did he himself reject the idea that was knocking on his door? How many times have you waved it off?

Elizabeth Gilbert in Big Magic. Creativity without fear” discusses the very essence of ideas. She herself, being an extremely emotional, romantic and eccentric woman, sincerely believes that there is always a place for real magic in creativity.

I believe that our planet is inhabited not only by animals, plants, bacteria and viruses, but also by ideas. Ideas are an incorporeal, energetic form of life. They are completely independent from us, but they can communicate with us, albeit rather strangely. Ideas do not have a material body, but they do have consciousness, and they most likely have will. Ideas are driven by one desire: to be realized. And an idea can only be realized in one way - through interaction with a partner, a person. Only through human effort can an idea be brought out of thin air into material reality.

I, unlike Elizabeth Gilbert, am more a pragmatist than a romantic. But the course of her thoughts about creativity is unusually close to me. Treating your ideas with respect, not brushing them aside in the whirlwind of everyday problems, noticing them and giving them due time and attention, without doubting that all ideas are worthwhile, is the main secret of inspiration. In fact, ideas do not need to be searched for, they do not need to be chased, they just need to be noticed and accepted.

Therefore, ideas spend an eternity circling around us in search of capable and ready to interact human partners.

I would argue with my favorite writer about the magical essence of ideas, as well as the fact that they come from outside. I prefer the idea that the greatest magic happens in our heads. The real magic is hidden in our thoughts, which come and go, which are born and forgotten, which live and inspire... One day they turn into an idea. And the more consciously we live, the more attentive we are to our thoughts, the sooner we will notice the idea that is knocking on us.

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Immerse yourself in the topic

Sometimes, on the contrary, you need not to be distracted, but to immerse yourself in the topic to the maximum depth . This works if your desire to act disappears due to lack of confidence in your own competence.

Write down all the questions you don't know the answer to, then find the answer to each one in turn. Read books, explore the Internet, communicate with experts. As a result, the white spots will disappear, a single picture will form, and you will be able to plan your actions. When a bunch of scattered information comes together into a clear sequence of steps, the drive to carry them out will appear.

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Method No. 3. Give yourself permission to create

So, let's say you "caught" the idea, appreciated it and believed that you could come up with something cool and really worthwhile. What's next? At this point, it is very important to continue to closely monitor your thoughts. After all, right now doubts will begin to knock on your head:

  • “What makes me think that I will succeed?”;
  • “The idea is cool, but I will never implement it”;
  • “Creativity is not for me”;
  • “Maybe I’ll never come up with anything new again? I won’t put forward any idea?”

At the moment when you again feel unworthy, worthless and untalented, remember these words from the book by Elizabeth Gilbert and repeat them until the doubts recede:

We are all walking repositories of hidden treasures. I believe that this is a very ancient and very generous trick, a game that nature plays with people, to its and our pleasure: nature hides unusual jewels in each of us, and then stands aside and sees if we can find them.

If you are not new to the topic of the power of thought, then you know well how dangerous it can be to overestimate the importance of what you want. This is also true for creativity. If the search for inspiration and new ideas has become a major task for you, if you can’t think about anything else, then it’s time to loosen your grip.

Reduce importance!

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Don't take everything too seriously. If you want to write a book simply because you have something to say to this world, write it. Don't worry about who will publish it, how much it will cost, or whether it will be a bestseller. You will have time to think about this, but now just relax and enjoy the process.

Want to write a book? Compose a song? Make a movie? Paint ceramics? Learn to dance? Discover new lands? Want to draw a penis on the wall? Do it. Who cares? You are born as a human being, so do it with joy in your heart. (What I mean, of course, is that you should take it seriously—just don't take it too seriously.)

Let inspiration take you wherever it wants. Remember that throughout history, people mostly just got things done without making some big deal out of it. We do things because we enjoy doing them. You don't have to ask anyone for permission and you don't need anyone's permission to live a creative life.

Often we do not give ourselves permission to
express creatively , not allowing ourselves to create.
It seems to us that we are unworthy of more because we do not have special education or the necessary knowledge. These negative thoughts can lead us into a dangerous trap.

A common trap: instead of doing what our soul tells us to do, we suddenly decide to start learning how to do it, considering ourselves incompetent. The amount of educational content today is endless, and we risk becoming eternal students without ever creating anything of value.

Don't get me wrong, I in no way want to say that you don't need to study. Of course you need it! But don’t ask creativity to wait until you get another diploma, and then another certificate, don’t ask the flow of ideas to stop while you complete the next course. After all, inspiration may not wait!

Change something around you

Are you completely satisfied with yourself the way you are and don’t want to change anything? Transform the space around you . Make repairs. If money is a pity - rearrangement. Other curtains, bedspreads, even a rug at the door of your home/office can change the perception of the world around you, bring a fresh stream to your senses and bring back your lost muse.

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Method number 4. Let fear accompany you

Creative people are accompanied by many fears. After all, when creating something new, you always take uncharted paths. Ahead are only creative impulses and sudden insights. No certainty, no clarity.

Will your inner fears tolerate this? No, they will certainly remind you of themselves by singing or whispering:

  • “You won’t succeed”;
  • “The idea is not new”;
  • “Nobody needs this”;
  • “Nobody cares.”

The most dangerous thing in this situation is to allow fear to deprive you of your will, faith and inspiration. Even world literature knows examples of how fear can break the most talented. For example, after the resounding success of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee did not write another work in her entire life, because she was afraid that she could not create anything better. The same can be said about Margaret Mitchell, who remained the author of one, albeit brilliant, novel - Gone with the Wind.

Fear and creativity were nurtured in the same womb, born at the same time, and they probably have some vital organs in common. This is why you need to be more careful with your fears: I have noticed that, trying to get rid of fear, people, without meaning to, also kill their creative powers. So I'm not trying to destroy my fear. On the contrary, I leave room for it. Lots of space.

Yes, we must accept the fact that fear will haunt us every time we decide to create something new, do something interesting, bring something creative to life - that's his job. And our job is to control it: to allow fear to express reasonable arguments, but not to allow it to paralyze our creative impulse.


Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue are some of the main reasons why people lose the desire to do something. If you haven’t gotten enough sleep for months and perfectly understand the saying “just got up, you’re already tired,” then it’s unlikely that any of the remaining nine methods will help.

Inspiration, the desire to actively do something is always an excess, a fountain of energy. A chronically tired person has insufficient energy. And it needs to be restored. You may not be able to get enough sleep right away; your body will need time to exit energy-saving mode. Just go to bed before 11 pm for at least a week.

Tame your inspiration!

So, we looked at four ways to overcome creative block and start living a creative life without fear and stress, without chasing ideas and without painfully waiting for inspiration.

The main secret is that we already have everything we need to create, but our fears often scream louder than our ideas, and doubts block inspiration.

The four simple steps I shared in this article will help you build a relationship with your own fears, realize and feel your creative potential, and believe in yourself. Learn to “hear” your ideas and finally enjoy the creative process!

To boldly make any dreams and desires come true, take Elizaveta Volkova’s free master class “5 Keys to Managing Reality.” You will understand how to realize any creative ideas, do it with pleasure and receive a decent financial reward for your work.

Tame your inspiration! Create without fear and stress. Forward - to new projects, new masterpieces!


I bring to your attention places and activities that allow you to find your inspiration:

  • sounds and sights of nature;
  • paintings by famous artists;
  • literature;
  • communication with children;
  • learning a new business, absorbing an unusual hobby;
  • love relationship;
  • visiting new places;
  • communication with creative and highly intelligent individuals;
  • language learning;
  • listening to music.

To refuse from bad habits

Bad habits are dangerous not only for health, but also for psychological mood. At first, everything looks just fine: nicotine and caffeine help you concentrate on tasks, and alcohol helps you relieve stress at the end of the working day. But then something starts to go wrong. Always. And what supposedly gave you inspiration becomes a wall through which it can no longer get through.

Try giving up stimulants for a while. The first days may pass as if in a dream, but then the body will begin to seek resources within itself. And good spirits are guaranteed!

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