Secrets of flirting. Why is it important to flirt with more men?

The art of flirting needs to be learned. Not a single representative of the fair sex possesses this skill from birth. Nowadays, when mobile phones are very common, it is with their help that many people meet and begin romantic relationships, therefore, learning how to flirt with a guy by correspondence is simply necessary.

How to flirt with a guy over text - the basics

To begin with, you should remember the two main rules of such communication. Firstly, you should not shorten words. Secondly, you can’t “bombard” the object of your sympathy with constant messages, as this can be branded as an intrusive and not very smart girl.

Before you start flirting over text, find out everything you can about the guy. Study his page on the social network, see what music he prefers and what he is interested in. This knowledge will help start a dialogue.

How to flirt with a guy on the Internet and what to write in the first message?

At the very beginning of the dialogue, you need to interest the guy. You shouldn’t be too original; it’s better to ask a question that lies in his area of ​​interest. For example, if he is taking an English language course, you can ask him for advice on choosing a school or get his opinion on the training program he is taking.

After you started with a guy on VKontakte and sent him the first message, you should wait for a response. Be prepared for the fact that initially you will have to maintain the dialogue to a greater extent on your own. Ask more questions, give a few neutral compliments, and try to show that you have common interests. This is how you can start communication that will lead to a romantic relationship in the future. But don’t rush things, don’t immediately talk about your interest and plans, let friendship arise first.

Flirting is an entire art, which is quite difficult to learn. It’s twice as difficult if it’s necessary to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS. But don’t worry, we have prepared detailed instructions for you on how to properly conduct correspondence. Also, we will not let you write nonsense; you will learn what you absolutely should not do with your virtual interlocutor and what phrases will be relevant. But most importantly, you will learn to flirt like a true woman and be able to win over a man.

When choosing the right words, you need to consider where you communicate - on the Internet or via SMS. In the first case, you can use various pictures, videos, files, and emoticons. In the case of a mobile phone, conveying emotions will be much more difficult.

In the Internet

To flirt you need to follow these tips:

  1. Write correctly - avoid punctuation, grammatical, stylistic errors and typos.
  2. Avoid informal slang (in short, this is the same, etc.).
  3. Use humor carefully, especially black and vulgar humor. A guy may not understand most jokes at all or take them literally.
  4. Don’t act like you’re being interrogated: don’t ask about the guy’s personal life and his income.
  5. Do not advertise yourself, listing your own advantages in every sentence. A girl should become a mystery for a young guy that is interesting to solve.
  6. Use emoticons to express feelings for your interlocutor, but no more than 2-3 per answer.
  7. Give compliments to a young man, because the fair sex loves praise. But even here you should know when to stop.

If you follow these 7 rules, flirting will be easy and effective.

By phone via SMS

The advice here is almost the same as for correspondence on the Internet. Here are just some small additions that will help you learn how to flirt correctly and hook your interlocutor:

  1. Be frank. Don’t think that since the guy doesn’t see you, you can embellish the words, or even lie somewhere. Sooner or later, the young man will find out everything and may not want to continue the relationship.
  2. You should not write words together in order to limit yourself to one SMS or Latin alphabet.
  3. Do not send long SMS, but at the same time the text should be succinct.
  4. Don't forget about compliments. Although the guys claim that they can’t stand all kinds of enthusiastic looks and speeches, they are very happy to read another compliment addressed to them.
  5. Don't send messages in a row. They must also be unique. This way the guy will see that you are thinking about him. Originality is the basis of successful flirting with a young man.

If a guy calls your phone back, you shouldn't answer him right away. Write an SMS and say you are busy. Invite him to chat later.

If a man “took the bait” and entered the game, then you will need. Here it is written what you can ask him and how to do it correctly.

If you don’t know how your interlocutor feels about you, we suggest you figure him out. A few of our tips will help you do this. You will find out how and what he writes, how often, etc.

What is allowed ? Here are the most pressing questions!

What compliments can you write to men?

Guys, like girls, love compliments. Your task is to surprise the guy, and to do this you need to please him with unusual phrases. Here is a list of the most successful ones:

  • “It would never have worked out for me.” You need to show that your boyfriend is the best in the world. He must understand that he has unique skills.
  • "You have a good taste". When the conversation turns to clothing or food preferences, do not forget to ask what clothes he likes to wear and what he likes to eat most. After his answer, tell him that he has good taste.
  • “You will make a great father.” No man can say with confidence that he can easily cope with the role of a father. And this phrase will cheer him up.
  • “How would I live without you?” This compliment will show your lover that he is the meaning of your life. After reading such a phrase in a message, a young man will feel the happiest in this world. As an example, you can suggest the phrase “What would I do without you.”

Would you like to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading the free checklist

Alexey Chernozem “How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones.” You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

Purpose of correspondence

Before you start correspondence, think about what your goal is.

  • If you want to give the impression of a woman who needs to be chased, then do not give a man many compliments. You need to structure the conversation in such a way that the man understands that he has a chance to talk with a unique and unusual woman. Men will definitely win such a lady.
  • If you want to play and joke, then you can throw out frank flirty phrases that will awaken a storm of emotions in a man. Just be careful! A man may think that you are serious when you say this. In this case, there may be trouble.
  • If you are looking for a serious relationship, then just be yourself. Men love sincere women.

What you absolutely should not do

Certain messages can derail your conversation with your guy. He can easily lose interest in you and get busy with everyday activities. In correspondence you should not do the following:

  • Ask how you are doing
    . This phrase is about nothing. Using it, you will never intrigue a young man.
  • Send long SMS
    . A good message should consist of a maximum of 2-3 sentences.
  • Reproach the guy
    . You should never make complaints about the fact that he didn’t call you yesterday or disappeared somewhere. Such messages will put you in a negative light, and after several attempts to justify yourself, your boyfriend will simply begin to avoid you, and then completely find someone else.
  • Do not show explicit photos
    . So the guy may soon lose all interest in you and think that you are frivolous.

No matter how strong your desire to seduce a man, you should not flirt openly, everything should be natural. Only such a girl can become interesting!

Text messages are a great way to flirt. You can flirt through messages with a new acquaintance, with a guy you've been dating for a while, or even with a regular partner for a little fun. Messages also allow you to stay in touch, find common interests, and communicate with your guy before taking the next step.

Proper flirting

1. Send him thought-provoking messages

A carefully crafted text message can be a more powerful weapon than an erotic photo or a naughty voice message.

In your messages, try to be interesting, but not vulgar. You shouldn’t be too direct and open so that he doesn’t think badly of you and starts wanting everything at once.

All you have to do is leave the message open, a little unfinished. Let the man think out and fantasize himself.

For example, a message that reads: “Thinking about you...” or “I wish you were here right now. “- fit well into the methodology of proper flirting.

Messages of this kind, on the one hand, tease and beckon, on the other hand, force a man to think out what you had in mind.

But remember: don't be too intrusive. Excessive activity and intrusiveness can frighten a man.

Also, be careful with the content of your messages. Too provocative and bold texts and phrases, of course, may make you a femme fatale, but they clearly will not benefit your reputation.

Courage is good, but be relaxed in moderation. Leave a little mystery and mystery for the man so that he wants to solve it gradually.

2. Wear the right clothes

Yes, clothes greatly influence whether a man will like you or not.

Many women, in pursuit of the attention of the opposite sex, bare their legs or wear an alluring and overly revealing neckline. Of course, all these tricks attract male attention. Everyone knows that a man loves with his eyes.

However, wearing too provocative clothes can do you a disservice. Typically, men perceive a woman's overly sexy attire as a signal for short-term play.

If you are seriously interested in someone, give them the opportunity to see your inner beauty. Wear something that truly reflects your true self.

And it doesn’t matter what it will be - a stylish T-shirt with sneakers or a beautiful flowing dress - the main thing is that the outfit reflects you as a person, emphasizes your character and interests.

Think carefully about your appearance when going on a date with the object of your affection.

As a separate sub-point, we can highlight one more piece of advice for flirting young ladies: Wear red!

Psychologists say that the color red has a hypnotic effect on a man. A woman in red is a magnet for a man.

Many are sure that a woman who wears a scarlet dress is trying to attract attention from the stronger sex. And we must agree that there is some truth in this statement.

However, accuracy and dosage are important here. Too much red in your clothes may not attract, but on the contrary, repel the object of your sympathy.

Add some red detail to your look. Let it be red nails or shoes - a kind of red spot against the background of other shades.

If you nevertheless decide on a red dress, carefully select shoes, a handbag and jewelry to match it. After all, the red color itself is quite independent and bright.


How to start a conversation and flirt

  1. Start a conversation.

    If you're trying to flirt with a guy you're not in a relationship with, start a romantic conversation first. This way the guy will understand your intentions, and if he shows reciprocal interest, then continue in the same spirit.

    • For example, the message “I dreamed about you today!” will be a skillful start to flirting. This will show that you had an unusual dream about a guy, and if he keeps up the conversation, then you can move on to more flirtatious remarks.
    • If he ignores the subtext, then you will understand that the guy is not interested in a relationship.

  2. Send a flirty compliment.

    Everyone loves something nice to say about themselves, so giving a compliment is a great way to flirt. When starting flirting in messages, use flirty remarks to keep things moving forward.

    • For example, if you are going on a date with a guy from the basketball team, you can write: “It got hot in the gym today after you arrived!”
    • Be original and specific. It is not necessary to emphasize the appearance, but it can be said more clearly. For example, instead of “You're cute,” write “You have a beautiful smile.”

  3. Send messages at night.

    Naturally, it is better not to text a guy at 2 am if you are not sure that he is awake. Late-night messages are more intimate and encourage flirting.

    • At night it is easier for a person to relax. Wait until it's dark and then send your message.
    • You can write: “I’m already comfortable under the blanket. What are you doing now?".

  4. Be yourself.

    In messages, sometimes you want to seem stupid, offended, open to talking about sex, even if in life you are a different person. You don't need to do this, especially if you don't know each other well, because the guy will get the wrong impression.

    • For example, you don't need to use a million exclamation points to express excitement if you are quite reserved in life.
  5. Show off your fun side.

    You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not, but you can show that you know how to have fun and enjoy life. The messages come down to short, funny replies, so keep him interested in your good mood.

    • For example, tonight you are at home, lying in your pajamas. Instead, tell your guy about how much fun you had the day before: “Yesterday we had a great time hanging out with our friends. It's a pity you weren't around."
  6. Don't be afraid to tease.

    It will help you get closer if the guy has a sense of humor. So, you can tease a guy about a mistake in one of his messages, which was the result of a very funny automatic correction.

    • For example, if a guy sent a message “Your boss is very sexy,” meaning “neck,” then tease him with this. Write: “Ha, I have a sexy boss
      ? I’ll definitely tell her.”
  7. Give him a cute nickname.

    This may seem strange, but it will make it clear to the guy that you like him. Choose a masculine or pretentious and harmless nickname. Either way, use it in messages to hint to your guy about your feelings.

    • For example, a masculine nickname would be “strongman” or “Thor.”
    • You can choose “sweetie” or “baby” as a cute nickname.

  8. Don't let the guy get bored.

    Sending the same message every day around the same time can bore your guy. Don't follow a pattern, send messages at different times or change the text of the message.

    • For example, a friendly “Good morning, sweetie!” is a good way to say hello in the morning, but you don't need to send such a message every day.
    • Make changes to it like “Wake up, sleepyhead!” or “I’d like to see you soon in classes!”

  9. Show your guy that he's on your mind.

    If something reminds you of a guy, then take a photo of this item. Send a photo and indicate that you remembered it when you saw this item. The guy will probably smile.

  10. Keep the conversation going.

    When texting a guy, maintain your part of the conversation. Simple monosyllabic answers will not take you far. Supplement what is written, ask questions or suggest new topics if the old one has exhausted itself.

    • For example, if a guy asks, “Do you like movies?”, don’t just answer, “Yes.” The answer should contain clues for further conversation: “I love, especially films with handsome guys like you! Which session should we go to?”
    • Also ask clarifying questions about the guy: “What is your favorite dish?”

  11. Don't rush into sexual innuendo.

    Sometimes you just want to write something sexy, but it’s better to wait a little. It's best not to write sexual messages before you start a relationship.

    • Simply flirting is enough (for example, noticing that you like his eyes).
    • It is better not to write overly sexual messages that discuss genitals and try to start a conversation on the topic of sex. Of course, it's always up to you, but such messages can take a guy by surprise.

  12. Please do not send photos.

    It's best not to send sexy photos even if you're in a relationship. Once you send a photo like this, you will not be able to undo this action. You can't be sure that the guy won't publish them.

    • Use flirty photos like blowing a kiss, but don't send anything that your grandma wouldn't approve of if she saw it online (as that's a very possible possibility).

What to write before and after dates

  1. Test the waters.

    If you want to ask a guy out on a date, test the waters first. Are you embarrassed to invite directly? Use a workaround. For example, talk about your plans for the weekend and see if he's hooked.

    • Write: “What are your plans for the weekend? I would go to the cinema. And you?".
    • By talking about your plans, you invite him to participate in them.

  2. Invite a guy.

    If you need a more direct route, then simply ask the guy out via message. Write a little lightly to leave an escape route in case he's not in the mood for dating.

    • Write: “It’s been a difficult week. I'd like to have some fun this weekend. Any suggestions?".
    • You can say even more directly: “I would go somewhere. Would you like to go to a cafe this weekend?”

  3. Start preparing early.

    Texting helps build anticipation, so text him the day before or on the day of the date. Just say how excited you are or how much you're looking forward to meeting them.

    • For example, write a simple message: “I can’t wait for tonight!”
    • Add a little flirtatiousness and use a compliment: “I want to see you soon, hopefully in those tight jeans that you usually wear.”

  4. Text after the date.

    If the meeting went great, then say so in a message. Of course, a call will mean even more, but if you can't call the next day, then a text will also cheer up the guy.

    • It’s enough to say: “Yesterday everything went just great!”
    • You can also add a little specificity: “I’m glad we went to this sushi bar. Everything was delicious! I was very happy with you".

The article contains the most relevant frequently asked questions on this topic, and also provides brief answers to them.

Secrets of flirting and seduction with the eyes for men and women

A woman, flirting in order to achieve mystery, looks at a man, but as soon as he looks back, she immediately looks away. If your eyes meet, be sure to smile. A man must show that he is the master of the situation; during eye contact, you should never look away, you need to look, smile, and only after that you can look away at something else, but under no circumstances at another girl.

How to start flirting with a guy on the Internet by correspondence, flirting with a girl on VK, a married man examples

During correspondence, words should not be abbreviated; mistakes should not be made. The man should start the conversation, and you, in turn, will praise him for something. For example, say how pumped he is in the photo. To say what a great guy he was for being able to conquer the peak.

When flirting with a girl, often give compliments regarding her appearance and achievements. Nowadays, many likes are perceived as flirting.

You need to flirt with a married man very carefully. Suffice it to say how good he looks in the last photo.

How to properly flirt with a guy or a girl in correspondence, what questions to ask to get her interested

Flirting with a girl is as easy as shelling pears; in addition to compliments, you can start a conversation with a non-serious question. “Have you ever been to Paris?” Most girls dream of going there; if she hasn’t had time to fly there yet, she’ll tell you how much she wants it.

You can ask the guy what he did last weekend and what his plans are for this weekend. Any question that does not require a clear answer.

Basics of flirting and one-time meetings for women, men

First of all, regardless of gender, a person must be neat. Few people will want to communicate with someone who smells unpleasant and has dirty and torn pants. Of course, the voice should be soft but firm.

Flirting is a special skill that allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex not only through visual contact, but even during virtual correspondence. You will learn how to flirt with a guy using messages in this article. And whether to follow our advice or not, decide for yourself.

Secrets of flirting. Why is it important to flirt with more men?

For the last 11 years I have been running a real marriage agency and every month I introduce men and women, often from different countries.

There is a stereotypical opinion that the acquaintance of a Ukrainian woman with a man from another country is certainly doomed to failure due to the difference in mentality or language barrier. Very often, girls and men hide behind this stereotype as a shield, so as not to expand the boundaries of their search for their other half.

Some women attribute their amorous failures to the stars, local men, society in general, even politicians, but not to themselves.

In my book “Principles of a Woman Brand” from the publishing house IPIO, I examine in detail the phenomenon of chronically “non-gifted” and “gifted” women, and in this article I want to dwell in detail on a very common reason for the forced loneliness of a huge number of women.

Most women are catastrophically bad at flirting with men!

Many women are sure that flirting is certainly a prelude to sex, so they try to avoid even the slightest hint of flirting, because “she’s not like that,” “she’s married,” “she’s already 44.”

What if I told you that every sexually mature girl needs flirting, and not just flirting with your husband, but flirting with numerous different strangers?

A woman needs to feel attractive, desirable, exciting. And this does not mean at all that for complete happiness she needs a harem, BUT it is important for every woman to feel that at any moment in time, guided only by her desire, she can make any man fall in love with her. It is important for the woman’s chosen one to feel this as well.

Nature has decreed that women choose a man “once and for all.” One fine day she suddenly decides: “if I like it, I’ll take it,” and then, despite the bald patches that have formed, the growing belly, and even the reluctance and inability to earn more or take a more active part in raising children, the woman, as in the song, will be guided the principle “I molded him from what was, and then I fell in love with what was.” She will long remember the past merits of her chosen one, extol and praise him in every possible way in the eyes of those around her - after all, it was not for nothing that she once chose him out of all the men. For men, the selection process is different. Even after a magnificent wedding for 300 people, a man will subconsciously constantly seek confirmation that “my woman is the best.” He will constantly unconsciously compare his wife with other women. It will be important for him that other men pay attention to his woman, so that she is “competitive” or “liquid” in the imaginary market of desires.

So why does a man need flirting?


A man gets physical pleasure when a beautiful woman flirts with him. Such flirting not only pleasantly scratches his ego and increases self-esteem, but also gives the necessary boost of energy for “harvesting mammoths.” In addition, flirting serves as a kind of approval and a reminder that women like this man, and this, in turn, not only improves the man’s mood, but also emphasizes that this particular woman is a source of approval, positivity and acceptance for him.

When a strange woman flirts with a man in a light way, he still receives a small charge of positivity. When his woman flirts, he not only receives an increased dose of inspiration, but is also once again convinced that he made the right choice, that only his woman is able to so subtly understand, accept and inspire, in this he sees her advantages and exclusivity.

What if a woman doesn't flirt?

If a woman does not flirt in principle, she immediately loses most of her feminine energy, and with it, genuine feminine charm. A non-flirting woman resembles a strange exotic dish, which, despite its appetizing appearance, does not have an alluring smell that causes bouts of salivation, and after eating such a dish does not give either a feeling of pleasant satiety or the desire to eat another portion.

Women who don’t flirt send very contradictory signals to a man: she’s beautiful and seems to laugh at his jokes, but she “doesn’t smell like a woman.” A man, communicating with such a woman, does not feel approval, acceptance or confirmation that he is liked. Therefore, his “inner radar” begins to pick up signals from other, less uptight women.

Where does flirting begin?

From the clothes you put on in the morning, from your hairstyle, makeup and expression on your face. All other things being equal, a man is more likely to approach a smiling woman with loose hair than a girl in sneakers or a formal pantsuit.

What if a woman doesn’t flirt with other men?

Then her flirting skills lose tone. Surely on the beach you have seen a category of women whose bodies, despite their thinness, do not have tone. Their skin gathers sadly on their elbows and knees. The stomach and chest stubbornly rush towards the ground. Their bodies scream about the absence of even the most primitive physical education, and especially sports. One gets the feeling that such women are naturally tired and not entirely healthy.

When a woman doesn't flirt, her flirting skills begin to lose tone and become more and more like a sagging belly and skin on her knees. Her attempts at flirting become clumsy and awkward. Even when flirting with her beloved man, she can no longer give him the necessary boost of energy and feeling of acceptance. In addition, such a woman ceases to smell of “desirability.” The man suddenly begins to clearly understand that besides him, no one really wants her, which means there are reasons for this. And the level of a man’s desire for such a woman inexorably falls.

Does this mean that a woman needs to be a frivolous coquette and cast ambiguous glances at every man passing by? Not at all! You just need to constantly keep your flirting skills in good shape, pumping them up with practical exercises, and also don’t forget to surround yourself with the aroma of desirability.

How to keep your flirting skills in good shape?

Let me give you an example. I’m working out in the gym with a female trainer, and at some point we need to move the bar from the barbell. It is not very heavy, and each of us could cope with this task independently without undue difficulty. But there are so many men in the gym! Why not give one of them a chance to shine and get a little dose of approval? My trainer immediately turns her attention to the huge muscleman at the next machine. I shake my head in disapproval. The dose of approval that I am ready to share will be too insignificant for this man. He will barely feel it. I choose the “flirt trainer” more carefully. Having glanced across the entire gym, I notice the “ideal victim” - a short guy with a bulging beer belly and sloping shoulders. He hesitantly examines the exercise machine not far from me. It looks like the guy just recently joined the gym. With a wide, friendly smile, I head towards him. I apologize for the trouble and ask you to help me cope with a very difficult task - moving the bar. The guy nods confusedly and immediately moves the bar. Both me and my coach - a very pretty girl - we both burst into smiles and thank the guy several times for his help. Then we return to training.

I'm watching our assistant. His gaze stopped running around the hall, his shoulders straightened, and his gait became more confident. You might think that he had just “slain a dragon” or accomplished some other feat. It seems that he has even become taller. Some jocks look at the guy in surprise: why did the girls ask him? After all, we could have asked for any man, but we gave preference to this particular guy, that is, in the eyes of other men, we preferred him to them.

Our flirting did not involve asking for help. Rather, flirting enveloped that very request, like a beautiful shiny gift cellophane. Flirting was in the fact of approaching this particular man - in choosing him, in the expression of our faces, body language and tone of voice.

What else could light flirting consist of?

As a compliment! Men receive several times fewer compliments than women. After all, a woman can receive compliments from another woman - a friend, mother, daughter, and even a cashier in a store. As soon as we put on a new dress or get a beautiful manicure, one of our friends at work will certainly notice it and admire it out loud.

But what about men? They also buy new trousers and get fresh haircuts, right? A man most often has to wait for his woman to notice the change and praise her. Of course, a sense of humor can also be worthy of a compliment. Have you ever heard a man tell another man that he really likes his sense of humor? Probably not.

A sincere compliment is a great way to lightly, non-committally flirt.

To be continued…

Where does flirting begin?

It's clear that the best way to flirt is with the person you see. In this case, languid glances, voluptuous sighs, gentle touches, a light blush, etc. are used. But how to start a conversation if the interlocutor is simply not visible, for example, when he communicates with you through comments on a social network?

The first step is to get attention. For this purpose, we recommend going to his personal page and studying his range of interests (groups, favorite musical compositions, noted important events, etc.). We'll tell you how to flirt with a guy by correspondence below.

What is the difference

Flirting by correspondence has its positive and negative sides.


  • It is impossible to seduce a guy with external attractiveness. A photograph or video is just a copy of the original;
  • a flirtatious smile, a thoughtful look, and voice intonations remain out of reach;
  • You cannot be charmed by a mysterious smell or random touches.


  • you can hide embarrassment and shyness;
  • there is time to mentally prepare for a personal meeting, tactfully find out your partner’s preferences;
  • the situation does not require an immediate response;
  • there is an opportunity to take a break and think about further tactics of behavior;
  • opens up space for creativity and imagination;
  • separation becomes less painful.

Many women deliberately begin to build relationships with correspondence. And only after preparing the ground, feeling that they have intrigued the victim, do they schedule a personal meeting.

How to attract the attention of your interlocutor: options

One option to attract attention is emoticons. And it makes no difference whether you chat or text via SMS on the phone. These funny faces, although in completely different interpretations, are everywhere. For example, it could be a smiling, laughing or blushing face.

The second option is to send an empty message. As a rule, this causes confusion on the part of the interlocutor who receives a strange message. In response you will receive a question about what it was, what was meant. And then there will be an excellent reason to start your future conversation. So if you don't know how to flirt with a guy online, start with a blank message or an emoji option.

Examples of flirting by correspondence

If you don’t know how to start a conversation, you can use one of the suggested phrases.

  • “I started watching the series. The main character is handsome. By the way, he looks a lot like you.”
  • “I bought an unusual thing. You will definitely like it! "
  • “I ate a piece of cake today. Can you tell me the best way to burn these calories?”
  • “Have you ever stayed up all night?”
  • “I’m so tired that I don’t have the strength to undress. I wish someone would do this for me.”
  • “I can read minds - you want to meet me.”

It is better to rearrange these phrases to suit your character and communication style.

Use simple and straightforward phrases

If you don't know how to flirt with a guy, start with a basic greeting. When speaking, use the most common expressions and phrases. In this case, it is advisable not to use abbreviations such as “thank you” (thank you), “nzcht” (you’re welcome), etc. The simpler the phrases, the better. Try to be as natural as possible. And during a conversation, do not use banal answers in the style of “ok”, “yeah”, “uh-huh”.

Don't be shy to show your interest. Otherwise, after banal abbreviated answers, your interlocutor will not want to communicate with you. Therefore, when asking questions, also try to put the sentence in such a way that it prompts your opponent to answer.

Write competently, but not abstrusely

If you don’t even know how to flirt with a guy via SMS, carefully study our article. Here you will find a lot of useful tips. For example, if you decide to please your interlocutor, write him several unambiguous messages. The main condition is to do it correctly.

Correctly composed sentences are a bright trump card in any communication. It is always pleasant and useful to communicate with a competent person. But this does not mean that the SMS text should resemble lines from an encyclopedia. Use simple sentences and simple vocabulary.

Be reasonable in your conversation

Have you decided to learn how to flirt with a guy correctly? Use our tips. Try to be reasonable in your conversation. This means that during your communication you should not use swear words or express yourself negatively towards someone. There is also no point in chatting incessantly and talking only about yourself. On the contrary, it is better to find out more information about the interlocutor.

It’s better not to talk about yourself, except for the case when the opponent himself takes an interest in your affairs and interests. You should not talk too much, as this tires the interlocutor and leads to negative results. Don't be too annoying and intrusive. Learn to listen and hear your interlocutor.

Internal filling

The second trick is what to talk about with a woman. Seduction lies not only in languid long glances and intimate smiles. It is important what you talk about with the girl, how you listen to her, what questions you ask. Of course, seducing a young lady for one night is quite enough with the keys to an expensive car, tender promises and beautiful compliments. But sometimes this is not enough.

Listen carefully to what the girl tells you. From her conversation, you can find out where and who she works for, what her hobbies and hobbies are, whether she has pets, and so on. All this will help you:

  1. give the right compliment;
  2. show your passion.

Remember, it is very important for women to be listened to and to be interested in them. It’s not for nothing that they say that a girl loves with her ears. This is absolutely true. The more skillfully you give compliments, the more complete and sincere they are, the greater your chances of continuing the relationship.

Learn to recognize signals from women. My article “Signs of attention from a girl” will undoubtedly help you with this. It will be much easier to conduct a dialogue if the young lady is interested in him.

Don't use vulgar and dirty jokes. Girls don't like this. This also includes swearing. Too many swear words in your speech will scare you away rather than bring you closer.

Don't try to tell how wonderful you are, how cool you are, how many women you've already had, and so on. Pay more attention to the girl. Try to talk about her, not about yourself. Peacocks attract attention only in the zoo.

Become a generator of new topics and ideas for him

Still haven't decided how to flirt with a guy? Start with a selection of topics to talk about. Agree that banal “hello” and “how are you” can get boring very quickly. Therefore, be original. Try to conduct the conversation in such a way that your interlocutor finds it interesting.

Suppose he is interested in sports and often watches various tournaments and competitions on TV. With such an interlocutor you can safely discuss the next football match, tennis tournament, biathlon, etc. The main thing is to know exactly about his hobbies. You will be especially useful to him in the case when, for a number of reasons, he missed another important game: you will tell him the score and details. And believe me, if there are many such moments, the interlocutor himself will look for a meeting with you in order to get the information he needs.

How to flirt with a guy: examples

To make it easier to start flirting with a member of the opposite sex, you need to consider the simplest examples. So, to start a conversation, you can send the following message to your interlocutor: “You + I = …”. And even with this SMS you can get a little creative.

For example, instead of an ellipsis, you can insert a smiling emoticon, a cup of tea and a piece of cake, hugging cats, etc. In short, such a laconic message will encourage your interlocutor to respond to the part that will be indicated after equal.

If you still haven't figured out how to flirt with a guy, use the most famous expressions from movies. For this purpose, for example, this phrase is suitable: “XOXO You know you love me.” Literally it means: “You know you love me.” However, no matter what your interlocutor’s answer will be, you can always replay its meaning. For example, “I know you like to chat with me.”

As an option to start a conversation, you can send a message at a time when your watches show the same time. For example, “it’s 12:12 now—it’s time to make a wish.”

In other words, when communicating with the opposite sex, show imagination, ingenuity, speak easily and with humor. Now you know how to flirt with a guy.

The most common mistakes when flirting with the opposite sex

Unfortunately, while studying the basics of flirting and trying to implement them into their own lives, many men fail to avoid annoying mistakes. So, let's look at the most common of them.

Too many jokes.

Yes, it also happens when a man, trying to maintain a positive atmosphere in communication with a girl, begins to joke a lot and in the end it turns out to be inappropriate. Of course, women like men with a sense of humor, but when during a conversation you hear practically nothing except jokes from him, a certain aura of a buffoon simply begins to form around him.

Excessive mystery.

Some men try to put on a certain air of mystery, which can look funny at best, and downright annoying at worst. Mystery and coquetry are more suited to a woman, but it is better for male representatives to use all these “weapons” very sparingly, because the interlocutor may simply decide that you are trying to hide something from her.

Too positive image.

For some reason, some men believe that in order to attract the person they like, they should show themselves in the best light. Of course, it is important to show a girl your strengths, but excessive “ideality” is often associated with tediousness, so a little “devilishness” will never hurt. However, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to harm yourself.


Some guys get so carried away trying to show off their best side that they don’t notice how their behavior gradually turns into posing, which, of course, won’t give them any points from the girl.


Many young people really believe that in order to “get” a girl and put her in the right mood, you need to joke with her as vulgarly as possible. In fact, such behavior can simply repel and offend the interlocutor. She may decide that you “only need one thing” from her.


If you decide to impress a girl by boasting about some circumstance from your biography, then this, of course, can be to your advantage, but this is only possible if you use this trick quite rarely and appropriately. Some men get so carried away with boasting that it starts to look funny. Usually girls are wary of communicating with such interlocutors and do not take them seriously.


Having read in a guide to seducing women that they favor stubborn and persistent guys, many young men immediately take this advice into account. The problem is that not everyone is able to apply it correctly in real communication with a girl. As a result, persistence simply develops into importunity, after which the interlocutor begins to simply avoid such a suitor.

Talking about sex.

Trying to appear relaxed and confident, as well as to liberate the girl, some guys try to actively talk about sex. It is worth recognizing that this approach can impress very young and loving girls, for whom much in topics about intimacy is new and interesting. A more experienced girl or woman will most likely only be put off by such an emphasis on sex. In addition, among many representatives of the fair half of humanity, it is quite a common opinion that men who talk a lot about sex are actually strong only in theory, but not in practice.

Bad time to flirt.

It is important to understand that flirting is not always appropriate. Often, guys seem to lose their “sense of reality” and begin to flirt where it is completely inappropriate - at a time when the girl is tense, in a hurry, or simply busy with something important. As a result, such communication does not bring any “bonuses” to the young man, but only reduces his chances of seducing the girl he likes.

Inability to pick up signals.

Some young people are so immersed in their thoughts about how successful their flirting is that they simply stop noticing that they can already “reap the fruits” of their efforts and the girl managed to respond to the call.

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