Question for a psychologist: I’m angry at the successes of others during quarantine. Why and what to do about it?

When answering the question on this topic - “why are people evil, psychology”, you need to understand that every person has a certain degree of anger, it’s just that some people are more prone to it, others are less inclined, just as some control control, and some do not. One person may be more emotional and unstable and react critically and extremely aggressively or negatively to any stimulus - such a person will earn the reputation of being angry, irritable, and unbalanced. Another can remain silent, analyze and only then, having made a balanced decision to take this or that action - such a person will receive the glory of a calm, intelligent, balanced and psychologically stable person.


Scientists from New York and the National Institute on Alcoholism have found that there is a gene responsible for cravings for alcohol. It's called Grm7. This gene is found in children whose parents regularly drank alcohol, including during pregnancy.

A child in the womb of a drinking mother receives a loading dose of alcohol through the placenta, and after birth through milk. But the main “gift” from parents is the Grm7 gene, which causes the child to develop mental illness (depression, schizophrenia, and others). With age, pathologies intensify under the influence of alcoholic beverages and make a person aggressive and violent.

How to return a person's evil?

The easiest way is to build a plan for revenge and strike at vulnerable spots. But is this right? Before returning evil back, you need to calmly consider the consequences. There are times when truth is born out of conflicts. You need to act gradually, not rashly. The strategy must be long-term. Effective Revenge:

  • tame the enemy by making him dependent;
  • quietly take revenge by setting up awkward situations or damage to property;
  • via the Internet - sending spam on behalf of the enemy;
  • spiritual method: sincerely forgive, pray and light a candle for his health;
  • take revenge using spells and magic.


Scientists, after experiments with thousands of people, came to the conclusion that alcohol does not change a person, but enhances the qualities of his character. That is, if a sober person is too nervous and aggressive, then in a state of intoxication his nervousness and aggression will increase several times.

It’s exactly the same with kind and calm people. When drunk, they become more friendly and loving.

There are exceptions to the rules. A tyrant under the influence of alcohol can turn into an angel, but this rarely happens.

Why do people become angrier over time?

As a rule, the more troubles a person has during his life's journey, the more negative and angrier he becomes. That is, his negative reaction to irritation becomes pronounced anger. In a global format, we can say that other people, or rather their actions, make people evil.

Why people are angry, psychology of anger, benefits and harms

Often, people who are religious or spiritually developed struggle with their anger on a conscious level, and can also control the manifestation of their emotions, while low spiritual people and so to speak “primitive materialists” do not understand in most cases the anger of others. emotions, but live as a kind of biological organism exclusively on the material plane or according to the principle “like everyone else.”

In some cases, anger can even help, for example, in sports - it will help an athlete release more energy and testosterone and win a competition. In a fight, anger also mobilizes the body’s strength.

But nevertheless, it is better to be a spiritually and emotionally developed person, then you will understand the processes and reasons for your emotions, and you will never be a thoughtless crowd, but will comprehensively analyze your actions and emotions and only then make a fully informed decision with a cool head. We hope the article “why people are angry psychology” sheds a little light on the reasons for people’s anger and why it arises.


It is believed that there is a relationship between a person’s zodiac sign and his behavior pattern when drunk. For example, Taurus people are known to be aggressive under the influence of alcohol, with whom in such a state it is better not to argue and to agree on everything.

Cancer can be unpredictable. He can be quiet and calm, and a minute later he is eager to get into a fight with his neighbors at the table.

Sagittarians are usually not confrontational when sober, but if they drink, they are not averse to launching an aggressive attack on anyone. In the morning there will be a lot of regrets about what happened.

What is Evil?

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Evil is a combination of negative character traits and human emotions such as Ignorance, Greed, Arrogance, Vanity, Violence, Fear, Hatred, Aggressiveness, Anger, Envy, Anger, Dependence, Indifference.

Evil, like Good, can be manifested in millions of forms and shades, but in order to learn to recognize it and not fall for its tricks and temptations, you need to understand the essence of Evil well and know what is the antidote. Evil appears where there is no light or very little of it

Manifestations of Evil:

Negative thoughts, reactions, emotions: anger, hatred, aggressiveness, envy, laziness, greed. These manifestations lead to human and personal destruction and suffering. The result is negative consequences, punishment and death.

All kinds of bad habits: rudeness, alcoholism, drug addiction, slander, all types of addiction, promiscuity, prostitution are classic manifestations of Evil.

Components of Evil

Violence is the forcible transformation of any energy, object or process against their will.

Hatred is a purposeful destructive energy impact and directed energy impact on the object of hatred.

Fear is a person’s negative emotional reaction to unknown or known events.

Aggression is a destructive negative impact or manifestation of both physical activity and energetic or other type of energy on the object of hatred.

Anger is a human condition, an emotional release of aggressive energy for maximum destruction on the object of influence.

Envy is a state of human suffering, both moral and physical suffering, when seeing the success of other people or living beings. Envy manifests itself in the form of an improvement in mood or a rise in energy state due to the Suffering of other people or living beings. Most often these are energy vampires.

Anger, malice - a short emotional state of the simultaneous presence of fear, aggressiveness, anger and envy. Anger is a negative emotion that arises as a specific response to a situation.

Unfreedom is a state of lack of opportunity to choose actions. The state of a person constrained by Fear. Dependence on external circumstances and internal attitudes.

Indifference is a closedness in the manifestation of emotional responses and a loss of value for something meaningful, good and truly valuable.

Places where Evil lives

Evil settles where there is no Good. Evil replaces Good at critical moments, sometimes settling in for a while, and sometimes forever. Evil is capable of destroying EVERYTHING, but people who have protection in the form of the absence of shortcomings, who are approaching the ideal, are practically protected. Why practically? There is no guarantee of protection against the Evil of external influence.

Methods and fight against Evil within yourself

The fight against Evil is necessary to gain strength. The fight against Evil is necessary for the knowledge and prevention of evil in oneself; it requires great strength and the absence of Evil in oneself.

The expediency and benefit of Evil is the development of people through the strength of Character and Inner Core and Courage.

The Variety of Evil

Evil has as many manifestations as good, and can enter into any part of our consciousness and life - from our thoughts, motives, goals, methods to momentary reactions and lifestyle. The most important thing to understand is that Evil is what destroys your inner Self, Body, Mind and Bright feelings.

Evil is always an enemy, no matter what a person thinks to himself and no matter how he justifies Evil. because he and I have a different nature, or rather the opposite. The Soul has a divine, light nature, and Evil is a program for the destruction of everything divine.

How does Evil manifest itself in a person and in life?

Evil manifests itself in the form of a series of negative, destructive thoughts and decisions. In the form of negative motives, such as resentment and revenge, taking advantage of others. In the form of wrong and selfish goals and plans, in the form of violence against others, oppression, causing harm, suffering.

Evil manifests itself in the form of negative behavior, aggression, words that destroy and oppress other people, causing them suffering and pain.

Evil manifests itself in the form of destructive actions and negative actions - different types of crime: drug trafficking, direct violence or destruction, murder, theft, war. Harming oneself, both through bad habits and direct violence.

Evil manifests itself in the form of destruction of one's own destiny or the destiny of another person.

Fight Evil

To realize Evil, its structure, all the causes and consequences of the emergence of Evil both within oneself and outside is a most difficult task. Evil, hiding behind all sorts of masks of justification, takes root in the consciousness of Man and replaces good. Man actually becomes the hand of Evil and is controlled by this Evil. Not everyone can see its manifestations in the life of society and people; hiding behind the guise of good, Evil is perfectly disguised. Where there is no Love, Hate arises; where there is no Fearlessness, Fear is born; where there is no Kindness, Anger replaces it.

Is it possible to defeat Evil?

Evil can be defeated and must be defeated. This is serious work with Coach. Self-correction is possible only within certain limits. To reduce the likelihood of Evil arising within you, make sure that there is as much Good and Light as possible within you and around you. The fight against evil is a separate big topic - what is the fight against Evil, you can’t fit everything into one article, there will be a continuation!

Everything that is commonly called EVIL is RELATIVE! So fascism for the Germans was the embodiment of everything that is most worthy and correct. In the name of GOOD in Rus', babies allegedly born from a witch were burned. Evil is always relative to something. At different times, the state of human society, evil changed its poles.

A significant addition to the description of the “vices of EVIL” is truthfulness in a deep awareness of this quality of an individual, a group of individuals, peoples, countries, continents. It is precisely those character traits or manifestations of EVIL that are the driving force in the development of civilizations, countries, the WORLD! By destroying the stability and equilibrium state of the system, evil forces us to re-create more advanced models of the structure of the world and the universe. This is real progress for humanity. Stagnation and stability cause decay and death of the entire system. Therefore, such an evil as WAR is simply necessary, no matter how monstrous it may sound!

As an example: We see that the arrival of winter kills all living things, but after a period of time new plants grow, new types of plants improve, or slowing down their growth in the cold period, they actively grow in the warm period. Actually, this is how all living things are!

Amount drunk

The type and amount of alcohol affects a person’s emotions and psychological state. Strong drinks often cause anger, aggression and malice in a person. The first places in the ranking of alcoholic “provocateurs” are occupied by vodka, whiskey, and gin. The more such alcohol enters the body, the more inappropriate a person’s behavior is.

The most harmless drink turned out to be white wine. It causes either mixed feelings or none at all.

Human behavior under the influence of alcohol is a mixture of upbringing, amount of alcohol consumed, environment, and much more. It is almost impossible to predict in advance how a person will behave during fun.

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Reasons for anger - example

An example where this can be seen and experienced: you visit some forum and express your personal opinion or try to help someone from the forum with advice and action to the best of your ability and capabilities, but despite your best intentions the person to whom you, for example, then they advised that he was, to put it mildly, not entirely adequate or unable to accept help, or his logic is not at all standard and exists in a negative way, and he perceives everything as aggression and therefore your help is perceived as a reproach, and as a result, such an inadequate person responds to you with absolute negative (because he lives in a negative emotional state and is not capable of analyzing his behavior from a neutral or positive position).

The crowd on this forum, without even reading your message, simply takes the side of the negative answer, so to speak, by default and begins to mock and humiliate you, which is absolutely inappropriate and not even logical, some individuals may even ask you to beg forgiveness from the one to whom you gave advice or shared With your own vision of the issue, as a rule, it makes no sense to argue or prove something to such people, because they have succumbed to the so-called effect of crowd behavior. By the way, do not forget to learn about the role of the Internet in the life of every person, what is good and what is bad about the World Wide Web.

Often these are people who are underdeveloped spiritually, morally and psychologically, as a rule they also live in a position of negativity and negative images and thoughts, they can often have both physical and mental imbalances, they do not analyze their speech and what they are talking about and even why They say.

As a rule, they are also not amenable to change and for the most part make up the so-called biomass of society, which lacks analytical abilities, and they, like animals, subordinate their actions and behavior to the psychology of the herd (to the leader or to the one who is stronger in their opinion - there are no moral aspects here , only animal instincts, where the herd goes and I, moreover, this is on a subconscious level, since the conscious and analytical are essentially absent) as in animals or the psychology of the crowd as in people.

Crowd effect video

Special services even sometimes use this phenomenon of crowd psychology in their provocations, organizing rallies for their own purposes, carefully selecting such people by analyzing their profiles on social networks and other statements and behavioral factors. This crowd itself is a logically uncontrollable “herd”, which usually obeys, like animals, only to a leader or a call - where one runs there and that’s it, traders in markets often use this technique - they create a crowd around themselves to which more people also draw The crowd is still growing.

Why are people angry

Here it is time to say, answering the question why people are evil, that they are often evil because of a very low evolutionary level of personal development. They do not work on themselves spiritually, they are crude materialists and, as a rule, do not have any outstanding mental abilities and ideas, they also cannot tolerate any kind of criticism addressed to them, this causes indignation and irritation in them - they are a kind of average behavioral biomass.

People get angry, especially when something doesn’t work out for them at all, or if, for example, they find themselves in a difficult situation that seems absolutely hopeless to them, or when they absolutely cannot understand something. Rarely does anger itself in its pure form manifest itself as an emotion; much more often it is mixed with annoyance, resentment or even irritation - from something, at someone, or even at oneself.

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