10 rules of a real lady. How to become more feminine

Greetings to all! It’s not for nothing that girls want to understand how to become graceful, to be more feminine externally and internally. After all, thanks to this you can attract the opposite sex. Over time, beauty ideals have changed. If in primitive society good health and fertility were valued, in modern society the following qualities are more valued in men:
  • A girl should be well-groomed and gentle.
  • Have mystery in yourself and not be like an open book.
  • Dress nicely, but not be vulgar.
  • Have self-confidence.
  • Have a high level of intelligence so that there is something to talk about.
  • Be able to carry on a conversation.

Some women have the necessary qualities from birth without making any effort to develop them. Ladies, who are not endowed with this from birth, pay attention to the advice of a psychologist, visit beauty salons, nutritionists, and so on... It is very important to think not only about the appearance, but also about the internal component of a person. Having only the outer shell, you cannot hold a man, but rather, because of your narrow-mindedness, you will push him away.

Work on your manners and don't forget about education. Try to get rid of bad habits. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages, stick to moderation. Don't forget about self-confidence, self-sufficiency and optimism. A man is more likely to pay attention to a smiling girl than to a cold queen. Therefore, knowing how to become feminine and attractive is very important for every woman.

What is femininity

Psychology views femininity as a combination of different qualities that make a woman soft, sensual, kind and gentle. In fact, the list is much longer. Femininity is divided into two components:

  1. External.
  2. Internal.

External femininity

This component takes into account love with the eyes, which results in drawing attention to the female figure, her appearance, which arouses desire in a man.

Beautiful figure

We are talking about model appearance with parameters 90 – 60 – 90. There are men who have a weakness for curvy figures. But even knowing this fact, you should not let your figure go. Having a slender body shape and optimal weight, playing sports and eating right, you can feel like a more feminine girl and have a sophisticated nature.

Long hair

Since ancient times, a girl's long hair has been the personification of femininity, in contrast to short haircuts. But here, just like with body shape, there are some fans.

Good figure, but shabby appearance

One of the standards of femininity is neatness and grooming. It is necessary to keep your skin clean, have a beautiful and neat manicure, and not forgetting about the pleasant smell.


Men perceive girls wearing dresses, skirts, blouses and high-heeled shoes as more feminine. It is advisable to have a clothing material that is airy and pleasant to the touch, seemingly light.

Men prefer natural beauty, but the skill of correctly applying a small amount of makeup to highlight your advantages will bring positive results. In most cases, excessive makeup is perceived as vulgar and turns men off.

How to love yourself and increase self-esteem for a woman: straightening your head

Inner femininity

It’s not enough to be beautiful on the outside, you also need to be fulfilled on the inside. Each girl decides for herself how to fill herself internally, but there are generally accepted principles:

Listening and maintaining a conversation

This addition is responsible for erudition, speech skills, intelligence and the ability to keep secrets.

Calm and relaxed

How to become more feminine? Of course, exclude rudeness, irritability and nervousness. It is especially important to get rid of hysteria. This quality repels guys quite a lot. A girl needs to have softness, mystery, be similar to a cat, but at the same time conceal some danger within herself.


Most men will not like a girl who is endowed with a commanding tone, constantly lecturing or waving her fists. The male sex is by nature endowed with an animal instinct to protect his woman, protect him from all misfortunes, trying with all his might to protect him from problems. To do this, a woman must be able to trust her companion.


It is an integral part of femininity. You shouldn't become a feminist. To have femininity, you need to be natural and be able to show emotions, but also within reasonable limits.


It is one of the most significant qualities in femininity. If a girl is not inclined towards this, then it is almost impossible to call her feminine.

To be a real woman (femininity lessons)

Feminine manners

Feminine manners are the movements of a woman’s body, a woman’s gait, conversation, gestures, the sound of her voice, facial expressions and laughter.
Feminine manners attract a man because they are sharply different from masculine ones, which combine strength and firmness. [more David Copperfield was fascinated by Dora. He was captivated by the way she stroked the horses and how she pressed flowers to her face. “She had the most delightful voice, the most cheerful laugh and the most pleasant, charming manners.” A woman’s appearance is extremely important, but if your manners are not feminine, there will be no positive effect, but on the contrary, all this will even look funny. For example, if a woman is dressed in a delicate, feminine dress, but all her movements are sharp and she speaks abruptly, then this combination will be contradictory. We met women dressed in the most feminine dresses, but these dresses did not fit them well, and the women themselves looked unnatural in them. They couldn't act in a way that would make the dress fit them. These are professors in chiffon, bears in lace or wooden pillars in muslin dresses.

Learn feminine manners, emphasizing not the similarities, but the differences between yourself and men. Since men are characterized by strength, hardness and heavy gait, you should be gentle, delicate and light. Use this in your gait, conversation, gestures and carry yourself through life with dignity. Avoid sudden, rude movements. Avoid waving your arms and try not to use them as a means of expression. Never bang on the table to prove your point. Never grab the railing of a preacher's or speaker's pulpit. Never pat anyone on the back. Learn to shake men's hands. When shaking, never squeeze a man's palm, no matter how happy you are to see him. The handshake should be gentle but firm.


Try not to walk heavily or take long steps, as men do. Don't try to copy the gait of models. Their gait is arrogant and unfeminine. Walk easily, gracefully, naturally, keeping your legs straight. To make your walk easy, imagine that you weigh only fifty kilograms. Ask someone to videotape you. Then you will have a clear idea of ​​what you need to improve in your gait.


As you learn to walk and use your hands correctly, you will also be willing to change your voice to accommodate your new mannerisms. If you see that your voice is spoiling the overall favorable impression, then you will need to change it.

Don't talk too loudly. There is no need for masculine efficiency or demonstrative fearlessness to show through in your voice. No man likes a rude, loud, or vulgar tone in a woman, just as no woman likes a cutesy tone in a man. Neither man likes indistinct muttering, a dull, monotonous voice that sounds recitative, because behind the voice one can hear the same uninteresting and dull character.

Your voice should be clear and fluid. If you have problems with your voice, record it on an audio tape. If your voice cracks or sounds dry, you may be sleeping with your mouth open. If this happens, you could damage your vocal cords. If you can't break this habit, hang a wet towel in your room at night. A raspy voice can also be a consequence of eating dry food. Smoking, by the way, causes severe damage to the voice.

To improve your voice quality, start reading or talking out loud to yourself. If you feel that your tongue, lips or cheeks are tense, place small pebbles in your mouth. When reading to yourself with expression, use a variety of feelings and emotions: enthusiasm, delight, seriousness, amazement, love and compassion. Raise and lower your voice to make it sound expressive. In the humorous part of the story, put funny notes into your voice, in sad parts - make your voice sad. Old fairy tales can serve as excellent material, as they tell about good and evil, joy and sadness. Half an hour a day should be enough if you do this regularly for one month.


Try not to laugh loudly and loudly, as men do. Don't open your mouth wide, don't throw your head back, don't slap your thighs, don't laugh, don't turn your laughter into hysterical fun, don't snort, that is, don't do anything rude or vulgar. If you avoid these extremes, then your laughter will be pleasant and will neither frighten nor irritate.

Cooing and purring

When a feminine lady is near the man she loves, she sometimes begins to coo and purr. After Dora married David Copperfield, she began to talk to him like a little child. Perhaps every woman with innate feminine coquetry intuitively resorts to this manner of speech when talking with her beloved man.

When a woman feels the urge to coo, she suppresses it, not wanting to look stupid. But when we deal with babies, this tendency manifests itself even more naturally. Have you noticed that when women talk to babies, they make all sorts of sweet sounds? This is lisp or baby talk. Men may like this, especially when such speech is addressed to babies.

Enchanting languor

Languidity is a calm and peaceful state experienced by a cat lying down in front of the fireplace. The languor feels like velvet. At times, every woman can experience this enchanting state. The opposite of languor is nervousness or agitation, which is when people bite their nails, jingle their keys, wrinkle their handkerchiefs, or run their fingers through their hair. To look feminine, break the habit of such habits.

Try not to wince, have a harsh expression in your eyes, do not bite your lips or droop the corners of your lips. The expression of a woman's face should be soft, gentle, pleasant and illuminated by a warm gaze.

Facial expression

Facial expression has its origins in a person's character. If you have a gentle character, you will easily and naturally give your face an expression of tenderness and softness. On the other hand, if you have a tough, critical and impatient character, it will be difficult for you to hide these traits, and they will certainly appear in your face.

If this is your problem, start working on your character. Adopt a healthy philosophy of life based on moral values. Learn to accept people, forgive them and be patient with them. The key to such a change of heart can be humility, for it is through this virtue that we learn to accept, forgive and not judge other people.

While you are working on your character, try to watch your facial expressions. This, in turn, will help you shape your character and make it soft. The face acts as a teacher to character, reminding him of the need to forgive and be patient. But it is impossible to train yourself in this direction for a long time if you continue to judge others and treat them unkindly.

Women's conversations

Make sure your conversations are feminine. And most importantly, don't talk too much. Almost all women talk a lot. Make sure that your conversation does not revolve only around you - your children, your husband, your home, your problems and successes. Such topics become a terrible bore for others. Don't set the tone of the conversation. Every time someone starts a new topic, don't try to steer the conversation back to something that interests you. Don't talk about unimportant things that don't give food to your mind or heart.

Do not use rudeness, vulgar words, harshness, criticism or categorical judgment in your conversation. Make sure your comments are gentle, kind, and full of love. If you talk about another person's misfortunes, show them compassion and care. Do not make unkind remarks such as: “Well, he fully deserved this,” “He should have expected such an end.” Use every opportunity to protect the person, to find compassion and understanding within yourself.

Try not to discuss people you don't like, otherwise you will be tempted to make unkind remarks about them. Be strict about what you want to say before you enter into a conversation. Avoid topics that may cause heated debate. Avoid negative remarks. Your conversations should reflect your gentleness, patience, forgiveness, understanding, tolerance for other people's opinions and love.

When talking to children, don't wait for special occasions to show them affection. When your baby walks by, pat him on the head and say something nice to him. Take your little daughter in your arms and say: “I’ve always wanted a little girl like you.” Or hug your eldest son and tell him:

"I'm proud of you". Constantly feed them with your tenderness. They will become closer to you and help you find soft femininity.

Picnics and country walks

Women have a tendency to forget about their femininity on a picnic or country walk. This is partly due to clothing. Pants and casual clothes help you stop holding back and thinking about your behavior. Women slap men on the back, whistle, shout and talk loudly, laugh noisily, swallow food, sit with their legs spread or cross their legs like men, cackle at jokes and, when they drink, throw their heads back strongly. Be careful at such parties and do not forget about femininity and manners.


One of the signs of feminine nature is nobility, or sophistication, which presupposes good upbringing. This means that a woman is tactful, courteous, diplomatic, attentive to others, and understands the feelings of others. She is highly moral, has good taste and generosity. A sophisticated woman tries not to offend another; she will never tolerate rudeness, impoliteness, a thoughtless remark, harshness or a vulgar word.

To be subtle, never interrupt anyone, don't start a discussion on a topic that might embarrass those present, and don't try to set the tone of the conversation or turn the conversation on yourself. Never speak disparagingly about other people. Never express your point of view frankly, harshly or harshly, even if you feel right. If you find yourself raising an issue that makes the other person uncomfortable, be courteous and quickly change the subject.

Never use vulgar language or tell rude or vulgar jokes. Never pick your nose, itch or blow your nose in public. Never stroke your husband on the back, head, or caress him in public. Such things, in front of outside witnesses, look like a sign of complete bad manners. Do not discuss indecent or vulgar topics. If such things do not suit men, then they look repulsive in women.

Hone in on the nobility in your clothing, hairstyle and makeup. Decorate your home with taste, think about the selection of furniture and dishes. Develop good taste in painting and music. Never ignore invitations to social events. They should be gratefully accepted or declined either by telephone or by mail.

Another sign of sophistication: Be polite to everyone who crosses your path, regardless of age, financial or social status. Every person is worthy of respect. The higher your respect for people in general, the higher the level of your upbringing. A person’s arrogant attitude towards other people shows his lack of respect, which is characteristic of all well-mannered people. Your bad manners will reveal itself most quickly in your dismissive or indifferent attitude towards other people.

To prove your goodwill, never hurt people. For example, never show indifference to their opinions or speak disparagingly about their words or actions, especially those that they consider important to themselves. Be sensitive to their feelings, opinions, achievements, ideas, traditions, religious practices and lifestyles.

If, for example, you meet an old woman who has respected legends and traditions all her life, do not offend her feelings, do not try to trample on the foundations that are sacred to her. Or if you are treated to a dinner that the hostess is secretly proud of, do not offend her by refusing more or in any other way show your dissatisfaction with the treat.

If you are visiting people whose lifestyle you do not approve of, you do not need to show your disdain for them by noisy behavior or heated arguments. On the other hand, if the hostess is trying her best to entertain the guests, give her pleasure and have fun yourself. The highest sign of good manners is your ability to show genuine joy in your interactions with people and your respectful and respectful attitude towards their way of life.

Also, learn to respect other people's enthusiasm. For example, if a person tells you about an interesting trip that he is going to take, and at the same time is excited in anticipation of the adventures awaiting him, do not quench his enthusiasm with your boring appearance and sad expression in your eyes. But, even worse, don't make negative comments that could dampen his ardor altogether, comments about how expensive this trip might cost him or how it's all sheer stupidity. On the contrary, share his enthusiasm with him. Or if he admires a piece of cake at the table, don’t spoil his appetite by telling him that you “hate cakes like that.”

Another sign of bad manners can be called increased and even shameless demands on other people. We are talking about cases when you make certain demands on people, without thinking about what it will cost them to satisfy your whims. This is how young people sometimes behave when they come to visit their friends and ask to be fed, given clothes, some things and even money. There are times when such requests are justified, but usually such requests are unnerving and annoying.

Tiger Whisker

A woman with a gentle and gentle character can tame the fiercest man, as an old Korean legend says.

Yoon Ok came to the old sage for advice. She told him the following: “It is about my husband, O sage,” she said. - He is very dear to me. For the last three years he has been at war. But after his return, he hardly talks to anyone. When I talk to him, he doesn't seem to hear me. But if he does speak, he speaks rudely. If I cook his favorite foods, he pushes them away and leaves the room angrily. Sometimes, when he should be working in the rice field, I see him sitting on the top of a hill and looking into the distance at the sea. “I need a potion,” said the young woman, “to make him as loving and affectionate as he was before.” The sage told her to bring a whisker from a live tiger, from which he could make a magic drink for her.

At night, when her husband fell asleep, Yun Ok sneaked out of the house. In her hand was a pot of rice, covered in meat sauce. She went to the place on the mountainside where everyone knew the tiger lived.

Standing far from the tiger's cave, she held a pot of rice in her hands, inviting the tiger to come out and eat, but the tiger did not come. Every night she came to that place, but every time she came a few steps closer to the tiger. And although the tiger did not respond to her call, he gradually began to get used to her.

One day she approached the tiger cave within the distance of a thrown stone. This time the tiger came out, walked a few steps and stopped. They looked at each other in the bright moonlight. The next night the same thing happened, but this time they stood so close to each other that she spoke to him in a quiet, soothing voice. The next night, after looking carefully into her eyes, the tiger ate the food she brought. The next night, the tiger was already waiting for Yun Ok's arrival, standing on the path near the cave.

Almost six months have passed since her first visit to the cave. And finally, one night, stroking the animal’s head, she said: “O generous animal, I need to get one whisker from you. Do not be mad at me, please". And she pulled out one of his mustaches.

Yun Ok ran to the sage with a tiger whisker held tightly in her palm. The sage carefully examined this mustache and then threw it into the fire. “Yung Ok,” said the old man. - Can a man be called a more ferocious creature than a tiger? Is it really more difficult for him to respond to kindness and understanding? If your patience and tenderness could inspire a feeling of trust in a wild and bloodthirsty animal, you may well do the same with your own husband.”

You don't have to be beautiful to be feminine!

You don't have to be beautiful to have all the charming qualities of femininity. There are thousands of completely ordinary women with ugly facial features and imperfect figures who have become attractive to men only because they are models of femininity. On the other hand, there are also thousands of women with beautiful faces and figures who, unable to overcome their masculine character traits and rude manners, are unable to make a positive impression on men. If a woman is soft, gentle and joyful and if she treats the people around her with love, if she is pure and moral, who will look for traits of classical beauty in her? Regardless of her external beauty or curves, most men will find her a model of femininity. She will be a real beauty for them!

Even if a woman is so plain that it is impossible to ignore this fact, men will still see attractiveness in her. Maybe they won’t call her a beauty, but they will appreciate her liveliness, insight, charm, sophistication, pleasantness, cheerfulness and everything else that attracts men so much. Often such women are especially charming and know how to attract sensible and mature men, for whom beauty without femininity is meaningless. Often it is precisely such a woman who makes a wonderful wife, next to whom any beauty becomes gray and unattractive.

So don't let your lack of beauty discourage you. But if you are beautiful, then this fact should not serve as false reassurance for you. The presence or absence of beauty does not play a big role in achieving true femininity.

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Manifestation of femininity

A certain category of men like bitches with strong character and great ambitions. But they prefer a more feminine companion as a wife. How to be more feminine?

The main criteria include the following qualities:

  • Do not have bad habits.
  • Having a slim figure.
  • Have a gentle character.
  • Be affectionate.
  • Don't conflict.
  • Have respect for your man and trust him completely.
  • Love children.
  • Strive to develop physically and spiritually.
  • Have physical and mental purity.
  • Have long, natural hair if possible.

It is also important to constantly improve yourself, engage in self-development and be self-sufficient. These points can be considered an additional bonus.

Chastity as Integrity

This chapter is from the book “Designed to Be a Woman-2. Fruit-bearing" Read more »

When we talk about chastity, the most common meaning for us is fidelity. Be faithful to your man. Both body and thoughts. But chastity is not only about that. The word itself contains the root “whole-” - a hint about integrity. And the remaining part calls for a wise attitude towards your integrity.

Chastity is the ability to be faithful not only to a man, but also to oneself. To myself. Maintain your integrity. Your integrity. In every sense - physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. A woman needs integrity like a vase. In order to store energy and give it to loved ones. And chastity in an expanded sense is a certain ability to properly manage resources. The ability to preserve, to give - while remaining complete and whole.

A simple example. House. How can you desecrate a house and disturb the atmosphere in it?

  • Enter without permission (violating the boundaries of this house)
  • Do something with the things of this house without the knowledge of the owner - move, steal, spoil, delve into personal
  • Ruining a home renovation - drawing on the wallpaper, pouring paint on the floor, staining the furniture
  • Encroach on the supremacy of the housewife - for example, come and start cooking and cleaning in the house, if there is no permission to do so

This is clear to everyone. This is generally accepted. People who break into other people's houses without permission and take personal belongings from them are punished by law and condemned by society.

But a house is also an extension of a woman’s subtle body. Therefore, all actions performed in one way or another in the house affect the woman’s psyche. That is, they violate its integrity.

I talked to people who survived robberies. Men usually treat this mathematically - losses for such and such an amount, they took this and that. Women always talk about something else. About how disgusting it is to feel like someone was rummaging through your things. About how disgusting the house smells now. About the fact that it is impossible to experience it or measure it in numbers. Because in this way their integrity was violated. It was not two tape recorders and three video cameras that were taken away, but a lot of the woman’s accumulated piety and chastity.

But is it only the impact on the home that affects the woman’s psyche? No. Any violation of her boundaries, any - even slight violence against her, any invasion, insult, humiliation - all this has a destructive force.

How other people violate our integrity:

  • Intruding into our personal lives with your (sometimes tactless) questions
  • Pouring out their sorrows and sorrows to us with or without reason, without asking if we are ready to accept their pain
  • Invading our lives with unsolicited advice
  • Breaking into our souls with his criticism
  • Forcing us to do things we don't want to do
  • Pressuring guilt and shame to get something from us
  • Without asking what we want, imposing on us our vision of the world, our goals and dreams
  • Putting pressure on us because of our views, way of thinking
  • Promising us love and care in exchange for something unpleasant for us

But no less important is that people only do to us what we allow to be done to us. That is, in the case of the psyche, “burglary” occurs with our tacit consent. We ourselves open the doors of our souls, hang up a sign “come in whoever you want and take what you like!” We ourselves - of course, unconsciously - help other people violate our integrity. And then we spend a long time restoring our sense of self, our integrity from the ruins.

How we ourselves allow our integrity to be violated:

  • Unable to refuse
  • Without hearing the voice of my heart
  • Trying to remain good to everyone
  • Trying to avoid mistakes
  • Trying to do everything perfectly
  • Wanting to please everyone around, please everyone and not upset anyone
  • Containing your negative emotions
  • For the sake of the result, agreeing to endure some unpleasant process
  • Violating your body and soul for the sake of something (money, respect, recognition, love)
  • Deserving other people's love
  • Focusing on problems without noticing the good
  • Not being able to thank the world for everything we have

That is, every time we betray ourselves, there is a certain performer in the world who does something that violates our integrity. We ourselves place a fragile vase on the very edge of the table, even a little beyond the edge. So that someone carelessly passing by could drop it - not even with a wave of his hand, but with a slight movement of air. We ourselves allow the vase to fall and break. And the person who dropped it may in fact be completely innocent. He was just passing by.

The problem is that we store our vase in an unknown place - in a walk-through place, on the edge of the table. Instead of putting it in a large cabinet behind glass and locking it.

We do not lock our house, we do not close the door to it, we hand out the keys to everyone, as if inviting everyone to enter at any time. Instead of clearly defining the boundaries of what is permitted, we smile when dishes are broken and furniture is destroyed in our beloved home.

We treat the most valuable thing - the soul - as a trinket. As if it could be replaced under warranty. As well as to your body. Previously, seeing a naked woman would have been considered an insult, a violation of her boundaries. And today we expose ourselves for the sake of society, we put ourselves on display.

Today we allow people to do all sorts of things to us that were previously unthinkable. We have sex with more than one man in our lifetime. We allow men to touch us even when we are married. We allow ourselves to be used without taking any responsibility for us. We allow them to sit on our fragile shoulders and drag with all our strength – even crawling. We allow people to abuse us and we stay in abusive relationships.

And it is important to understand that we have the right to be whole. Moreover, we are obliged to protect and protect this integrity. And if no one helps us with this, it doesn’t matter. We ourselves can tackle such a difficult task.

Start with your attitude towards yourself. Stop raping yourself. Stop beating yourself up. Learn to support yourself. Believe if no one believes. Allow yourself to set boundaries. Allow yourself not to communicate when you don’t want to. Hear yourself. Save your resources. Take care of yourself - both your body and your soul.

Little by little accustom yourself to the feeling “I am good”, “I will always be good”, “I will succeed”, “God loves me”…. And the last thing is the key to healing. The key that is so lacking for all those who suffer from problems with self-esteem. Because healing without God's help is impossible. And integrity without Him will also not work. Without this central piece, your puzzle will never come together. There will never be chastity, integrity, or dignity.

When we understand that we are God’s drop, His child, we don’t understand it in words, but feel it, we will no longer be able to treat ourselves badly and carelessly. When this feeling appears inside - and growing it is not so easy and not so fast - a lot of things fall into place on their own. The remaining pieces of the puzzle are being pulled together. Unnecessary conversations and strange people fall off, those who help us feel confident and whole are attracted. The world is turning upside down. And it becomes whole. Whole. Just like ourselves.

And then there is a complete feeling of chastity as it is. Great power inside. Whole. Full. Unconditional. Female. The real one. Given from above. The power that inspires your husband to do his deeds. A force that changes your whole life. The power that heals your soul. This is what chastity is. It turns out that this is exactly what it is.

Olga Valyaeva — valayeva.ru

How to learn to be feminine

Every girl should be real and feminine, and this is inherent in her from birth. Some people develop these skills from childhood, while others begin to develop them from the onset of puberty, in order to attract the opposite sex. In some cases, it happens that after marriage, a woman, instead of becoming even softer and thinking about how to become even more elegant, she, on the contrary, forgets about herself. At this very moment, the man begins to cool down towards her.

Very often you can see a picture when a girl, wanting to please a guy, begins to behave in a way that is not entirely correct. One example is universal accessibility. First of all, by animal instinct, a man views a woman as prey that needs to be caught and tamed. You need to have honor, and not jump on every guy with hugs. A man is interested in winning over a lady gradually. Having achieved a quick victory, a man will instantly lose interest.

I suggest using the following tips to achieve femininity:


  • It is necessary to get enough sleep, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.
  • Carry out cosmetic procedures on the face and body.
  • Be neat.
  • Stick to proper nutrition.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day.
  • Take care of personal hygiene.

Correct makeup

Never apply excessive amounts of makeup. Makeup should be light and barely noticeable, highlighting your assets. Only when attending bright events can brighter makeup be allowed. It would be a good idea to attend training courses on applying makeup.

Finding femininity

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prevent you from accumulating fat and spoiling your figure. At the same time, it will have a positive effect on a good mood. In the presence of obesity, self-esteem often decreases and with each added kilogram, it will sink faster and faster. To avoid gaining pounds, stick to proper nutrition, take fasting days, and give up bad habits. These include smoking - the skin begins to turn pale, yellowness appears and aging accelerates. This look will repel men in most cases. Play sports, go to the gym, run, at least do exercises.

Femininity and sexuality

Sort out all your things and throw away those that you haven't worn for a long time or spoil the appearance of your figure. Place the emphasis on mystery rather than openness of your forms. Give preference to dresses and clothes with bright color shades, but do not become a multi-colored traffic light, your outfit should look stylish.

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Use good manners and control your voice. A woman must be able to lead with dignity in society. Take advantage of educational books and trainings. Eliminate obscene words from your vocabulary. Speech must be beautiful and correct. Speak calmly and restrainedly, never squeak or raise your voice, no matter what the circumstances.

Expanding your horizons

Develop yourself, read books, play sports, learn new things. If you don’t want to spend money on books and courses, download them for free via the Internet. Women's erudition will have a positive effect on overall development.

Femininity of character

Try to develop gentleness in yourself, smile more often and be as friendly as possible. Without these skills, it is not possible to achieve spiritual beauty. A girl should be endowed with kindness, understanding, empathy, sympathy. It is important for a man to understand that he has a person nearby who cares about him and whom he can rely on. Being cheerful and positive has a greater chance of attracting the attention of the opposite sex.


With all female sensitivity, a girl should be able to control herself and exclude negativity. Avoid hysterics, screaming, complaints about life, and the like. It is very important to have self-control.

Personality development

Under no circumstances should you imitate someone or pretend to be someone you are not. You should be loved for your individuality. A woman needs to have her own hobbies that she will like.


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Correct communication with the opposite sex

Show open interest in a man so that he understands that you like him. Don't interrupt, listen with interest and try to maintain a dialogue. Men are greedy for praise, give it to them. Avoid complaining about fate, this will most likely push them away. Don't hide your own weakness. A man wants to take care of a girl, give him this opportunity.

By following the advice from this article, you can become more feminine and elegant not only in your eyes, but also in the eyes of a man. If you know of other methods, share them in the comments.

What does a “top” girl mean?

Many representatives of the fair sex answer this question the same way - a “top” girl is almost ideal, self-confident, has a good figure, well-groomed hair and nails, knows how to carry on a conversation, and follows modern fashion.

Attention! Usually such a young lady can be either soft and feminine, or daring and even arrogant. And all this is welcomed in society and is considered a versatility of the individual.

However, this ghostly appearance very often leads young girls astray. A real “top” girl is one who:

Loves himself. Moreover, this love is not blind and selfish, but is built on self-respect and self-esteem. It is impossible to carefully love and value yourself and at the same time hate your body, face, smile, laughter, etc. This is the law. First you need to accept yourself, your individuality, your weaknesses and enjoy them.

Appreciates other people . She tries not to be rude and not to give a contemptuous look to all those who slightly deviate from the concept of a “normal” person. She is not rude to saleswomen, does not make fun of those who are weaker and younger. She values ​​the opinions of others and life in general, respects nature and tries to bring harmony to everything.

Optimistic in life. Depressive quotes on social networks - yes, sometimes beautiful and impressive. But it’s too cloying and even pathetic. Positivity is always in fashion, negativity is in very rare cases.

Strives for self-development . Moreover, she doesn’t just read glossy psychology articles, she grabs every opportunity to learn and try something new.

These four points are the kind of whales on which a successful and attractive image rests. If a girl does not have at least one of the listed qualities, then “top quality,” even if it comes for some time, will soon evaporate.

Before you start external changes, take care of the internal ones. And the most important rule, if you decide to take the path of change - stop complaining! Love yourself better and dream more often.


It is worth saying a few words about what femininity is. Do not think that this term denotes weakness, pliability and a subordinate position in society. Nowadays, being feminine means discovering the best qualities in yourself, and not being afraid to be yourself.

If you are interested in how to become confident , then follow the link and find out 5 great tips.

To become feminine, it is recommended:

1. Explore your personality. It is important to determine which type of femininity suits you. Do you feel like a fragile princess? Maybe you're an Amazon at heart? Think about it: as a child, did you like heroines more who captivated you with their wisdom or beauty? Or maybe you were attracted to the image of a female warrior? Depending on this, your style will be built, because it is important that the appearance matches the internal content.

2. Don't wear things that don't bring you joy. The clothes you choose should lift your mood and make you feel more attractive. It is advisable to throw away items that you bought because they are cheap or because they are fashionable (unless you like them, of course). Buy only those things that really suit you.

You may like the article: how to become happy . If you are interested in this topic, then this article will help you understand what happiness is and how to achieve it.

3. Don't be afraid to accessorize. Interesting details make the image more lively and interesting. A bright scarf or heavy beads, an interestingly shaped bag... Just a couple of details - and you will attract admiring attention.

The most important “accessory” is a beautiful smile! 5 great tips on how to whiten your teeth at home in this article. Follow the link and dazzle others with your Hollywood smile.

4. Determine your color type. It is important to know whether cool or warm shades suit you. Just apply silver and gold foil to your face. If your appearance “plays out” against the background of gold, warm colors are your choice. If you are decorated with silver, pay attention to cool shades.

Another interesting article on how to determine your facial skin type . If you want to properly care for your face, then read this article for useful tips and recommendations.

5. Look for your ideal of femininity. What kind of women would you like to be like? These could be singers, actresses, writers or scientists. Make a list of beautiful women in your opinion and think about what unites them and what character and style traits you would like to adopt from them.

6. Learn to walk with an easy gait. A straight back, a gaze directed straight ahead and not at the floor, a gait “from the hip” make a queen out of any woman and increase self-esteem.

7. Don't try to live up to anyone's expectations. It is important for you to develop your own idea of ​​what it means to be feminine and follow your own path.

You will find more interesting things in the article, how to make a woman love herself . Follow the link and read 5 tips from psychologists.

8. Take care of yourself. A trip to your favorite cafe, a hot bath after a working day and meeting with your favorite friends allows you to restore strength and fill up with energy.

9. Allow yourself rest. A woman should be able to spend time on herself, and not just devote herself to loved ones or work. Femininity does not go well with a tired look and irritability.

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