Socratic dialogue as a method of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

Formatting a dialogue in writing

Direct or indirect speech is used by the authors when it is necessary to reproduce a phrase belonging to any one character, and dialogue (from the Greek dialogos - conversation) is used in cases where it is necessary to convey several replicas of characters talking to each other.
- Do you have anything that your father held in his hands?

” said the boy and took a large red handkerchief from his pocket .
In the above text, you can easily distinguish the words of the author and the characters’ remarks: the first and last sentences represent the author’s speech, within which there are two lines belonging to different characters. But one important difference between dialogue and direct and indirect speech is that the dialogue may not contain the words of the author at all. Read the following dialogue.

- Help, good man, carry the bags! Someone was caroling and threw it in the middle of the road.

In order to remember how punctuation marks are placed when recording dialogue lines, you can compare this form of recording someone else’s speech with direct speech that is already familiar to us. The design of dialogue differs from the design of direct speech in that the remarks are not enclosed in quotation marks, but begin on a new line and with a dash. In the following examples, the same words are written in two ways. For the design of dialogue, as well as for recording direct speech, there are four rules, each of which corresponds to the diagram in the illustration.

P – replica starting with a capital letter; p – a replica starting with a lowercase letter; A – author’s words starting with a capital letter; a – words of the author starting with a lowercase letter.

1. The author’s words precede the cue or direct speech

Chichikov turned to him with the following words:
“I would like to talk to you about a business
.” (Gogol)

Chichikov turned to him with the following words: “I would like to talk to you about a business.”

2. Direct speech or remark comes before the author’s words

"Do you need dead souls?" – Sobakevich asked simply, without the slightest surprise...

3. Direct speech or remark is broken by the words of the author

“Yes,” Chichikov answered and softened his expression, adding, “non-existent.” (Gogol)

“Yes,” Chichikov answered and softened his expression, adding, “non-existent.”

4. The author’s words are broken by a replica

- Hello! - and went to the window... (Dragunsky)

He said: “Hello!” – and went to the window.

Source of the article:

Dialogue, types of dialogues, characteristics of dialogues.


Business, Dialogue, Partner, Follow, Communication, Situation, Communicative, Subject Dialogue, types of dialogues, characteristics of dialogues.

Dialogue is a process of mutual communication when a remark is replaced by a response phrase and there is a constant change of roles.

If one of the partners refuses their remarks, then the dialogue turns into a monologue. If both refuse, then naturally communication stops.

The speech behavior of each participant in the dialogue can be divided into beats: one beat is speech, the other is silence. These beats constantly replace each other, which allows us to consider the dialogue a rhythmic process.

There are two classes of dialogue: informational and interpretive. Information dialogue is typical for situations in which at the beginning of communication between partners there is a gap in knowledge. Interpretative dialogue is characterized by the fact that the partners’ knowledge is approximately equal, but receives a different interpretation.

Therefore, one of the main conditions of dialogue communication is the initial gap in knowledge. That is, if the partners do not provide each other with new information on the subject of the dialogue, but begin to exchange generally known truths, then the dialogue will not take place. Moreover, communication will not take place at all as verbal communication.

It should be borne in mind that low information content is not always in practice evidence of insufficient communicative competence. This may be a consequence of the partner’s reluctance to enter into dialogue. Hence, by the way, the formal meaning of those verbal clichés that people exchange in public places, in transport, etc., and etiquette forms such as “Hello!”, “How are you?”, “How are you?” — they are not aimed at dialogue.

Another important condition for dialogue is the need for communication. It arises in a situation when the subject’s existing knowledge about the subject turns out to be insufficient. The presence in this situation of a partner who can actually or potentially be a source of unknown information makes the emergence of a dialogue likely.

In addition, dialogue as a specific linguistic form of communication requires at least some linguistic knowledge. That is, dialogue does not work if the partners speak different languages, if one of the partners saturates the speech with terminology, borrowed or other vocabulary that is not in the active vocabulary of the other, and in a number of other cases of lack of general language knowledge.

Types of dialogues

Specialists in the field of communication psychology distinguish, in addition to classes of dialogues, two levels of communication that apply to speech communication as a whole: event-based (informational) and business (conventional).

13 pages, 6261 words

Causes of communication failures in intercultural business communication (in the process of communicating with Spanish business partners)

... (in the process of communicating with Spanish business partners) 3.1 Communication failures The success of verbal communication is largely determined by ... opportunistic ways of accumulating wealth, enrichment; dialogue-oriented, but they talk without stopping; focus on ... communication failures // Dialogue interaction and knowledge representation. - Novosibirsk, 1985. - P.64-78. Spanish-Russian…

The event level is characteristic of any sphere of communication: everyday, business, professional, etc. its main patterns are as follows:

• there is always a subject of communication;

• implementation of tactics of accepting a partner;

• implementation of a partnership situation in communication;

• self-presentation of personality.

The business level is characterized, first of all, by clear role differentiation. Its main principles are as follows:

• there is not always a subject of communication;

• implementation of tactics of partner acceptance;

• the partnership situation is implemented only in accordance with the role;

• self-presentation according to your role.

Based on the goals and objectives of dialogue, the specific communication situation and the roles of partners, the following main types of dialogue communication can be distinguished:

• everyday conversation;

• business conversation;

• interview;

• interview;

• negotiation.

Let's look at some of them.

Everyday conversation. The following are typical for everyday conversation:

• unplanned;

• a wide variety of topics discussed (personal, social, political, etc.) and language used;

• frequent deviations from the topic, jumping from one topic to another;

• absence, as a rule, of targets and the need to make any decision:

• self-perception of personality;

• conversational style of speech.

Business conversation. A business conversation is an act of direct mutual communication in the official business sphere, carried out through words and non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, demeanor).

Business conversation has the following characteristic features:

10 pages, 4926 words

Business communications_T2

... communication time, so as not to tire the interlocutor who is unwell. The psychological defense built by a business partner is a serious communication barrier. Having realized ... the external and the internal world, it can be of the following types: 1. Visual: what I see or imagine ... when the partner is unkempt, sloppily dressed or the situation in his office, the appearance of the desktop is not conducive to conversation. Overcome...

• a differentiated approach to the subject of discussion, taking into account the communicative purpose and partners and in the interests of a clear and convincing presentation of opinions;

• speed of response to partners' statements, contributing to the achievement of the set goal;

• critical assessment of partners' opinions, proposals, and objections;

• analytical approach to taking into account and assessing the subjective and objective factors of the problem in a complex;

• a sense of self-worth and increased competence of partners as a result of critical analysis of other points of view on this issue;

• A sense of ownership and responsibility in solving the problem raised in the conversation.

Recommendations for conducting business conversations:

• write a plan for the conversation in advance, work out the most important wording;

• apply the provisions of psychology about periodic influence on the interlocutor, namely: alternate unfavorable moments and facts with favorable ones, the beginning and end of the conversation are positive phrases;

• constantly remember the driving motives of the interlocutor: his expectations, the advantages that he seeks through this conversation, his position, his desire to assert himself, his sense of justice, his pride;

• avoid the presence of uninterested persons;

• never, in any situation, be impolite or tasteless;

• make it easier for the interlocutor to give a positive answer;

• avoid asking questions to which the interlocutor can answer “no”;

• give fundamental explanations of your position in every case when the interlocutor does not agree with it;

• never treat others with disdain;

• avoid empty rhetoric;

• refuse to conduct template conversations;

• avoid moving away from the subject of conversation and passing digressions;

• express yourself convincingly and in an optimistic manner.

Each of these recommendations has its own implementation characteristics. For example, when planning a conversation, it is advisable to consider the following questions:

• the reason for the conversation, its topic and main goal;

• specific tasks related to the subject of discussion;

13 pages, 6277 words


...negotiations are a dialogue between equal, or at least independent, partners. Discussion with colleagues is based on all previously identified principles of conversation. The main question is... the language of gestures and facial expressions is filled with meaning. For example, about the open position of a partner (at least in this situation) ... significantly depends on what these areas are filled with. For example, if in the first area there is an excess of claims...

• professional level and psychological characteristics of the interlocutor;

• what needs to be done to achieve the goal?

• what arguments, objections, opposing interests might you have to face?

• how to overcome opposition?

• what advantages (or, conversely, negative aspects) will this bring?

• various options for solving the problem depending on the expected reaction of the interlocutor (agreement, denial, warning, etc.).

There are also factors that interfere with the normal flow of dialogue, for example: tactless interruption mid-sentence; unjustifiably depriving someone of the opportunity to express their opinion; ignoring or ridiculing a partner’s arguments; manipulation of facts, unfounded suspicions, unfounded statements, etc.

An interview is a conversation between an applicant and an employer when applying for a job. For an employer, an interview is an effective tool for selecting personnel that meets the qualification requirements; for an applicant, it is an opportunity to “sell yourself” and get the desired job. Although an interview is always stressful and stressful, there is no need to treat it as an interrogation or torture. It is very important to be able to tune in and calmly and confidently answer the employer’s questions.

An interview is a method of obtaining primary sociological information through direct, focused conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. Specifics and interview methods. Man is the source of primary sociological information.

Negotiation. Negotiations are a process of purposeful and results-oriented business communication in the form of dialogue. Negotiations are held:

• for a specific reason (for example, in connection with the need to create a Center for social assistance to families and children in a neighborhood);

• under certain circumstances (for example, divergence of interests);

• for a specific purpose (for example, concluding an agreement);

• on certain issues (political, economic, social, cultural).

Despite the wide variety of negotiation topics, their structure can be reduced to the following general scheme:

• introduction to the problem;

• characteristics of the problem and proposals for the progress of negotiations;

• position statement;

• conducting dialogue;

6 pages, 2588 words

Negotiations as a socio-psychological phenomenon

Zadorozhnaya Larisa Nikolaevna. There is group decision making, although it is made by 1 person. Spontaneous decision making. Discussion - the success of the negotiation process consists of 3 factors: a goal that stands. Its significance. Significance is tied to personal interest. the nature of the interpersonal relationships in which the negotiators find themselves (if there is 1 worldview or interdependence of each other...

• solution to the problem;

• completion.

Negotiations can be easy or tense. Partners can agree with each other without difficulty, or with great difficulty, or not agree at all. During the negotiations, various interests are discovered on which agreement must be reached. It is also important what advantages (or disadvantages) the conclusion of a particular agreement is associated with for partners.

Various subjective factors should also be taken into account: the partners’ abilities, their skills, negotiation skills, etc. People with different experiences in business, professional and communication can come together at the negotiating table. They may have different temperaments (for example, phlegmatic and choleric), their own communication style depending on the psychological type of personality (for example, dominance or rigidity), and different special education (for example, technical or economic).

Negotiations require careful preparation. The more serious the approach to them (using analysis, calculations of economic and social effects, conclusions, etc.), the greater the chances of success. Insufficient preparation for negotiations will most likely lead to sluggish progress, failures and blockages.

For negotiations to develop successfully, it is necessary to immediately try to find a common position with your partner immediately after they begin. This is facilitated by the creation of a favorable atmosphere for cooperation based on a common information base, and attitude towards the partner with business interest and respect.

It is recommended to start with the most important aspects of the subject of discussion, trying to come to an agreement on fundamental issues, and only then move on to the details. At the same time, at the beginning of the negotiations, indisputable, non-controversial issues are raised, which will create a basis conducive to the development of negotiations.

After this phase, they move on to discussing points that can be agreed upon relatively easily, and only then move on to the main issues that require detailed discussion. If these issues are postponed until the beginning of the discussion, the negotiations may be blocked or even break down. Moreover, in order not to interfere with the development of negotiations, attention should not be focused on differences in views if they are not fundamental.

In some cases, when the principle of increasing complexity cannot be maintained, negotiations may get bogged down in discussing secondary issues, although the parties have not yet reached agreement on the main points. This means that it is necessary to sort out the main results of the negotiations that have already been achieved and, on the basis of this, determine the next points to be discussed.

9 pages, 4086 words

1.Negotiations and conditions for their conduct implementation. Preparation for negotiations includes the following substages: - identifying areas of mutual interests; -establishing working relationships with a partner; - solving organizational issues (formation... involving very significant overestimations of the initial requirements. An extreme position is put forward (for example, the maximum price of a product), which is then stubbornly defended through small...

In some cases, the success of negotiations can be determined by optimal speech behavior, based on the skillful use of language and style of official business speech, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, as well as communication psychologists.

For example, a partner wants to feel that during negotiations he is treated as an expert in the relevant field. When addressing him, this should be especially emphasized: “As an engineer, you know from your own experience what can lead to…. Therefore, I propose..."

The partner may react negatively to the proposal. In this situation, it is important to find out the reasons for his position:

• does he feel left out?

• isn’t the implementation of the proposal associated with various negative aspects for him?

• does he understand what consequences his refusal will entail, or does he see a benefit for himself here?

• does he have the authority necessary to make a decision?

• does he feel like he is being pressured?

Care should be taken to ensure that the partner can calmly present his arguments, objections, and proposals. In this case, such tactics of verbal behavior as expressing agreement are effective, if, of course, agreement is possible (“Yes, of course,” “I completely agree with this,” “Correct,” “Reasonable,” etc.).

Sometimes they try to influence a partner with the help of arguments that are not relevant to the case. For example, they appeal to feelings, talk about duty and responsibility. Such verbal behavior is possible, but not always effective. In any case, for this it is necessary to subtly feel the situation and accurately predict the psychological state and reaction of the partner.

If negotiations reach a dead end, you should try to improve the situation, using, for example, the following techniques:

• consider the problem from the other side (“Let’s approach the problem from the other side...”);

• use your partner’s statements to develop your thoughts (“I would like to dwell on your proposal again and immediately move on to the question of...”);

• clarify with the help of counter questions whether the partner is understood correctly (“If I understand correctly, you have some doubts about the delivery time…”);

12 pages, 5746 words

Features of the development of communicative activity of children with general speech underdevelopment

... on examination of children's speech: Examination of written and coherent speech. - M., 2009. Gribova O.E. Is your child speaking correctly? ... attention and memory are manifested in such children in the following ways: they find it difficult to restore the order of objects or pictures after ... age, the selectivity and stability of their relationships increases. Permanent partners can remain throughout the entire period of stay in…

• refer to the experience gained in the relevant field of activity (“I remember that you would like to conclude an agreement for a period of one year. On the other hand, one cannot help but remember, and you know this as well as me, that two-year agreements were a good basis for cooperation.");

• give your partner a chance to think if the new compromise proposal takes him by surprise (“Before you make any decision, think about my proposal again”).

An important skill during negotiations is the ability to pose questions correctly. Based on the answers to them, you can determine the partner’s position and identify the motives that forced him to take such a position. For example, questions might be asked:

• by subject (“When will you be able to deliver the first batch?..”);

• on the problem (“Why can’t delivery be made in the 2nd quarter?”);

• in order to find out opinions (“How do you assess the possible actions of stakeholders in this situation”);

• according to the form of approval (“So, can I assume that delivery will be made in the 2nd quarter?”);

• in the form of generalization (“So, can we note that the problem with transport has been solved?”);

• in the form of a “question to question” (“Don’t you think so?”).

Regardless of whether the negotiations were successful or unsuccessful, their results should be analyzed in detail.

It should be borne in mind that even the manner of speech influences, and sometimes significantly, the course of negotiations; as, indeed, on speech communication in general.

If you speak too loudly, your partner may get the impression that an opinion is being imposed on him. On the other hand, if you speak too quietly and indistinctly, your partner will be forced to ask counter questions to make sure whether he perceives what was said correctly. However, if negotiations take place in a small room, then it is better to use the so-called chamber style - speak quietly and clearly.

If you speak too quickly, especially when conveying new information, your partner may have the impression that they simply want to persuade him to do the opposite; if you speak too slowly, your partner will probably decide that you are stalling for time for some purpose that is unclear to him. But if your partner is nervous, then you should slow down the pace and lower your voice.

List of used literature:

1. Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of speech theory: Textbook. aid for students Higher Ped. textbook institutions / M.R. Lviv. – M., 2000.

2. Lvova S.I. Language in speech communication / S.I. Lvova. - M.: Education, 2000.

3. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. for universities / A.I. Dunaev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. – M. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

4. Kuchinsky G.M. Dialogue and thinking. - Minsk, 2004.

5. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. for universities / A.I. Dunaev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. – M. – St. Petersburg, 2002.

6. Stolyarenko L.D. psychology of business communication and management. Series “Textbooks of the XXI century” L.D. Stolyarenko. – Rostov n/d, 2001.

7. Florenskaya T.A. Dialogue in practical psychology. - M., 2005.

8. Fisher R. The path to agreement or negotiations without defeat / R. Fisher. - Mn.: Paradox, 2008.

Formatting direct speech and dialogues

A – author’s text with a capital letter and – with a small letter

Schematic writing of the most popular dialogue options

Please note that the period is always placed outside the quotation marks. Question and exclamation marks are inside. I met a comma both inside and outside.

Regardless of the type of sign at the end of direct speech, in this case it is one sentence. Therefore, the author's text here is always in small letters.

The author's text breaks the sentence of direct speech, so after the author's text there is a comma, direct speech continues with a small letter.

The author's text follows the completed sentence of direct speech.

Ellipses in direct speech:

Dialogues are formatted according to the same rules.

- P, - a. “Hello,” Elena smiled.

- P? - A. - Would you like some coffee? – Damon asked.

- P! - A. - Hello! – Elena smiled.

- P... - ah. “I don’t know...” the girl answered.

- P, - a, - p. “Hello,” Elena smiled, “I’m glad to see you.”

- P, - a. “P.” “Hello,” Elena smiled. - It's good that you came.

- P? - A. - P. - Are you sure? – Damon asked. - There will be no second chance.

- P! - A. - P. - You're lying! Damon said. – First of all, to myself.

- P... - a, - p. - He... - the girl hesitated, - he confessed his love to me.

- P... - ah. - P. - I... - the girl hesitated. “I don't think that's a good idea, Damon.”

- P, - a. A: “P.” “I agree,” Elena nodded. Taking a couple of steps towards Damon, she added with a smile, “I think we'll have a great time.”

- P, - a. A. — P. “I agree,” Elena nodded. Damon's face showed surprise - he clearly did not expect such an answer. - I think we'll have a great time.

- P? - A. A: - P. - Are you sure? – Damon asked. He stared at Elena for several minutes, then warned: “There will be no second chance.”

- P? - A. A. - P. - Do you agree? – Elena was surprised. Hearing the tone of her voice, Damon turned away. - I don't think this is a good idea.

- P! - A. A: - P. - Excellent! – the vampire grinned. Having carefully examined Elena from head to toe, he concluded: “Now you need to buy a new dress.”

- P! - A. A. - P. - Wow! – the girl was delighted. Damon smiled when he saw her reaction. - In that case, I also want shoes.

- P... - ah. A: - P. - Hmm... - the vampire feigned surprise. After thinking for a minute, he agreed: “It’s yours, Elena.”

- P... - ah. A? - P. - Coffee... - Elena was confused. What kind of coffee can there be if she is afraid to be alone with Damon? - I think no.

In fact, there are still many options in which some punctuation marks replace others. Main

– know the basic rules of writing, and this is: the author’s words are written after a comma/ellipsis/question mark/exclamation mark with a small letter!

Punctuation. Spaces

They are a stumbling block for so many authors. Remember the following once and for all.

There is never a space

before: colon, ellipsis, comma, period, semicolon, exclamation point or question mark. I would like to highlight the hyphen separately - it is not separated by spaces at all (except for one rare case that has nothing to do with this topic).

This is not a Socratic dialogue

The goal of Socratic dialogue is guided discovery , whereby a person uses questions to rethink his or her experiences and life.

It's important to understand what turns good technique into useless philosophical chatter:

  • Disagreement or distrust with the client's conclusion. The psychologist says: “So, you have come to the conclusion that your own father is still better than your stepfather, but I don’t agree with you, this is black and white thinking, and it will be difficult for you to live like this.”
    Even if it's true, we still don't do it
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