Test for schizophrenia as an additional diagnostic method

Test for schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness. Diagnosing schizophrenia is far from simple. Such a diagnosis is made exclusively by specialists based on a combination of many factors. And first of all, because there are symptoms that occur not only in schizophrenia, but also in other mental disorders.

At the same time, there are a number of symptoms that occur in most patients with schizophrenia and are almost never found in other mental diseases. So, back in the 30s of the last century, German psychiatrist Kurt Schneider identified 5 groups of symptoms of schizophrenia that are characteristic of this disease and called them “Symptoms of the 1st rank.” Numerous further studies showed that he was right in the sense that similar symptoms are diagnosed in 80% of patients suffering from schizophrenia. Therefore, they subsequently entered the official diagnostic criteria for the classification of mental disorders.

The test, which is offered below, contains a description of symptoms that often occur in patients with schizophrenia (including symptoms of the 1st rank according to K. Schneider) and very rarely in other mental disorders. However, one must understand that it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on the test results. This can only be done by a qualified doctor, psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Carefully read the description of symptoms and note those that could be observed in you or another person in the past or present.

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  1. No category 0%
  • Even if you notice that something not entirely normal is happening to your psyche, preventing you from living an ordinary life, this is unlikely to be associated with schizophrenia.
    However, if you experience persistent emotional or mental discomfort, it would not hurt you to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist, at least in order to improve your mental state or rule out the presence of some other disorder.

    Psychotherapy is also needed for healthy people to prevent the development of a severe mental disorder. Be aware of your emotional health. Check out our materials:

    Types of psychotherapeutic assistance

    Why are we still afraid of psychiatrists?

Signs of schizophrenic disorder in the pre-morbid stage

Schizophrenia is an endogenous disease and is associated with biochemical disorders of the brain. And pathological processes in the brain cannot but affect a person’s behavior and thinking. During childhood or adolescence, a person who may later develop schizophrenia does not stand out much from other people. However, some signs are still worth paying attention to. Such children are usually a little withdrawn and may experience learning difficulties. You can notice some oddities in their behavior, for example, washing hands too often, unusual hobbies, coldness towards animals. Of course, the fact that a child is lagging behind in school and behaves withdrawn does not mean that he will necessarily suffer from schizophrenia in the future. It’s just that such a child or teenager should be monitored more carefully. It would also be a good idea to consult with a child psychologist.

Incubation period of the disease

As the pathological processes of the brain in schizophrenia worsen, changes in the psyche and thinking become more pronounced. The incubation (prodromal) stage of the disease lasts on average about three years. Relatives do not always pay attention to gradually increasing oddities in the patient’s behavior, especially if this coincides with adolescence. Signs of the disease at this stage, which make it possible to understand whether a person has schizophrenia, may be as follows:

  • strange behavioral reactions;
  • desire for solitude, decreased initiative and energy level;
  • changes in handwriting (for example, handwriting may become illegible or the slant of letters in handwriting may change);
  • change in personality traits (a diligent and punctual teenager suddenly becomes absent-minded and careless);
  • deterioration of creative, educational or working abilities;
  • episodic simple hallucinatory or illusory manifestations;
  • new extremely valuable hobbies, for example, philosophy, mysticism, religious ideas.

Graphologists believe that it is possible to understand whether there is a predisposition to schizophrenia by looking at a person’s handwriting.

Handwriting can say a lot about personality and thinking. However, illegible and intermittent handwriting in itself does not indicate schizophrenia; there must be other characteristic manifestations of the disease. If you begin to notice changes in handwriting or other signs in yourself or a loved one, you should consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Diagnostics and MSE

The process of diagnosis and MSE (medical and social examination) for schizophrenia can take quite a long time, since the manifestations of the disease are very diverse. Differential diagnosis allows you to exclude mental, somatic and neurological pathologies that have symptoms similar to schizophrenia. However, it is not always possible to make an accurate diagnosis immediately even after differential diagnosis. How does the diagnostic process work? To begin with, the psychiatrist assesses the patient’s condition during a conversation. It identifies productive and negative symptoms, as well as the degree of cognitive impairment. Various tests are often used. For example, one can fairly accurately predict schizophrenia based on eye movements.

A person with this pathology cannot smoothly follow a slowly moving object with his eyes. Specific eye movements in schizophrenics are also observed when freely viewing pictures. An experienced doctor is able to recognize signs of pathology in eye movements. It is also difficult for such people to keep their eyes still for a long time and fix their gaze on something. After the conversation, a series of examinations are carried out that allow us to assess the characteristics of the central nervous system, identify concomitant diseases, and endocrine disruptions. Studies such as EEG, MRI, TDS (special ultrasound scanning of cerebral vessels) allow more accurate differential diagnosis, assessment of the severity of schizophrenia and the most effective selection of medications. MRI for schizophrenia is one of the effective ways to solve the problem - how to recognize schizophrenia even before its obvious signs appear and the person’s well-being deteriorates. It has been proven that changes in brain structures begin long before the symptoms of schizophrenia develop.

During the treatment process, at each stage of remission, an MSE of the patient is performed. If the exacerbation is protracted, MSE can be performed during the attack. MSE evaluates the duration and clinical form of schizophrenia, the dynamics and nature of negative disorders, the type and characteristics of mental disorders. Also during the MSA process, it is important to assess how critical the patient is of his condition. During MSE, the stage of the disease, the nature of the leading syndrome and the quality of remissions are assessed. All this is necessary to determine the patient’s disability group based on the results of the MSA. The first group of disability is most often caused by a continuously ongoing malignant form of the disease, which develops early and causes a rapid increase in negative disorders.


Negative symptoms

In schizophrenia, sexual desire and the intensity of emotional reactions decrease. Moreover, a person plunges into apathy, cannot feel the joy of life, and finds it difficult to force himself to do the usual actions. The voice loses color, becomes sluggish, monotonous. The eyes seem indifferent. The patient avoids direct contact and can lie and stare at one point all day long. The most primitive motivation is lost - to eat, wash, comb your hair.

Characteristic features of the disease

In order to be highly likely to have schizophrenia in a person, they must have at least one clearly present symptom from the following list:

  • the so-called “echo of thoughts,” “taking away” or “investing” thoughts, broadcasting thoughts (openness);
  • delusions of influence, influence, related to movements of limbs or other parts of the body, actions, thoughts or sensations, delusional perception of the environment;
  • hallucinations in the form of voices discussing and commenting on the patient’s behavior; other types of hallucinatory voices are also taken into account, regardless of the source (emanating from any part of the body);
  • persistent delusional ideas of any other kind that are not adequate for a given social culture and do not have a rational explanation for their content.

The patient must have at least two symptoms from the list below. Moreover, the symptoms must persist for at least a month:

  • constant hallucinations relating to any area, accompanied by delusional ideas that are not fully formed, unstable, and do not have a clear emotional coloring;
  • interruption of the thought process due to mixed thoughts, which lead to fragmentation or diversity of speech, neologisms;
  • catatonic disorders: undifferentiated stereotypical excitations, impulsive acts, rigidity or waxy flexibility, negativism, stupor, exaggerated mannerisms;
  • negative symptoms: pronounced apathy, the appearance of poor speech, pallor, smoothness or inadequacy of emotional reactions - features leading to isolation, lack of intelligence - provided that these signs are not caused by depression or drug effects;
  • significant changes in behavior, manifested by loss of interests, lack of focus and inactivity.

It should be borne in mind that the sudden onset of schizophrenia is not typical. Before the formation of symptoms, there is a period of prodromal phenomena (precursor symptoms), the duration of which in most cases lasts at least five years. During this period of time, features such as mild cognitive impairment, changes in motor skills, isolated disturbances in perception, episodes of loss of interest in work and social activities, and episodes of ignoring hygiene habits become noticeable. These signs in some cases can be mistaken for fatigue and absent-mindedness. Systematic observation of a person and communication with him help to recognize pathological changes.

How to detect early manifestations of the disease

You began to notice that your interlocutors react somehow strangely to your actions and words. Relationships with loved ones have become strained. You begin to sleep anxiously at night and have nightmares. More and more often you begin to think about the question: have I gone crazy? The answer to such a question, of course, can only be given by a specialist, inviting you to undergo a psychiatric test at his appointment. And after a long study of all the symptoms, make a final diagnosis. Unfortunately, our mentality often prevents us from seeing a doctor of this profile in time, so there is a high probability of developing the disease. What to do if for some reason you are unable to visit a doctor. You can take a schizophrenia test yourself.

How to identify a SCHIZOPHRENIC by the eyes

Scientists have developed a method that allows one to instantly diagnose schizophrenia using the eyes.

Scottish scientists have developed a new method, thanks to which doctors will be able to diagnose schizophrenia in two minutes and with 99% accuracy - just by monitoring the patient’s eye movements.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen turned their attention to the fact that people with schizophrenia are unable to follow a slowly moving object: their eye movements tend to lag behind the object and then sharply focus on it.

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Incoherent delirium (in 90% of patients)

“A neighbor is trying to poison me with radioactive waves,” “the Martians want to kidnap me for research,” “I am Napoleon (Peter I, Cleopatra), who came to this world with a special mission,” “I see signs, I hear the voices of angels, they are trying to to say something". The most common fantasies of schizophrenics are associated with the idea of ​​persecution, mind control, delusions of grandeur, and some special abilities that he possesses (levitation, mind reading, communication with devils and angels, the gift of seeing deceased ancestors).

Your psychologist. The work of a psychologist at school.

1. Descriptions of personality types.

1. Asthenic type They are irritable and sensitive, easily exhausted, and have difficulty coping with physical and mental stress. They often experience autonomic disorders - sweating hands, palpitations, shortness of breath, urticaria. They quickly get tired, which is why they lose the ability to concentrate and forget the information they have received. As a psychological defense, they are characterized by passive type reactions: crying, whims, avoidance reactions. They are timid, insecure, doubt themselves, touchy, and like to focus on their health, which is caused by functional fluctuations in body weight, periods of elevated temperature, and nosebleeds. As a rule, these features are identified from childhood.

2. Psychasthenic type They are not confident in themselves, constantly doubt, are indecisive, and have difficulty making a choice. Moreover, they are often pedantic and scrupulous, which is explained by uncertainty in their actions. As a rule, they are timid, shy, fearful, anxious over the slightest trifles, and they often show a tendency to perform neurotic rituals that allow them to calm down for a while.

3. Schizoid type They are a bizarre alloy of excessive sensitivity and emotional coldness. Their mental life is paradoxical, as if made up of fragments, mosaic. Schizoids are aesthetes, they are demanding of others, touchy, but they themselves are alienated from everyone, they are selective and limited in communication. Their social circle may be wide, but the relationships within it are dry and formal. However, their inner world is fabulously rich, their experiences can be acute and dramatic, which is little manifested externally. Schizoids live in their own world, which bears little resemblance to the reality around them. Schizoids often discover the richness of their world in creativity, as a rule, in painting and literature.

4. Cycloid type The leading symptom of the cycloid type is mood swings - regardless of external reasons. When a cycloid is in subdepression, he is sad, lethargic, apathetic, judges the world pessimistically, complains about his poor health, helplessness, and worthlessness. But as soon as the mood moves into the hypomanic phase, the cycloid becomes cheerful, carefree, mobile and full of ideas and projects that, as a rule, are impossible.

5. Epileptoid type They are excitable, their emotional experiences are long, knitted like thick jelly, as a rule, epileptoids are always dissatisfied with something, are gloomy, silent, but easily flare up, their anger is uncontrollable, they are dangerous in a rage. They remember the insult for a long time and hatch plans for revenge. Outwardly, an epileptoid may be sweet and flattering, but inside he is rude and cruel. Often, from a young age, epileptoids are in conflict with the law. In everyday life, the epileptoid is petty, loves order, is greedy, his neatness knows no reasonable boundaries.

6. Hysterical type Hysterics judge themselves, exaggerating their merits and masking their shortcomings, they are theatrical and unnatural, too bright and shocking, demonstrative, deceitful. All their actions are imbued with the desire to be visible, to achieve fame and praise. They never listen to constructive criticism, but do everything their own way. Their ideas and plans may seem grandiose, but analysis reveals the author’s short-sightedness and the inconsistency of the project. Hysterics are self-hypnosis, easily susceptible to mood swings provoked by insignificant external reasons, they are very infantile, so they can give the impression of being stupid, although in reality this is not the case.

7. Unstable type They are weak-willed and fall under the influence of others. They are simple-minded, pliable, and easy to seduce. Random circumstances can easily upset their plans. Their high intellectual and creative potential, as a rule, is not realized due to variability of interests and lack of determination. They are easily seduced and forced to imitate even the absurd actions of those around them. Outwardly pliable and soft, they give the impression of sincere people, but inside they are cold and empty.

8. Paranoid type They are prone to forming overvalued ideas that control all their behavior. These are self-confident people, with a heightened sense of self-esteem, who feel superior to others. They are often overprincipled, easily conflict with others, and do not spare either others or themselves. Often in conflicts they lose their sense of common sense, are ready to do everything to realize their ideas, are stubborn and rigid in their views. Many of them are litigators, fighters for ideas. They can be fanatical and often become leaders. Their ideas can be banal and ingenious, their extraordinary intellect allows them to realize their plans, and unshakable perseverance sweeps away obstacles. They are very suspicious, distrustful, and demand selfless devotion from others, but not so much to themselves as to their ideas.

9. Insensitive type They are cold, incapable of empathy even for very close people, unscrupulous and immoral. Other people are treated consumeristly, as if they were things, they put everything in the service of their own interests, and do not take anything into account to achieve their goals. Often they do not stop even before committing a crime, being exposed, they do not experience the slightest pity or repentance.

10. Mixed type Includes features of other types, and none of them is dominant. The most common combinations are schizoid and epileptoid, schizoid and hysterical, hysterical and epileptoid.

2. Basic personality traits to be verified and assessed.
Personality type

Verifiable Traits
Asthenic Irritable weakness, passive defensive reactions, avoidance reactions, hypochondria (4)
Psychasthenic Lack of self-confidence, difficulty making choices, anxious suspiciousness, neurotic reactions (4)
Schizoid Autism, richness of the inner world, experiences, excessive sensitivity, tendency to abstraction (4)
Cycloid Bipolarity of affect, depressive periods (status), manic periods (status) (3)
Epileptoid Emotional rigidity, tendency to expressed brutal reactions, pedantry, touchiness, vindictiveness (4)
Hysterical Pretentiousness, theatricality, superficial sociability, infantilism, deceit (5)
Unstable Weakness of will, susceptibility to other people's influence, switching interests, susceptibility to temptations (4)
Paranoid Ideational rigidity, uncompromising adherence to principles, uncompromisingness, fanatical devotion to the idea, dryness and logic (4)
Unfeeling Lack of empathy, unscrupulousness, immorality (3)
Total: 9 types Total: 35 verifiable traits, 2-3 questions for each

3. Questions used to verify personality traits and the lie scale.

Personality traits Verification questions
Asthenic MS
  1. If your work is not going well, are you able to crumple everything, tear it, throw it in the basket, and then cry (+)?
  2. When you are tired, can any minor trouble bring you to a scream or to tears (+)?
  3. Are you particularly tired of work that requires attention, mental stress, responsibility (-)?
  1. If things are coming at you from all sides, do you prefer to wait until some of the problems resolve themselves (+)?
  2. Do you avoid disputes, cannot stand discussing your affairs, prefer to leave, although you have the right to expect approval (+)?
  3. After your boss yelled at you, do you spend a long time trying to remember why, exactly, he scolded you (+)?
IP Total: 9
  1. Have you ever baffled a whole council of medical luminaries with your health complaints (-)?
  2. Has it ever happened that doctors uselessly drove you from office to office, and in the end they considered you completely healthy (oops) (+)?
  3. Don't you have to seriously fear for your health, and perhaps your life (-)?
Psychasthenic NS
  1. Do you often tend to doubt whether you will succeed in any business, although others do not have such doubts (+)?
  2. Have you ever wondered why you carried out your plan so successfully, although you doomed your plan to failure in advance (-)?
  3. Are others ready to believe in you more than you believe in yourself (+)?
  1. If you need to decide on any step, do you hesitate for a long time to make a choice (+)?
  2. Does it happen that a situation from which you see several alternative exits leaves you perplexed for a long time (+)?
  3. Often, despite the obvious advantages of one of the possible options, do you hesitate to make a decision (+)?
TM, HP Total: 9
  1. When everything goes well, you still have doubts about whether things will turn out well (+)?
  2. Have you ever had to go back to check if the gas is turned off or the window is closed (-)?
  3. You know well that a black cat is quite harmless, but its appearance on your path can seriously alarm you (+)?
Schizoid Au
  1. Do you never feel as comfortable as when you are alone (+)?
  2. Are you rarely bored alone because there are many interesting things to do: books, a computer, a collection of postage stamps (+)?
  3. Do you feel uneasy in a noisy company, and would it be better to sit in a corner, leafing through an album with photographs (+)?
  1. To an outside observer it may seem that you are not busy with anything or dozed off, while you are immersed in your dreams (+)?
  2. Don't you like to fantasize in your spare time, compose a fairy tale, talk with an imaginary interlocutor (-)?
  3. Do you sometimes feel that you should do something creative - write a book, a painting - so many good ideas come to mind (+)?
HH, SA Total: 9
  1. Are you very easy to offend, although the people around you do not suspect it (+)?
  2. Have you ever, while reading a book or watching a movie, sympathized with the characters so much that you were ready to cry, as if it concerned you personally (-)?
  3. Is it much easier for you to model a situation and explain your thoughts to your interlocutor, resorting to images and metaphors, than to operate with specific concepts (+)?
Cycloid asthma
  1. Have you noticed that your mood changes easily throughout the day (+)?
  2. Does your life look like a continuous series of streaks of luck and failure (+)?
  3. The slightest joyful or sad news can throw you off balance (+)?
  1. Have there been any long periods in your life when you felt a loss of strength, a decline in mood, when everything literally fell out of your hands and things weren’t going well (-)?
  2. Lately have you been feeling tired, helpless, useless and a useless loser (+)?
  3. Are you not inclined to think that your life could have been much more successful if fate had been more favorable to you (-)?
MP Total: 9
  1. Have there been periods in your life when your mood was rosy, cloudless, things were going well and it seemed that you were ready to move mountains (+)?
  2. Are you today more cheerful, active, happy and confident in your abilities (+)?
  3. Your life can be considered a fairy tale, it turned out so happily, and the future probably does not promise big failures (+)?
Epileptoid ER
  1. It’s hard to make you angry, but if someone has succeeded, you won’t calm down too soon (+)?
  2. Does it happen that some question or problem takes you out of a calm state of mind for a long time (+)?
  3. Do you know your ill-wishers well, and under no circumstances will you change towards them (+)?
  1. Have you ever experienced such attacks of anger that the offender would not have gotten off so easily if you had not been restrained in time (-)?
  2. Have you ever had to beat a naughty dog ​​or a naughty child at least once in your life so that they then had to be treated (+)?
  3. Out of anger, could you break glass, break furniture, tear clothes (+)?
  1. Will you be angry if someone puts your slippers in a place other than their usual place (-)?
  2. Are you a neat, efficient person, accustomed to maintaining order, and deviations from the rules irritate you (+)?
  3. If you take on something, you will certainly see it through to the end, no matter how much work it costs you (+)?
OM Total: 12
  1. Are you not inclined to not forgive evil for a long time (-)?
  2. Probably the greatest pleasure is to repay the enemy for everything that he has caused you (+)?
  3. You will not calm down until the offender gets what he deserves, even if many years pass (+)?
Hysterical Pr
  1. Would you easily cope with the responsibilities of your boss, and perhaps you could do it better (+)?
  2. Perhaps you only need the smallest things to achieve fame and honor (+)?
  3. Are you a bright, extraordinary person who has a great future ahead of you (+)?
  1. Is it easy for you to reincarnate, become completely unrecognizable (oh), play any role (+)?
  2. If you were an actor, would triumph be guaranteed for you (+)?
  3. Do you have good taste, do you prefer bright, stylish clothes, and sometimes people look at you on the street (+)?
  1. Do you have a lot of friends, and you change them often, you can easily quarrel and make peace, but are you more willing to make new ones (+)?
  2. Is it not so difficult to find a topic for conversation in a company that would be uninteresting to you and on which you would not speak out (-)?
  3. Do you easily get to know each other at a party and now your new friends seem like old, good friends (+)?
  1. Do you know how to forget about your age and have fun, fool around like a child (+)?
  2. Have your friends and colleagues, especially those who are a little boring by nature, more than once compared you to a big child (+)?
  3. Is it true that you managed to preserve childlike spontaneity, naivety, curiosity, and this sometimes leads to annoying mistakes (+)?
False Total: 15
  1. Have you ever just told a deliberately implausible story in a group of people, just to entertain your friends (-)?
  2. Sometimes talking about an event is just boring until you add a few interesting details (+)?
  3. Does it happen that for the sake of business it is necessary to lie a little so that everything looks more impressive (+)?
Unstable DC, PV
  1. Are you a soft and pliable person who is easily influenced by others (+)?
  2. Is it not easy for you to be captivated by a new idea, to persuade you to go on a trip, to beg you to give your consent to participate in an adventure (-)?
  3. It often happens that you do something only because you were embarrassed to refuse the person asking (+)?
  1. Do you have a friend who was able to captivate you with his hobby so much that you now keep up with him (+)?
  2. Is it difficult for you to leave your old hobby aside if a new interesting thing suddenly turns up (-)?
  3. Are you a person of varied interests and have tried at least 10 different hobbies in your life, but still have plans to do something else (+)?
PS Total: 9
  1. As a child, despite your mother’s prohibition, did you still eat ice cream in winter, drink tap water and steal candy from the buffet (+)?
  2. It seems that you are ready to do almost anything in order to get the thing you like (+)?
  3. Are you a bit of a sybarite by nature, so you don’t like to deny yourself pleasures (+)?
Paranoid IR
  1. Will you not give up your beliefs, even if they go against generally accepted opinion (+)?
  2. Have you had to nurture and defend your thoughts, ideas, inventions for a long time (+)?
  3. Have you had to fight fiercely with colleagues, members of the public, or authorities for the right to have your own opinion (+)?
  1. Are your principles so unshakable that often no compromises are acceptable to you (+)?
  2. Are you such a principled person that this often comes to your detriment (+)?
  3. Have you ever had to suffer for your beliefs (-)?
  1. Are you ready to fight for your ideas to the end, in all acceptable ways (+)?
  2. In a dispute, do you always stand your ground because you are confident in the correctness of your views (+)?
  3. Are you offended when they try to comb your serious ideas, turn them around, because this distorts their meaning (+)?
SL Total: 12
  1. Do you make decisions based only on strict logic (+)?
  2. Each step must be weighed, calculated, correlated with your principles before you take it (+)?
  3. Are you too serious to squander your ideas, on which you have spent a lot of time and mental energy (+)?
Unfeeling OS
  1. Are you quite indifferent to how your friend gets out of trouble (+)?
  2. Would you reprimand a stranger who is exceptionally cruel to his dog(-)?
  3. Will you pass by a drunkard who has fallen asleep under a fence on a frosty evening (+)?
  1. Do you always do what is most beneficial for you (+)?
  2. Principles should extend their influence on a person only to the extent that they do not prevent him from living happily and enjoying success (+)?
  3. Will you miss your chance to improve your financial or professional position if this means denigrating someone in the eyes of your colleagues or companions (+)?
Am Total: 9
  1. Moral norms and laws can be so stupid that they should be ignored, especially if the person is not stupid, like you (+)?
  2. There is nothing shameful in having a lover (tsu) and fooling your other half if it amuses you (+)?
  3. Probably, that’s why fools exist in the world, to deceive them (+)?
Lie scale Total: 7
  1. Have you committed several, albeit very minor, thefts in your life (-)?
  2. Do you sometimes have to admit your mistakes (-)?
  3. Have you ever lied (+)?
  4. Are you such a cautious and reasonable person that you have never in your life fallen for a bait thrown by a rogue (+)?
  5. Do you love your child, mother, dog so much that the thought has never occurred to you that it would be nice if they simply disappeared and did not interfere with your life (+)?
  6. Are you so strict with yourself that you don’t forgive yourself even small vices and sins (+)?
  7. Is it always easy for you to refuse temptation (+)?

4. Questionnaire.

Question number Questions Yes No Neither yes nor no
1 If your work is not going well, are you able to crumple everything, tear it, throw it in the trash, and then cry?
2 Do you often tend to doubt whether you will succeed in any business, although others do not have such doubts?
3 Do you never feel as comfortable as when you are alone?
4 Have you noticed that your mood changes easily throughout the day?
5 It’s hard to make you angry, but if someone succeeds, you won’t calm down too soon?
6 Would you easily cope with the responsibilities of your boss, and perhaps you could do it better?
7 Are you a soft and pliable person who is easily influenced by others?
8 Will you not give up your beliefs, even if they go against generally accepted opinion?
9 Are you quite indifferent to how your friend gets out of trouble?
10 Have you committed several, even minor, thefts in your life?
11 When you are tired, can any minor trouble bring you to a scream or to tears?
12 Have you ever wondered why you accomplished what you planned so successfully, even though you doomed your plan to failure in advance?
13 Are you rarely bored alone because there are many interesting things to do: books, a computer, a collection of postage stamps?
14 Does your life look like a continuous series of streaks of luck and failure?
15 Does it happen that some question or problem takes you out of a calm state of mind for a long time?
16 Perhaps you only need the smallest things to achieve fame and honor?
17 Is it not easy for you to be captivated by a new idea, persuaded to go on a trip, or begged to give your consent to participate in an adventure?
18 Have you had to nurture and defend your thoughts, ideas, inventions for a long time?
19 Would you reprimand a stranger who is exceptionally cruel to his dog?
20 Do you sometimes have to admit your mistakes?
21 Are you particularly tired of work that requires attention, mental stress, and responsibility?
22 Are others willing to believe in you more than you believe in yourself?
23 Do you feel uneasy in a noisy company, and would it be better to sit in a corner, leafing through an album of photographs?
24 Can the slightest piece of good or sad news throw you off balance?
25 Do you know your ill-wishers well, and under no circumstances will you change towards them?
26 Are you a bright, extraordinary person who has a great future ahead of you?
27 Does it often happen that you do something only because you were embarrassed to refuse the person asking?
28 Have you ever had to fight fiercely with colleagues, members of the public, or authorities for the right to have your own opinion?
29 Will you pass by a drunkard sleeping under a fence on a frosty evening?
30 Have you ever lied?
31 If things are coming at you from all sides, do you prefer to wait until some of the problems resolve themselves?
32 If you need to decide on any step, do you hesitate for a long time to make a choice?
33 To an outside observer, it may seem that you are not busy with anything or dozed off, while you are immersed in your dreams?
34 Have there been any long periods in your life when you felt a loss of strength, a decline in mood, when everything literally fell out of your hands and things weren’t going well?
35 Have you ever experienced such attacks of anger that the offender would not have gotten off so easily if you had not been restrained in time?
36 Is it easy for you to transform, become completely unrecognizable, or play any role?
37 Do you have a friend who has captivated you with his hobby so much that you now keep up with him?
38 Are your principles so unshakable that often no compromises are acceptable to you?
39 Do you always do what is best for you?
40 Are you such a cautious and reasonable person that you have never in your life fallen for a bait thrown by a rogue?
41 Do you avoid disputes, cannot stand discussing your affairs, prefer to leave, although you have the right to expect approval?
42 Does it happen that a situation from which you see several alternative exits leaves you perplexed for a long time?
43 Don't you like to fantasize in your spare time, compose a fairy tale, talk with an imaginary interlocutor?
44 Lately have you been feeling tired, helpless, useless and a useless loser?
45 Have you at least once in your life beaten a naughty dog ​​or a naughty child so that they then had to be treated?
46 If you were an actor, would you be guaranteed success?
47 Is it difficult for you to leave your old hobby aside if a new interesting thing suddenly comes up?
48 Are you such a principled person that this often comes to your detriment?
49 Should principles extend their influence over a person only to the extent that they do not prevent him from living happily and enjoying success?
50 Do you love your child, mother, dog so much that the thought has never occurred to you that it would be nice if they just disappeared and didn’t interfere with your life?
51 After your boss yelled at you, do you spend a long time trying to remember why, exactly, he scolded you?
52 Often, despite the obvious advantages of one of the possible options, do you hesitate to make a decision?
53 Do you sometimes feel that you should do something creative - write a book, a painting - so many good ideas come to mind?
54 Are you inclined to think that your life could have been much more successful if fate had been more favorable to you?
55 Out of anger, could you break glass, break furniture, tear clothes?
56 Do you have good taste, do you prefer bright, stylish clothes, and sometimes people look at you on the street?
57 Are you a person of varied interests and have tried at least 10 different hobbies in your life, but still have plans to do something else?
58 Have you ever had to suffer for your beliefs?
59 Will you miss your chance to improve your financial or professional position if this means denigrating someone in the eyes of your colleagues or companions?
60 Are you so strict with yourself that you don’t forgive yourself even small vices and sins?
61 Have you ever baffled a whole council of medical luminaries with your health complaints?
62 When everything is going well, you still have doubts about whether things will turn out well?
63 Are you very easily offended, although the people around you do not suspect it?
64 Have there been periods in your life when your mood was rosy, cloudless, things were going well and it seemed that you were ready to move mountains?
65 Will you be angry if someone puts your slippers in a different place than their usual place?
66 Do you have a lot of friends, and you change them often, you can easily quarrel and make peace, but are you most willing to make new ones?
67 As a child, despite your mother’s prohibition, did you still eat ice cream in winter, drink tap water and steal candy from the cupboard?
68 Are you ready to fight for your ideas to the end, in all acceptable ways?
69 Moral norms and laws are sometimes so stupid that they should be ignored, especially if the person is not stupid, like you, for example?
70 Is it always easy for you to refuse temptation?
71 Has it ever happened that doctors uselessly drove you from office to office, and in the end they considered you completely healthy (oops)?
72 Have you ever had to come back to check if the gas was turned off or the window was closed?
73 Have you ever, while reading a book or watching a movie, sympathized with the characters so much that you were ready to cry, as if it concerned you personally?
74 Are you today more cheerful, active, happy and confident in your abilities than ever?
75 Are you a neat, efficient person, accustomed to maintaining order, and deviations from the rules irritate you?
76 Is it not so difficult to find a topic for conversation in a company that would be uninteresting to you and on which you would not speak out?
77 It seems that you are ready to do almost anything in order to get the thing you like?
78 In a dispute, do you always stand your ground because you are confident in the correctness of your views?
79 There is nothing shameful in having a lover (tsu) and fooling your other half if it amuses you?
80 Don't you have to seriously fear for your health, and perhaps your life?
81 You know well that a black cat is quite harmless, but its appearance on your way can seriously alarm you?
82 Is it much easier for you to model a situation and explain your thoughts to your interlocutor, resorting to images and metaphors, than to operate with specific concepts?
83 Your life can be considered a fairy tale, it turned out so happily, and the future probably does not promise big failures?
84 If you take on something, will you definitely see it through to the end, no matter how much work it costs you?
85 Do you easily get to know each other at a party and now your new friends seem like old, good friends?
86 Are you a bit of a sybarite by nature, so you don’t like to deny yourself pleasures?
87 Are you offended when they try to comb your serious ideas, turn them around, because this distorts their meaning?
88 Perhaps that’s why fools exist in the world, to deceive them?
89 Are you inclined not to forgive evil for a long time?
90 Do you know how to forget about your age and have fun, fool around like a child?
91 Do you make decisions based only on strict logic?
92 Perhaps the greatest pleasure is to repay your enemy for everything he has done to you?
93 Have your friends and colleagues, especially those who are a little boring by nature, more than once compared you to a big child?
94 Each step must be weighed, calculated, correlated with your principles before you take it?
95 You will not calm down until the offender gets what he deserves, even if many years pass?
96 Is it true that you have managed to preserve childlike spontaneity, naivety, curiosity, and this sometimes leads to annoying mistakes?
97 Are you too serious to squander your ideas, on which you have spent a lot of time and mental energy?
98 Have you ever just told a deliberately implausible story in a group of people, just to entertain your friends?
99 Sometimes talking about an event is just boring until you add a few interesting details?
100 Does it happen that, for the sake of business, you need to lie a little to make everything look more impressive?

Paranoid form

Develops at a fairly late age (after 18 years), often as a result of severe stress (death of loved ones, job loss, breakup, sexual abuse, heavy academic workload, childbirth). The patient begins to experience auditory hallucinations and delusions (persecution, special mission, jealousy). However, he does not drop out of society; he can continue to work, provide for his everyday needs, and be in a relationship. It is difficult for loved ones to understand what is happening to a person, since he hides his symptoms and becomes overly suspicious and cautious.

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