Energy attachment to a man: how to remove it?

How to recognize an energy connection?

An energetic attachment is a mental attachment to a person that grows over time. Women are more susceptible to it because they are more emotional. Experiencing a wide range of emotions, they unconsciously create flows of energy.

They directly affect relationships and in most cases this impact is detrimental. Strong emotions create attachments, which negatively affects your personal life. It is quite difficult to free yourself from these connections; experts recommend using proven techniques to do it yourself.

To get rid of dependence on a man, a woman must first of all understand that this attachment has nothing to do with love and respect.

In this case, if a woman is used to giving much more energy, then over time it becomes increasingly difficult for girls to leave this relationship. In such relationships, energy flows shift and a bright feeling develops into real mania. In this state of affairs, bioenergetics specialists advise carrying out a ritual that is aimed at breaking the unhealthy attachment.

How to recognize energetic attachment

It is necessary to identify the energy dependence as quickly as possible. After all, the sooner this is identified, the easier it is to get rid of the attachment to a man. In this case, you can get rid of the status of an energy donor and a source of free power for a person who does not invest energy. Signs that love is developing into unhealthy attachment:

  • Problems begin at work or in school. It is impossible to concentrate on important matters, since all thoughts are occupied with the object of love. The addict is constantly in touch, checking social networks in the hope of messages from the man. Reacts painfully to the lack of messages or calls.
  • All conversations with loved ones necessarily come down to conversations about the object of sympathy. The woman praises her chosen one and has difficulty talking about topics that are not related to him.
  • In a relationship, a woman puts the man’s interests above her own. At the same time, she is ready to sacrifice her free time, plans and desires for the sake of her partner. At the same time, in response to these sacrifices, she receives neither support nor understanding.
  • One of the most common signs of a strong energetic attachment is jealousy. This feeling overshadows all others, causes pain and brings negativity. Often this feeling becomes mania. This can lead to the woman controlling every step of the man and unable to stop.

The energy dependence is very visible from the outside. So loved ones may notice this and sound the alarm. Sometimes you need to listen to your family and draw conclusions that perhaps the relationship has developed into a disease.

Energy attachment to a man: how to remove it?

Interaction between people often becomes the cause of energy attachments. It is much more difficult for women to get rid of them, as they get used to being emotionally invested in relationships. And this does not always help to understand that the union is actually based not on love, but on dependence.

An energetic attachment is a mental attachment to a person, which usually grows over the years. Women are most susceptible to them due to the fact that they experience a wider range of emotions and unconsciously create powerful energy flows that have a detrimental effect on relationships. Strong feelings give rise to attachments, which can lead to troubles in your personal life. Breaking free from this kind of connection is not an easy task, and in order to break the connection, experts at recommend using proven techniques.

A woman can stop depending on a man if she understands that her affection has nothing to do with love and mutual respect. In the event that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman does not occur on equal terms, over time it becomes more and more difficult for the fair sex to break off the relationship. In couples, a shift in energy flows occurs when love develops into mania. In such cases, bioenergetics specialists recommend performing a ritual aimed at breaking the painful attachment.

Signs of energetic attachment

It is important to recognize addiction as early as possible in order to get rid of attachment to a man as painlessly as possible. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the fate of becoming a donor and source of free strength for the object of unhealthy sympathy. There are several signs by which you can understand that love has developed into a painful energetic attachment:

  • difficulties arise in work or study. There is no way to concentrate on business due to constant thoughts about the object of sympathy. The victim waits for communication, constantly corresponds with the man, checks mail and social networks, reacting painfully to the lack of calls or messages from the partner.
  • Conversations with family and friends constantly come down to one topic: discussing a man. The woman constantly praises her chosen one and is unable to switch to other topics.
  • In a couple, the woman puts the interests of her partner above her own, sacrificing her time, strength and desires for the well-being of the man, even if she receives neither gratitude nor support in return.
  • Jealousy is the most common companion of energetic attachment. The painful feeling is deafening and makes you experience strong negative emotions. Often jealousy develops into mania, when a woman literally spies a man and is unable to stop.
  • Close ones can also recognize the energy connection, and if they sound the alarm, then everything is unlikely to go smoothly in the relationship between partners.

How to remove energy binding yourself

Experts in bioenergy recommend starting with strengthening the biofield. Regular exercise will help you become stronger and gain independence faster. Every woman can cope with attachment if she sets a goal and acts according to a plan drawn up in advance.

1. First, you need to train yourself to turn off communications during rest for at least an hour and take this time to meditate on filling yourself with feminine energy. After just a few lessons it will be easier to feel harmony and control emotions.

2. It will also be important to analyze the situation when a woman needs to understand why she became dependent on a man. There is no point in lying to yourself, and experts recommend writing down the pros and cons of communication on a piece of paper. If there are more minuses, then it’s time to take control of the situation.

3. Redirecting energy in a new direction will help to cope with energy binding. A woman needs to find something to do that will help her leave obsessive thoughts about a man and learn to control herself. Exercising will help you quickly cope with stress, and for this it is enough to accustom yourself to systematic exercise.

4. Energy practices are also important. Yoga, qigong or meditation will allow you to find that same connection to the love chakra and free yourself from toxic feelings in a short time. Also, thanks to such exercises, you will be able to find a source of strength and constantly replenish energy reserves, feel a surge of strength and positive emotions.

Getting rid of energy binding is a matter of time, and it does not destroy true relationships. If, after carefully working on himself, a man decided to break off the relationship, it means that his love was a fiction. There is no point in feeling sorry for yourself and looking for excuses for his actions, because thanks to liberation you will be able to find a life partner with whom you will be able to build a harmonious relationship filled with love and mutual respect.

Self-removal of energy binding

Experts in the field of bioenergy advise starting to break the binding by strengthening your own energy field. Daily exercise will help you achieve independence faster and become stronger. Every woman is capable of getting rid of addiction, but only if she really sets such a goal for herself, creates an action plan and sticks to it

  • First, you need to include meditation and energy-filling activities in your daily routine. You need to devote at least an hour to these activities; during this period you need to accustom yourself to turn off communications, remaining alone with yourself. The results of the classes will be visible within a few days. It will be easier for you to find harmony and take control of your emotions.
  • The next step is to analyze the cause of the addiction. There is no point in lying to yourself, take a piece of paper and honestly write down the pros and cons of the relationship. If there are significantly more disadvantages, then the situation requires intervention and changes.
  • A good remedy for energy binding is to redirect energy to another area. The girl needs to find something she likes that will help her cope with obsessive thoughts about a man. This could be playing sports, playing music, knitting and much more. In a word, it can be anything that brings joy and fills with positive energy.
  • To strengthen the energy field, you can start energy practices. Yoga or meditation will eventually help you find the love chakra and get rid of the oppressive feeling of painful dependence. Such exercises also fill you with energy and give positive emotions.

Moving away from energy attachment will take time. Getting rid of addiction will not destroy real relationships that are built on love and mutual respect. After the work done, true love will only become stronger. If the partner decides to break off the relationship, then he was a manipulator, and love was just a pretense.

You shouldn’t be afraid of this and don’t do anything to preserve a painful relationship. After all, having fallen in love with your inner strength and freedom, finding a new life partner will be quite simple. With him you will be able to build a relationship that is filled with harmony, love and respect.

Reduce dependence on women

Newbie, start here! Very often you can read, see or hear that some guy or even a fully grown man is completely fixated on some woman. And often, far from being a beauty. As people say: “The light has converged like a wedge.” And don’t tell him, don’t show him, don’t give him any facts and arguments, he’s still on her side. Even if he has had gorgeous horns for a long time, he still remains deaf and blind. Some people call it love, falling in love, some call it passion and “fire”.

But no matter what you call this condition, men who take the red pill understand that it is just a common addiction. In this article I want to analyze the root causes of this addiction and describe a simple method of getting rid of it through self-knowledge.

There are articles floating around on the Internet on how to reduce your dependence on “camel.” But they are all based on prohibiting something for yourself. Don't look, don't do, avoid, and so on. But as you know, no matter how much you forbid yourself, it will still happen one day. I propose a different method. Yes, this method is not suitable for all men (and not everyone needs it). You will need to do some work on yourself. But ultimately, awareness of certain things about yourself will automatically significantly reduce, if not completely eliminate, this dependence.

So, which men are not suitable for this method and this article in general? There is a certain class of men who don’t care who they have sex with. Those. For them, a woman’s appearance has absolutely no meaning, just like her character. The main thing would be to spread your legs and that’s it. Yesterday he had sex with a saleswoman from a nearby stall, because he met her when he came in the morning to recover from a stormy office party. And at a corporate party, I had sex with an educated and elegant accountant, who, under the influence of alcohol and the burden of everyday life, wanted emotions. He also doesn’t forget about his habal neighbor, no, no, and he’ll drop by her house for “tea” while her hubby is away on the night shift or working on shift. For other men, this is what I suggest.

Decide, understand, find your own taste in women. It is your own taste, and not imposed by anyone or anything from outside. How is a taste for women imposed on men?

Yes, very simple. Everything as usual. MASS MEDIA!

On TV, a man sees women and they say about them that they are sexy, beautiful, gentle, passionate. On the Internet, the flow of this same information does not decrease, but is flavored with heaps of photos of famous asses and tits against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes. And again... sexy, beautiful, unapproachable, worthy of all the best. News feeds of social networks are replete with gigabytes of photographs, but of already familiar girls and women who are trying their best to look like those from TV and the Internet in the photos. A striking example, and the best dump of such photo slag, is the well-known “Instagram”. No, models, athletes, fit people and people who earn money there are forced to publish their photos. But they also have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and some have millions. But what are the “princesses” doing there with hundreds of other subscribers from among the Alenas and women slaves?!

And so, our notorious man, attacked from all sides by so much audio and visual information, begins to rush at all the girls and women who are similar to those from TV and the Internet. And at this moment in time it’s completely easy! Why do you ask me? Yes, simple.

The individuality of girls and women has long disappeared. They are like carbon copies, almost all of them. Same eyebrow shape. Permanent tattooing above described. Glued eyelashes. Extended nails, often reminiscent of the notorious Freddy Krueger from Friday the 13th. Same hair color and even highlight hair with the same shades. I don’t think it’s worth writing about lips. Monotonous poses in monotonous photographs with monotonous landscapes and equally monotonous backgrounds.

Where is the way out of this situation? After all, a man finds himself hostage to a situation where most women try to look like those sexy, beautiful, unapproachable, worthy of all the best!

And the way out is simple. Ask yourself questions. “What kind of woman do I like? What should it be like? After all, it is known that every man has his own taste! So why have we forgotten about him? Why do we blindly believe that beautiful women are exactly the ones that the media presents to us?

Men, sit down, think, listen to your inner voice. Ask yourself: “What kind of woman’s face shape do I find cute? What eye color do I prefer? Do I like green ones? Or maybe blue? Or maybe I like black eyes"

Yes! Ask yourself and look for answers to your questions.
What hair color do you like? Natural blonde or dyed? Or maybe you like redheads with freckles? It's okay that redheads with freckles or even without them are not in fashion now. If you like redheads, then why should you betray yourself and follow the lead of the media?

Don't you like women with ugly long nails, lips filled with hyaluronic acid and tattooed eyebrows? This is wonderful! Don't be afraid to admit it to yourself! Yes, she follows fashion, but who said that you have to follow it?!

Don't be afraid to ask yourself questions and look for answers within yourself. Ask yourself: “What height of a woman is acceptable to me?” After all, this is an important factor. Yes, your needs may not coincide with dictated fashion. So what?! If you are 170 cm tall and you need a girl for your family, then it is unlikely that you need a woman 185 cm tall. Yes, she will be in trend, but family is not a trend, but everyday matters. Yes, and in sex you will have to adapt.

Ask yourself and look for answers. Ask yourself, do I like a woman with size 3 or 4 breasts? Yes, these sizes are in fashion now. What do you care about fashion?! What if size 2 is enough for you and you classify everything larger than this as an “udder”?

Is the length of a woman’s legs absolutely not important to you? It's okay, it's normal! Every man has his own needs.

Are you disgusted by a Kim Kardashian-style butt? You consider this an ugliness and a cellulite disgrace! That's okay, you have your own taste! So, note to yourself that the women in the photo with such shapes are ugly to you and are not at all attractive to you. Regardless of what they write and say about her in the media.

Ask yourself, what kind of women do you like in terms of their energy? Active and open, or maybe open and calm, preferring to go to the forest to pick mushrooms instead of rafting? If you like calm and open people, then why do you get involved with arrogant and overflowing with pride? Yes, now it’s fashionable to appear like this in front of men. Well, let them present themselves. You like other women and you shouldn’t waste time on those you don’t like.

And when you honestly answer all the questions about what kind of woman you like, you will see that she is very different from those that the media imposes on you. And you will become a different man. With your own taste, with your own needs in a woman, and stop seeing beautiful, sexy, passionate, gentle, feminine women in the same faces...

And finally, here is this quatrain:

I think it's better to be alone

than to give the heat of the soul to “someone”.

Having given away a priceless gift to just anyone,

Once you meet your loved one, you will not be able to fall in love.

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