7 qualities of a woman that every man needs

Many ladies in the post-Soviet space dream of marrying a wealthy man. They hope that he will take upon himself all their burdens and will please them in every possible way, sponsoring the costs of a glamorous life, full of luxury and bliss. The dream of having everything without doing anything takes first place in the hit parade of desires of infantile girls. To do this, they carefully monitor their appearance, hoping to sell at a higher price.

Another fun trend is also common. Having married an ordinary man, some women rush to Vedic femininity training, intending to use a long skirt and other magical objects to push their untalented husband to great achievements in business.

In the first case, the lady may well become a kept woman and beg for things and purchases, but for some reason the man will not marry her. And if a glamorous diva becomes the kept woman of a married man, then most often he never divorces his wife, only endlessly feeds her with promises that everything is about to change as soon as the children grow up.

In the second case, Vedic knowledge and rituals also for some reason do not contribute to the takeoff of a spouse’s career or the sudden transformation of an office hamster into a cool businessman. Although, it would seem, all the conditions are met: here you have a feminine appearance, feminine clothes, feminine behavior, and feminine brain power...

The origins of modern myth-making, or Sex has nothing to do with it

Myths that a woman’s appearance and some special Vedic behavior are extremely important for men are extremely tenacious.

A lover of glamor regularly sees women next to successful men who are not at all bright, one might say “not at all.” She compares herself with these wives of rich husbands and finds no reason why she is unlucky.

It seems that the appearance of such wives is not brilliant, and the clothes are so-so, and the education is very ordinary, and the profession is not outstanding, and the age is by no means young... The lover of glamor does not understand why men shy away from her, but for such unremarkable women holding on. What do they give men such that they provide them with unlimited material resources in return?

No, it's not sex. On the contrary, during close communication, such wives note that sex occurs infrequently.

And this is not business advice - they don’t know much about business either, they can only give advice about people at the level of intuition.

The question arises: why does a man choose such a wife and not a beautiful young woman?

The answer is that the most important thing for every man is how he feels next to this woman . Of course, we are talking about a psychologically mature man.

Female partner

Walking hand in hand towards a joint dream is perhaps the most hidden dream that every man has. And if you seriously intend to share your life with this man, you will have to become this “hand”. Of course, no one argues, a man is a stone wall for a woman . But don’t forget that this “wall” also sometimes needs support. And if you can repair it from time to time, after long sieges, it will serve you as the most reliable protection throughout your life.

To each his own

A man who can be called a psychological teenager has a certain set of cliches and stereotypes about the attributes of a cool, successful life. One of these attributes is the possession of a well-groomed female body, preferably with the title “Miss World”. Naturally, he will be looking for a model to show off to his friends, plus a sex doll. And as soon as it goes into circulation, he will immediately replace one 40-year-old with two 20-year-olds.

If we are talking about a man who is a psychological youth, then what is most important to him is intellectual superiority, coincidence of values ​​and the fight for a better world. Such a man needs an ally in his “struggle.” At the same time, she can be without makeup, unsightly combed, wearing glasses, stretched jeans and a bunch of other external flaws. The main thing is that they have mutual understanding and common values. The opportunity to talk with a like-minded woman about interesting things until the morning allows a psychological young man to feel as good as possible.

And if a man is psychologically an adult, a big businessman or a top manager - next to which woman will he feel best? Is impeccable appearance important to him? As a rule, he is no longer important - he has already tried a lot of things and people in his life. Painted dolls have long ceased to be interesting to him. Does it matter to him that his wife fights for world peace with him? No, he also outgrew this stage of his life.

It turns out that such an adult, conscious, active man will feel best with a calm and relaxed woman. That is, he doesn’t want to come home after a hard day at work, after negotiations, competition in the business world and get a second front and a brain dump. He wants to come home and relax. Receive gratitude from his wife for his material contribution, interest in him and his affairs, admiration for how strong and smart he is.

Signs of femininity

First of all, this is not an external ostentatious image, this is what comes from within the young lady. There are many beauties around in supposedly feminine dresses, but this does not give them femininity.

Thus, femininity is the meaningful satisfaction by ladies of their own innate needs, which are expressed in behavioral patterns and qualities. These qualities, as a rule, include subtlety, correctness, tact, tolerance, complaisance, devotion, gentleness, affection, restraint, calm, measuredness, charm, mercy.

Female immaturity is revealed in her failure to accept her own innate needs, in other words, the denial of her own nature.

Women who develop primordially masculine traits in their own person, in contrast to their hereditary carriers - men, rather evoke pity and sympathy, but not admiration.

The masculine traits of masculine women have a destructive effect on the inner world of women, behavioral patterns, personality and prevent the creation of a favorable environment around them. The Universe does not endow masculine women with energy for alien qualities that are unusual for it. As a result, such ladies are left without energy, become disappointed and exhausted.

Thus, young ladies who consciously or unconsciously excessively cultivate primordially masculine traits in themselves, such as firmness, self-control, responsibility, and stop cultivating feminine traits, are the most destructive and repulsive variation of immature young ladies.

Courageous women evaluate the well-being of their own existence in accordance with male standards of success.

Immature ladies are individuals deprived of expressed needs determined by their gender; they are disturbed by everything that would disturb persons who do not have satisfaction of basic needs, namely food, rest, clothing.

To satisfy their innate needs, young ladies need to develop feminine traits.

Psychology explains what femininity is from the perspective of four levels of the analyzed concept: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. She claims that to achieve femininity it is necessary to improve at all of these levels.

Achieving perfection on the physical level is as easy as shelling pears, since it includes the image of young ladies, consisting of sophisticated outfits that highlight the charms of the figure and reliably hide some of its flaws, well-groomed skin, the presence of a manicure, accessories that complement the image, clean comfortable shoes, neatly styled hair, light , unhurried, graceful gait, grammatically correct, measured, calm speech.

The ability to create a special warm and cozy atmosphere in the home can also be counted among the components of this level.

The emotional level implies harmony of nature and communication with the environment.

Femininity is the ability to:

– understand the needs of your loved one and give him what he needs without cultivating a sense of self-sacrifice;

- be able to forgive;

– do good without demanding the opposite;

- be able to admit when you are wrong;

– accept loved ones as real, without endowing them with far-fetched qualities and forcing them to adapt to a fictitious image;

– take a creative approach to solving problematic issues;

– support loved ones, inspiring them;

– thank, care, speak openly.

The key quality of the level described is the ability to love and receive love.

The intellectual aspect implies education, manners, erudition, and good manners.

Intellectual femininity includes the ability to:

– it is appropriate to speak (that is, the young lady understands when to say, to whom, where and what, she also understands that there is information that is better to withhold);

– behave adequately in society;

– delegate responsibility, giving others the opportunity to express themselves;

– have a personal position and correctly defend it;

– end disputes in a timely manner and make compromises;

– desire for self-education.

The spiritual level of femininity is the most difficult to achieve. Here we are not talking about the religiosity of the ladies. The key component at this level is gratitude.

Spiritual femininity implies accepting the blows of fate without complaining, with the understanding that this strengthens, helping others, supporting.

Partial femininity does not exist. Femininity must be balanced at all given levels. In addition, the presence of femininity does not require proof. It does not require verbal or other confirmation.

Portrait of an ideal wife

A wise wife does not try to burden her husband with her problems. She, on the contrary, feels that the first task is to provide rest for the warrior returning from “battles.” A woman knows how to calmly remain silent, not rush out of the door with conversations, as in the joke: “And she still chirps, chirps, chirps, chirps... idiot!” He understands that a man first wants to come to his senses, take a break from the hustle and bustle, and have dinner in silence. And when he, already well-fed, wants to tell something, she is ready to look at him carefully with admiring eyes, agree, and sympathize. A smart wife never lectures her husband. On the contrary, she admits that in his business he is more competent and does not compete with him for decision-making.

Such a wife knows how to “play on the same team with her husband.” If we take a football team as an example, her husband is an active player, a forward, and she is a defender at the goal. Have you ever seen in an adult game a defender run away from the goal into the middle of the field and yell at his striker: “Well, you little bastard, who hits like that?!” No, of course, the defender has his own important role, and both players act entirely in the interests of the team, each in their own zone. If we transfer the example back to family relationships, then such a woman is ready with her support to give her husband the opportunity to recover at home, gain energy and go after the “mammoth prey” with new strength.

There is another interesting point if we consider Western culture. The wife of an adult successful man always has a favorite profession or hobby that she monetizes easily and with pleasure. Although it is possible not to work at all, my husband already provides fully. It’s just that her inner world is much wider, it is not limited only to shopping and shopping. In addition, this is an additional material support point in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Woman devotion

If a woman respects herself , she will not exchange herself for a large number of men - she will belong to only one. Men are polygamous by nature, but girls are 100% monogamous. It may seem a little old-fashioned, but it is really important for a man to know that at the moment he is the only one who has this girl .

Woman of Passion

This bad girl should be like this just for him. And this is important to him, because passion is the most important part of our lives. A man by nature is a conqueror and it is very important for him to remain so in all areas of life, including bed. Remember this if you want to completely capture his heart, and at the same time read the article about the best positions for morning love - rest assured, HE WILL APPRECIATE IT!

Appearance of a feminine girl

Most representatives of the stronger sex first of all pay attention to the silhouette: proportionality of shapes, height-to-weight ratio, harmonious physique. There is no need to torture yourself with diets until you turn blue.

As surveys have shown, very thin young ladies do not seem attractive to everyone, especially if you add dull hair and an unhealthy complexion, inevitable with a meager diet, to the lack of mass. It is enough not to go beyond normal weight, and pay moderate attention to physical activity. Firm skin and toned muscles are approved on a subconscious level by everyone.

Wardrobe Features

Unisex is good for teenagers, as are combat boots, sweaters three sizes too big, and torn, baggy jeans.

Feminine clothing emphasizes the charms of its owner without flaunting them. A tight, plain turtleneck, in the eyes of young people, is sexier than a deep neckline from which the breasts fall out. Let there be a secret, a hint, a riddle that you want to solve.

For the same reason, it is worth adding long dresses, sundresses, and midi skirts to your wardrobe. Everything that distinguishes a woman from the opposite sex and thus attracts him. Jewelry selected according to clothing style, situation, age.

For the office it can be a laconic chain with an original pendant, for an evening event - a necklace or a set of high-quality jewelry, even on the beach you can collect a ponytail with a simple elastic band, or you can use an unusual, eye-catching hairpin for these purposes.

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