Who cheats more, men or women: statistics

Who cheats more often according to statistics - a man or a woman?

Men are polygamous by nature, they tend to strive for bright, charismatic partners, and if given the opportunity, rarely is anyone able to resist a liberated beauty. The majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity approve of the institution of polygamy in Islam.

For them, intimacy may not mean anything other than satisfying sexual desire. While for most women feelings are decisive, and sex is secondary. There are also frequent exceptions; there are many examples when married ladies consciously strive to end up in the bed of a rich businessman or sports, film, or television star.

Statistics is an impartial science. What do the research results indicate: who cheats more often, men or women?

Why is cheating in marriage the worst?

Infidelity can ruin any relationship, no matter how long it lasts, what you've experienced together, or the strength of the love. After it, people often begin to constantly suspect each other, get angry and nervous about any contact of their loved one with the opposite sex, and try to control their partner more. As a result, all this leads to numerous quarrels in which the topic of the betrayal that occurred is constantly raised. Few can forgive betrayal, and for those who can still do it, it takes a lot of time to do so. At the same time, the person who cheated must try hard to make amends for his guilt.

Cheating is one of the most common causes of separation and divorce. Obviously, any ending to a relationship is painful for at least one of the parties. Often, after a breakup, a man or woman needs psychological help and support. In relationships that did not last long or do not have an official status, it is much easier to put an end to it, especially if the guy and girl lived separately. In such a situation, they do not depend on each other economically, and they are not connected by common everyday problems.

In marriage, everything becomes much more complicated due to the fact that it is a more serious union. Betrayal hurts much more, because the status of husband and wife is special, initially it assumes that people have chosen a partner for life, they have made vows to each other. In addition, they are connected by common property, possibly loans, and often one of the spouses is economically dependent on the other. Also, as a rule, marriages have a child or several children, who suffer greatly if their parents separate. All this greatly complicates the breakup; in this case, it causes enormous harm to the psychological state of adults and children, if any, and worsens the economic situation of all family members. Therefore, infidelity causes enormous harm to marriages, destroying the lives of entire families. It’s not for nothing that in Russia 90% of divorces occur due to infidelity.

It is worth noting that not all people consider cheating to be a betrayal. A free form of relationship is becoming increasingly popular, in which partners can simultaneously date whomever they want. However, so far such couples remain in the minority.

How often do men cheat?

Approximately 2/3 of all men who have obligations to a partner entered into a one-time relationship or were in a long-term relationship on the side. It turned out that among married men 59% cheat on their significant other. The vast majority do not consider “going left” a reason for divorce.

If a man is comfortable in his family, he will not risk breaking off the relationship even for the sake of mind-blowing sex. Reason will prevail, and everything will work out if the wife, out of love for her husband, concern for the children, and for the sake of financial well-being, decides to forgive. Then the statistics of male infidelity will have nothing to do with this couple, who managed to overcome a difficult period and restore peace in the family.

The statistics on cheating in marriage are as follows. In families with high incomes, a situation arises that psychologists call mutual betrayal. Both spouses have intimate affection on the side. Among men who cheat on their wives, 60% date their married mistresses.

It’s more convenient for them, and it helps them avoid problems in the event of an unwanted pregnancy. Married ladies who have regular sexual relations outside the home, in 70% of cases, date married men, often older than themselves in age.

Features of female infidelity

Despite the fact that the generalized rate of female infidelity is 25%, ladies are in no way inferior to the stronger sex in love affairs:

  • Only 12% of young girls cheat on their boyfriends.
  • But a little more than half of married women (54%) aged 30 to 35 reveal their sexual abilities and decide to cheat more actively.
  • In 43% of cases, women had an affair with a married man.
  • 32% of women had an affair with another man on a regular basis.
  • Cheating while intoxicated or as a result of “surging feelings” occurs in 6% of girls.
  • 12% of women are ready for a short-term romance at a resort or on a business trip.

For the female part of the population, everything is completely different - in their youth they remain faithful to one and only one, but with age they develop a desire to add variety to their lives.

The older a woman is, the higher the chances of cheating.

Of the total number of cheaters, 86% love their wife, 97% do not intend to leave their family, and only 3% of men leave their spouse for their mistress. As for women, 20% of cheating wives are ready to break up with their husbands, and 7% of women will not do this for the sake of their children.

About 90% of men and women will never admit to their significant other that they are cheating.

Statistical TOP reasons for cheating

Family relationship experts have studied the reasons that push people down the path of infidelity. It turned out that they are different for men and women. Psychologists identify only three reasons that equally encourage sexual relations on the side.

  1. Chronic dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere. Couples with mismatched temperaments who fail to achieve harmony in sex before and after marriage are doomed to cheating.
  2. A holiday romance. Sun or moonlight, sea, tanned bodies, people forget about obligations. Who can resist a confident partner? The vast majority of people who plunged into the abyss of a holiday romance did not even think about divorce, but only wanted bright emotions.
  3. Sex with a cute colleague during or after a corporate event. A festive mood and a little alcohol make the impossible possible, innocent flirting pushes people towards each other.

Statistics of the TOP reasons for men and women to cheat. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, regardless of age and profession, tend to seek new sensations and sexual experiences. The majority do not consider sexual contact a betrayal; they continue to love their wife, but do not deny themselves pleasure.

Every woman wants to feel loved and desired. If she does not receive confirmation of her feminine charm, her husband is cold and inattentive, there is a high risk of succumbing to temptation and ending up in the arms of someone who will admire and shower her with compliments. Another common reason for female infidelity is the desire to take revenge on the betrayed spouse.

Who do cheaters trade their spouses for?

Whether men cheat on their wives or vice versa, statistics can demonstrate everything: only a third of women have ever had sex on the side, when the overwhelming majority of the strong half of humanity goes to the left. Who can replace a spouse in bed?

  1. Colleagues

This is the most common option. According to statistics, 30 percent of men cheat on their wives at work, and some of them have regular mistresses from among their colleagues. Working together on projects, when you have to stay late, helps bring people closer together. If employees of the opposite sex find themselves in such a situation, a romance often develops between them.

A corporate event can also be a reason to sleep with a colleague. At such parties, people see each other in a different light, informal, more relaxed. Fueled by alcohol, for some the evening ends with sex.

Another scenario is the desire to get a promotion in any way, including through bed. As a rule, women use this. They seduce the boss in order to gain his favor. Sometimes even men do this.

  1. Holiday romances

The resort is a zone of increased sexuality and liberation. This is because, having taken a vacation from everyday problems, people behave more relaxed. The goal of a holiday romance is to experience a fresh romantic relationship, but without any commitment. The likelihood of meeting your vacation lover in everyday life is reduced to zero, which means there will be no consequences for the affair.

Another factor in the attractiveness of such connections is that people on vacation can behave in ways that they would never allow themselves in normal life. This means that you can try something new in sex, which you have long dreamed of, but were afraid to ask, or your wife (husband) did not agree to it.

Oddly enough, women are more likely to go out on vacation: 34% of cheaters do it at a resort. Men start holiday romances in 20% of cases of infidelity.

  1. Close circle (friends, acquaintances)

If a wife or husband begins to spend time with a friend more often than usual, there is reason to wonder whether a spark has slipped between them? The statistics of infidelity with close associates among men and women says: 4% occur among boys, 10% among girls.

A lover can be an old friend, a mutual acquaintance, or even a friend of the spouse. It happens that a husband cheats on his wife with her own friend. And all because of frequent meetings, common interests and the sympathy that arises from this. Such romances can be fleeting. For example, the husband went on a business trip, and his friend decided to drop by to watch football. Well, don't drive him away! And now he’s already scoring a goal against her...

But more often, relationships between close friends drag on for a long time. It would seem that before it was difficult to think that there could be something more than friendship, but over time both realized that everything was not limited to common interests. And most importantly, the spouse has no reason to be jealous - “We are friends!”

  1. Former

A special category of lovers are ex-lovers. These are people between whom there was once love, which at one time did not have a logical conclusion. And after years she made her way into a new life. It is no longer possible to mark the rightful place of a spouse - it is occupied, and love has sparkled with new colors.

According to statistics, 28% of betrayals are an aggravation of feelings for a former lover. Such betrayal is usually the most difficult to deal with. If a cheater can justify a fleeting relationship as an accident, as in the film “Love and Doves”: “What fate? So, because of the drunkenness, things started to spiral…”, with exes everything is much more complicated. There was already love between them, and it is much more difficult to forgive a partner for love sex than for drunk sex. This is a betrayal not only of the body, but also of the soul.

Statistics of cheating by zodiac sign

Among the zodiac signs, the most avid for love affairs are Cancers; determined Aries and romantic Sagittarius are only half a step behind them.

Libra and Pisces have become average in the statistics of adultery. There are always many women around the gallant Libra men, and there is a compliment for everyone. Pisces is a closed area for outsiders. Most likely, they manage to skillfully hide their adventures.

Capricorns, who are always passionate about their careers and not particularly eager to change anything in life, are rarely seen in infidelity, Leos. Loyalty is the eternal companion of love. If peace and mutual understanding, respect and the desire to protect your significant other from adversity reign in the family, the spouses will not get bored of being together.

What pushes women to cheat?

Do women cheat if the marriage is successful, there is a caring husband, children, and a comfortable family atmosphere is created? What is the percentage of infidelity among happy wives? Let us list the factors influencing the likelihood of adultery occurring. Their structure was first introduced by the American psychologist Carol Botwin.

According to the proposed classification, statistics of female infidelity depend on:

  • the girl’s awareness of the adultery of at least one parent;
  • having extensive sexual experience before marriage;
  • received higher education than her spouse;
  • significant career growth, successful, financially independent;
  • admits the thought of divorce, hinted to you about the likelihood of a breakup;
  • marriage lasts more than five years;
  • recently had a serious loss, such as the death of a father or mother;
  • takes sexual initiative more often than a partner;
  • does not condemn the infidelity of her friends, tries to justify their actions;
  • has insufficient communication with her spouse.

The listed factors are not a mandatory indicator of a representative of the fairer sex’s propensity for adultery, but they increase this likelihood.

Women's behavior model

It is curious that more successful wives, in turn, are in no hurry to run to the left, preferring stability in relationships. This is understandable - the notorious stability, the absence of emotional turmoil is precisely one of the most important reasons for a woman’s success.

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Moreover, the larger the share of the spouse's contribution to the family budget, the less chance she will cheat. Wives who earn 100 percent of their total income have no tendency to cheat at all.

Are all people capable of betraying?

No, not all. A lot depends on the willpower and values ​​of a particular person. Many people (both men and women) do not cheat even in the most unfavorable marriage, even if they see a worthy replacement. They just have clear principles that they know how to follow. These are psychologically mature people who do not run after every skirt or business suit with a wallet.


  • https://intrigue.dating/otnoshenija/kto-chasche-izmenyaet-pochemu-i-kak-byt-dalshe/
  • https://srazu.pro/semeynaya/kto-chashhe-izmenyaet.html
  • https://tandem-psy.ru/semya/statistika-izmen-v-rossii.html
  • https://jaay.ru/zhenskie-sekrety/statistika-izmen-muzhchin-i-zhenshhin
  • https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d355f76c49f2900ac978cde/kto-bolshe-vseh-izmeniaet-mujchiny-ili-jensciny-po-mneniiu-psihologov-5d3df45a6f5f6f00ad5c4256
  • https://bewoman.club/kto-chashhe-izmenyaet-muzhchiny-ili-zhenshhiny/
  • https://feelcontrol.net/difficulty/cheating/statistika-izmen.html

Equality in Action

It would seem that this is the most natural state of affairs in the social unit, due to physiological differences between the “strong” and “weak” halves of humanity. However, universal education gave women a way into life. It turned out that they study well, are diligent, responsible and are able to achieve success in their careers.

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In Russia this is not so noticeable, but in the West the profession of a housewife is nonsense. Families try to distribute household responsibilities, and the wife agrees to bake kulebyaki only on holidays.

Experts have named the nationalities of the most unfaithful men

Experts have named the most unfaithful husbands by nationality and the characteristics of their behavior that every woman should know

When dating men of different nationalities, girls often wonder if they might be unfaithful. Due to cultural and national characteristics, men from other countries, in particular Muslim ones, may have different attitudes towards women and family values. Experts have named the most unfaithful husbands by nationality and the characteristics of their behavior that every woman should know.

Men of which nationalities are the most unfaithful?

In order to find out which nationalities men are most prone to cheating on, a large study was conducted. About 26 thousand men from different countries took part in the experiment, and the initiators were representatives of the Durex company. During the study, the organizers managed to find out several interesting facts about family life and traditions in different countries, on the basis of which statistics were compiled.

Residents of Thailand

As the survey showed, among men in Thailand, 56% cheat on their wives and significant other. As the respondents themselves explain, this is the culture of the country. At the same time, 47% of respondents admitted that they do not hide the fact that they have other women from their legal wives and welcome open relationships; accordingly, a woman can also have several partners.

The lifestyle in Thailand is significantly different from the culture of Russian-speaking countries, and many call it disorderly. However, statistics also show that the country has the lowest divorce rate, as spouses are in an open relationship

Turks Turks, according to the results of an international survey, were in 4th place in terms of the number of betrayals. Unlike the Thais, Turks behave more secretively in relation to their significant other, which is primarily due to their mentality.

Residents of Muslim countries, like Turks, treat women somewhat differently than Europeans, and therefore the principles of building family relationships are also strikingly different. Men do not tell their wives about infidelity not because they are hiding, but because it is “extra” information that prevents a woman from fulfilling her functions.

In many countries where Islam is practiced, polygamy is allowed, and women themselves have fewer rights than men. Also, in states of this type, infidelity on the part of a man is often considered the norm, and on the part of his wife it is strictly punished by law.

The most faithful men by nationality

The survey also showed other statistics: there are nations in which the percentage of infidelity is significantly lower due to cultural characteristics.

Slavs The study showed that the percentage of infidelity among Slavic men is 15%, while 10% hide their infidelity from their legal spouse. Researchers have found that strong family values, especially in post-Soviet countries, prevent infidelity.

The survey also showed other, not so positive indicators about Slavic families: every 10 men answered that they have strained relationships in marriage, and every 5 admitted that the marriage continues to exist thanks to children and because of the condemnation of others.

Georgians and Armenians Georgians and Armenians are also included in the list of the most faithful men. Researchers attribute this to high moral values ​​and high development of family culture and values. Men of these nationalities treat a woman not only as a housewife, but also as a keeper of the hearth, and therefore show deep respect.

Cheating on one's wife is equated not only to humiliation of a woman, but also of a man, which is why researchers recorded only 3% of such situations among young Georgians.

Source: rsute.ru

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